The Experts below are selected from a list of 360 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Richard Mithen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
effectS of in vitro metaboliSm of a broccoli leachate glucoSinolateS and S methylcySteine Sulphoxide on the human faecal microbiome
European Journal of Nutrition, 2021Co-Authors: Lee Kellingray, Gwenaelle Le Gall, Joanne F Doleman, Arjan Narbad, Richard MithenAbstract:BraSSica are an important food Source worldwide and are characteriSed by the preSence of compoundS called glucoSinolateS. StudieS indicate that the glucoSinolate derived bioactive metabolite Sulphoraphane can elicit chemoprotective benefitS on human cellS. GlucoSinolateS can be metaboliSed in vivo by memberS of the human gut microbiome, although the prevalence of thiS activity iS unclear. BraSSica and Allium plantS alSo contain S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide (SMCSO), that may provide additional health benefitS but itS metaboliSm by gut bacteria iS not fully underStood. We examined the effectS of a broccoli leachate (BL) on the compoSition and function of human faecal microbiomeS of five different participantS under in vitro conditionS. Bacterial iSolateS from theSe communitieS were then teSted for their ability to metaboliSe glucoSinolateS and SMCSO. Microbial communitieS cultured in vitro in BL media were obServed to have enhanced growth of lactic acid bacteria, Such aS lactobacilli, with a correSponding increaSe in the levelS of lactate and Short-chain fatty acidS. MemberS of EScherichia iSolated from theSe faecal communitieS were found to bioconvert glucoSinolateS and SMCSO to their reduced analogueS. ThiS Study uSeS a broccoli leachate to inveStigate the bacterial-mediated bioconverSion of glucoSinolateS and SMCSO, which may lead to further productS with additional health benefitS to the hoSt. We believe that thiS iS the firSt Study that ShowS the reduction of the dietary compound S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide by bacteria iSolated from human faeceS.
EffectS of in vitro metaboliSm of a broccoli leachate, glucoSinolateS and S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide on the human faecal microbiome
European Journal of Nutrition, 2020Co-Authors: Lee Kellingray, Joanne F Doleman, Arjan Narbad, Gwénaëlle Gall, Richard MithenAbstract:PurpoSe BraSSica are an important food Source worldwide and are characteriSed by the preSence of compoundS called glucoSinolateS. StudieS indicate that the glucoSinolate derived bioactive metabolite Sulphoraphane can elicit chemoprotective benefitS on human cellS. GlucoSinolateS can be metaboliSed in vivo by memberS of the human gut microbiome, although the prevalence of thiS activity iS unclear. BraSSica and Allium plantS alSo contain S -methylcySteine Sulphoxide (SMCSO), that may provide additional health benefitS but itS metaboliSm by gut bacteria iS not fully underStood. MethodS We examined the effectS of a broccoli leachate (BL) on the compoSition and function of human faecal microbiomeS of five different participantS under in vitro conditionS. Bacterial iSolateS from theSe communitieS were then teSted for their ability to metaboliSe glucoSinolateS and SMCSO. ReSultS Microbial communitieS cultured in vitro in BL media were obServed to have enhanced growth of lactic acid bacteria, Such aS lactobacilli, with a correSponding increaSe in the levelS of lactate and Short-chain fatty acidS. MemberS of EScherichia iSolated from theSe faecal communitieS were found to bioconvert glucoSinolateS and SMCSO to their reduced analogueS. ConcluSion ThiS Study uSeS a broccoli leachate to inveStigate the bacterial-mediated bioconverSion of glucoSinolateS and SMCSO, which may lead to further productS with additional health benefitS to the hoSt. We believe that thiS iS the firSt Study that ShowS the reduction of the dietary compound S -methylcySteine Sulphoxide by bacteria iSolated from human faeceS.
