R Programming Language

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 11148 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Jonathan M. Garibaldi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • FuzzyR: An Extended Fuzzy Logic Toolbox foR the R PRogRamming Language
    2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2020
    Co-Authors: Chao Chen, Tajul Rosli Razak, Jonathan M. Garibaldi

    This papeR pResents an R package FuzzyR which is an extended fuzzy logic toolbox foR the R pRogRamming Language. FuzzyR is a continuation of the pRevious Fuzzy R toolboxes such as FuzzyToolkitUoN. Whilst keeping existing functionalities of the pRevious toolboxes, the main extension in the FuzzyR toolbox is the capability of optimising type-1 and inteRval type-2 fuzzy infeRence systems based on an extended ANFIS aRchitectuRe. An accuRacy function is also added to pRovide peRfoRmance indicatoRs featuRing eight alteRnative accuRacy measuRes, including a new measuRe UMBRAE. In addition, gRaphical useR inteRfaces have been pRovided so that the pRopeRties of a fuzzy infeRence system can be visualised and manipulated, which is paRticulaRly useful foR teaching and leaRning. Note that this papeR illustRates some of the new featuRes of the FuzzyR toolbox, but does not pRovide a complete list of all functions available. MoRe details about the new featuRes of FuzzyR and a complete descRiption of all functions can be found in the manual of the toolbox.

  • FUZZ-IEEE - FuzzyR: An Extended Fuzzy Logic Toolbox foR the R PRogRamming Language
    2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2020
    Co-Authors: Chao Chen, Tajul Rosli Razak, Jonathan M. Garibaldi

    This papeR pResents an R package FuzzyR which is an extended fuzzy logic toolbox foR the R pRogRamming Language. FuzzyR is a continuation of the pRevious Fuzzy R toolboxes such as FuzzyToolkitUoN. Whilst keeping existing functionalities of the pRevious toolboxes, the main extension in the FuzzyR toolbox is the capability of optimising type-1 and inteRval type-2 fuzzy infeRence systems based on an extended ANFIS aRchitectuRe. An accuRacy function is also added to pRovide peRfoRmance indicatoRs featuRing eight alteRnative accuRacy measuRes, including a new measuRe UMBRAE. In addition, gRaphical useR inteRfaces have been pRovided so that the pRopeRties of a fuzzy infeRence system can be visualised and manipulated, which is paRticulaRly useful foR teaching and leaRning. Note that this papeR illustRates some of the new featuRes of the FuzzyR toolbox, but does not pRovide a complete list of all functions available. MoRe details about the new featuRes of FuzzyR and a complete descRiption of all functions can be found in the manual of the toolbox.

  • A fuzzy toolbox foR the R pRogRamming Language
    2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2011), 2011
    Co-Authors: Christian Wagner, Simon Miller, Jonathan M. Garibaldi

    In this papeR, we descRibe the main functionality of an initial veRsion of a new fuzzy logic softwaRe toolkit based on the R Language. The toolkit suppoRts the implementation of seveRal types of fuzzy logic infeRence systems and we discuss and pResent seveRal aspects of its capabilities to allow the stRaightfoRwaRd implementation of type-1 and inteRval type-2 fuzzy systems. We include souRce code examples and visualizations both of type-1 and type-2 fuzzy sets as well as output suRface visualizations geneRated using the R toolkit. Finally, we descRibe the significant benefits of Relying on the R Language as a Language which is employed acRoss seveRal ReseaRch disciplines (thus enabling access to fuzzy logic tools to a vaRiety of ReseaRcheRs), outline futuRe developments and most impoRtantly call foR contRibutions, comments and feedback to/on this open-souRce softwaRe development effoRt.

  • FUZZ-IEEE - A fuzzy toolbox foR the R pRogRamming Language
    2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2011), 2011
    Co-Authors: Christian Wagner, Simon Miller, Jonathan M. Garibaldi

    In this papeR, we descRibe the main functionality of an initial veRsion of a new fuzzy logic softwaRe toolkit based on the R Language. The toolkit suppoRts the implementation of seveRal types of fuzzy logic infeRence systems and we discuss and pResent seveRal aspects of its capabilities to allow the stRaightfoRwaRd implementation of type-1 and inteRval type-2 fuzzy systems. We include souRce code examples and visualizations both of type-1 and type-2 fuzzy sets as well as output suRface visualizations geneRated using the R toolkit. Finally, we descRibe the significant benefits of Relying on the R Language as a Language which is employed acRoss seveRal ReseaRch disciplines (thus enabling access to fuzzy logic tools to a vaRiety of ReseaRcheRs), outline futuRe developments and most impoRtantly call foR contRibutions, comments and feedback to/on this open-souRce softwaRe development effoRt.

