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Klaus Brettel - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
light induced electron transfer in arabidopsis cryptochrome 1 correlates with in vivo function
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005Co-Authors: Anke Zeugner, Nadia Bakrim, Baldissera Giovani, Martin Byrdin, Klaus Brettel, Jean-pierre Bouly, Margaret AhmadAbstract:Abstract Cryptochromes are blue light-activated photoreceptors found in multiple organisms with significant similarity to photolyases, a class of light-dependent DNA repair enzymes. Unlike photolyases, cryptochromes do not repair DNA and instead mediate blue light-dependent developmental, growth, and/or circadian responses by an as yet unknown mechanism of action. It has recently been shown that Arabidopsis cryptochrome-1 retains photolyase-like photoreduction of its flavin cofactor FAD by intraprotein electron transfer from tryptophan and tyrosine residues. Here we demonstrate that substitution of two conserved tryptophans that are constituents of the flavin-reducing electron transfer chain in Escherichia coli photolyase impairs light-induced electron transfer in the Arabidopsis cryptochrome-1 photoreceptor in vitro. Furthermore, we show that these substitutions result in marked reduction of light-activated autophosphorylation of cryptochrome-1 in vitro and of its photoreceptor function in vivo, consistent with biological relevance of the electron transfer reaction. These data support the possibility that light-induced flavin reduction via the tryptophan chain is the primary step in the signaling pathway of plant cryptochrome.
Dissection of the triple tryptophan electron transfer chain in Escherichial coli DNA photolyase: Trp382 is the primary donor in photoactivation
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2003Co-Authors: Martin Byrdin, André Eker, Marten Vos, Klaus BrettelAbstract:In Escherichia coli photolyase, excitation of the FAD cofactor in its semireduced radical state (FADH*) induces an electron transfer over ≈15 Å from tryptophan W306 to the flavin. It has been suggested that two additional tryptophans are involved in an electron transfer chain FADH* ← W382 ← W359 ← W306. To test this hypothesis, we have mutated W382 into redox inert phenylalanine. Ultrafast transient absorption studies showed that, in WT photolyase, excited FADH* decayed with a time constant τ ≈ 26 ps to fully reduced flavin and a tryptophan cation radical. In W382F mutant photolyase, the excited flavin was much longer lived (τ ≈ 80 ps), and no significant amount of product was detected. We conclude that, in WT photolyase, excited FADH* is quenched by electron transfer from W382. On a millisecond scale, a product state with extremely low yield (≈0.5% of WT) was detected in W382F mutant photolyase. Its spectral and kinetic features were similar to the fully reduced flavin/neutral tryptophan radical state in WT photolyase. We suggest that, in W382F mutant photolyase, excited FADH* is reduced by W359 at a rate that competes only poorly with the intrinsic decay of excited FADH* (τ ≈ 80 ps), explaining the low product yield. Subsequently, the W359 cation radical is reduced by W306. The rate constants of electron transfer from W382 to excited FADH* in WT and from W359 to excited FADH* in W382F mutant photolyase were estimated and related to the donor-acceptor distances.
intraprotein radical transfer during photoactivation of dna photolyase
Nature, 2000Co-Authors: Corinne Aubert, Paul Mathis, Andre P M Eker, Klaus BrettelAbstract:Amino-acid radicals play key roles in many enzymatic reactions1. Catalysis often involves transfer of a radical character within the protein, as in class I ribonucleotide reductase where radical transfer occurs over 35 A, from a tyrosyl radical to a cysteine1,2,3. It is currently debated whether this kind of long-range transfer occurs by electron transfer, followed by proton release to create a neutral radical, or by H-atom transfer, that is, simultaneous transfer of electrons and protons4,5,6,7. The latter mechanism avoids the energetic cost of charge formation in the low dielectric protein4,5, but it is less robust to structural changes than is electron transfer7. Available experimental data do not clearly discriminate between these proposals. We have studied the mechanism of photoactivation (light-induced reduction of the flavin adenine dinucleotide cofactor) of Escherichia coli DNA photolyase8,9,10 using time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. Here we show that the excited flavin adenine dinucleotide radical abstracts an electron from a nearby tryptophan in 30 ps. After subsequent electron transfer along a chain of three tryptophans, the most remote tryptophan (as a cation radical) releases a proton to the solvent in about 300 ns, showing that electron transfer occurs before proton dissociation. A similar process may take place in photolyase-like blue-light receptors.
