Natural Surveillance

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Van Nes A. - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Sexual Violence in the City: Space, Gender, and the Occurrence of Sexual Violence in Rotterdam
    'MDPI AG', 2020
    Co-Authors: Vansetti Miranda Julia, Van Nes A.

    There is a need for knowledge of how the spatial features of the urban environment can shape the potential for safe streets and a gender inclusive society. This research reveals the relationship between a built environment’s spatial features, the presence of various types of people, and gender-based sexual violence in the public space of four neighborhoods in Rotterdam. Detailed sexual violence data are obtained from the police on a street resolution level for correlation with the spatial data on a micro and macro scale level (the space syntax method) and registrations regarding human behavior on streets at different time periods. Pooled Poisson regression models were created to explain the number of sexual violence reports per street and per block. The result is that there are correlations between the occurrence of sexual crimes, the number of people and women on the streets, local spatial integration, the land use of streets, and temporal aspects. Non-residential streets are safe during the day but become dangerous at night, and mixed land use is safer than mono-functional areas. A high degree of inter-visibility for entrances generates high degree of Natural Surveillance, resulting in greater safety on streets. A residential street with higher flow of people has fewer incidents than mono-functional commercial blocks. Commercial blocks have higher numbers of incidents at night due to the lack of Natural Surveillance from windows on the ground floor after shops close.Spatial Planning and Strateg

Vansetti Miranda Julia - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Sexual Violence in the City: Space, Gender, and the Occurrence of Sexual Violence in Rotterdam
    'MDPI AG', 2020
    Co-Authors: Vansetti Miranda Julia, Van Nes A.

    There is a need for knowledge of how the spatial features of the urban environment can shape the potential for safe streets and a gender inclusive society. This research reveals the relationship between a built environment’s spatial features, the presence of various types of people, and gender-based sexual violence in the public space of four neighborhoods in Rotterdam. Detailed sexual violence data are obtained from the police on a street resolution level for correlation with the spatial data on a micro and macro scale level (the space syntax method) and registrations regarding human behavior on streets at different time periods. Pooled Poisson regression models were created to explain the number of sexual violence reports per street and per block. The result is that there are correlations between the occurrence of sexual crimes, the number of people and women on the streets, local spatial integration, the land use of streets, and temporal aspects. Non-residential streets are safe during the day but become dangerous at night, and mixed land use is safer than mono-functional areas. A high degree of inter-visibility for entrances generates high degree of Natural Surveillance, resulting in greater safety on streets. A residential street with higher flow of people has fewer incidents than mono-functional commercial blocks. Commercial blocks have higher numbers of incidents at night due to the lack of Natural Surveillance from windows on the ground floor after shops close.Spatial Planning and Strateg

Van Asten Timo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Measuring Natural Surveillance at Scale: An Automated Method for Investigating the Relation Between the 'Eyes on the Street' and Urban Safety
    Co-Authors: Van Asten Timo

    To create safe urban areas, it is important to gain insight into what influences the (perceived) safety of our cities and human settlements. One of the factors that can contribute to safety is the way urban spaces are designed. Previous work has highlighted the importance of Natural Surveillance: a type of Surveillance that is a byproduct of how citizens normally and routinely use the environment. However, studying this concept is not a trivial task. Manual approaches such as observation studies are costly and time consuming and have therefore often limited themselves to smaller geographical areas. In this work, we present a methodology that can automatically provide an estimate of Natural Surveillance by detecting building openings (i.e. windows and doors) in street level imagery and localizing them in 3 dimensions. The proposed method is able to estimate Natural Surveillance at the street segment level, while simultaneously being able to gather data on a whole city in a matter of hours. We then apply our method to the city of Amsterdam to analyze the relationship between Natural Surveillance and urban safety using the Amsterdam Safety Index. We conclude that our chosen operationalization of Natural Surveillance (road surveillability and occupant surveillability) is correlated with decreases in high impact crime and nuisance as well as increases in perceived safety. Furthermore we provide evidence for the existence of a threshold after which extra Natural Surveillance is no longer associated with higher degrees of safety. Github repositor

Seok-jin Kang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Crime Prevention in Ethnic Areas Focusing on Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
    Co-Authors: Seok-jin Kang

    The purpose of this study is to consider crime prevention measures in ethnic areas focusing on Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) by an analysis of crime data and field survey. In this study, it was found that the main type of foreign crime that occurred in the research area was violence, and crimes committed by Koreans, which were mainly violence and crimes such as burglary, theft, robbery, and sexual offences, occurred steadily. Because it was found that crimes were related to the urban planning elements comprised of land use such as traditional market, inn, pub, and complicated space structure and the architectural design for Natural Surveillance and security facilities such as CCTV, lighting, alarm, and target hardening device, a new strategy for crime prevention design should include street environmental management, improvement of commercial facilities, and reinforcement security device of each buildings has to be spread through support of policy. In conclusion it was thought that CPTED would be a valuable measure to prevention crime and support community activities in ethnic area as expecting an improvement of physical environment and resident participatory for safer community.

