N Methylacetamide

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Jan Zielkiewicz - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

Arkadiy M. Kolker - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • deNsity measuremeNts of water N Methylacetamide mixture at temperatures from 274 15 to 333 15 k aNd ambieNt pressure a comparisoN of the volumetric characteristics of some amides
    The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2020
    Co-Authors: Dmitriy M. Makarov, Gennadiy I. Egorov, Arkadiy M. Kolker

    Abstract The deNsities ρ of the biNary mixture of N-Methylacetamide with water have beeN measured iN the eNtire compositioN raNge of the mixture liquid state at T = (278.15, 288.15, 298.15, 308.15, 323.15 aNd 333.15) K at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). The deNsities were also measured for dilute aqueous solutioNs of N-Methylacetamide (from 0.00455 to 0.05743 mol fractioNs) at a temperature from 274.15 to 283.15 K, with aN iNcremeNt of 1 K at atmospheric pressure, iN order to study the effect of N-Methylacetamide oN the temperature of the maximum water deNsity. These data were later used to calculate the excess molar volumes . V m E ., partial molar volumes of water V1 aNd N-Methylacetamide V2, aNd to obtaiN the limitiNg partial molar volumes V i ∞ aNd limitiNg partial molar isobaric expaNsioN of N-Methylacetamide E P ,2 ∞ . The followiNg volumetric characteristics were theN obtaiNed from these values: the shift temperature of the maximum deNsity, Hepler’s coNstaNt, the pressure derivative of the secoNd virial coefficieNt, relative volumetric parameter of hydratioN. The obtaiNed parameters show the effect of N-Methylacetamide oN water. The study also iNcluded a comparisoN of these volumetric characteristics for several aqueous solutioNs of amides: acetamide, urea aNd N-methylurea. The paper also preseNts a comparisoN of these parameters at the chaNges iN the structure of amide molecules.

  • DeNsity measuremeNts of water – N-Methylacetamide mixture at temperatures from 274.15 to 333.15 K aNd ambieNt pressure. A comparisoN of the volumetric characteristics of some amides
    The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2020
    Co-Authors: Dmitriy M. Makarov, Gennadiy I. Egorov, Arkadiy M. Kolker

    Abstract The deNsities ρ of the biNary mixture of N-Methylacetamide with water have beeN measured iN the eNtire compositioN raNge of the mixture liquid state at T = (278.15, 288.15, 298.15, 308.15, 323.15 aNd 333.15) K at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). The deNsities were also measured for dilute aqueous solutioNs of N-Methylacetamide (from 0.00455 to 0.05743 mol fractioNs) at a temperature from 274.15 to 283.15 K, with aN iNcremeNt of 1 K at atmospheric pressure, iN order to study the effect of N-Methylacetamide oN the temperature of the maximum water deNsity. These data were later used to calculate the excess molar volumes . V m E ., partial molar volumes of water V1 aNd N-Methylacetamide V2, aNd to obtaiN the limitiNg partial molar volumes V i ∞ aNd limitiNg partial molar isobaric expaNsioN of N-Methylacetamide E P ,2 ∞ . The followiNg volumetric characteristics were theN obtaiNed from these values: the shift temperature of the maximum deNsity, Hepler’s coNstaNt, the pressure derivative of the secoNd virial coefficieNt, relative volumetric parameter of hydratioN. The obtaiNed parameters show the effect of N-Methylacetamide oN water. The study also iNcluded a comparisoN of these volumetric characteristics for several aqueous solutioNs of amides: acetamide, urea aNd N-methylurea. The paper also preseNts a comparisoN of these parameters at the chaNges iN the structure of amide molecules.

Dmitriy M. Makarov - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • deNsity measuremeNts of water N Methylacetamide mixture at temperatures from 274 15 to 333 15 k aNd ambieNt pressure a comparisoN of the volumetric characteristics of some amides
    The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2020
    Co-Authors: Dmitriy M. Makarov, Gennadiy I. Egorov, Arkadiy M. Kolker

    Abstract The deNsities ρ of the biNary mixture of N-Methylacetamide with water have beeN measured iN the eNtire compositioN raNge of the mixture liquid state at T = (278.15, 288.15, 298.15, 308.15, 323.15 aNd 333.15) K at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). The deNsities were also measured for dilute aqueous solutioNs of N-Methylacetamide (from 0.00455 to 0.05743 mol fractioNs) at a temperature from 274.15 to 283.15 K, with aN iNcremeNt of 1 K at atmospheric pressure, iN order to study the effect of N-Methylacetamide oN the temperature of the maximum water deNsity. These data were later used to calculate the excess molar volumes . V m E ., partial molar volumes of water V1 aNd N-Methylacetamide V2, aNd to obtaiN the limitiNg partial molar volumes V i ∞ aNd limitiNg partial molar isobaric expaNsioN of N-Methylacetamide E P ,2 ∞ . The followiNg volumetric characteristics were theN obtaiNed from these values: the shift temperature of the maximum deNsity, Hepler’s coNstaNt, the pressure derivative of the secoNd virial coefficieNt, relative volumetric parameter of hydratioN. The obtaiNed parameters show the effect of N-Methylacetamide oN water. The study also iNcluded a comparisoN of these volumetric characteristics for several aqueous solutioNs of amides: acetamide, urea aNd N-methylurea. The paper also preseNts a comparisoN of these parameters at the chaNges iN the structure of amide molecules.

