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Frank E Jones - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
erbb4 her4 potentiates stat5a transcriptional activity by regulating novel stat5a serine Phosphorylation events
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005Co-Authors: Diane E Clark, Christopher C Williams, Tamika T Duplessis, Kimberly L Moring, Amy R Notwick, Weiwen Long, William S Lane, Iwan Beuvink, Nancy E Hynes, Frank E JonesAbstract:Abstract The epidermal growth factor receptor family member ERBB4 is required for mammary gland development and lactation. ERBB4 activities in the breast are mediated through the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family member STAT5A, and ERBB4 directly activates STAT5A, in part, through Phosphorylation of STAT5A at the regulatory Tyr-694. Here we show that STAT5A regulation by ERBB4 is also mediated through STAT5A serine Phosphorylation. Using a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis of proteolytically digested STAT5A coexpressed with ERBB4, we identified STAT5A serine Phosphorylations at the previously described Ser-779 and at the novel Ser-127/Ser-128. Immunohistochemistry of wild-type and ERBB4-null mammary glands at late pregnancy showed that ERBB4 expression was required for STAT5A Phosphorylation at Ser-779. Independent serine-to-alanine residue substitutions in full-length STAT5A revealed that although STAT5A Ser-779 Phosphorylation was dispensable for Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Tyr-694 and subsequent DNA binding, Ser-779 was required to stabilize an interaction with ERBB4 and mediate ERBB4-induced STAT5A stimulation of gene expression. STAT5A Ser-127/Ser-128, on the other hand, was required for ERBB4-induced Phosphorylation of Tyr-694, whereas Ser-779 and as yet unidentified tyrosine residues were phosphorylated in the absence of Ser-127/Ser-128. In addition, STAT5A S127A/S128A remained associated with ERBB4 but failed to bind DNA or activate transcription in response to ERBB4 coexpression. Our studies demonstrate that Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Ser-127/Ser-128 and Ser-779 are obligatory events regulating ERBB4-mediated activation of STAT5A.
ERBB4/HER4 potentiates STAT5A transcriptional activity by regulating novel STAT5A serine Phosphorylation events.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005Co-Authors: Diane E Clark, Christopher C Williams, Tamika T Duplessis, Kimberly L Moring, Amy R Notwick, Weiwen Long, William S Lane, Iwan Beuvink, Nancy E Hynes, Frank E JonesAbstract:Abstract The epidermal growth factor receptor family member ERBB4 is required for mammary gland development and lactation. ERBB4 activities in the breast are mediated through the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family member STAT5A, and ERBB4 directly activates STAT5A, in part, through Phosphorylation of STAT5A at the regulatory Tyr-694. Here we show that STAT5A regulation by ERBB4 is also mediated through STAT5A serine Phosphorylation. Using a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis of proteolytically digested STAT5A coexpressed with ERBB4, we identified STAT5A serine Phosphorylations at the previously described Ser-779 and at the novel Ser-127/Ser-128. Immunohistochemistry of wild-type and ERBB4-null mammary glands at late pregnancy showed that ERBB4 expression was required for STAT5A Phosphorylation at Ser-779. Independent serine-to-alanine residue substitutions in full-length STAT5A revealed that although STAT5A Ser-779 Phosphorylation was dispensable for Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Tyr-694 and subsequent DNA binding, Ser-779 was required to stabilize an interaction with ERBB4 and mediate ERBB4-induced STAT5A stimulation of gene expression. STAT5A Ser-127/Ser-128, on the other hand, was required for ERBB4-induced Phosphorylation of Tyr-694, whereas Ser-779 and as yet unidentified tyrosine residues were phosphorylated in the absence of Ser-127/Ser-128. In addition, STAT5A S127A/S128A remained associated with ERBB4 but failed to bind DNA or activate transcription in response to ERBB4 coexpression. Our studies demonstrate that Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Ser-127/Ser-128 and Ser-779 are obligatory events regulating ERBB4-mediated activation of STAT5A.
