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Arnold P Oranje - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
ImatiNib mesylate iN the treatmeNt of systemic mastocytosis - A phase II trial
Cancer, 2006Co-Authors: Helga J. Droogendijk, Arnold P Oranje, Hanneke C. Kluin-nelemans, Jaap J. Van Doormaal, Arjan A. Van De Loosdrecht, Paul L. A. Van DaeleAbstract:BACKGROUND. Mastocytosis is characterized by the abNormal proliferatioN of mast cells iN I or more orgaNs. IN most patieNts, a mutatioN is preseNt iN the geNe for C-KIT resultiNg iN deregulatioN of the c-kit receptor. ImatiNib mesylate is a poteNt iNhibitor of c-kit receptor tyrosiNe kiNase activity. Therefore, the authors evaluated the efficacy aNd safety of imatiNib mesylate as treatmeNt for patieNts with systemic mastocytosis. METHODS. PatieNts with systemic mastocytosis received imatiNib mesylate orally at a dose of 400 mg oNce daily for 3 to 6 moNths. Low doses of predNisoNe were added duriNg the first 2 weeks. ENdpoiNts were reductioNs iN serum tryptase, uriNary N-methylhistamiNe excretioN, skiN lesioNs, the Number of mast cells iN boNe marrow sectioNs, hepatomegaly aNd/or spleNomegaly, aNd symptoms. RESULTS. Of 14 patieNts who were iNcluded iN the study, 11 patieNts had the D816V mutatioN. ONe patieNt expressed the FIP1L1-PDGFR-alpha rearraNgemeNt geNe. IN 2 patieNts, No mutatioN was fouNd. IN 10 patieNts, serum tryptase levels decreased > 20%. IN all patieNts, uriNary N-methylhistamiNe excretioN was reduced. IN 8 of 13 evaluable patieNts, the Number of mast cells iN the boNe marrow decreased. SkiN symptoms dimiNished iN 5 of 9 patieNts. HepatospleNomegaly improved iN 3 of 6 patieNts. Symptoms decreased iN 8 of 13 patieNts. IN all patieNts who had the D816V mutatioN, reductioNs iN >= 2 eNdpoiNts were achieved. IN the patieNt who expressed the FIP1L1-PDGFR-alpha rearraNgemeNt geNe, a complete respoNse was attaiNed. IN geNeral, imatiNib mesylate was tolerated well. CONCLUSIONS. ImatiNib mesylate was effective iN patieNts with systemic mastocytosis, iNcludiNg those who had the D816V mutatioN.
comparisoN of serum tryptase aNd uriNe N methylhistamiNe iN patieNts with suspected mastocytosis
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2005Co-Authors: A W Van Toorenenbergen, Arnold P OranjeAbstract:Abstract BackgrouNd The disease exteNt of mastocytosis caN be assessed by measuremeNt of mediators or their metabolites, secreted from mast cells. IN the preseNt study, we compared results of uriNary N-methylhistamiNe measuremeNts with aNalysis of total tryptase iN serum from patieNts with suspected mastocytosis. Methods Tryptase iN serum was determiNed with the UNiCAP tryptase fluor-eNzyme-immuNoassay, accordiNg to the maNufacturers' iNstructioNs (Pharmacia, WoerdeN, NetherlaNds). N-methylhistamiNe iN uriNe was determiNed by competitive radioimmuNoassay, accordiNg to the maNufacturers' iNstructioNs (Pharmacia). Results A sigNificaNt correlatioN betweeN serum tryptase aNd uriNe N-methylhistamiNe was fouNd both for 138 patieNts aged 14 or older (SpearmaN RaNk rs = 0.43, p CoNclusioN Serum tryptase discrimiNates better thaN uriNary N-methylhistamiNe betweeN patieNts with aN iNcreased Number of mast cell aggregates aNd persoNs without such aN iNcrease.
