Access Network Discovery

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 225 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Ikjun Yeom - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • VTC Fall - Performance Analysis of Decentralized RAN (Radio Access Network) Discovery Schemes for IEEE 802.21
    2007 IEEE 66th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2007
    Co-Authors: Cheoleun Moon, Sookhyun Yang, Ikjun Yeom

    As more wireless Access Networks become available, there is a new challenge emerged: how to discover currently available radio Access Networks (RANs). To discover available RANs without help from centralized servers, each mobile host periodically turns on Network interfaces to discover available Networks. Performance of a RAN Discovery scheme may depend on how to maintain a valid list of available Networks while minimizing power consumption to discover RANs. In this paper, we derive several decentralized RAN Discovery schemes. Through extensive simulations, we evaluate them in terms of achieved bandwidth, the number of handovers and power consumption.

  • Performance Analysis of Decentralized RAN (Radio Access Network) Discovery Schemes for IEEE 802.21
    2007 IEEE 66th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2007
    Co-Authors: Cheoleun Moon, Sookhyun Yang, Ikjun Yeom

    As more wireless Access Networks become available, there is a new challenge emerged: how to discover currently available radio Access Networks (RANs). To discover available RANs without help from centralized servers, each mobile host periodically turns on Network interfaces to discover available Networks. Performance of a RAN Discovery scheme may depend on how to maintain a valid list of available Networks while minimizing power consumption to discover RANs. In this paper, we derive several decentralized RAN Discovery schemes. Through extensive simulations, we evaluate them in terms of achieved bandwidth, the number of handovers and power consumption.

Dragos Vingarzan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Access Network Discovery and Selection in the Future Wireless Communication
    Mobile Networks and Applications, 2011
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Jens Fiedler, Thomas Magedanz, Dragos Vingarzan

    The future wireless telecommunication environment is characterized by the co-existence of a multitude of wireless Networks such as LTE, LTE-Advanced, UMTS, WiMAX, WiFi etc. In order to be able to offer the best connectivity, according to the requirements of the users and to the preferences of the operator, a novel functionality was introduced in the core Network and in the mobile devices for Access Network Discovery and selection. This paper introduces this functionality as standardized in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC), highlighting its main concepts and technical scenarios. Further, a set of novel optimizations are presented and evaluated, followed by the description of their implementation as part of the Fraunhofer FOKUS OpenEPC toolkit.

  • MOBILWARE - Access Network Discovery and Selection in the Future Broadband Wireless Environment
    Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2010
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Jens Fiedler, Thomas Magedanz, Dragos Vingarzan

    The Future Broadband Wireless environment is characterized by the co-existence of a multitude of wireless Networks e.g. LTE, UMTS, WiMAX, WiFi etc. In order to be able to offer the best connectivity, according to the requirements of the user and to the preferences of the operator, a novel functionality was introduced in the Network and in the mobile devices for Access Network Discovery and selection. This paper introduces this functionality as standardized in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC), highlighting its main concepts and technical scenarios. Further a set of novel optimizations are evaluated, followed by the description of the Fraunhofer FOKUS OpenEPC implementation.

  • Access Network Discovery and selection in the future broadband wireless environment
    Mobile Wireless Middleware Operating Systems and Applications, 2010
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Jens Fiedler, Thomas Magedanz, Dragos Vingarzan

    The Future Broadband Wireless environment is characterized by the co-existence of a multitude of wireless Networks e.g. LTE, UMTS, WiMAX, WiFi etc. In order to be able to offer the best connectivity, according to the requirements of the user and to the preferences of the operator, a novel functionality was introduced in the Network and in the mobile devices for Access Network Discovery and selection. This paper introduces this functionality as standardized in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC), highlighting its main concepts and technical scenarios. Further a set of novel optimizations are evaluated, followed by the description of the Fraunhofer FOKUS OpenEPC implementation.

  • enhanced Access Network Discovery and selection in 3gpp evolved packet core
    Local Computer Networks, 2009
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Alberto Diez, Cornel Pampu, Dragos Vingarzan, Thomas Magedanz, Zhou Qing

    Mobility in a wireless heterogeneous scenario in which the mobile devices are able to connect to more than one Access technology requires a new architectural development for the Network connectivity management. The present paper describes and evaluates a set of architectural options for integrating the novel Network Discovery and selection functionality in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core which enables an operator to manage the connections of the mobile devices. As the design options here presented consider different levels of Network control on the mobility at the cost of new interfaces and new procedures, an evaluation based on these two criteria is given.

