Riser Connector

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Jean Guesnon - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • An Improved Methodology for the Design of Marine Drilling Riser Couplings
    29th International Conference on Ocean Offshore and Arctic Engineering: Volume 5 Parts A and B, 2010
    Co-Authors: Emmanuel Persent, Daniel Averbuch, Jean Guesnon

    The current trend in offshore drilling is a significant increase in water depth in the specification of drilling Risers, associated with high density muds. This situation presents a real challenge for the design of the drilling Riser which depends to a large extent on these parameters, as well as other related to operational and environmental conditions. In particular, improved design methodologies are required to better assess the margins of Riser couplings regarding their static performance and fatigue life. As recommended by API Spec 16R, the stress linearization and classification in one of the key steps to design a Riser Connector. The designers are encountering some difficulties in the application of this methodology to 3D finite element results. IFP has then proposed a simple approach that applies to non-axisymmetric geometries of Connectors. It consists in calculating the membrane and bending stresses in a given plane by averaging over a suitable portion of a cross-section the results of the linearization in the stress classification lines (SCLs) located in the selected plane. A short presentation of a breech-block type Riser Connector, on which the methodology has been applied, is given at the beginning of this paper. The API specification 16R requirements regarding the design criteria are then discussed. A simple approach to extend the stress linearization and classification methods to three-dimensional FEA is proposed. The proposed methodology is applied to the design of the Clip Connector. At last, the R&D work aiming at improving the fatigue analysis of Riser Connectors is introduced at the end of the paper.Copyright © 2010 by ASME

Emmanuel Persent - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • An Improved Methodology for the Design of Marine Drilling Riser Couplings
    29th International Conference on Ocean Offshore and Arctic Engineering: Volume 5 Parts A and B, 2010
    Co-Authors: Emmanuel Persent, Daniel Averbuch, Jean Guesnon

    The current trend in offshore drilling is a significant increase in water depth in the specification of drilling Risers, associated with high density muds. This situation presents a real challenge for the design of the drilling Riser which depends to a large extent on these parameters, as well as other related to operational and environmental conditions. In particular, improved design methodologies are required to better assess the margins of Riser couplings regarding their static performance and fatigue life. As recommended by API Spec 16R, the stress linearization and classification in one of the key steps to design a Riser Connector. The designers are encountering some difficulties in the application of this methodology to 3D finite element results. IFP has then proposed a simple approach that applies to non-axisymmetric geometries of Connectors. It consists in calculating the membrane and bending stresses in a given plane by averaging over a suitable portion of a cross-section the results of the linearization in the stress classification lines (SCLs) located in the selected plane. A short presentation of a breech-block type Riser Connector, on which the methodology has been applied, is given at the beginning of this paper. The API specification 16R requirements regarding the design criteria are then discussed. A simple approach to extend the stress linearization and classification methods to three-dimensional FEA is proposed. The proposed methodology is applied to the design of the Clip Connector. At last, the R&D work aiming at improving the fatigue analysis of Riser Connectors is introduced at the end of the paper.Copyright © 2010 by ASME

Daniel Averbuch - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • An Improved Methodology for the Design of Marine Drilling Riser Couplings
    29th International Conference on Ocean Offshore and Arctic Engineering: Volume 5 Parts A and B, 2010
    Co-Authors: Emmanuel Persent, Daniel Averbuch, Jean Guesnon

    The current trend in offshore drilling is a significant increase in water depth in the specification of drilling Risers, associated with high density muds. This situation presents a real challenge for the design of the drilling Riser which depends to a large extent on these parameters, as well as other related to operational and environmental conditions. In particular, improved design methodologies are required to better assess the margins of Riser couplings regarding their static performance and fatigue life. As recommended by API Spec 16R, the stress linearization and classification in one of the key steps to design a Riser Connector. The designers are encountering some difficulties in the application of this methodology to 3D finite element results. IFP has then proposed a simple approach that applies to non-axisymmetric geometries of Connectors. It consists in calculating the membrane and bending stresses in a given plane by averaging over a suitable portion of a cross-section the results of the linearization in the stress classification lines (SCLs) located in the selected plane. A short presentation of a breech-block type Riser Connector, on which the methodology has been applied, is given at the beginning of this paper. The API specification 16R requirements regarding the design criteria are then discussed. A simple approach to extend the stress linearization and classification methods to three-dimensional FEA is proposed. The proposed methodology is applied to the design of the Clip Connector. At last, the R&D work aiming at improving the fatigue analysis of Riser Connectors is introduced at the end of the paper.Copyright © 2010 by ASME

Chen Guomin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • advances in technology of deepwater drilling Riser and wellhead
    Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2013
    Co-Authors: Chen Guomin

