N Methylformamide

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J. Zielkiewicz - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

Chieh-ming J. Chang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • isothermal vapor liquid equilibria for biNary mixtures of beNzeNe tolueNe m xyleNe aNd N Methylformamide at 333 15 k aNd 353 15 k
    Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2009
    Co-Authors: Kun-jung Lee, Wei-kuan Chen, Liang-sun Lee, Chieh-ming J. Chang

    Abstract Isothermal vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) at 333.15 K aNd 353.15 K for four biNary mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe, beNzeNe + N-Methylformamide, tolueNe + m-xyleNe aNd tolueNe + N-Methylformamide have beeN obtaiNed at pressures raNged from 0 kPa to 101.3 kPa. The NRTL, UNIQUAC aNd WilsoN activity coefficieNt models have beeN employed to correlate experimeNtal pressures aNd liquid mole fractioNs. The NoN-ideal behavior of the vapor phase has beeN coNsidered by usiNg the Soave–Redlich–KwoNg equatioN of state iN calculatiNg the vapor mole fractioN. Liquid aNd vapor deNsities were also measured by usiNg two vibratiNg tube deNsitometers. The P–x–y diagram aNd the activity coefficieNt iNdicate that two mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe aNd tolueNe + m-xyleNe were close to the ideal solutioN. However, two mixtures coNtaiNiNg N-Methylformamide preseNt a large positive deviatioN from the ideal solutioN. The excess Gibbs eNergy iN the beNzeNe + tolueNe mixture is Negative iNdicates that it is aN exothermic system.

  • Isothermal vapor―liquid equilibria for biNary mixtures of beNzeNe, tolueNe, m-xyleNe, aNd N-Methylformamide at 333.15 K aNd 353.15 K
    Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2009
    Co-Authors: Kun-jung Lee, Wei-kuan Chen, Liang-sun Lee, Chieh-ming J. Chang

    Abstract Isothermal vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) at 333.15 K aNd 353.15 K for four biNary mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe, beNzeNe + N-Methylformamide, tolueNe + m-xyleNe aNd tolueNe + N-Methylformamide have beeN obtaiNed at pressures raNged from 0 kPa to 101.3 kPa. The NRTL, UNIQUAC aNd WilsoN activity coefficieNt models have beeN employed to correlate experimeNtal pressures aNd liquid mole fractioNs. The NoN-ideal behavior of the vapor phase has beeN coNsidered by usiNg the Soave–Redlich–KwoNg equatioN of state iN calculatiNg the vapor mole fractioN. Liquid aNd vapor deNsities were also measured by usiNg two vibratiNg tube deNsitometers. The P–x–y diagram aNd the activity coefficieNt iNdicate that two mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe aNd tolueNe + m-xyleNe were close to the ideal solutioN. However, two mixtures coNtaiNiNg N-Methylformamide preseNt a large positive deviatioN from the ideal solutioN. The excess Gibbs eNergy iN the beNzeNe + tolueNe mixture is Negative iNdicates that it is aN exothermic system.

  • Isothermal vapor–liquid equilibria for biNary mixtures of beNzeNe, tolueNe, m-xyleNe, aNd N-Methylformamide at 333.15K aNd 353.15K
    Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2009
    Co-Authors: Kun-jung Lee, Wei-kuan Chen, Liang-sun Lee, Chieh-ming J. Chang

    Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) at 333.15 K aNd 353.15 K for four biNary mixtures of beNzeNe+tolueNe, beNzeNe+N-Methylformamide, tolueNe+m-xyleNe aNd tolueNe+N-Methylformamide have beeN obtaiNed at pressures raNged from 0 kPa to 101.3 kPa. The NRTL, UNIQUAC aNd WilsoN activity coefficieNt models have beeN employed to correlate experimeNtal pressures aNd liquid mole fractioNs. The NoN-ideal behavior of the vapor phase has beeN coNsidered by usiNg the Soave-Redlich-KwoNg equatioN of state iN calculatiNg the vapor mole fractioN. Liquid aNd vapor deNsities were also measured by usiNg two vibratiNg tube deNsitometers. The P-x-y diagram aNd the activity coefficieNt iNdicate that two mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe aNd tolueNe + m-xyleNe were close to the ideal solutioN. However, two mixtures coNtaiNiNg N-Methylformamide preseNt a large positive deviatioN from the ideal solutioN. The excess Gibbs eNergy iN the beNzeNe + tolueNe mixture is Negative iNdicates that it is aN exothermic system. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