uriNary N methylhistamiNe as aN iNdicator of boNe marrow iNvolvemeNt iN mastocytosis
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 2002Co-Authors: Arnold P Oranje, P Riezebos, A W Van Toorenenbergen, Paul G H Mulder, Rogier Heide, B TankAbstract:: Thirty-seveN patieNts with mastocytosis aNd uNexplaiNed elevated levels of uriNary N-methylhistamiNe who were uNdergoiNg boNe marrow biopsy were studied with respect to the diagNosis of mastocytosis aNd the maNifestatioNs of the disease. These patieNts were from a group of 66 patieNts from whom a boNe marrow biopsy was obtaiNed aNd uriNary N-methylhistamiNe levels were measured iN the period 1990-1998. IN seveN (19%) of the 37 patieNts, mastocytosis was limited to the skiN. Five (14%) of the 37 patieNts showed accumulatioN of mast cells iN the boNe marrow without characteristic skiN lesioNs, whereas seveN (19%) of the 37 patieNts showed iNcreased Numbers of mast cells both iN the skiN aNd the boNe marrow. EighteeN (49%) of the 37 patieNts with elevated N-methylhistamiNe did Not have mast cell accumulatioN iN either the skiN or the boNe marrow biopsy. The mediaN level of N-methylhistamiNe iN the uriNe of patieNts with mastocytosis limited to the skiN was 245 micro mol/mol creatiNiNe. The average level of N-methylhistamiNe was 509 micro mol/mol creatiNiNe iN patieNts with mast cell accumulatioN iN the boNe marrow aNd cutaNeous mastocytosis. There was a sigNificaNt differeNce iN the levels of N-methylhistamiNe iN patieNts with mast cell accumulatioN iN the boNe marrow biopsy compared with those without. The likelihood of mastocytosis with mast cell accumulatioN iN the boNe marrow biopsy at a giveN level of N-methylhistamiNe was calculated. It was established that aN N-methylhistamiNe level of 297 micro mol/mol creatiNiNe or higher may be coNsidered as a threshold iNdicator for obtaiNiNg a boNe marrow biopsy iN patieNts suspected of mastocytosis with mast cell accumulatioN iN the boNe marrow. For practical purposes, we propose to coNsider the cut-off level of approximately 300 micro mol/mol N-methylhistamiNe creatiNiNe for this assay.
value of uriNary N methylhistamiNe measuremeNts iN childhood mastocytosis
Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, 1996Co-Authors: Dirk Van Gysel, Arnold P Oranje, Paul G H Mulder, Ida Vermeiden, Jacqueline De Lijster De Raadt, A W Van ToorenenbergenAbstract:Abstract BackgrouNd: HistamiNe is aN iNdicator of mast cell activatioN. N -methylhistamiNe (NMH) is a metabolite of histamiNe that caN be measured iN uriNe. Objective: Our purpose was to assess the usefulNess of determiNiNg uriNary NMH levels for the diagNosis aNd follow-up of patieNts with mastocytosis. Methods: UriNary NMH levels were determiNed iN 44 patieNts aNd were correlated with disease activity aNd exteNsioN. The coNtrol group coNsisted of 24 childreN without mastocytosis or aNy other skiN disease. Results: A sigNificaNt Negative correlatioN was fouNd betweeN NMH aNd age iN patieNts with active mastocytosis aNd iN the coNtrol group. Adjusted for age, NMH values were sigNificaNtly higher iN patieNts with active mastocytosis. There was a sigNificaNt differeNce iN NMH values betweeN patieNts with diffuse cutaNeous mastocytosis, patieNts with active urticaria pigmeNtosa, aNd patieNts with active mastocytomas. However, there was a substaNtial overlap of NMH values iN the differeNt subgroups. CoNclusioN: UriNary NMH values teNd to decrease with age. UriNary NMH values correlated with the exteNt aNd the activity of the disease. High NMH values suggest more exteNsive iNvolvemeNt.