Frédéric Marsolais - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
deciphering S methylcySteine bioSyntheSiS in common bean by iSotopic tracking with maSS Spectrometry
Plant Journal, 2019Co-Authors: Jaya Joshi, Frédéric Marsolais, Justin B Renaud, Mark W SumarahAbstract:The Suboptimal content of Sulfur-containing amino acidS methionine and cySteine preventS common bean (PhaSeoluS vulgariS) from being an excellent Source of protein. Nutritional improvementS to thiS Significant crop require a better underStanding of the bioSyntheSiS of Sulfur-containing compoundS including the nonproteogenic amino acid S-methylcySteine and the dipeptide γ-glutamyl-S-methylcySteine, which accumulate in Seed. In thiS Study, SeedS were incubated with iSotopically labelled Serine, cySteine or methionine and analyzed by reverSe phaSe chromatography-high reSolution maSS Spectrometry to track Stable iSotopeS aS they progreSSed through the Sulfur metabolome. We determined that Serine and methionine are the Sole precurSorS of free S-methylcySteine in developing SeedS, indicating that thiS compound iS likely to be SyntheSized through the condenSation of O-acetylSerine and methanethiol. BSAS4;1, a cytoSolic β-SubStituted alanine SynthaSe preferentially expreSSed in developing SeedS, catalyzed the formation of S-methylcySteine in vitro. A higher flux of labelled Serine or cySteine waS obServed in a Sequential pathway involving γ-glutamyl-cySteine, homoglutathione and S-methylhomoglutathione, a likely precurSor to γ-glutamyl-S-methylcySteine. Preferential incorporation of Serine over cySteine SupportS a Subcellular compartmentation of thiS pathway, likely to be in the chloroplaSt. The origin of the methyl group in S-methylhomoglutathione waS traced to methionine. There waS SubStantial incorporation of carbonS from methionine into the β-alanine portion of homoglutathione and S-methylhomoglutathione, SuggeSting the breakdown of methionine by methionine γ-lyaSe and converSion of α-ketobutyrate to β-alanine via propanoate metaboliSm. TheSe findingS delineate the bioSynthetic pathwayS of the Sulfur metabolome of common bean and provide an inSight that will aid future effortS to improve nutritional quality.
Common Bean (PhaSeoluS vulgariS L.) AccumulateS MoSt S-MethylcySteine aS ItS γ-Glutamyl Dipeptide
MDPI AG, 2019Co-Authors: Elham Saboori-robat, Jaya Joshi, Aga Pajak, Mahmood Solouki, Motahhareh Mohsenpour, Justin Renaud, Frédéric MarsolaisAbstract:The common bean (PhaSeoluS vulgariS) conStituteS an excellent Source of vegetable dietary protein. However, there are Sub-optimal levelS of the eSSential amino acidS, methionine and cySteine. On the other hand, P. vulgariS accumulateS large amountS of the γ-glutamyl dipeptide of S-methylcySteine, and lower levelS of free S-methylcySteine and S-methylhomoglutathione. PaSt reSultS SuggeSt two diStinct metabolite poolS. Free S-methylcySteine levelS are high at the beginning of Seed development and decline at mid-maturation, while there iS a biphaSic accumulation of γ-glutamyl-S-methylcySteine, at early cotyledon and maturation StageS. A poSSible model involveS the formation of S-methylcySteine by cySteine SynthaSe from O-acetylSerine and methanethiol, whereaS the majority of γ-glutamyl-S-methylcySteine may ariSe from S-methylhomoglutathione. Metabolite profiling during development and in genotypeS differing in total S-methylcySteine accumulation Showed that γ-glutamyl-S-methylcySteine accountS for moSt of the total S-methylcySteine in mature Seed. Profiling of tranScriptS for candidate bioSynthetic geneS indicated that BSAS4;1 expreSSion iS correlated with both the developmental timing and levelS of free S-methylcySteine accumulated, while homoglutathione SynthetaSe (hGS) expreSSion waS correlated with the levelS of γ-glutamyl-S-methylcySteine. AnalySiS of S-methylated phytochelatinS by liquid chromatography and high reSolution tandem maSS Spectrometry revealed only Small amountS of homophytochelatin-2 with a Single S-methylcySteine. The mitochondrial localization of phytochelatin SynthaSe 2—predominant in Seed, determined by confocal microScopy of a fuSion with the yellow fluoreScent protein—and itS Spatial Separation from S-methylhomoglutathione may explain the lack of Significant accumulation of S-methylated phytochelatinS
tranScriptome profiling identifieS candidate geneS aSSociated with the accumulation of diStinct Sulfur γ glutamyl dipeptideS in phaSeoluS vulgariS and vigna mungo SeedS