  • LCN - Enhanced Access Network Discovery and selection in 3GPP Evolved Packet Core
    2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2009
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Alberto Diez, Cornel Pampu, Dragos Vingarzan, Thomas Magedanz, Zhou Qing-li

    Mobility in a wireless heterogeneous scenario in which the mobile devices are able to connect to more than one Access technology requires a new architectural development for the Network connectivity management. The present paper describes and evaluates a set of architectural options for integrating the novel Network Discovery and selection functionality in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core which enables an operator to manage the connections of the mobile devices. As the design options here presented consider different levels of Network control on the mobility at the cost of new interfaces and new procedures, an evaluation based on these two criteria is given.

Marius Corici - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Access Network Discovery and Selection in the Future Wireless Communication
    Mobile Networks and Applications, 2011
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Jens Fiedler, Thomas Magedanz, Dragos Vingarzan

    The future wireless telecommunication environment is characterized by the co-existence of a multitude of wireless Networks such as LTE, LTE-Advanced, UMTS, WiMAX, WiFi etc. In order to be able to offer the best connectivity, according to the requirements of the users and to the preferences of the operator, a novel functionality was introduced in the core Network and in the mobile devices for Access Network Discovery and selection. This paper introduces this functionality as standardized in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC), highlighting its main concepts and technical scenarios. Further, a set of novel optimizations are presented and evaluated, followed by the description of their implementation as part of the Fraunhofer FOKUS OpenEPC toolkit.

  • MOBILWARE - Access Network Discovery and Selection in the Future Broadband Wireless Environment
    Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2010
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Jens Fiedler, Thomas Magedanz, Dragos Vingarzan

    The Future Broadband Wireless environment is characterized by the co-existence of a multitude of wireless Networks e.g. LTE, UMTS, WiMAX, WiFi etc. In order to be able to offer the best connectivity, according to the requirements of the user and to the preferences of the operator, a novel functionality was introduced in the Network and in the mobile devices for Access Network Discovery and selection. This paper introduces this functionality as standardized in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC), highlighting its main concepts and technical scenarios. Further a set of novel optimizations are evaluated, followed by the description of the Fraunhofer FOKUS OpenEPC implementation.

  • Access Network Discovery and selection in the future broadband wireless environment
    Mobile Wireless Middleware Operating Systems and Applications, 2010
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Jens Fiedler, Thomas Magedanz, Dragos Vingarzan

    The Future Broadband Wireless environment is characterized by the co-existence of a multitude of wireless Networks e.g. LTE, UMTS, WiMAX, WiFi etc. In order to be able to offer the best connectivity, according to the requirements of the user and to the preferences of the operator, a novel functionality was introduced in the Network and in the mobile devices for Access Network Discovery and selection. This paper introduces this functionality as standardized in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC), highlighting its main concepts and technical scenarios. Further a set of novel optimizations are evaluated, followed by the description of the Fraunhofer FOKUS OpenEPC implementation.

  • enhanced Access Network Discovery and selection in 3gpp evolved packet core
    Local Computer Networks, 2009
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Alberto Diez, Cornel Pampu, Dragos Vingarzan, Thomas Magedanz, Zhou Qing

    Mobility in a wireless heterogeneous scenario in which the mobile devices are able to connect to more than one Access technology requires a new architectural development for the Network connectivity management. The present paper describes and evaluates a set of architectural options for integrating the novel Network Discovery and selection functionality in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core which enables an operator to manage the connections of the mobile devices. As the design options here presented consider different levels of Network control on the mobility at the cost of new interfaces and new procedures, an evaluation based on these two criteria is given.