Intraprotein radical transfer during photoactivation of DNA photolyase
Nature, 2000Co-Authors: Corinne Aubert, Marten Vos, Paul Mathis, Andre P M Eker, Klaus BrettelAbstract:Amino-acid radicals play key roles in many enzymatic reactions. Catalysis often involves transfer of a radical character within the protein, as in class I ribonucleotide reductase where radical transfer occurs over 35 Å, from a tyrosyl radical to a cystein. It is currently debated whether this kind of long-range transfer occurs by electron transfer, followed by proton release to create a neutral radical, or by H-atom transfer, that is, simultaneous transfer of electrons and protons. The latter mechanism avoids the energetic cost of charge formation in the low dielectric protein, but it is less robust to structural changes than is electron transfer. Available experimental data do not clearly discriminate between these proposals. We have studied the mechanism of photoactivation (light-induced reduction of the flavin adenine dinucleotide cofactor) of Escherichia coli DNA photolyase using time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. Here we show that the excited flavin adenine dinucleotide radical abstracts an electron from a nearby tryptophan in 30 ps. After subsequent electron transfer along a chain of three tryptophans, the most remote tryptophan (as a cation radical) releases a proton to the solvent in about 300 ns, showing that electron transfer occurs before proton dissociation. A similar process may take place in photolyase-like blue-light receptors.
James M Cook - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Enantiospecific total synthesis of the important biogenetic intermediates along the ajmaline pathway, (+)-polyneuridine and (+)-polyneuridine aldehyde, as well as 16-epivellosimine and macusine A.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2010Co-Authors: Wenyuan Yin, Zhijian Wang, Sundari Rallapalli, M. Shahjahan Kabir, James M CookAbstract:The first stereospecific synthesis of polyneuridine aldehyde (6), 16-epivellosimine (7), (+)-polyneuridine (8), and (+)-macusine A (9) has been accomplished from commercially available d-(+)-tryptophan methyl ester. d-(+)-Tryptophan has served here both as the chiral auxiliary and the starting material for the synthesis of the common intermediate, (+)-vellosimine (13). This alkaloid was available in enantiospecific fashion in seven reaction vessels in 27% overall yield from d-(+)-trytophan methyl ester (14) via a combination of the asymmetric Pictet−Spengler reaction, Dieckmann cyclization, and a stereocontrolled intramolecular enolate-driven palladium-mediated cross-coupling reaction. A new process for this stereocontrolled intramolecular cross-coupling has been developed via a copper-mediated process. The initial results of this investigation indicated that an enolate-driven palladium-mediated cross-coupling reaction can be accomplished by a copper-mediated process which is less expensive and much easie...
enantiospecific total synthesis of the important biogenetic intermediates along the ajmaline pathway polyneuridine and polyneuridine aldehyde as well as 16 epivellosimine and macusine a
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2010Co-Authors: Shahjahan M Kabir, Zhijian Wang, Sundari Rallapalli, James M CookAbstract:The first stereospecific synthesis of polyneuridine aldehyde (6), 16-epivellosimine (7), (+)-polyneuridine (8), and (+)-macusine A (9) has been accomplished from commercially available d-(+)-tryptophan methyl ester. d-(+)-Tryptophan has served here both as the chiral auxiliary and the starting material for the synthesis of the common intermediate, (+)-vellosimine (13). This alkaloid was available in enantiospecific fashion in seven reaction vessels in 27% overall yield from d-(+)-trytophan methyl ester (14) via a combination of the asymmetric Pictet−Spengler reaction, Dieckmann cyclization, and a stereocontrolled intramolecular enolate-driven palladium-mediated cross-coupling reaction. A new process for this stereocontrolled intramolecular cross-coupling has been developed via a copper-mediated process. The initial results of this investigation indicated that an enolate-driven palladium-mediated cross-coupling reaction can be accomplished by a copper-mediated process which is less expensive and much easie...
Entry into 6-Methoxy-D(+)-tryptophans. Stereospecific Synthesis of 1-Benzenesulfonyl-6-methoxy-D(+)-tryptophan Ethyl Ester
Synthetic Communications, 1992Co-Authors: Mike Allen, Linda K. Hamaker, Anthony J. La Loggia, James M CookAbstract:Abstract A strategy for the synthesis of optically active ring-A methoxylated indole alkaloids which employs the Moody azide/Schollkopf chiral auxiliary protocol has resulted in the successful preparation of 1-benzenesulfonyl-6-methoxy-D(+)-tryptophan ethyl ester 16. This amino ester is required for the synthesis of Alstonia bisindole alkaloids including macralstonine 2 via an enantiospecific Pictet-Spengler reaction.