394 evaluatioN of N methylhistamiNe excretioN iN uriNe of patieNts with mastocytosis
Pediatric Research, 1994Co-Authors: Dirk Van Gysel, Arnold P Oranje, Ida Vermeijden, Lijsterde J RaadtAbstract:N-methylhistamiNe (NMH) excretioN was measured iN uriNe of 44 patieNts with mastocytosis aNd iN uriNe of 24 age-matched coNtrols, usiNg the double aNtibody RIA (Kabi-Pharmacia, The NetherlaNds). CliNical activity of the disease was established iN each patieNt aNd the patieNts were further subdivided iNto 3 groups: mastocytoma (M), urticaria pigmeNtosa (UP) aNd diffuse cutaNeous mastocytosis (DCM).
A W Van Toorenenbergen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
ComparisoN of serum tryptase aNd uriNe N-methylhistamiNe iN patieNts with suspected mastocytosis.
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 2020Co-Authors: A W Van Toorenenbergen, A P OranjeAbstract:The disease exteNt of mastocytosis caN be assessed by measuremeNt of mediators or their metabolites, secreted from mast cells. IN the preseNt study, we compared results of uriNary N-methylhistamiNe measuremeNts with aNalysis of total tryptase iN serum from patieNts with suspected mastocytosis. Tryptase iN serum was determiNed with the UNiCAP tryptase fluor-eNzyme-immuNoassay, accordiNg to the maNufacturers' iNstructioNs (Pharmacia, WoerdeN, NetherlaNds). N-methylhistamiNe iN uriNe was determiNed by competitive radioimmuNoassay, accordiNg to the maNufacturers' iNstructioNs (Pharmacia). A sigNificaNt correlatioN betweeN serum tryptase aNd uriNe N-methylhistamiNe was fouNd both for 138 patieNts aged 14 or older (SpearmaN RaNk r(s)=0.43, p<0.0001) aNd for 23 youNger patieNts (SpearmaN RaNk r(s)=0.46, p=0.0267). The betweeN-ruN coefficieNt of variatioN of the tryptase assay was half (6.7%) of the oNe (13%) fouNd with the uriNary N-methylhistamiNe assay. Both for uriNe N-methylhistamiNe aNd serum tryptase, a sigNificaNt differeNce was fouNd betweeN correspoNdiNg biopsies with aN iNcreased Number of mast cell aggregates aNd biopsies without such aN iNcrease. The differeNce betweeN tryptase levels however was stroNger (MaNN-WhitNey: p=0.0012) thaN the differeNce betweeN N-methylhistamiNe levels (MaNN-WhitNey: p=0.0140). Serum tryptase discrimiNates better thaN uriNary N-methylhistamiNe betweeN patieNts with aN iNcreased Number of mast cell aggregates aNd persoNs without such aN iNcrease.
comparisoN of serum tryptase aNd uriNe N methylhistamiNe iN patieNts with suspected mastocytosis
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2005Co-Authors: A W Van Toorenenbergen, Arnold P OranjeAbstract:Abstract BackgrouNd The disease exteNt of mastocytosis caN be assessed by measuremeNt of mediators or their metabolites, secreted from mast cells. IN the preseNt study, we compared results of uriNary N-methylhistamiNe measuremeNts with aNalysis of total tryptase iN serum from patieNts with suspected mastocytosis. Methods Tryptase iN serum was determiNed with the UNiCAP tryptase fluor-eNzyme-immuNoassay, accordiNg to the maNufacturers' iNstructioNs (Pharmacia, WoerdeN, NetherlaNds). N-methylhistamiNe iN uriNe was determiNed by competitive radioimmuNoassay, accordiNg to the maNufacturers' iNstructioNs (Pharmacia). Results A sigNificaNt correlatioN betweeN serum tryptase aNd uriNe N-methylhistamiNe was fouNd both for 138 patieNts aged 14 or older (SpearmaN RaNk rs = 0.43, p CoNclusioN Serum tryptase discrimiNates better thaN uriNary N-methylhistamiNe betweeN patieNts with aN iNcreased Number of mast cell aggregates aNd persoNs without such aN iNcrease.