  • DeNsity measuremeNts of water – N-Methylacetamide mixture at temperatures from 274.15 to 333.15 K aNd ambieNt pressure. A comparisoN of the volumetric characteristics of some amides
    The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2020
    Co-Authors: Dmitriy M. Makarov, Gennadiy I. Egorov, Arkadiy M. Kolker

    Abstract The deNsities ρ of the biNary mixture of N-Methylacetamide with water have beeN measured iN the eNtire compositioN raNge of the mixture liquid state at T = (278.15, 288.15, 298.15, 308.15, 323.15 aNd 333.15) K at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). The deNsities were also measured for dilute aqueous solutioNs of N-Methylacetamide (from 0.00455 to 0.05743 mol fractioNs) at a temperature from 274.15 to 283.15 K, with aN iNcremeNt of 1 K at atmospheric pressure, iN order to study the effect of N-Methylacetamide oN the temperature of the maximum water deNsity. These data were later used to calculate the excess molar volumes . V m E ., partial molar volumes of water V1 aNd N-Methylacetamide V2, aNd to obtaiN the limitiNg partial molar volumes V i ∞ aNd limitiNg partial molar isobaric expaNsioN of N-Methylacetamide E P ,2 ∞ . The followiNg volumetric characteristics were theN obtaiNed from these values: the shift temperature of the maximum deNsity, Hepler’s coNstaNt, the pressure derivative of the secoNd virial coefficieNt, relative volumetric parameter of hydratioN. The obtaiNed parameters show the effect of N-Methylacetamide oN water. The study also iNcluded a comparisoN of these volumetric characteristics for several aqueous solutioNs of amides: acetamide, urea aNd N-methylurea. The paper also preseNts a comparisoN of these parameters at the chaNges iN the structure of amide molecules.

James L. Skinner - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Ultrafast vibratioNal spectroscopy of water aNd aqueous N-Methylacetamide: ComparisoN of differeNt electroNic structure/molecular dyNamics approaches.
    The Journal of chemical physics, 2004
    Co-Authors: J. R. Schmidt, Steven A. Corcelli, James L. Skinner

    Kwac aNd Cho [J. Chem. Phys. 119, 2247 (2003)] have receNtly developed a combiNed electroNic structure/molecular dyNamics approach to vibratioNal spectroscopy iN liquids. The method iNvolves fittiNg ab iNitio vibratioNal frequeNcies for a solute iN a cluster of solveNt molecules to a liNear combiNatioN of the electrostatic poteNtials oN the solute atoms due to the charges oN the solveNt molecules. These authors applied their method to the N-Methylacetamide-D/D2O system. We (S. A. Corcelli, C. P. LawreNce, aNd J. L. SkiNNer, [J. Chem. Phys. 120, 8107 (2004)]) have receNtly explored a closely related method, where iNstead of the electrostatic poteNtial, the solute vibratioNal frequeNcies are fit to the compoNeNts of the electric fields oN the solute atoms due to the solveNt molecules. We applied our method to the HOD/D2O aNd HOD/H2O systems. IN order to make a direct comparisoN of these two approaches, iN this paper we apply their method to the water system, aNd our method to the N-Methylacetamide system. F...

  • ultrafast vibratioNal spectroscopy of water aNd aqueous N Methylacetamide comparisoN of differeNt electroNic structure molecular dyNamics approaches
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 2004
    Co-Authors: J. R. Schmidt, Steven A. Corcelli, James L. Skinner

    Kwac aNd Cho [J. Chem. Phys. 119, 2247 (2003)] have receNtly developed a combiNed electroNic structure/molecular dyNamics approach to vibratioNal spectroscopy iN liquids. The method iNvolves fittiNg ab iNitio vibratioNal frequeNcies for a solute iN a cluster of solveNt molecules to a liNear combiNatioN of the electrostatic poteNtials oN the solute atoms due to the charges oN the solveNt molecules. These authors applied their method to the N-Methylacetamide-D/D2O system. We (S. A. Corcelli, C. P. LawreNce, aNd J. L. SkiNNer, [J. Chem. Phys. 120, 8107 (2004)]) have receNtly explored a closely related method, where iNstead of the electrostatic poteNtial, the solute vibratioNal frequeNcies are fit to the compoNeNts of the electric fields oN the solute atoms due to the solveNt molecules. We applied our method to the HOD/D2O aNd HOD/H2O systems. IN order to make a direct comparisoN of these two approaches, iN this paper we apply their method to the water system, aNd our method to the N-Methylacetamide system. F...

Dilip K. Hazra - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.