G Zupi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • N-Methylformamide iNduces chaNges oN adhesive properties aNd luNg-coloNiziNg poteNtial of M14 melaNoma cells
    British journal of cancer, 1998
    Co-Authors: D Del Bufalo, Carlo Leonetti, Barbara Bucci, C Amedeo, Rita Falcioni, Annamaria Biroccio, G Zupi

    We have studied whether N-Methylformamide caN affect the expressioN patterN of adhesioN molecules aNd the attachmeNt behaviour of M14 humaN melaNoma cells. The role of N-Methylformamide oN experimeNtal aNd spoNtaNeous pulmoNary metastases from M14 cells iN Nude mice was also iNvestigated. We demoNstrate that N-Methylformamide iN vitro pretreatmeNt of M14 cells, although iNduciNg a sigNificaNt iNcrease iN the expressioN of alpha2beta1, alpha6beta1 aNd alpha(v)beta3 iNtegriN receptors, slightly modifies alpha5beta1 heterodimer aNd beta1 subuNit expressioN. After this modulatioN, eNhaNcemeNt of cell adhesioN to lamiNiN, collageN I, vitroNectiN aNd fibriNogeN, which is blocked by specific aNti-iNtegriN aNtibodies, also occurs. No chaNges iN biNdiNg to fibroNectiN are observed. IN vitro N-Methylformamide pretreatmeNt also results iN aN iNcreased Number of experimeNtal Nodules aNd iN a decrease iN spoNtaNeous metastases. Moreover, iN vivo treatmeNt with N-Methylformamide sigNificaNtly reduces the Number of spoNtaNeous metastases. Collectively, these data show that N-Methylformamide modulates the expressioN of some adhesioN receptors, cell adhesioN to lamiNiN, collageN I, vitroNectiN aNd fibriNogeN as well as the metastatic behaviour of M14 cells. Our data also suggest that the effect of N-Methylformamide might be evaluated iN combiNatioN with aNtiNeoplastic ageNts for the treatmeNt of humaN melaNoma.

  • N-Methylformamide as a poteNtial therapeutic approach iN coloN caNcer.
    Diseases of the colon and rectum, 1994
    Co-Authors: D Del Bufalo, B Bucci, I D'agnano, G Zupi

    The effect of N-Methylformamide, used iN combiNatioN with the aNtiNeoplastic drugs adriamyciN aNd cisplatiN, oN the cell survival of a coloN carciNoma cell liNe (HT-29) was iNvestigated. To better uNderstaNd the mechaNism iNvolved iN N-Methylformamide-mediated chemoseNsitizatioN, we evaluated the N-Methylformamide effect oN cell volume aNd surface expressioN of some iNtegriNs molecules (VLA2, VLA5, aNd VLA6) of the HT-29 cell liNe. The cell survival was evaluated by cloNogeNic assay; iNtegriNs surface expressioN was aNalyzed by meaNs of flow cytometry; cell volumes were determiNed usiNg a Coulter ChaNNalyzer. A NoNcytotoxic dose of N-Methylformamide (170 mM) seNsitizes the HT-29 cell liNe to the lethal activity of both adriamyciN aNd cisplatiN. The aNalysis of cell volume showed that N-Methylformamide exposure iNduces aN iNcrease iN cell volume. Flow cytometric aNalysis of VLA2, VLA5, aNd VLA6 receptors showed that N-Methylformamide iNcreases the expressioN of the three iNtegriNs by 30 to 40 perceNt. The plasma membraNe could coNstitute oNe of the N-Methylformamide targets aNd might be iNvolved iN the differeNtiatioN aNd chemoseNsitiziNg effects caused by this ageNt. Moreover, N-Methylformamide could improve coloN caNcer treatmeNt wheN used iN combiNatioN with aNtiNeoplastic drugs.

  • N-Methylformamide as a poteNtial therapeutic approach iN coloN caNcer.
    Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 1994
    Co-Authors: D Del Bufalo, B Bucci, I D'agnano, G Zupi

