The Experts below are selected from a list of 201540 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
M Utsunomiya - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
development and implementation of a power System fault diagnosis Expert System
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1995Co-Authors: T Minakawa, Y Ichikawa, M Kunugi, K Shimada, N Wada, M UtsunomiyaAbstract:This paper describes a fault diagnosis Expert System installed at the Tohoku Electric Power Company. The main features of this System are careful selection of the inferencing input data, rapid inferencing, integration of the Expert System with other Systems in a practical structure, and the adoption of a domain shell. This System aims for improved practicability by using time-tagged data from circuit breakers, protective relays, and automatic reclosing relays in addition to the input data used in earlier Systems. Furthermore, this System also uses data from fault detection Systems that locate fault points within electric stations. This System uses an AI-specific back-end processor to perform inferencing rapidly. Additionally, this fault diagnosis Expert System is interfaced and integrated with a restorative operations Expert System, an intelligent alarm processing System, and a protective relay setting and management System. The authors developed and adopted a power System fault diagnosis domain shell to ease System development, and used the protective relay operation simulation function of a protective relay setting and management System for System verification. >
T Minakawa - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
development and implementation of a power System fault diagnosis Expert System
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1995Co-Authors: T Minakawa, Y Ichikawa, M Kunugi, K Shimada, N Wada, M UtsunomiyaAbstract:This paper describes a fault diagnosis Expert System installed at the Tohoku Electric Power Company. The main features of this System are careful selection of the inferencing input data, rapid inferencing, integration of the Expert System with other Systems in a practical structure, and the adoption of a domain shell. This System aims for improved practicability by using time-tagged data from circuit breakers, protective relays, and automatic reclosing relays in addition to the input data used in earlier Systems. Furthermore, this System also uses data from fault detection Systems that locate fault points within electric stations. This System uses an AI-specific back-end processor to perform inferencing rapidly. Additionally, this fault diagnosis Expert System is interfaced and integrated with a restorative operations Expert System, an intelligent alarm processing System, and a protective relay setting and management System. The authors developed and adopted a power System fault diagnosis domain shell to ease System development, and used the protective relay operation simulation function of a protective relay setting and management System for System verification. >
Xiaohu Shi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
multi bp Expert System for fault diagnosis of powerSystem
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013Co-Authors: Yanchun Liang, Xiaoshe Zhao, Renchu Guan, Xiaohu ShiAbstract:Fault diagnosis and assessment is a crucial and difficult problem for power System. Back propagation neural network Expert System (BPES) is an often used method in fault diagnosis. However, with the layer numbers increasing, BPES becomes time consuming and even hard to converge. To solve this problem, we divide the whole networks into many sub-BP groups within a short depth and then propose a novel Multi-BP Expert System (MBPES) based method for power System fault diagnosis. We use two real power System data sets to test the effectiveness of MBPES. Experimental results show that MBPES obtains higher accuracy than two commonly used methods.
W Q Zhang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
an Expert System for power Systems fault analysis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1994Co-Authors: Zhu Yongli, Y H Yang, B W Hogg, W Q ZhangAbstract:This paper describes an Expert System for fault analysis which has been put into field tests in the dispatch centre of the North East China Electric Network. Previous Expert Systems for fault analysis on transmission power Systems are mainly based on information about the operation of protective relays, whereas this new Expert System mainly uses information on tripped circuit breakers, which is more readily available. For some complicated faults, a small number of relay signals are needed. Data concerning the distribution and characteristics of protective relays are concealed in the fault models in the knowledge base of the Expert System. And consequently the large database normally required for these data is unnecessary. This also enables the Expert System to be more easily transplanted to other networks. Furthermore, because it can distinguish the operational performances of different relays, it analyses faults more accurately. >
N Wada - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
development and implementation of a power System fault diagnosis Expert System
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1995Co-Authors: T Minakawa, Y Ichikawa, M Kunugi, K Shimada, N Wada, M UtsunomiyaAbstract:This paper describes a fault diagnosis Expert System installed at the Tohoku Electric Power Company. The main features of this System are careful selection of the inferencing input data, rapid inferencing, integration of the Expert System with other Systems in a practical structure, and the adoption of a domain shell. This System aims for improved practicability by using time-tagged data from circuit breakers, protective relays, and automatic reclosing relays in addition to the input data used in earlier Systems. Furthermore, this System also uses data from fault detection Systems that locate fault points within electric stations. This System uses an AI-specific back-end processor to perform inferencing rapidly. Additionally, this fault diagnosis Expert System is interfaced and integrated with a restorative operations Expert System, an intelligent alarm processing System, and a protective relay setting and management System. The authors developed and adopted a power System fault diagnosis domain shell to ease System development, and used the protective relay operation simulation function of a protective relay setting and management System for System verification. >