Diane E Clark - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
erbb4 her4 potentiates stat5a transcriptional activity by regulating novel stat5a serine Phosphorylation events
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005Co-Authors: Diane E Clark, Christopher C Williams, Tamika T Duplessis, Kimberly L Moring, Amy R Notwick, Weiwen Long, William S Lane, Iwan Beuvink, Nancy E Hynes, Frank E JonesAbstract:Abstract The epidermal growth factor receptor family member ERBB4 is required for mammary gland development and lactation. ERBB4 activities in the breast are mediated through the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family member STAT5A, and ERBB4 directly activates STAT5A, in part, through Phosphorylation of STAT5A at the regulatory Tyr-694. Here we show that STAT5A regulation by ERBB4 is also mediated through STAT5A serine Phosphorylation. Using a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis of proteolytically digested STAT5A coexpressed with ERBB4, we identified STAT5A serine Phosphorylations at the previously described Ser-779 and at the novel Ser-127/Ser-128. Immunohistochemistry of wild-type and ERBB4-null mammary glands at late pregnancy showed that ERBB4 expression was required for STAT5A Phosphorylation at Ser-779. Independent serine-to-alanine residue substitutions in full-length STAT5A revealed that although STAT5A Ser-779 Phosphorylation was dispensable for Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Tyr-694 and subsequent DNA binding, Ser-779 was required to stabilize an interaction with ERBB4 and mediate ERBB4-induced STAT5A stimulation of gene expression. STAT5A Ser-127/Ser-128, on the other hand, was required for ERBB4-induced Phosphorylation of Tyr-694, whereas Ser-779 and as yet unidentified tyrosine residues were phosphorylated in the absence of Ser-127/Ser-128. In addition, STAT5A S127A/S128A remained associated with ERBB4 but failed to bind DNA or activate transcription in response to ERBB4 coexpression. Our studies demonstrate that Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Ser-127/Ser-128 and Ser-779 are obligatory events regulating ERBB4-mediated activation of STAT5A.
ERBB4/HER4 potentiates STAT5A transcriptional activity by regulating novel STAT5A serine Phosphorylation events.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005Co-Authors: Diane E Clark, Christopher C Williams, Tamika T Duplessis, Kimberly L Moring, Amy R Notwick, Weiwen Long, William S Lane, Iwan Beuvink, Nancy E Hynes, Frank E JonesAbstract:Abstract The epidermal growth factor receptor family member ERBB4 is required for mammary gland development and lactation. ERBB4 activities in the breast are mediated through the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family member STAT5A, and ERBB4 directly activates STAT5A, in part, through Phosphorylation of STAT5A at the regulatory Tyr-694. Here we show that STAT5A regulation by ERBB4 is also mediated through STAT5A serine Phosphorylation. Using a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis of proteolytically digested STAT5A coexpressed with ERBB4, we identified STAT5A serine Phosphorylations at the previously described Ser-779 and at the novel Ser-127/Ser-128. Immunohistochemistry of wild-type and ERBB4-null mammary glands at late pregnancy showed that ERBB4 expression was required for STAT5A Phosphorylation at Ser-779. Independent serine-to-alanine residue substitutions in full-length STAT5A revealed that although STAT5A Ser-779 Phosphorylation was dispensable for Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Tyr-694 and subsequent DNA binding, Ser-779 was required to stabilize an interaction with ERBB4 and mediate ERBB4-induced STAT5A stimulation of gene expression. STAT5A Ser-127/Ser-128, on the other hand, was required for ERBB4-induced Phosphorylation of Tyr-694, whereas Ser-779 and as yet unidentified tyrosine residues were phosphorylated in the absence of Ser-127/Ser-128. In addition, STAT5A S127A/S128A remained associated with ERBB4 but failed to bind DNA or activate transcription in response to ERBB4 coexpression. Our studies demonstrate that Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Ser-127/Ser-128 and Ser-779 are obligatory events regulating ERBB4-mediated activation of STAT5A.