Dc Gautheron - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Chemical modification of alpha-subunit tryptophan residues in Schizosaccharomyces pombe mitochondrial F1 adenosine 5'-triphosphatase: differential reactivity and role in activity.
Biochemistry, 1993Co-Authors: Gilles Divita, Dc Gautheron, Jm Jault, Antonio DipietroAbstract:Chemical modification of mitochondrial F1-ATPase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe by the tryptophan-specific reagent N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) at pH 5.0 in the presence of 20% glycerol produced a characteristic lowering in both enzyme absorbance at 280 nm and intrinsic fluorescence at 332 nm that varied with NBS/F1 molar ratio up to a value of 130. Fluorometric titration of tryptophans and correlation to residual ATPase activity showed that modification of three reactive residues among the seven present on alpha- and epsilon-subunits did not markedly modify the enzyme activity but efficiently released endogenous ATP and abolished the fluorescence quenching related to GDP or ATP binding to the catalytic site. Additional modification of one, less reactive, tryptophan altered both negative cooperativity of ATP hydrolysis and sensitivity to azide inhibition and produced a nearly complete inactivation at high NBS/F1 molar ratio. NBS-induced inactivation of F1 was favored by catalytic-site saturation with GDP or low ATP concentration and on the contrary was prevented by noncatalytic-site saturation with ADP or high ATP concentration. When reactive tryptophans were selectively modified by NBS in the presence of ADP, and subunits were isolated after guanidine hydrochloride dissociation by one-step purification on reversed-phase HPLC, the absorbance of alpha-subunit at 280 nm was decreased, whereas that of epsilon-subunit was unchanged. Cyanogen bromide cleavage of alpha-subunit and fragments separation by reversed-phase HPLC showed that one peptide of 3 kDa apparent molecular mass had decreased absorbance. N-Terminal sequencing allowed its identification to fragment 255-282 that contains tryptophan257.Chemical modification of mitochondrial F1-ATPase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe by the tryptophan-specific reagent N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) at pH 5.0 in the presence of 20% glycerol produced a characteristic lowering in both enzyme absorbance at 280 nm and intrinsic fluorescence at 332 nm that varied with NBS/F1 molar ratio up to a value of 130. Fluorometric titration of tryptophans and correlation to residual ATPase activity showed that modification of three reactive residues among the seven present on alpha- and epsilon-subunits did not markedly modify the enzyme activity but efficiently released endogenous ATP and abolished the fluorescence quenching related to GDP or ATP binding to the catalytic site. Additional modification of one, less reactive, tryptophan altered both negative cooperativity of ATP hydrolysis and sensitivity to azide inhibition and produced a nearly complete inactivation at high NBS/F1 molar ratio. NBS-induced inactivation of F1 was favored by catalytic-site saturation with GDP or low ATP concentration and on the contrary was prevented by noncatalytic-site saturation with ADP or high ATP concentration. When reactive tryptophans were selectively modified by NBS in the presence of ADP, and subunits were isolated after guanidine hydrochloride dissociation by one-step purification on reversed-phase HPLC, the absorbance of alpha-subunit at 280 nm was decreased, whereas that of epsilon-subunit was unchanged. Cyanogen bromide cleavage of alpha-subunit and fragments separation by reversed-phase HPLC showed that one peptide of 3 kDa apparent molecular mass had decreased absorbance. N-Terminal sequencing allowed its identification to fragment 255-282 that contains tryptophan257.
Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe mitochondrial F1-ATPase. A powerful probe for phosphate and nucleotide interactions.
Biochemistry, 1991Co-Authors: Gilles Divita, Antonio Dipietro, Gilbert Deleage, Benoit Roux, Dc GautheronAbstract:Mitochondrial F1 from the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, in contrast to the mammalian enzyme, exhibits a characteristic intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence with a maximal excitation at 291 nm and a maximal emission at 332 nm. Low values of Stern-Volmer quenching constants, 4.0 M-1 or 1.8 M-1, respectively, in the presence of either acrylamide or iodide, indicate that tryptophans are mainly buried inside the native enzyme. Upon subunit dissociation and unfolding by 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn.HCl), the maximal emission is shifted to 354 nm, a value very similar to that obtained with N-acetyltryptophanamide, a solute-tryptophan model compound. The tryptophan content of each isolated subunit has been estimated by fluorescence titration in the presence of Gdn.HCl with free tryptophan as a standard. Two tryptophans and one tryptophan are found respectively in the alpha and epsilon subunits, whereas none is detected in the beta, gamma, and delta subunits. These subunit contents are consistent with the total of seven tryptophans estimated for native F1 with alpha 3 beta 3 gamma 1 delta 1 epsilon 1 stoichiometry. The maximal emission of the isolated epsilon subunit is markedly blue-shifted to 310-312 nm by interaction with the isolated delta subunit, which suggests that the epsilon subunit tryptophan might be a very minor contributor to the native F1 fluorescence measured at 332 nm. This fluorescence is very sensitive to phosphate, which produces a marked blue shift indicative of tryptophans in a more hydrophobic environment. On the other hand, ADP and ATP quench the maximal emission at 332 nm, lower tryptophan accessibility to acrylamide, and reveal tryptophan heterogeneity.