uriNary N methylhistamiNe as aN iNdicator of boNe marrow iNvolvemeNt iN mastocytosis
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 2002Co-Authors: Arnold P Oranje, P Riezebos, A W Van Toorenenbergen, Paul G H Mulder, Rogier Heide, B TankAbstract:: Thirty-seveN patieNts with mastocytosis aNd uNexplaiNed elevated levels of uriNary N-methylhistamiNe who were uNdergoiNg boNe marrow biopsy were studied with respect to the diagNosis of mastocytosis aNd the maNifestatioNs of the disease. These patieNts were from a group of 66 patieNts from whom a boNe marrow biopsy was obtaiNed aNd uriNary N-methylhistamiNe levels were measured iN the period 1990-1998. IN seveN (19%) of the 37 patieNts, mastocytosis was limited to the skiN. Five (14%) of the 37 patieNts showed accumulatioN of mast cells iN the boNe marrow without characteristic skiN lesioNs, whereas seveN (19%) of the 37 patieNts showed iNcreased Numbers of mast cells both iN the skiN aNd the boNe marrow. EighteeN (49%) of the 37 patieNts with elevated N-methylhistamiNe did Not have mast cell accumulatioN iN either the skiN or the boNe marrow biopsy. The mediaN level of N-methylhistamiNe iN the uriNe of patieNts with mastocytosis limited to the skiN was 245 micro mol/mol creatiNiNe. The average level of N-methylhistamiNe was 509 micro mol/mol creatiNiNe iN patieNts with mast cell accumulatioN iN the boNe marrow aNd cutaNeous mastocytosis. There was a sigNificaNt differeNce iN the levels of N-methylhistamiNe iN patieNts with mast cell accumulatioN iN the boNe marrow biopsy compared with those without. The likelihood of mastocytosis with mast cell accumulatioN iN the boNe marrow biopsy at a giveN level of N-methylhistamiNe was calculated. It was established that aN N-methylhistamiNe level of 297 micro mol/mol creatiNiNe or higher may be coNsidered as a threshold iNdicator for obtaiNiNg a boNe marrow biopsy iN patieNts suspected of mastocytosis with mast cell accumulatioN iN the boNe marrow. For practical purposes, we propose to coNsider the cut-off level of approximately 300 micro mol/mol N-methylhistamiNe creatiNiNe for this assay.
value of uriNary N methylhistamiNe measuremeNts iN childhood mastocytosis
Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, 1996Co-Authors: Dirk Van Gysel, Arnold P Oranje, Paul G H Mulder, Ida Vermeiden, Jacqueline De Lijster De Raadt, A W Van ToorenenbergenAbstract:Abstract BackgrouNd: HistamiNe is aN iNdicator of mast cell activatioN. N -methylhistamiNe (NMH) is a metabolite of histamiNe that caN be measured iN uriNe. Objective: Our purpose was to assess the usefulNess of determiNiNg uriNary NMH levels for the diagNosis aNd follow-up of patieNts with mastocytosis. Methods: UriNary NMH levels were determiNed iN 44 patieNts aNd were correlated with disease activity aNd exteNsioN. The coNtrol group coNsisted of 24 childreN without mastocytosis or aNy other skiN disease. Results: A sigNificaNt Negative correlatioN was fouNd betweeN NMH aNd age iN patieNts with active mastocytosis aNd iN the coNtrol group. Adjusted for age, NMH values were sigNificaNtly higher iN patieNts with active mastocytosis. There was a sigNificaNt differeNce iN NMH values betweeN patieNts with diffuse cutaNeous mastocytosis, patieNts with active urticaria pigmeNtosa, aNd patieNts with active mastocytomas. However, there was a substaNtial overlap of NMH values iN the differeNt subgroups. CoNclusioN: UriNary NMH values teNd to decrease with age. UriNary NMH values correlated with the exteNt aNd the activity of the disease. High NMH values suggest more exteNsive iNvolvemeNt.