Brian H. Anderton - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Stress‐Activated Protein Kinase/c‐Jun N‐Terminal Kinase Phosphorylates τ Protein
Journal of Neurochemistry, 2002Co-Authors: C. Hugh Reynolds, Michelle A. Utton, G M Gibb, Alexandra Yates, Brian H. AndertonAbstract:Abstract: A proportion of the neuronal microtubule-associated protein (MAP) τ is highly phosphorylated in foetal and adult brain, whereas the majority of τ in the neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's patients is hyperphosphorylated; many of the Phosphorylation sites are serines or threonines followed by prolines. Several kinases phosphorylate τ at such sites in vitro. We have now shown that purified recombinant stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase, a proline-directed kinase of the MAP kinase extended family, phosphorylates recombinant τ in vitro on threonine and serine residues. Western blots using antibodies to Phosphorylation-dependent τ epitopes demonstrated that Phosphorylation occurs in both of the main phosphorylated regions of τ protein. Unlike glycogen synthase kinase-3, the c-Jun N-terminal kinase readily phosphorylates Thr205 and Ser422, which are more highly phosphorylated in Alzheimer τ than in foetal or adult τ. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 may preferentially phosphorylate the sites found physiologically, in foetal and to a smaller extent in adult τ, whereas stress-activated/c-Jun N-terminal kinase and/or other members of the extended MAP kinase family may be responsible for pathological proline-directed Phosphorylations. Inflammatory processes in Alzheimer brain might therefore contribute directly to the pathological formation of the hyperphosphorylated τ found in neurofibrillary tangles.
stress activated protein kinase c jun n terminal kinase phosphorylates τ protein
Journal of Neurochemistry, 2002Co-Authors: Hugh C Reynolds, Michelle A. Utton, G M Gibb, Alexandra Yates, Brian H. AndertonAbstract:Abstract: A proportion of the neuronal microtubule-associated protein (MAP) τ is highly phosphorylated in foetal and adult brain, whereas the majority of τ in the neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's patients is hyperphosphorylated; many of the Phosphorylation sites are serines or threonines followed by prolines. Several kinases phosphorylate τ at such sites in vitro. We have now shown that purified recombinant stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase, a proline-directed kinase of the MAP kinase extended family, phosphorylates recombinant τ in vitro on threonine and serine residues. Western blots using antibodies to Phosphorylation-dependent τ epitopes demonstrated that Phosphorylation occurs in both of the main phosphorylated regions of τ protein. Unlike glycogen synthase kinase-3, the c-Jun N-terminal kinase readily phosphorylates Thr205 and Ser422, which are more highly phosphorylated in Alzheimer τ than in foetal or adult τ. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 may preferentially phosphorylate the sites found physiologically, in foetal and to a smaller extent in adult τ, whereas stress-activated/c-Jun N-terminal kinase and/or other members of the extended MAP kinase family may be responsible for pathological proline-directed Phosphorylations. Inflammatory processes in Alzheimer brain might therefore contribute directly to the pathological formation of the hyperphosphorylated τ found in neurofibrillary tangles.
Gregory S. Kopf - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
regulation of protein tyrosine Phosphorylation during bovine sperm capacitation by a cyclic adenosine 3 5 monophosphate dependent pathway
Biology of Reproduction, 1997Co-Authors: Hannah Galantinohomer, Pablo E Visconti, Gregory S. KopfAbstract:: Mammalian sperm capacitation, defined as an obligatory maturational process leading to the development of the fertilization-competent state, results from a poorly understood series of morphological and molecular events. We report here that ejaculated bovine sperm, incubated under conditions that support capacitation in vitro, display a reproducible pattern of protein tyrosine Phosphorylations that are regulated by a cAMP-dependent pathway. The appearance of these tyrosine phosphorylated proteins correlated temporally with the time course of capacitation induced by heparin, and these Phosphorylations displayed a similar heparin concentration dependence. Glucose, which inhibits capacitation, inhibited these protein tyrosine Phosphorylations in media containing heparin. The biologically active cAMP analogues (dibutyryl cAMP [db-cAMP], 8-bromo cAMP, sp-cAMPS) and the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) induced the same protein tyrosine Phosphorylation patterns as seen with heparin. Moreover, these cAMP agonists could overcome the inhibition of the heparin-induced tyrosine Phosphorylations by glucose. In contrast, Rp-adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothioate (Rp-cAMPS), a protein kinase A (PK-A) antagonist, blocked the capacitation-associated increases in protein tyrosine Phosphorylation. This cAMP regulation of the protein tyrosine Phosphorylation pattern is mediated by PK-A since N-[2-(p-bromocinnamylamino) ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide-dihydrochloride (H89), another inhibitor of PK-A, inhibited the heparin-induced protein tyrosine Phosphorylation pattern in a concentration-dependent manner in either the absence or presence of db-cAMP, IBMX, and glucose. These data support a model for sperm capacitation that includes protein tyrosine Phosphorylation as an important regulatory pathway, and a role for cAMP/PK-A in the regulation of this pathway leading to capacitation. These studies are the first to report a unique interrelationship between tyrosine kinase/phosphatase and cAMP signaling pathways at the level of PK-A in bovine sperm capacitation.