  • LCN - Enhanced Access Network Discovery and selection in 3GPP Evolved Packet Core
    2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2009
    Co-Authors: Marius Corici, Alberto Diez, Cornel Pampu, Dragos Vingarzan, Thomas Magedanz, Zhou Qing-li

    Mobility in a wireless heterogeneous scenario in which the mobile devices are able to connect to more than one Access technology requires a new architectural development for the Network connectivity management. The present paper describes and evaluates a set of architectural options for integrating the novel Network Discovery and selection functionality in the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core which enables an operator to manage the connections of the mobile devices. As the design options here presented consider different levels of Network control on the mobility at the cost of new interfaces and new procedures, an evaluation based on these two criteria is given.

Cheoleun Moon - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • VTC Fall - Performance Analysis of Decentralized RAN (Radio Access Network) Discovery Schemes for IEEE 802.21
    2007 IEEE 66th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2007
    Co-Authors: Cheoleun Moon, Sookhyun Yang, Ikjun Yeom

    As more wireless Access Networks become available, there is a new challenge emerged: how to discover currently available radio Access Networks (RANs). To discover available RANs without help from centralized servers, each mobile host periodically turns on Network interfaces to discover available Networks. Performance of a RAN Discovery scheme may depend on how to maintain a valid list of available Networks while minimizing power consumption to discover RANs. In this paper, we derive several decentralized RAN Discovery schemes. Through extensive simulations, we evaluate them in terms of achieved bandwidth, the number of handovers and power consumption.

  • Performance Analysis of Decentralized RAN (Radio Access Network) Discovery Schemes for IEEE 802.21
    2007 IEEE 66th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2007
    Co-Authors: Cheoleun Moon, Sookhyun Yang, Ikjun Yeom

    As more wireless Access Networks become available, there is a new challenge emerged: how to discover currently available radio Access Networks (RANs). To discover available RANs without help from centralized servers, each mobile host periodically turns on Network interfaces to discover available Networks. Performance of a RAN Discovery scheme may depend on how to maintain a valid list of available Networks while minimizing power consumption to discover RANs. In this paper, we derive several decentralized RAN Discovery schemes. Through extensive simulations, we evaluate them in terms of achieved bandwidth, the number of handovers and power consumption.

Ruifeng Duan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Towards Smart Networking through Context Aware Traffic Identification Kit (TriCK) in 5G
    IEEE, 2019
    Co-Authors: Xu Lina, Ruifeng Duan

    The 2018 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC-2018), Rome, Italy, 19-21 2018In order to distribute diverse traffic flow into proper Network interfaces, Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) is proposed by 3GPP, which can distribute every traffic flow to a preferred Network interface according to several observed features from that flow. However, the static policies in ANDSF can neither understand the context nor adapt to real time changes. In order to address that problem, in our previous work, we have proposed a server-client based Context aware Traffic identification Kit (TriCK) to dynamically identify traffic, which can extend the functionalities of 3GPP ANDSF. It can classify traffic data not only based on its own characteristics, but also the real time Network conditions and the current context. In this paper, we provide an implementation for the Network selection component in TriCK based on clustering techniques, with a complexity of O(n). A static version and a dynamic version of the implementation are analysed. The static approach is easy to implement and comprehend. The static solution can distribute the traffic flow according to the traffic characteristics and the Network context. The dynamic approach can further balance the traffic load between different Network interfaces and therefore provide an overall better transmission quality

  • ISNCC - Towards Smart Networking through Context Aware Traffic Identification Kit (TriCK) in 5G
    2018 International Symposium on Networks Computers and Communications (ISNCC), 2018
    Co-Authors: Ruifeng Duan

    In order to distribute diverse traffic flow into proper Network interfaces, Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) is proposed by 3GPP, which can distribute every traffic flow to a preferred Network interface according to several observed features from that flow. However, the static policies in ANDSF can neither understand the context nor adapt to real time changes. In order to address that problem, in our previous work, we have proposed a server-client based Context aware Traffic identification Kit (TriCK) to dynamically identify traffic, which can extend the functionalities of 3GPP ANDSF. It can classify traffic data not only based on its own characteristics, but also the real time Network conditions and the current context. In this paper, we provide an implementation for the Network selection component in TriCK based on clustering techniques, with a complexity of $O(n)$ . A static version and a dynamic version of the implementation are analysed. The static approach is easy to implement and comprehend. The static solution can distribute the traffic flow according to the traffic characteristics and the Network context. The dynamic approach can further balance the traffic load between different Network interfaces and therefore provide an overall better transmission quality.