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2013Co-Authors: Dengqun Liao, Dustin Cram, Andrew G Sharpe, Frédéric MarsolaisAbstract:Common bean (PhaSeoluS vulgariS) and black gram (Vigna mungo) accumulate γ-glutamyl-S-methylcySteine and γ-glutamyl-methionine in Seed, reSpectively. TranScriptS were profiled by 454 pyroSequencing at a Similar developmental Stage coinciding with the beginning of the accumulation of theSe metaboliteS. ExpreSSed Sequence tagS were aSSembled into UnigeneS, which were aSSigned to Specific geneS in the early releaSe chromoSomal aSSembly of the P. vulgariS genome. GeneS involved in multiple Sulphur metabolic proceSSeS were expreSSed in both SpecieS. ExpreSSion of Sultr3 memberS waS predominant in P. vulgariS, whereaS expreSSion of Sultr5 memberS predominated in V. mungo. ExpreSSion of the cytoSolic SERAT1;1 and -1;2 waS approximately four-fold higher in P. vulgariS while expreSSion of the plaStidic SERAT2;1 waS two-fold higher in V. mungo. Among BSAS family memberS, BSAS4;1, encoding a cytoSolic cySteine deSulphydraSe, and BSAS1;1, encoding a cytoSolic O-acetylSerine SulphydrylaSe were moSt highly expreSSed in both SpecieS. ThiS waS followed by BSAS3;1 encoding a plaStidic β-cyanoalanine SynthaSe which waS more highly expreSSed by 10-fold in P. vulgariS. The data identify BSAS3;1 aS a candidate enzyme for the bioSyntheSiS of S-methyl-cySteine through the uSe of methanethiol aS SubStrate inStead of cyanide. ExpreSSion of GLC1 would provide a complete Sequence leading to the bioSyntheSiS of γ-glutamyl-S-methylcySteine in plaStidS. The detection of S-methylhomoglutathione in P. vulgariS SuggeSted that homoglutathione SynthetaSe may accept, to Some extent, γ-glutamyl-S-methylcySteine aS SubStrate, which might lead to the formation of S-methylated phytochelatinS. In concluSion, 454 Sequencing waS effective at revealing differenceS in the expreSSion of Sulphur metabolic geneS, providing information on candidate geneS for the bioSyntheSiS of diStinct Sulphur amino acid γ-glutamyl dipeptideS between P. vulgariS and V. mungo.
Lee Kellingray - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
effectS of in vitro metaboliSm of a broccoli leachate glucoSinolateS and S methylcySteine Sulphoxide on the human faecal microbiome
European Journal of Nutrition, 2021Co-Authors: Lee Kellingray, Gwenaelle Le Gall, Joanne F Doleman, Arjan Narbad, Richard MithenAbstract:BraSSica are an important food Source worldwide and are characteriSed by the preSence of compoundS called glucoSinolateS. StudieS indicate that the glucoSinolate derived bioactive metabolite Sulphoraphane can elicit chemoprotective benefitS on human cellS. GlucoSinolateS can be metaboliSed in vivo by memberS of the human gut microbiome, although the prevalence of thiS activity iS unclear. BraSSica and Allium plantS alSo contain S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide (SMCSO), that may provide additional health benefitS but itS metaboliSm by gut bacteria iS not fully underStood. We examined the effectS of a broccoli leachate (BL) on the compoSition and function of human faecal microbiomeS of five different participantS under in vitro conditionS. Bacterial iSolateS from theSe communitieS were then teSted for their ability to metaboliSe glucoSinolateS and SMCSO. Microbial communitieS cultured in vitro in BL media were obServed to have enhanced growth of lactic acid bacteria, Such aS lactobacilli, with a correSponding increaSe in the levelS of lactate and Short-chain fatty acidS. MemberS of EScherichia iSolated from theSe faecal communitieS were found to bioconvert glucoSinolateS and SMCSO to their reduced analogueS. ThiS Study uSeS a broccoli leachate to inveStigate the bacterial-mediated bioconverSion of glucoSinolateS and SMCSO, which may lead to further productS with additional health benefitS to the hoSt. We believe that thiS iS the firSt Study that ShowS the reduction of the dietary compound S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide by bacteria iSolated from human faeceS.
EffectS of in vitro metaboliSm of a broccoli leachate, glucoSinolateS and S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide on the human faecal microbiome
European Journal of Nutrition, 2020Co-Authors: Lee Kellingray, Joanne F Doleman, Arjan Narbad, Gwénaëlle Gall, Richard MithenAbstract:PurpoSe BraSSica are an important food Source worldwide and are characteriSed by the preSence of compoundS called glucoSinolateS. StudieS indicate that the glucoSinolate derived bioactive metabolite Sulphoraphane can elicit chemoprotective benefitS on human cellS. GlucoSinolateS can be metaboliSed in vivo by memberS of the human gut microbiome, although the prevalence of thiS activity iS unclear. BraSSica and Allium plantS alSo contain S -methylcySteine Sulphoxide (SMCSO), that may provide additional health benefitS but itS metaboliSm by gut bacteria iS not fully underStood. MethodS We examined the effectS of a broccoli leachate (BL) on the compoSition and function of human faecal microbiomeS of five different participantS under in vitro conditionS. Bacterial iSolateS from theSe communitieS were then teSted for their ability to metaboliSe glucoSinolateS and SMCSO. ReSultS Microbial communitieS cultured in vitro in BL media were obServed to have enhanced growth of lactic acid bacteria, Such aS lactobacilli, with a correSponding increaSe in the levelS of lactate and Short-chain fatty acidS. MemberS of EScherichia iSolated from theSe faecal communitieS were found to bioconvert glucoSinolateS and SMCSO to their reduced analogueS. ConcluSion ThiS Study uSeS a broccoli leachate to inveStigate the bacterial-mediated bioconverSion of glucoSinolateS and SMCSO, which may lead to further productS with additional health benefitS to the hoSt. We believe that thiS iS the firSt Study that ShowS the reduction of the dietary compound S -methylcySteine Sulphoxide by bacteria iSolated from human faeceS.
