Keyboard Device

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Kunal Thakral - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

    Co-Authors: Souvik Roy, Ajay Kumar Singh, Aman Mittal, Kunal Thakral

    This paper presents more efficient algorithm used to detect the finger stroke of a projected Keyboard layout on any flat non-reflecting surface. The virtual Keyboard consist of variable intensity projector for projecting Keyboard layout, a Camera with infra-red filter for capturing only infra-red wavelength light reflected objects, an infra-red Diode for object detection, photo-diode with simplified circuitry to on-off the key stroke detection and key board layout projection. The camera used is connected to PC or laptop with a wireless connection operating at 2.4GHz frequency of IEEE standard. An image processing algorithm is designed in open source to extract the keystroke on the surface and display the exact key on the screen. The integration of components with the software that is designed to run on any Operating system with even lower level of processor gives expected keystroke. Comparison algorithm calculates and checks the nearest value suitable for key injection to the system API. Height of Device made has been kept as low as possible so that it does not interrupt the view of display screen of laptop or PC. Present work can be more upgraded with more gesture based feature that controls the virtual Keyboard Device and making the extra surface for virtual mouse option

Souvik Roy - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

    Co-Authors: Souvik Roy, Ajay Kumar Singh, Aman Mittal, Kunal Thakral

    This paper presents more efficient algorithm used to detect the finger stroke of a projected Keyboard layout on any flat non-reflecting surface. The virtual Keyboard consist of variable intensity projector for projecting Keyboard layout, a Camera with infra-red filter for capturing only infra-red wavelength light reflected objects, an infra-red Diode for object detection, photo-diode with simplified circuitry to on-off the key stroke detection and key board layout projection. The camera used is connected to PC or laptop with a wireless connection operating at 2.4GHz frequency of IEEE standard. An image processing algorithm is designed in open source to extract the keystroke on the surface and display the exact key on the screen. The integration of components with the software that is designed to run on any Operating system with even lower level of processor gives expected keystroke. Comparison algorithm calculates and checks the nearest value suitable for key injection to the system API. Height of Device made has been kept as low as possible so that it does not interrupt the view of display screen of laptop or PC. Present work can be more upgraded with more gesture based feature that controls the virtual Keyboard Device and making the extra surface for virtual mouse option

Ajay Kumar Singh - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

    Co-Authors: Souvik Roy, Ajay Kumar Singh, Aman Mittal, Kunal Thakral

    This paper presents more efficient algorithm used to detect the finger stroke of a projected Keyboard layout on any flat non-reflecting surface. The virtual Keyboard consist of variable intensity projector for projecting Keyboard layout, a Camera with infra-red filter for capturing only infra-red wavelength light reflected objects, an infra-red Diode for object detection, photo-diode with simplified circuitry to on-off the key stroke detection and key board layout projection. The camera used is connected to PC or laptop with a wireless connection operating at 2.4GHz frequency of IEEE standard. An image processing algorithm is designed in open source to extract the keystroke on the surface and display the exact key on the screen. The integration of components with the software that is designed to run on any Operating system with even lower level of processor gives expected keystroke. Comparison algorithm calculates and checks the nearest value suitable for key injection to the system API. Height of Device made has been kept as low as possible so that it does not interrupt the view of display screen of laptop or PC. Present work can be more upgraded with more gesture based feature that controls the virtual Keyboard Device and making the extra surface for virtual mouse option

Aman Mittal - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

    Co-Authors: Souvik Roy, Ajay Kumar Singh, Aman Mittal, Kunal Thakral

    This paper presents more efficient algorithm used to detect the finger stroke of a projected Keyboard layout on any flat non-reflecting surface. The virtual Keyboard consist of variable intensity projector for projecting Keyboard layout, a Camera with infra-red filter for capturing only infra-red wavelength light reflected objects, an infra-red Diode for object detection, photo-diode with simplified circuitry to on-off the key stroke detection and key board layout projection. The camera used is connected to PC or laptop with a wireless connection operating at 2.4GHz frequency of IEEE standard. An image processing algorithm is designed in open source to extract the keystroke on the surface and display the exact key on the screen. The integration of components with the software that is designed to run on any Operating system with even lower level of processor gives expected keystroke. Comparison algorithm calculates and checks the nearest value suitable for key injection to the system API. Height of Device made has been kept as low as possible so that it does not interrupt the view of display screen of laptop or PC. Present work can be more upgraded with more gesture based feature that controls the virtual Keyboard Device and making the extra surface for virtual mouse option