    PURPOSE: The effect of N-Methylformamide, used iN combiNatioN with the aNtiNeoplastic drugs adriamyciN aNd cisplatiN, oN the cell survival of a coloN carciNoma cell liNe (HT-29) was iNvestigated. To better uNderstaNd the mechaNism iNvolved iN N-Methylformamide-mediated chemoseNsitizatioN, we evaluated the N-Methylformamide effect oN cell volume aNd surface expressioN of some iNtegriNs molecules (VLA2, VLA5, aNd VLA6) of the HT-29 cell liNe. METHODS: The cell survival was evaluated by cloNogeNic assay; iNtegriNs surface expressioN was aNalyzed by meaNs of flow cytometry; cell volumes were determiNed usiNg a Coulter ChaNNalyzer. RESULTS: A NoNcytotoxic dose of N-Methylformamide (170 mM) seNsitizes the HT-29 cell liNe to the lethal activity of both adriamyciN aNd cisplatiN. The aNalysis of cell volume showed that N-Methylformamide exposure iNduces aN iNcrease iN cell volume. Flow cytometric aNalysis of VLA2, VLA5, aNd VLA6 receptors showed that N-Methylformamide iNcreases the expressioN of the three iNtegriNs by 30 to 40 perceNt. CONCLUSION: The plasma membraNe could coNstitute oNe of the N-Methylformamide targets aNd might be iNvolved iN the differeNtiatioN aNd chemoseNsitiziNg effects caused by this ageNt. Moreover,N-Methylformamide could improve coloN caNcer treatmeNt wheN used iN combiNatioN with aNtiNeoplastic drugs.

Kun-jung Lee - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • isothermal vapor liquid equilibria for biNary mixtures of beNzeNe tolueNe m xyleNe aNd N Methylformamide at 333 15 k aNd 353 15 k
    Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2009
    Co-Authors: Kun-jung Lee, Wei-kuan Chen, Liang-sun Lee, Chieh-ming J. Chang

    Abstract Isothermal vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) at 333.15 K aNd 353.15 K for four biNary mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe, beNzeNe + N-Methylformamide, tolueNe + m-xyleNe aNd tolueNe + N-Methylformamide have beeN obtaiNed at pressures raNged from 0 kPa to 101.3 kPa. The NRTL, UNIQUAC aNd WilsoN activity coefficieNt models have beeN employed to correlate experimeNtal pressures aNd liquid mole fractioNs. The NoN-ideal behavior of the vapor phase has beeN coNsidered by usiNg the Soave–Redlich–KwoNg equatioN of state iN calculatiNg the vapor mole fractioN. Liquid aNd vapor deNsities were also measured by usiNg two vibratiNg tube deNsitometers. The P–x–y diagram aNd the activity coefficieNt iNdicate that two mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe aNd tolueNe + m-xyleNe were close to the ideal solutioN. However, two mixtures coNtaiNiNg N-Methylformamide preseNt a large positive deviatioN from the ideal solutioN. The excess Gibbs eNergy iN the beNzeNe + tolueNe mixture is Negative iNdicates that it is aN exothermic system.

  • Isothermal vapor―liquid equilibria for biNary mixtures of beNzeNe, tolueNe, m-xyleNe, aNd N-Methylformamide at 333.15 K aNd 353.15 K
    Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2009
    Co-Authors: Kun-jung Lee, Wei-kuan Chen, Liang-sun Lee, Chieh-ming J. Chang

    Abstract Isothermal vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) at 333.15 K aNd 353.15 K for four biNary mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe, beNzeNe + N-Methylformamide, tolueNe + m-xyleNe aNd tolueNe + N-Methylformamide have beeN obtaiNed at pressures raNged from 0 kPa to 101.3 kPa. The NRTL, UNIQUAC aNd WilsoN activity coefficieNt models have beeN employed to correlate experimeNtal pressures aNd liquid mole fractioNs. The NoN-ideal behavior of the vapor phase has beeN coNsidered by usiNg the Soave–Redlich–KwoNg equatioN of state iN calculatiNg the vapor mole fractioN. Liquid aNd vapor deNsities were also measured by usiNg two vibratiNg tube deNsitometers. The P–x–y diagram aNd the activity coefficieNt iNdicate that two mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe aNd tolueNe + m-xyleNe were close to the ideal solutioN. However, two mixtures coNtaiNiNg N-Methylformamide preseNt a large positive deviatioN from the ideal solutioN. The excess Gibbs eNergy iN the beNzeNe + tolueNe mixture is Negative iNdicates that it is aN exothermic system.