    Drilling Riser and wellhead system is an important and vulnerable component of the whole deepwater drilling system. Appropriate design and utilization of drilling Riser and wellhead system are important for the success and safety of deepwater drilling and completion. Therefore,the research on deepwater drilling Riser and wellhead system in the South China Sea was done early. Mechanical analysis model of deepwater drilling Riser and wellhead system was built and the Riser and wellhead system pre-drilling design and operation technique were developed. The analysis methods for wave induced fatigue,vortex induced fatigue,wear and Riser Connector integrity of Riser and wellhead system were developed. Furthermore,the integrity management strategy for deepwater drilling Riser and wellhead system was improved. The risk assessment frameworks for key equipments and operations of deepwater drilling Riser were developed and the security measures for Riser system under typhoon environment were studied. On the basis of these results,deepwater drilling Riser operation management software(DDROM) was developed. The deepwater drilling Riser and wellhead system pre-drilling design and operation assessment for6 wells in the South China Sea were carried out. The research results have been put into application in deepwater drilling operation in the South China Sea and good application result was achieved. The research developments of deepwater drilling Riser and wellhead system are reviewed and the future research directions are also recommended.

Murilo Giron Camerini - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

    Co-Authors: Murilo Giron Camerini

    Um dos principais mecanismos de falha em Risers flexíveis é o rompimento de arames da armadura de tração. A experiência tem mostrado que esta classe de dano tende a surgir primariamente na parte emersa do Riser, próximo à sua terminação. A ruptura dos arames ocorre de forma progressiva, podendo ser causada por diferentes processos, tais como corrosão pelo ingresso de fluido no espaço anular entre capa e armadura, desgaste excessivo associado com o contato e atrito entre arames adjacentes ou entre as diferentes camadas metálicas da armadura, ou mesmo a presença de níveis elevados de tensões produzidas pelos carregamentos mecânicos aos quais o Riser é submetido durante a operação. O deterioramento progressivo pode dar origem a defeitos localizados que agem como concentradores de tensão e levam o arame à ruptura através de um processo de fadiga. O duto flexível é capaz de manter-se em operação mesmo com alguns dos arames de suas armaduras rompidos, porém uma sequencia de rupturas pode levar à ocorrência de vazamentos ou mesmo a falhas catastróficas. O monitoramento contínuo em tempo real é uma das principais alternativas para evitar que o dano progressivo nas armaduras do Riser resulte em acidentes com severas consequências econômicas e ambientais. As técnicas de monitoramento da integridade de Risers flexíveis podem ser classificadas como diretas, onde é possível identificar diretamente a existência de um dano/falha, ou indiretas, em que o sistema de sensoriamento registra indicações secundárias, possivelmente consequência da falha. Esta dissertação relata o desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitoramento baseado em vibrações. Trata-se de uma técnica indireta baseada em eventos, onde no momento da ruptura do arame um sinal de vibração, distinto tanto na frequência quanto na amplitude, é detectado por acelerômetros instalados na capa polimérica externa do Riser. No trabalho, são apresentados resultados de quatro ensaios em escala real que demonstraram a viabilidade do sistema para um primeiro teste de campo. Estratégias de instrumentação dos dutos e as variações dos sinais detectados são apresentadas e discutidas. Os resultados mostraram que a resposta vibratória do sinal de ruptura apresenta características específicas, garantindo uma boa confiabilidade na detecção. Porém, em se tratando de uma técnica indireta, verifica-se que quando dois sistemas de monitoramento de naturezas complementares são empregados em conjunto, as probabilidades de detecção dos eventos de rupturas aumentam significativamente.The main failure in flexible Risers is the disruption of the wires from the tensile armor layer. Experience has shown that this class of damage occurs primarily near to the top Riser Connector. The breaking of the wires occurs gradually and may be caused by different processes as corrosion by inflow of fluid in the annular space, excessive wear associated with the contact and friction between adjacent wires or between different Riser layers. The progressive deterioration can lead to localized defects that act as stress concentrators and may break the wire from the tensile armor layer through a fatigue process. The flexible pipe is able to remain in operation even with some broken wires, but a sequence of ruptures can conduce to a catastrophic failure. Real time continuous monitoring is one of the main alternatives to prevent progressive wire damage results in an accident with severe economic and environmental consequences. This thesis describes the development of a monitoring system based on vibrations. This is an indirect technique based on events, where in the moment of the wire break, one vibration signal is registered. This signal can be distinguished both in frequency and amplitude and detected by accelerometers installed on the polymeric outer layer of the Riser. We present results of four tests in real scale that demonstrated the viability of the system for an initial field test. Instrumentation strategies in Riser and the variations of the signals detected are presented and discussed. The results showed that the vibrational signal has specific characteristics ensuring good detection reliability