Antonio Dipietro - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Chemical modification of alpha-subunit tryptophan residues in Schizosaccharomyces pombe mitochondrial F1 adenosine 5'-triphosphatase: differential reactivity and role in activity.
Biochemistry, 1993Co-Authors: Gilles Divita, Dc Gautheron, Jm Jault, Antonio DipietroAbstract:Chemical modification of mitochondrial F1-ATPase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe by the tryptophan-specific reagent N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) at pH 5.0 in the presence of 20% glycerol produced a characteristic lowering in both enzyme absorbance at 280 nm and intrinsic fluorescence at 332 nm that varied with NBS/F1 molar ratio up to a value of 130. Fluorometric titration of tryptophans and correlation to residual ATPase activity showed that modification of three reactive residues among the seven present on alpha- and epsilon-subunits did not markedly modify the enzyme activity but efficiently released endogenous ATP and abolished the fluorescence quenching related to GDP or ATP binding to the catalytic site. Additional modification of one, less reactive, tryptophan altered both negative cooperativity of ATP hydrolysis and sensitivity to azide inhibition and produced a nearly complete inactivation at high NBS/F1 molar ratio. NBS-induced inactivation of F1 was favored by catalytic-site saturation with GDP or low ATP concentration and on the contrary was prevented by noncatalytic-site saturation with ADP or high ATP concentration. When reactive tryptophans were selectively modified by NBS in the presence of ADP, and subunits were isolated after guanidine hydrochloride dissociation by one-step purification on reversed-phase HPLC, the absorbance of alpha-subunit at 280 nm was decreased, whereas that of epsilon-subunit was unchanged. Cyanogen bromide cleavage of alpha-subunit and fragments separation by reversed-phase HPLC showed that one peptide of 3 kDa apparent molecular mass had decreased absorbance. N-Terminal sequencing allowed its identification to fragment 255-282 that contains tryptophan257.Chemical modification of mitochondrial F1-ATPase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe by the tryptophan-specific reagent N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) at pH 5.0 in the presence of 20% glycerol produced a characteristic lowering in both enzyme absorbance at 280 nm and intrinsic fluorescence at 332 nm that varied with NBS/F1 molar ratio up to a value of 130. Fluorometric titration of tryptophans and correlation to residual ATPase activity showed that modification of three reactive residues among the seven present on alpha- and epsilon-subunits did not markedly modify the enzyme activity but efficiently released endogenous ATP and abolished the fluorescence quenching related to GDP or ATP binding to the catalytic site. Additional modification of one, less reactive, tryptophan altered both negative cooperativity of ATP hydrolysis and sensitivity to azide inhibition and produced a nearly complete inactivation at high NBS/F1 molar ratio. NBS-induced inactivation of F1 was favored by catalytic-site saturation with GDP or low ATP concentration and on the contrary was prevented by noncatalytic-site saturation with ADP or high ATP concentration. When reactive tryptophans were selectively modified by NBS in the presence of ADP, and subunits were isolated after guanidine hydrochloride dissociation by one-step purification on reversed-phase HPLC, the absorbance of alpha-subunit at 280 nm was decreased, whereas that of epsilon-subunit was unchanged. Cyanogen bromide cleavage of alpha-subunit and fragments separation by reversed-phase HPLC showed that one peptide of 3 kDa apparent molecular mass had decreased absorbance. N-Terminal sequencing allowed its identification to fragment 255-282 that contains tryptophan257.
Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe mitochondrial F1-ATPase. A powerful probe for phosphate and nucleotide interactions.
