The Experts below are selected from a list of 531 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Adrian Rodriguezmarek - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
ground motion prediction equation for the chilean subduction zone
2017Co-Authors: Gonzalo A. Montalva, Nicolás Bastías, Adrian RodriguezmarekAbstract:Abstract A ground‐motion prediction equation for the horizontal component of the response spectral values from the Chilean subduction zone is developed. The dataset contains 3774 recordings from 473 earthquakes, including the latest megathrust events that occurred in the country (i.e., 2010 M w 8.8 Maule, 2014 M w 8.1 Iquique, and 2015 M w 8.3 Illapel). The functional form for the median model follows the proposal by Abrahamson et al. (2016). Site effects are estimated based on V S 30 . An additional model is built using only ground motions associated with measured values of V S 30 and reliable M w estimates (termed the high‐quality [HQ] model). The standard deviation of the HQ model is much lower than the main model, particularly the component of the standard deviation that corresponds to site‐to‐site variability, indicating that better site characterization can significantly reduce the overall uncertainty in ground‐motion estimation. Electronic Supplement: Tables of regression coefficients for the high‐quality (HQ) model and 95% confidence intervals for model’s coefficients and MATLAB implementation of the ground‐motion prediction equation (GMPE).
Domenico Collacciani - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Perspectives croisées sur la notion de mécanisme (XVIIe siècle-XXe siècle)
2015Co-Authors: Domenico CollaccianiAbstract:Paris, École Normale Supérieure, salle Pasteur 20 mai 2014 9.00-17.00 Le terme « mécanisme » est aujourd’hui omniprésent dans les sciences. De nombreux travaux ont été consacrés à la notion de mécanisme en philosophie des sciences, en particulier en philosophie de la biologie (voir par exemple les travaux de Machamer, Darden, Craver, Bechtel et Abrahamsen). Un certain nombre de questions restent cependant ouvertes : - Y a-t-il une notion et une seule de mécanisme dans la philosophie des scien..
Perspectives croisées sur la notion de mécanisme (XVIIe siècle-XXe siècle)
2014Co-Authors: Domenico CollaccianiAbstract:20 mai, ENS, salle Pasteur Organisateurs : Michel Morange et Sophie Roux Le terme « mécanisme » est aujourd’hui omniprésent dans les sciences. De nombreux travaux ont été consacrés à la notion de mécanisme en philosophie des sciences, en particulier en philosophie de la biologie (voir par exemple les travaux de Machamer, Darden, Craver, Bechtel et Abrahamsen). Un certain nombre de questions restent cependant ouvertes : - Y a-t-il une notion et une seule de mécanisme dans la philosophie des ..
Mario Ruiz - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
comparison of observed ground motion attenuation for the 16 april 2016 mw 7 8 ecuador megathrust earthquake and its two largest aftershocks with existing ground motion prediction equations
2017Co-Authors: Celine Beauval, Judith Mariniere, Aurore Laurendeau, J C Singaucho, C Viracucha, Martin Vallee, E Maufroy, D Mercerat, Hugo Yepes, Mario RuizAbstract:ABSTRACT A megathrust subduction earthquake ( M w 7.8) struck the coast of Ecuador on 16 April 2016 at 23:58 UTC. This earthquake is one of the best‐recorded megathrust events to date. Besides the mainshock, two large aftershocks have been recorded on 18 May 2016 at 7:57 ( M w 6.7) and 16:46 ( M w 6.9). These data make a significant contribution for understanding the attenuation of ground motions in Ecuador. Peak ground accelerations and spectral accelerations are compared with four ground‐motion prediction equations (GMPEs) developed for interface earthquakes, the global Abrahamson et al. (2016) model, the Japanese equations by Zhao, Zhang, et al. (2006) and Ghofrani and Atkinson (2014), and one Chilean equation (Montalva et al. , 2017). The four tested GMPEs are providing rather close predictions for the mainshock at distances up to 200 km. However, our results show that high‐frequency attenuation is greater for back‐arc sites, thus Zhao, Zhang, et al. (2006) and Montalva et al. (2017), who are not taking into account this difference, are not considered further. Residual analyses show that Ghofrani and Atkinson (2014) and Abrahamson et al. (2016) are well predicting the attenuation of ground motions for the mainshock. Comparisons of aftershock observations with the predictions from Abrahamson et al. (2016) indicate that the GMPE provide reasonable fit to the attenuation rates observed. The event terms of the M w 6.7 and 6.9 events are positive but within the expected scatter from worldwide similar earthquakes. The intraevent standard deviations are higher than the intraevent variability of the model, which is partly related to the poorly constrained V S 30 proxies. The Pedernales earthquake produced a large sequence of aftershocks, with at least nine events with magnitude higher or equal to 6.0. Important cities are located at short distances (20–30 km), and magnitudes down to 6.0 must be included in seismic‐hazard studies. The next step will be to constitute a strong‐motion interface database and test the GMPEs with more quantitative methods.