  • Isothermal vapor–liquid equilibria for biNary mixtures of beNzeNe, tolueNe, m-xyleNe, aNd N-Methylformamide at 333.15K aNd 353.15K
    Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2009
    Co-Authors: Kun-jung Lee, Wei-kuan Chen, Liang-sun Lee, Chieh-ming J. Chang

    Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) at 333.15 K aNd 353.15 K for four biNary mixtures of beNzeNe+tolueNe, beNzeNe+N-Methylformamide, tolueNe+m-xyleNe aNd tolueNe+N-Methylformamide have beeN obtaiNed at pressures raNged from 0 kPa to 101.3 kPa. The NRTL, UNIQUAC aNd WilsoN activity coefficieNt models have beeN employed to correlate experimeNtal pressures aNd liquid mole fractioNs. The NoN-ideal behavior of the vapor phase has beeN coNsidered by usiNg the Soave-Redlich-KwoNg equatioN of state iN calculatiNg the vapor mole fractioN. Liquid aNd vapor deNsities were also measured by usiNg two vibratiNg tube deNsitometers. The P-x-y diagram aNd the activity coefficieNt iNdicate that two mixtures of beNzeNe + tolueNe aNd tolueNe + m-xyleNe were close to the ideal solutioN. However, two mixtures coNtaiNiNg N-Methylformamide preseNt a large positive deviatioN from the ideal solutioN. The excess Gibbs eNergy iN the beNzeNe + tolueNe mixture is Negative iNdicates that it is aN exothermic system. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

B. B. Damaskin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Two-dimeNsioNal pressure of chemisorbed diMethylformamide aNd N-Methylformamide molecules at Ga-, (IN-Ga)-, aNd (Tl-Ga)-electrodes
    Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2015
    Co-Authors: V. V. Emets, B. B. Damaskin

    By usiNg differeNtial capacitaNce curves takeN iN solutioNs of surface-iNactive electrolyte, charge depeNdeNces of two-dimeNsioNal pressure of chemisorbed solveNt molecules ΔMHgξchem are obtaiNed at reNewable liquid electrodes [Ga, (IN—Ga) (14.2 at % IN), aNd (Tl—Ga) (0.02 at % Tl)] iN diMethylformamide aNd N-Methylformamide. ANalysis of the obtaiNed data showed that at a fixed charge deNsity iN both solveNts ΔMHg values, heNce, values of the metal—solveNt chemisorptioN iNteractioN eNergy ΔGchem iNcrease iN the sequeNce Hg < (Tl-Ga) < (IN-Ga) < Ga. The values of ΔMHgξchem iNcrease wheN passiNg from N-Methylformamide to diMethylformamide. The data are coNfirmed with the correspoNdiNg depeNdeNces for the haloid ioNs’ twodimeNsioNal pressure. The two-dimeNsioNal pressure of the diMethylformamide aNd N-Methylformamide chemisorbed molecules was showN to approach that of the haloid ioNs (ξads) coNcerNiNg the charge iNterval aNd the pressure magNitude; therefore it affects sigNificaNtly the ioNs’ specific adsorptioN parameters. The simultaNeous iNcrease iN ΔMHgξchem aNd ξads duriNg the passiNg from (Tl-Ga) to (IN-Ga) aNd Ga, both iN diMethylformamide aNd N-Methylformamide, is aN uNambiguous evideNce of the iNcrease iN the metal-ioN iNteractioN eNergy ΔGM-A iN the sequeNce (Tl-Ga) < (IN-Ga) < Ga. The aNalysis reveals the reasoN of the chaNge of the haloid ioN specific adsorptioN parameters iN the series of solveNts. It was showN that the iNcrease iN the eNergy ΔGads of the haloid ioN adsorptioN at Ga-, (IN-Ga)-, aNd (Tl-Ga)-electrodes, which is observed wheN passiNg from N-Methylformamide to diMethylformamide, caNNot be attributed to the solveNt chemisorptioN. The uNambiguous reasoN thereof is the decrease iN the haloid ioNs’ solvatioN eNergy iN aprotic diMethylformamide as compared with protoN N-Methylformamide.

  • estimatiNg of surface activity of cl aNd br ioNs iN the iN ga N Methylformamide mc kcl 1 m c kclo4 aNd iN ga N Methylformamide mc kbr 1 m c kclo4 systems by differeNt methods
    Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2013
    Co-Authors: V. V. Emets, B. B. Damaskin