Christopher C Williams - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
erbb4 her4 potentiates stat5a transcriptional activity by regulating novel stat5a serine Phosphorylation events
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005Co-Authors: Diane E Clark, Christopher C Williams, Tamika T Duplessis, Kimberly L Moring, Amy R Notwick, Weiwen Long, William S Lane, Iwan Beuvink, Nancy E Hynes, Frank E JonesAbstract:Abstract The epidermal growth factor receptor family member ERBB4 is required for mammary gland development and lactation. ERBB4 activities in the breast are mediated through the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family member STAT5A, and ERBB4 directly activates STAT5A, in part, through Phosphorylation of STAT5A at the regulatory Tyr-694. Here we show that STAT5A regulation by ERBB4 is also mediated through STAT5A serine Phosphorylation. Using a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis of proteolytically digested STAT5A coexpressed with ERBB4, we identified STAT5A serine Phosphorylations at the previously described Ser-779 and at the novel Ser-127/Ser-128. Immunohistochemistry of wild-type and ERBB4-null mammary glands at late pregnancy showed that ERBB4 expression was required for STAT5A Phosphorylation at Ser-779. Independent serine-to-alanine residue substitutions in full-length STAT5A revealed that although STAT5A Ser-779 Phosphorylation was dispensable for Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Tyr-694 and subsequent DNA binding, Ser-779 was required to stabilize an interaction with ERBB4 and mediate ERBB4-induced STAT5A stimulation of gene expression. STAT5A Ser-127/Ser-128, on the other hand, was required for ERBB4-induced Phosphorylation of Tyr-694, whereas Ser-779 and as yet unidentified tyrosine residues were phosphorylated in the absence of Ser-127/Ser-128. In addition, STAT5A S127A/S128A remained associated with ERBB4 but failed to bind DNA or activate transcription in response to ERBB4 coexpression. Our studies demonstrate that Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Ser-127/Ser-128 and Ser-779 are obligatory events regulating ERBB4-mediated activation of STAT5A.
ERBB4/HER4 potentiates STAT5A transcriptional activity by regulating novel STAT5A serine Phosphorylation events.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005Co-Authors: Diane E Clark, Christopher C Williams, Tamika T Duplessis, Kimberly L Moring, Amy R Notwick, Weiwen Long, William S Lane, Iwan Beuvink, Nancy E Hynes, Frank E JonesAbstract:Abstract The epidermal growth factor receptor family member ERBB4 is required for mammary gland development and lactation. ERBB4 activities in the breast are mediated through the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family member STAT5A, and ERBB4 directly activates STAT5A, in part, through Phosphorylation of STAT5A at the regulatory Tyr-694. Here we show that STAT5A regulation by ERBB4 is also mediated through STAT5A serine Phosphorylation. Using a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis of proteolytically digested STAT5A coexpressed with ERBB4, we identified STAT5A serine Phosphorylations at the previously described Ser-779 and at the novel Ser-127/Ser-128. Immunohistochemistry of wild-type and ERBB4-null mammary glands at late pregnancy showed that ERBB4 expression was required for STAT5A Phosphorylation at Ser-779. Independent serine-to-alanine residue substitutions in full-length STAT5A revealed that although STAT5A Ser-779 Phosphorylation was dispensable for Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Tyr-694 and subsequent DNA binding, Ser-779 was required to stabilize an interaction with ERBB4 and mediate ERBB4-induced STAT5A stimulation of gene expression. STAT5A Ser-127/Ser-128, on the other hand, was required for ERBB4-induced Phosphorylation of Tyr-694, whereas Ser-779 and as yet unidentified tyrosine residues were phosphorylated in the absence of Ser-127/Ser-128. In addition, STAT5A S127A/S128A remained associated with ERBB4 but failed to bind DNA or activate transcription in response to ERBB4 coexpression. Our studies demonstrate that Phosphorylation of STAT5A at Ser-127/Ser-128 and Ser-779 are obligatory events regulating ERBB4-mediated activation of STAT5A.