Biochemistry, 1991Co-Authors: Gilles Divita, Antonio Dipietro, Gilbert Deleage, Benoit Roux, Dc GautheronAbstract:Mitochondrial F1 from the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, in contrast to the mammalian enzyme, exhibits a characteristic intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence with a maximal excitation at 291 nm and a maximal emission at 332 nm. Low values of Stern-Volmer quenching constants, 4.0 M-1 or 1.8 M-1, respectively, in the presence of either acrylamide or iodide, indicate that tryptophans are mainly buried inside the native enzyme. Upon subunit dissociation and unfolding by 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn.HCl), the maximal emission is shifted to 354 nm, a value very similar to that obtained with N-acetyltryptophanamide, a solute-tryptophan model compound. The tryptophan content of each isolated subunit has been estimated by fluorescence titration in the presence of Gdn.HCl with free tryptophan as a standard. Two tryptophans and one tryptophan are found respectively in the alpha and epsilon subunits, whereas none is detected in the beta, gamma, and delta subunits. These subunit contents are consistent with the total of seven tryptophans estimated for native F1 with alpha 3 beta 3 gamma 1 delta 1 epsilon 1 stoichiometry. The maximal emission of the isolated epsilon subunit is markedly blue-shifted to 310-312 nm by interaction with the isolated delta subunit, which suggests that the epsilon subunit tryptophan might be a very minor contributor to the native F1 fluorescence measured at 332 nm. This fluorescence is very sensitive to phosphate, which produces a marked blue shift indicative of tryptophans in a more hydrophobic environment. On the other hand, ADP and ATP quench the maximal emission at 332 nm, lower tryptophan accessibility to acrylamide, and reveal tryptophan heterogeneity.
H. Gobind Khorana - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Combined solid state and solution NMR studies of α,ɛ-^15N labeled bovine rhodopsin
Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2007Co-Authors: Karla Werner, Ines Lehner, Harpreet Kaur Dhiman, Clemens Glaubitz, Harald Schwalbe, Judith Klein-seetharaman, Christian Richter, H. Gobind KhoranaAbstract:Rhodopsin is the visual pigment of the vertebrate rod photoreceptor cell and is the only member of the G protein coupled receptor family for which a crystal structure is available. Towards the study of dynamics in rhodopsin, we report NMR-spectroscopic investigations of α,ɛ-^15N-tryptophan labeled rhodopsin in detergent micelles and reconstituted in phospholipids. Using a combination of solid state ^13C,^15N-REDOR and HETCOR experiments of all possible ^13C′_ i -1 carbonyl/^15N_ i -tryptophan isotope labeled amide pairs, and H/D exchange ^1H,^15N-HSQC experiments conducted in solution, we assigned chemical shifts to all five rhodopsin tryptophan backbone ^15N nuclei and partially to their bound protons. ^1H,^15N chemical shift assignment was achieved for indole side chains of Trp35^1.30 and Trp175^4.65. ^15N chemical shifts were found to be similar when comparing those obtained in the native like reconstituted lipid environment and those obtained in detergent micelles for all tryptophans except Trp175^4.65 at the membrane interface. The results suggest that the integrated solution and solid state NMR approach presented provides highly complementary information in the study of structure and dynamics of large membrane proteins like rhodopsin.
Combined solid state and solution NMR studies of α,ɛ-^15N labeled bovine rhodopsin
Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2007Co-Authors: Karla Werner, Ines Lehner, Harpreet Kaur Dhiman, Clemens Glaubitz, Harald Schwalbe, Judith Klein-seetharaman, Christian Richter, H. Gobind KhoranaAbstract:Rhodopsin is the visual pigment of the vertebrate rod photoreceptor cell and is the only member of the G protein coupled receptor family for which a crystal structure is available. Towards the study of dynamics in rhodopsin, we report NMR-spectroscopic investigations of α,ɛ-^15N-tryptophan labeled rhodopsin in detergent micelles and reconstituted in phospholipids. Using a combination of solid state ^13C,^15N-REDOR and HETCOR experiments of all possible ^13C′_ i -1 carbonyl/^15N_ i -tryptophan isotope labeled amide pairs, and H/D exchange ^1H,^15N-HSQC experiments conducted in solution, we assigned chemical shifts to all five rhodopsin tryptophan backbone ^15N nuclei and partially to their bound protons. ^1H,^15N chemical shift assignment was achieved for indole side chains of Trp35^1.30 and Trp175^4.65. ^15N chemical shifts were found to be similar when comparing those obtained in the native like reconstituted lipid environment and those obtained in detergent micelles for all tryptophans except Trp175^4.65 at the membrane interface. The results suggest that the integrated solution and solid state NMR approach presented provides highly complementary information in the study of structure and dynamics of large membrane proteins like rhodopsin.