Gonzalo A. Montalva - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
ground motion prediction equation for the chilean subduction zone
2017Co-Authors: Gonzalo A. Montalva, Nicolás Bastías, Adrian RodriguezmarekAbstract:Abstract A ground‐motion prediction equation for the horizontal component of the response spectral values from the Chilean subduction zone is developed. The dataset contains 3774 recordings from 473 earthquakes, including the latest megathrust events that occurred in the country (i.e., 2010 M w 8.8 Maule, 2014 M w 8.1 Iquique, and 2015 M w 8.3 Illapel). The functional form for the median model follows the proposal by Abrahamson et al. (2016). Site effects are estimated based on V S 30 . An additional model is built using only ground motions associated with measured values of V S 30 and reliable M w estimates (termed the high‐quality [HQ] model). The standard deviation of the HQ model is much lower than the main model, particularly the component of the standard deviation that corresponds to site‐to‐site variability, indicating that better site characterization can significantly reduce the overall uncertainty in ground‐motion estimation. Electronic Supplement: Tables of regression coefficients for the high‐quality (HQ) model and 95% confidence intervals for model’s coefficients and MATLAB implementation of the ground‐motion prediction equation (GMPE).
Wagener Albin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Le système interactionnel : connexions sémantiques et contextique relationnelle
2012Co-Authors: Wagener AlbinAbstract:Si la systémique permet de mettre en exergue la complexité des interactions humaines (Meunier 2003), elle a aussi pour but d’en préciser les modalités de régulations et les éléments permettant à ces interactions d’émerger et de se maintenir (Varela et al. 1993). En reliant cette systémique interactionnelle à des principes hérités du connexionnisme (Bechtel et Abrahamsen 1993, Marcus 2001), nous affirmons qu’il devient alors possible de mettre l’accent sur l’importance du contexte dans les interactions et sur la manière dont les individus réagissent en fonction de noeuds sémantiques, dans la mesure où ces noeuds se retrouvent notamment activés lors de processus d’identification nécessaires pour l’individu ou le groupe (Burke et Stets 2009). Le présent travail théorique explore ces possibilités, en lien avec la prise en compte de la complexité des relations humaines (Lerbet-Séréni 1994, Wagener 2010).Systemic models may be useful in order to stress out the complexity of human interactions (Meunier 2003) and also do produce a precise picture of the regulative modalities and systemic elements which permit the emergence and sustaining of these interactions (Varela et al. 1993). Interactional systemics, if coupled with connectionist principles (Becthel et Abrahamsen 1993, Marcus 2001)do emphasize the importance of context for interactions and the way individuals react through the mobilisation of semantic knots, insofar as these knots become activated through identification processes, which remain ultimately necessary for groups and individuals (Burke et Stets 2009). The present theoretical work explores these possibilities, whilst taking into account the complexity of human relations (Lerbet-Séréni 1994, Wagener 2010)
Le système interactionnel : connexions sémantiques et contextique relationnelle
2012Co-Authors: Wagener AlbinAbstract:International audienceSi la systémique permet de mettre en exergue la complexité des interactions humaines (Meunier 2003), elle a aussi pour but d’en préciser les modalités de régulations et les éléments permettant à ces interactions d’émerger et de se maintenir (Varela et al. 1993). En reliant cette systémique interactionnelle à des principes hérités du connexionnisme (Bechtel et Abrahamsen 1993, Marcus 2001), nous affirmons qu’ildevient alors possible de mettre l’accent sur l’importance du contexte dans les interactions et sur la manière dont les individus réagissent en fonction de noeuds sémantiques, dans la mesure où ces noeuds se retrouvent notamment activés lors de processus d’identification nécessaires pour l’individu ou le groupe (Burke et Stets 2009). Le présent travail théorique explore ces possibilités, en lien avec la prise en compte de la complexité des relations humaines (Lerbet-Séréni 1994, Wagener 2010