The Experts below are selected from a list of 18816 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Glavan Žan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Optimizing the lacking mechanism for positioning the bars to tripod Access Control Device
Ž. Glavan, 2018Co-Authors: Glavan ŽanAbstract:Pri snovanju mehanizma tripodne kontrole dostopa smo se soočili z dvema problemoma. Treba je bilo določiti primerno silo za solenoidni aktivator in preveriti potencialno kritične napetosti v revolverju. Do rezultatov smo prišli z analitičnim izračunom in numeričnimi simulacijami. S preskusom prototipa smo validirali izračune in potrdili končno obliko mehanizma palice in zaskočke. Izračuni in simulacije so pokazali ustreznost drugega koncepta, pri katerem bo potrebna dodatna obdelava stične površine med zaskočko in palico, saj je treba zagotoviti koeficient trenja, ki je manjši ali enak 0,2.In the process of designing a mechanism of a tripod Access Control Device we were confronted with two problems. First, it was required to determine the appropriate force for the solenoid actuator as well as search for any potential critical tension in the revolver. We obtained the results by using an analitical calculation and numerical simulations. As a result of conducting the prototype tests our calculations were verified and the final design of the mechanism bars and ratchet was confirmed. However, the calculations and simulations exhibited a better suitability of the second concept that does not require an additional approach regarding the contact surface treatment of the bars and ratchet, for the desired friction coeficient to be smaller than or equal 0,2
Timothy M Nitsch - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
building automation system Controller
2007Co-Authors: James F Wiemeyer, Ronald A Nordin, Jack D Tison, Andrew J Stroede, Timothy M NitschAbstract:A building Control system is provided that receives information from Devices of different subsystems. A trigger causes a zone Controller to store the information in a database. The stored data is used to generate customized reports based on sequences or sets of related events. The information from multiple subsystems is consolidated, analyzed, and patterns of behavior are determined. The trigger also causes execution of Control actions throughout the building spanning the multiple subsystems, Devices, and areas based on the information. An Access Control subsystem and a non-Access Control subsystem of the building Control system are linked using a common network such that a change in the state of an Access Control Device can affect the state of a non-Access Control Device and a change in the state of a non-Access Control Device can affect the state of an Access Control Device.
James F Wiemeyer - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
building automation system Controller
2007Co-Authors: James F Wiemeyer, Ronald A Nordin, Jack D Tison, Andrew J Stroede, Timothy M NitschAbstract:A building Control system is provided that receives information from Devices of different subsystems. A trigger causes a zone Controller to store the information in a database. The stored data is used to generate customized reports based on sequences or sets of related events. The information from multiple subsystems is consolidated, analyzed, and patterns of behavior are determined. The trigger also causes execution of Control actions throughout the building spanning the multiple subsystems, Devices, and areas based on the information. An Access Control subsystem and a non-Access Control subsystem of the building Control system are linked using a common network such that a change in the state of an Access Control Device can affect the state of a non-Access Control Device and a change in the state of a non-Access Control Device can affect the state of an Access Control Device.
Ronald A Nordin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
building automation system Controller
2007Co-Authors: James F Wiemeyer, Ronald A Nordin, Jack D Tison, Andrew J Stroede, Timothy M NitschAbstract:A building Control system is provided that receives information from Devices of different subsystems. A trigger causes a zone Controller to store the information in a database. The stored data is used to generate customized reports based on sequences or sets of related events. The information from multiple subsystems is consolidated, analyzed, and patterns of behavior are determined. The trigger also causes execution of Control actions throughout the building spanning the multiple subsystems, Devices, and areas based on the information. An Access Control subsystem and a non-Access Control subsystem of the building Control system are linked using a common network such that a change in the state of an Access Control Device can affect the state of a non-Access Control Device and a change in the state of a non-Access Control Device can affect the state of an Access Control Device.
Jack D Tison - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
building automation system Controller
2007Co-Authors: James F Wiemeyer, Ronald A Nordin, Jack D Tison, Andrew J Stroede, Timothy M NitschAbstract:A building Control system is provided that receives information from Devices of different subsystems. A trigger causes a zone Controller to store the information in a database. The stored data is used to generate customized reports based on sequences or sets of related events. The information from multiple subsystems is consolidated, analyzed, and patterns of behavior are determined. The trigger also causes execution of Control actions throughout the building spanning the multiple subsystems, Devices, and areas based on the information. An Access Control subsystem and a non-Access Control subsystem of the building Control system are linked using a common network such that a change in the state of an Access Control Device can affect the state of a non-Access Control Device and a change in the state of a non-Access Control Device can affect the state of an Access Control Device.