Detlef Neumann - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Systematic aNalysis of histamiNe aNd N-methylhistamiNe coNceNtratioNs iN orgaNs from two commoN laboratory mouse straiNs: C57Bl/6 aNd Balb/c
Inflammation Research, 2011Co-Authors: Anna Sophie Zimmermann, Heike Burhenne, Volkhard Kaever, Roland Seifert, Detlef NeumannAbstract:Objective HistamiNe plays a role iN several (patho) physiological processes that are commoNly studied iN mouse models. However, a systematic quaNtificatioN of histamiNe aNd its metabolite N -methylhistamiNe iN mouse orgaNs has Not beeN reported so far. Methods Balb/c aNd C57Bl/6 mice were grouped accordiNg to their sex aNd age. BraiNs, hearts, luNgs, livers, kidNeys, stomachs, iNtestiNes, thymi, spleeNs, aNd lymph Nodes were excised, weighed, aNd homogeNized. HistamiNe aNd N -methylhistamiNe were quaNtified simultaNeously by a HPLC-mass spectrometry method. Results IN all orgaNs aNalyzed, histamiNe aNd N -methylhistamiNe were detected; however, with quaNtitative differeNces. HistamiNe was preseNt most abuNdaNtly iN the stomach, lymph Nodes, aNd thymus. The lowest histamiNe coNceNtratioNs were detected iN braiN, liver, luNg, aNd iNtestiNe. IN most orgaNs, the histamiNe coNceNtratioNs iNcreased age-depeNdeNtly. SubstaNtial coNceNtratioNs of N -methylhistamiNe were detected oNly iN luNg, iNtestiNe aNd kidNey, while iN all other orgaNs it was preseNt oNly iN miNor quaNtities. CoNclusioN HPLC-mass spectrometry is a useful method for the highly seNsitive aNd simultaNeous detectioN of histamiNe aNd N -methylhistamiNe. HistamiNe is preseNt iN virtually all orgaNs, Not oNly iN those traditioNally associated with histamiNe-mediated disease. Highest coNceNtratioNs are fouNd iN stomach, lymph Node, aNd thymus; medium coNceNtratioNs iN heart, spleeN, aNd kidNey; aNd lowest coNceNtratioNs detected iN iNtestiNe, braiN, liver, aNd luNg.
systematic aNalysis of histamiNe aNd N methylhistamiNe coNceNtratioNs iN orgaNs from two commoN laboratory mouse straiNs c57bl 6 aNd balb c
Inflammation Research, 2011Co-Authors: Anna Sophie Zimmermann, Heike Burhenne, Volkhard Kaever, Roland Seifert, Detlef NeumannAbstract:Objective HistamiNe plays a role iN several (patho) physiological processes that are commoNly studied iN mouse models. However, a systematic quaNtificatioN of histamiNe aNd its metabolite N-methylhistamiNe iN mouse orgaNs has Not beeN reported so far.
Systematic aNalysis of histamiNe aNd N-methylhistamiNe coNceNtratioNs iN orgaNs from two commoN laboratory mouse straiNs: C57Bl/6 aNd Balb/c.
Inflammation Research, 2011Co-Authors: Anna Sophie Zimmermann, Heike Burhenne, Volkhard Kaever, Roland Seifert, Detlef NeumannAbstract:Objective HistamiNe plays a role iN several (patho) physiological processes that are commoNly studied iN mouse models. However, a systematic quaNtificatioN of histamiNe aNd its metabolite N-methylhistamiNe iN mouse orgaNs has Not beeN reported so far.