KoŠir Janez - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

    Co-Authors: KoŠir Janez

    Natančni in zanesljivi podatki so danes zelo pomembni, ker lahko z analizami, ki izvirajo iz zanesljivih podatkov, veliko lažje in zanesljivejše načrtujemo prihodnost. V proizvodnji so natančni časi priprav in opravljenega dela zelo pomembni za naše podjetje, zato je treba zbrati čim natančnejše podatke ločeno tako o pripravah kot o opravljenem delu. Ker je lahko pri vnosu delovnega časa na papir napaka človeškega faktorja prevelika za natančne analize, je treba čas beležiti bolj natančno. Tako se je rodila ideja, da bi se podatki beležili s pomočjo terminalov HT630. HT630 je ročni terminal, ki omogoča branje črtnih kod s pomočjo laserskega čitalnika, poleg tega pa tudi vnos podatkov preko lastne tipkovnice. Povezljivost z osebnim računalnikom ali strežnikom je enostavna. Terminal se lahko poveže z osebnim računalnikom preko RS232-kabla direktno ali pa preko podstavka PT063D-4G, ki omogoča TCP/IP-povezavo preko RJ45 LAN-priključka. Za programiranje terminala služi program JobGen Plus. V tem programu s pomočjo vozlišč in povezav kreiramo opravilo. V aplikaciji sem kreiral več opravil. Glavno opravilo je EvidList, preko katerega se vnašajo podatki v terminal. Vsaka registracija ima dva koraka, začetek in konec. Registrira se lahko do 6 matičnih številk na eno registracijo. Število delovnih nalogov ni omejeno. Za manipulacijo z delovnimi nalogi služi opravilo VpisiDN. Zabeleženi podatki se shranjujejo v datotekah, ki jih terminal obravnava kot tabele, zato je zelo pomembna prava struktura datotek. Pravilno je treba določiti ločilo, ki loči polja med sabo, in ločilo, ki med sabo loči zapise. Znaka za ločilo se ne smeta pojavljati v vrednostih polj. Najpomembnejši datoteki sta EL.txt, kjer so zbrani podatki o registraciji (matične številke, začetek in konec registracije, vrsta registracije ter količina), in DNDela, kjer so zbrane registracije operacije delovnih nalogov. Za povezavo med datotekama služi polje DatumCas. Večina podatkov se vnaša preko črtnih kod. Kode, ki se uporabljajo, so matična številka delavca, na vsakem delovnem listku je kombinacija delovni nalog-operacija. Na vsakem delovnem mestu stroja pa sta dve kodi. Prva je za pripravo, druga za delo. Za potrebe beleženja delovnega časa so terminali razdeljeni v 11 skupin, tako je na vsakem delovnem mestu poleg črtne kode tudi oznaka terminala. Na delovnem mestu se delavec lahko registrira samo z ustreznim terminalom. Za prenos podatkov med terminali in strežnikom služi uporabniški vmesnik, ki sem ga kreiral sam, kajti noben program proizvajalca, ni ustrezal vsem potrebnim zahtevam. Za kreiranje uporabniškega vmesnika pa sem uporabil knjižnico (dll datoteka), ki je na voljo pri programu proizvajalca. Prenos podatkov se izvede samodejno dvakrat na dan. Prvič se ob drugi uri ponoči izvede kompleten prenos, drugič, ob 9.40, se na terminal prenese le datoteka delovnih nalogov. Uporabnik pa lahko kadarkoli preko uporabniškega vmesnika opravi sam celotni prenos, prenos posamezne datoteke ter še nekatere druge operacije. Uporabniški vmesnik služi tudi za popravljanje napak, ki nastanejo pri registracijah, ter za prenos podatkov, zabeleženih s terminali v tabelo EL, ki pozneje služi kot osnova za analize ter spremljanja produktivnosti. Da se podatki zapišejo v to tabelo EL, je potrebnih kar nekaj obdelav, ki so napisane kot VBA-procedure. Uporabniški vmesnik je narejen v Microsoftovem Accessu. Ko so vsi podatki pravilno zbrani v tabeli EL, se lahko začnejo analize, kar je bil tudi cilj naloge. V uporabniškem vmesniku je mogoče kreirati kakršno koli analizo glede na želje in potrebe podjetja.Reliable data is of crucial importance for every company since based on the data we can perform several analysis for optimizing the production. In production, reliable preparation times and working times are very important for our company. This is the reason, why we have to collect the preparing and working times as accurate data as possible. Since writing data on paper results in many errors and obtained analyses are not accurate, we needed more accurate method for collecting times. We decided to collect data with HT630 mobile computer. HT630 is a programmable data collection Device with 26 keys Keyboard. Device has a build-in barcode decoder and reads bar codes through an integrated laser scanner module. It can also be used as a programmable computer that runs application programs and upload and download files from the host computer. For communication purpose, RS-232 port is used. Connection is possible either with USB cable or communication cradle. For programming terminals, software called JobGen Plus can be used. This software enables users to create their own data collection applications. For creating applications, user uses nodes and links. Our application consists of more JobGen Plus jobs. The main job is EvidList which is used to collect data of production\u27s registrations. Each registration has two steps: its start and its end. With one registration, it is possible to collect 6 workers. The number of operations of working orders is not limited. For manipulation with operation of working orders, job VpisiDN is used. Collected data are saved in files, which are used as tables. The most important files are EL.txt and DNDela.txt. EL.txt is used to collect identity numbers of workers, start and end of registrations, type of registrations and produced quantities. DNDela.txt is used to collect operations of working orders. For relationship between files filed DatumCas is used. Almost all data are collected with laser barcode scanner. Barcodes are prepared in advance. Three types of barcodes are used: identity numbers of workers, operation of working orders and machine numbers. Each machine has two numbers. The first number is used for registration of preparation and the second number is used for registration of work. In production, 11 terminals are used. Each terminal has it’s group of machines. In most cases, with one terminal only, registration on specific machine is possible. For data transfer, our own user interface was created, since any of programs of terminal\u27s producer did not satisfy all of our conditions. We used only dll library of terminal\u27s producer. Update of data is automatically twice a day. The first time is at 2 A.M., when the complete update is created. Second update is at 9:40 A.M. (during a break) when only file with operation of working orders is updated. Update could be done anytime manually. User interface is also used for correcting mistakes, which occur during registrations. Repairing mistakes have two phases. After all mistakes are corrected, data are transferred in the main table of the system EL. In these tables are registrations of all terminals. Correction algorithms are created with VBA procedures. User interface is created in Microsoft Access. When all data are collected in the EL table, analyzes are processed. In this user interface there is a space to process several analyses depending on the company requirements