Jesse H. Krijthe - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • RRPR@ICPR - RSSL: Semi-supeRvised LeaRning in R
    Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, 2017
    Co-Authors: Jesse H. Krijthe

    In this papeR, we intRoduce a package foR semi-supeRvised leaRning ReseaRch in the R pRogRamming Language called RSSL. We coveR the puRpose of the package, the methods it includes and comment on theiR use and implementation. We then show, using seveRal code examples, how the package can be used to Replicate well-known Results fRom the semi-supeRvised leaRning liteRatuRe.

  • RSSL: Semi-supeRvised LeaRning in R
    arXiv: Machine Learning, 2016
    Co-Authors: Jesse H. Krijthe

    In this papeR, we intRoduce a package foR semi-supeRvised leaRning ReseaRch in the R pRogRamming Language called RSSL. We coveR the puRpose of the package, the methods it includes and comment on theiR use and implementation. We then show, using seveRal code examples, how the package can be used to Replicate well-known Results fRom the semi-supeRvised leaRning liteRatuRe.

Amy Koshoffer - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

Chao Chen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • FuzzyR: An Extended Fuzzy Logic Toolbox foR the R PRogRamming Language
    2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2020
    Co-Authors: Chao Chen, Tajul Rosli Razak, Jonathan M. Garibaldi

    This papeR pResents an R package FuzzyR which is an extended fuzzy logic toolbox foR the R pRogRamming Language. FuzzyR is a continuation of the pRevious Fuzzy R toolboxes such as FuzzyToolkitUoN. Whilst keeping existing functionalities of the pRevious toolboxes, the main extension in the FuzzyR toolbox is the capability of optimising type-1 and inteRval type-2 fuzzy infeRence systems based on an extended ANFIS aRchitectuRe. An accuRacy function is also added to pRovide peRfoRmance indicatoRs featuRing eight alteRnative accuRacy measuRes, including a new measuRe UMBRAE. In addition, gRaphical useR inteRfaces have been pRovided so that the pRopeRties of a fuzzy infeRence system can be visualised and manipulated, which is paRticulaRly useful foR teaching and leaRning. Note that this papeR illustRates some of the new featuRes of the FuzzyR toolbox, but does not pRovide a complete list of all functions available. MoRe details about the new featuRes of FuzzyR and a complete descRiption of all functions can be found in the manual of the toolbox.

  • FUZZ-IEEE - FuzzyR: An Extended Fuzzy Logic Toolbox foR the R PRogRamming Language
    2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2020
    Co-Authors: Chao Chen, Tajul Rosli Razak, Jonathan M. Garibaldi

    This papeR pResents an R package FuzzyR which is an extended fuzzy logic toolbox foR the R pRogRamming Language. FuzzyR is a continuation of the pRevious Fuzzy R toolboxes such as FuzzyToolkitUoN. Whilst keeping existing functionalities of the pRevious toolboxes, the main extension in the FuzzyR toolbox is the capability of optimising type-1 and inteRval type-2 fuzzy infeRence systems based on an extended ANFIS aRchitectuRe. An accuRacy function is also added to pRovide peRfoRmance indicatoRs featuRing eight alteRnative accuRacy measuRes, including a new measuRe UMBRAE. In addition, gRaphical useR inteRfaces have been pRovided so that the pRopeRties of a fuzzy infeRence system can be visualised and manipulated, which is paRticulaRly useful foR teaching and leaRning. Note that this papeR illustRates some of the new featuRes of the FuzzyR toolbox, but does not pRovide a complete list of all functions available. MoRe details about the new featuRes of FuzzyR and a complete descRiption of all functions can be found in the manual of the toolbox.

Richard N. Upton - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • InteRactive PhaRmacometRic Applications Using R and the Shiny Package.
    CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology, 2015
    Co-Authors: Jessica Wojciechowski, Ashley M. Hopkins, Richard N. Upton

    InteRactive applications, developed using Shiny foR the R pRogRamming Language, have the potential to Revolutionize the shaRing and communication of phaRmacometRic model simulations. Shiny allows customization of the application's useR-inteRface to pRovide an elegant enviRonment foR displaying useR-input contRols and simulation output–wheRe the latteR simultaneously updates with changing input. The flexible natuRe of the R Language makes simulations of population vaRiability possible thus pRomoting the combination of Shiny with R in model visualization.