Johansson Linn - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Miljonprogrammets inflytande på kvinnans upplevda trygghet i staden : En kvalitativ fallstudie på miljonprogramsområdet Sätra, Gävle
    Högskolan i Gävle Samhällsbyggnad, 2020
    Co-Authors: Johansson Linn

    Sätra är en stadsdel i Gävle kommun som byggdes under miljonprogrammet. När Sätra byggdes var många av byggnaderna standardiserade för kostnadseffektivitet. Stadsdelen har idag ett rykte med brottsproblematik och otrygga invånare, allra mest kvinnorna. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om standardiseringen har påverkat tryggheten hos Sätras kvinnliga invånare negativt. Målet är att ta fram ett förslag på hur Sätra kan förbättra tryggheten. Med detta tas gestaltningsförslag fram på otrygga platser för att visualisera hur tryggheten kan förbättras med fysisk utformning. För att genomföra detta arbete har då en multimetod applicerats. Den första metoden för att samla kvalitativa data var genom platsanalyser på studieområdet. Där utfördes tre platsanalyser: en på dagen, en på kvällen och en igen på dagen för att samla ytterliga information. Sedan skickades en enkät ut till Sätraborna för att samla in deras åsikter. De fick även svara hur trygg eller otrygg de känner sig på vissa platser för att peka ut vilka av dessa platser som är mest otrygga. De platserna kunde sedan analyseras mer för att ta reda på vilka faktorer som de har gemensamt för att kunna identifiera vad som påverkar tryggheten. Detta data användes för att skapa en heatmap. Genom brottsdata insamlat från polisen kunde en heatmap för brottsplatser skapas och jämföras med otrygghetskartan. Slutligen med hjälp av teori och dessa metoder togs förslag fram på hur dessa otrygga platser kan förbättras. Svarsfrekvensen på enkäten var 48 kvinnor av 61 respondenter, så enkäten representerar inte vad hela Sätra tycker tillräckligt. Tack vare teori och hjälp från en expert inom ämnet kunde trots allt resultatet valideras. Faktorer som kan påverka tryggheten är belysning, siktlinjer, naturlig övervakning, rykte, image, underhåll och mänsklig aktivitet. Sätra har flertal av dessa listade faktorer, men belysning, underhåll, siktlinjer och ett stärkt samfund är det som saknas mest. Ryktet är även en influerande faktor, som med hjälp av en bättre image och gemenskap i stadsdelen kan stärka tryggheten. Det finns många olika faktorer kring trygghet och säkerhet som är svåra att besvara i ett examensarbete. Men den tydligaste slutsatsen att dra efter denna studie är att Sätra Centrum och de intilliggande områdena är i stort behov av underhåll, bättre belysning och ett förstärkt samfund med hjälp av bättre image.Nyckelord:Sätra is a district in Gävle municipality in Sweden, which was built during the Million Programme. When Sätra was built, many of the buildings were standardised for cost effectiveness. The district has today a bad reputation with crime problems and citizens who feel unsafe, particularly the women. The aim of this study is to find out if the standardization has negatively affected the perceived safety of Sätra’s female inhabitants. The objective is to bring forth a suggestion on how Sätra can improve the perceived safety of the area, and to create a design proposal on how these areas can improve through physical design. To accomplish this objective a multi method have been applied. The first method was site analysis on the study area, which of three were carried through two on during daytime and one during the evening. A survey was also sent out to habitants of Sätra to collect their opinions on the matter. They also had to answer how safe or unsafe they felt on different picked out places to analyse which components the unsafe areas have in common. This data was also used to make a heat map, and crime statistics data was collected from the police to make a heat map. These two heat maps were later compared. Lastly, a design proposal was brought forth. The response rate of the survey was 48 women out of 61 responses. Therefore, the survey does not completely represent what everyone of Sätra’s residents think. However, thanks to earlier research and the help of an expert in the subject the results could be validated. Factors that affect the perceived safety are lighting, sightlines, Natural Surveillance, reputation, image, maintenance, and human activity. Sätra has several factors that plays into the lack of perceived safety, but lighting, maintenance, sightlines, and a strengthened community is what is missing the most. Reputation is also an influential factor, which with the help of a strengthened image and stronger community in the district can improve the perceived safety. There are many different factors playing in to perceived safety and actual safety that are hard to answer in a bachelor thesis. However, the most evident conclusion to draw from this study is that Sätra Centrum and its neighbouring residential areas need maintenance, improved lighting, and a reinforced community and image