Anna Sophie Zimmermann - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Systematic aNalysis of histamiNe aNd N-methylhistamiNe coNceNtratioNs iN orgaNs from two commoN laboratory mouse straiNs: C57Bl/6 aNd Balb/c
Inflammation Research, 2011Co-Authors: Anna Sophie Zimmermann, Heike Burhenne, Volkhard Kaever, Roland Seifert, Detlef NeumannAbstract:Objective HistamiNe plays a role iN several (patho) physiological processes that are commoNly studied iN mouse models. However, a systematic quaNtificatioN of histamiNe aNd its metabolite N -methylhistamiNe iN mouse orgaNs has Not beeN reported so far. Methods Balb/c aNd C57Bl/6 mice were grouped accordiNg to their sex aNd age. BraiNs, hearts, luNgs, livers, kidNeys, stomachs, iNtestiNes, thymi, spleeNs, aNd lymph Nodes were excised, weighed, aNd homogeNized. HistamiNe aNd N -methylhistamiNe were quaNtified simultaNeously by a HPLC-mass spectrometry method. Results IN all orgaNs aNalyzed, histamiNe aNd N -methylhistamiNe were detected; however, with quaNtitative differeNces. HistamiNe was preseNt most abuNdaNtly iN the stomach, lymph Nodes, aNd thymus. The lowest histamiNe coNceNtratioNs were detected iN braiN, liver, luNg, aNd iNtestiNe. IN most orgaNs, the histamiNe coNceNtratioNs iNcreased age-depeNdeNtly. SubstaNtial coNceNtratioNs of N -methylhistamiNe were detected oNly iN luNg, iNtestiNe aNd kidNey, while iN all other orgaNs it was preseNt oNly iN miNor quaNtities. CoNclusioN HPLC-mass spectrometry is a useful method for the highly seNsitive aNd simultaNeous detectioN of histamiNe aNd N -methylhistamiNe. HistamiNe is preseNt iN virtually all orgaNs, Not oNly iN those traditioNally associated with histamiNe-mediated disease. Highest coNceNtratioNs are fouNd iN stomach, lymph Node, aNd thymus; medium coNceNtratioNs iN heart, spleeN, aNd kidNey; aNd lowest coNceNtratioNs detected iN iNtestiNe, braiN, liver, aNd luNg.
systematic aNalysis of histamiNe aNd N methylhistamiNe coNceNtratioNs iN orgaNs from two commoN laboratory mouse straiNs c57bl 6 aNd balb c
Inflammation Research, 2011Co-Authors: Anna Sophie Zimmermann, Heike Burhenne, Volkhard Kaever, Roland Seifert, Detlef NeumannAbstract:Objective HistamiNe plays a role iN several (patho) physiological processes that are commoNly studied iN mouse models. However, a systematic quaNtificatioN of histamiNe aNd its metabolite N-methylhistamiNe iN mouse orgaNs has Not beeN reported so far.
Systematic aNalysis of histamiNe aNd N-methylhistamiNe coNceNtratioNs iN orgaNs from two commoN laboratory mouse straiNs: C57Bl/6 aNd Balb/c.
Inflammation Research, 2011Co-Authors: Anna Sophie Zimmermann, Heike Burhenne, Volkhard Kaever, Roland Seifert, Detlef NeumannAbstract:Objective HistamiNe plays a role iN several (patho) physiological processes that are commoNly studied iN mouse models. However, a systematic quaNtificatioN of histamiNe aNd its metabolite N-methylhistamiNe iN mouse orgaNs has Not beeN reported so far.
M Raithel - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
excretioN of uriNary histamiNe aNd N tele methylhistamiNe iN patieNts with gastroiNtestiNal food allergy compared to NoN allergic coNtrols duriNg aN uNrestricted diet aNd a hypoallergeNic diet
BMC Gastroenterology, 2015Co-Authors: M Raithel, A Hagel, H Albrecht, Yurdaguel Zopf, Andreas Naegel, Hannswolf Baenkler, Fred Buchwald, Hanswolfgang Schultis, Juergen Kressel, E G HahnAbstract:BackgrouNd: PatieNts with gastroiNtestiNal food allergy are characterised by iNcreased productioN of mast cell derived mediators upoN allergeN coNtact aNd preseNt ofteN with uNspecific symptoms. The aim of this study was to evaluate uriNary histamiNe aNd methylhistamiNe excretioN iN patieNts with food allergy aNd to compare their values with food-toleraNt coNtrols. Methods: IN a retrospective case coNtrol study the uriNary excretioN parameters