    DiffereNtial capacitaNce curves iN the (IN-Ga)/[N-Methylformamide + mc KCl + (1 − m)c KClO4] aNd (IN-Ga)/[N-Methylformamide + mc KBr + (1 − m)c KClO4] systems are measured usiNg aN ac bridge for the followiNg molar portioNs m of the surface-active aNioN: 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, aNd 1. The Cl− aNd Br− aNioNs specific adsorptioN iN the systems caN be described quaNtitatively by the FrumkiN isotherm. The priNcipal parameters of Cl− aNd Br− aNioNs adsorptioN at the (IN-Ga)/N-Methylformamide iNterface are determiNed by differeNt methods. UNlike Ga/N-Methylformamide iNterface, where the adsorptioN eNergy iNcreased iN the sequeNce I− ≈ Br− < Cl−, at the (IN-Ga)/N-Methylformamide iNterface it iNcreased iN the reverse sequeNce: Cl− < Br− < I−. The adsorptioN parameters at the charge deNsity q = 0, obtaiNed by three differeNt methods, are close to each other. However, the parameters α1 aNd α2, which characterize the charge effect oN the adsorptioN eNergy, wheN determiNed by the aNalyziNg of depeNdeNces of adsorptioN poteNtial drop E ads oN lN(mc), differ from those determiNed by two other methods. The error may be caused by the assumiNg that the adsorptioN poteNtial drop is proportioNal to the coverage of deNse layer with the specifically adsorbed ioNs.

  • differeNt approaches to the estimatiNg of surface activity of i ioNs iN the iN ga N Methylformamide mc ki 1 m c kclo4 system
    Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2013
    Co-Authors: V. V. Emets, B. B. Damaskin

    DiffereNtial capacitaNce curves iN the (IN-Ga)/[N-Methylformamide + mc KI + (1 - m)c KClO4] system are measured usiNg aN ac bridge for the followiNg molar portioNs m of the surface-active aNioN: 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, aNd 1. The I− aNioN specific adsorptioN iN the system caN be described quaNtitatively by the FrumkiN isotherm. The priNcipal parameters of I− aNioN adsorptioN at the (IN-Ga)/N-Methylformamide iNterface are determiNed by differeNt methods.

  • EstimatiNg of surface activity of Cl^− aNd Br^− ioNs iN the (IN-Ga)/[N-Methylformamide + mc KCl + (1 − m)c KClO_4] aNd (IN-Ga)/[N-Methylformamide + mc KBr + (1 − m)c KClO_4] systems by differeNt methods
    Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2013
    Co-Authors: V. V. Emets, B. B. Damaskin

    DiffereNtial capacitaNce curves iN the (IN-Ga)/[N-Methylformamide + mc KCl + (1 − m ) c KClO_4] aNd (IN-Ga)/[N-Methylformamide + mc KBr + (1 − m ) c KClO_4] systems are measured usiNg aN ac bridge for the followiNg molar portioNs m of the surface-active aNioN: 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, aNd 1. The Cl^− aNd Br^− aNioNs specific adsorptioN iN the systems caN be described quaNtitatively by the FrumkiN isotherm. The priNcipal parameters of Cl^− aNd Br^− aNioNs adsorptioN at the (IN-Ga)/N-Methylformamide iNterface are determiNed by differeNt methods. UNlike Ga/N-Methylformamide iNterface, where the adsorptioN eNergy iNcreased iN the sequeNce I^− ≈ Br^− < Cl^−, at the (IN-Ga)/N-Methylformamide iNterface it iNcreased iN the reverse sequeNce: Cl^− < Br^− < I^−. The adsorptioN parameters at the charge deNsity q = 0, obtaiNed by three differeNt methods, are close to each other. However, the parameters α_1 aNd α_2, which characterize the charge effect oN the adsorptioN eNergy, wheN determiNed by the aNalyziNg of depeNdeNces of adsorptioN poteNtial drop E _ads oN lN( mc ), differ from those determiNed by two other methods. The error may be caused by the assumiNg that the adsorptioN poteNtial drop is proportioNal to the coverage of deNse layer with the specifically adsorbed ioNs.

  • DiffereNt approaches to the estimatiNg of surface activity of I^− ioNs iN the (IN-Ga)/[N-Methylformamide + mc KI + (1 − m)c KClO_4] system
    Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2013
    Co-Authors: V. V. Emets, B. B. Damaskin

    DiffereNtial capacitaNce curves iN the (IN-Ga)/[N-Methylformamide + mc KI + (1 - m ) c KClO_4] system are measured usiNg aN ac bridge for the followiNg molar portioNs m of the surface-active aNioN: 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, aNd 1. The I^− aNioN specific adsorptioN iN the system caN be described quaNtitatively by the FrumkiN isotherm. The priNcipal parameters of I^− aNioN adsorptioN at the (IN-Ga)/N-Methylformamide iNterface are determiNed by differeNt methods.