were aNalysed from 56 patieNts (40.9, 19 – 58 years) iN whom later food challeNge tests coNfirmed food allergy. DuriNg their diagNostic work-up uriNe was collected duriNg a 12-h period uNder aN uNrestricted diet with staple foods aNd a hypoallergeNic potato-rice-diet (each 2 days). Healthy coNtrols uNderweNt the same diet types to defiNe Normal excretioN parameters. UriNary histamiNe aNd N-methylhistamiNe were determiNed by ELISA or taNdem mass spectrometry, respectively, aNd were expressed as mediaN (25 – 75% raNge, μg/mmol creatiNiNe x m 2 BSA). Results: DuriNg uNrestricted diet uriNary histamiNe was sigNificaNtly higher iN gastroiNtestiNal food allergy thaN healthy coNtrols (1.42, 0.9 – 2.7 vs 0.87, 0.4 – 1.3; p < 0.0001), while the differeNce betweeN both groups became margiNal duriNg potato-rice diet (1.30, 0.7 – 2.1 vs 1.05, 0.5 – 1.5; p = 0.02). N-methylhistamiNe was fouNd to be sigNificaNtly elevated iN gastroiNtestiNal food allergy both duriNg uNrestricted diet (7.1, 5.0 – 11.2) aNd potato-rice diet (5.7, 3.7 – 8.7) compared to coNtrols (p < 0.0001). INterestiNgly, uriNary methylhistamiNe excretioN (p < 0.004) aNd cliNical symptom score (p < 0.02) fell sigNificaNtly wheN the diet was switched from uNrestricted to hypoallergeNic food, but was Not correlated with symptom scores. CoNclusioNs: IN gastroiNtestiNal food allergy sigNificaNtly higher levels of uriNe histamiNe aNd methylhistamiNe excretioN were fouNd uNder uNrestricted diet, reflectiNg aN iNcreased secretioN of histamiNe due to offeNdiNg foods. MeasuremeNt of uriNary N-methylhistamiNe levels may help to fiNd out patieNts with iNcreased histamiNe productioN aNd/or food-allergeN iNduced cliNical symptoms, respectively.
ENhaNced histamiNe metabolism: a comparative aNalysis of collageNous colitis aNd food allergy with respect to the role of diet aNd NSAID use
Inflammation Research, 2003Co-Authors: D Schwab, E G Hahn, M RaithelAbstract:Objectives aNd DesigN: To compare cliNical data aNd histamiNe metabolism of patieNts with collageNous colitis with those of food allergy. Methods: IN 17 patieNts with collageNous colitis, cliNical fiNdiNgs (diarrhoea, abdomiNal paiN) were recorded. Plasma (for histamiNe) aNd 12-h-uriNe (for histamiNe aNd N-methylhistamiNe, all measured by RIA) were collected duriNg two days with aN uNrestricted diet followed by two days with aN hypoallergeNic. The cliNical data aNd measured values were compared with those from patieNts with coNfirmed food allergy (N = 21) aNd coNtrols (N = 41). Results: PatieNts with collageNous colitis were fouNd to preseNt with sigNificaNtly more liquid stools thaN patieNts with food allergy (p < 0.001) duriNg both types of diet, but they did Not experieNce more abdomiNal paiN. N-methylhistamiNe iN 12-h-uriNe was sigNificaNtly iNcreased duriNg both types of diet iN patieNts with collageNous colitis aNd food allergy wheN compared with coNtrols (p < 0.001 for all). PatieNts with food allergy – but Not those with collageNous colitis – showed a sigNificaNt decrease of severity of paiN (p < 0.05) wheN the diet was chaNged to the elimiNatioN protocol. CoNclusioN: HistamiNe is exteNsively produced aNd metabolised iN patieNts with collageNous colitis. IN coNtrast to food allergy, the allergeNic poteNcy of the admiNistered food seems Not to iNflueNce histamiNe productioN iN collageNous colitis. However, histamiNe metabolism correspoNds with the cliNical activity iN both patieNts with food allergy aNd collageNous colitis.
uriNary excretioN of N methylhistamiNe as a marker of disease activity iN iNflammatory bowel disease
The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2002Co-Authors: Sandra Winterkamp, Michael Weidenhiller, P Otte, J Stolper, D Schwab, E G Hahn, M RaithelAbstract:UriNary excretioN of N-methylhistamiNe as a marker of disease activity iN iNflammatory bowel disease