Joanne F Doleman - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
effectS of in vitro metaboliSm of a broccoli leachate glucoSinolateS and S methylcySteine Sulphoxide on the human faecal microbiome
European Journal of Nutrition, 2021Co-Authors: Lee Kellingray, Gwenaelle Le Gall, Joanne F Doleman, Arjan Narbad, Richard MithenAbstract:BraSSica are an important food Source worldwide and are characteriSed by the preSence of compoundS called glucoSinolateS. StudieS indicate that the glucoSinolate derived bioactive metabolite Sulphoraphane can elicit chemoprotective benefitS on human cellS. GlucoSinolateS can be metaboliSed in vivo by memberS of the human gut microbiome, although the prevalence of thiS activity iS unclear. BraSSica and Allium plantS alSo contain S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide (SMCSO), that may provide additional health benefitS but itS metaboliSm by gut bacteria iS not fully underStood. We examined the effectS of a broccoli leachate (BL) on the compoSition and function of human faecal microbiomeS of five different participantS under in vitro conditionS. Bacterial iSolateS from theSe communitieS were then teSted for their ability to metaboliSe glucoSinolateS and SMCSO. Microbial communitieS cultured in vitro in BL media were obServed to have enhanced growth of lactic acid bacteria, Such aS lactobacilli, with a correSponding increaSe in the levelS of lactate and Short-chain fatty acidS. MemberS of EScherichia iSolated from theSe faecal communitieS were found to bioconvert glucoSinolateS and SMCSO to their reduced analogueS. ThiS Study uSeS a broccoli leachate to inveStigate the bacterial-mediated bioconverSion of glucoSinolateS and SMCSO, which may lead to further productS with additional health benefitS to the hoSt. We believe that thiS iS the firSt Study that ShowS the reduction of the dietary compound S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide by bacteria iSolated from human faeceS.
EffectS of in vitro metaboliSm of a broccoli leachate, glucoSinolateS and S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide on the human faecal microbiome
European Journal of Nutrition, 2020Co-Authors: Lee Kellingray, Joanne F Doleman, Arjan Narbad, Gwénaëlle Gall, Richard MithenAbstract:PurpoSe BraSSica are an important food Source worldwide and are characteriSed by the preSence of compoundS called glucoSinolateS. StudieS indicate that the glucoSinolate derived bioactive metabolite Sulphoraphane can elicit chemoprotective benefitS on human cellS. GlucoSinolateS can be metaboliSed in vivo by memberS of the human gut microbiome, although the prevalence of thiS activity iS unclear. BraSSica and Allium plantS alSo contain S -methylcySteine Sulphoxide (SMCSO), that may provide additional health benefitS but itS metaboliSm by gut bacteria iS not fully underStood. MethodS We examined the effectS of a broccoli leachate (BL) on the compoSition and function of human faecal microbiomeS of five different participantS under in vitro conditionS. Bacterial iSolateS from theSe communitieS were then teSted for their ability to metaboliSe glucoSinolateS and SMCSO. ReSultS Microbial communitieS cultured in vitro in BL media were obServed to have enhanced growth of lactic acid bacteria, Such aS lactobacilli, with a correSponding increaSe in the levelS of lactate and Short-chain fatty acidS. MemberS of EScherichia iSolated from theSe faecal communitieS were found to bioconvert glucoSinolateS and SMCSO to their reduced analogueS. ConcluSion ThiS Study uSeS a broccoli leachate to inveStigate the bacterial-mediated bioconverSion of glucoSinolateS and SMCSO, which may lead to further productS with additional health benefitS to the hoSt. We believe that thiS iS the firSt Study that ShowS the reduction of the dietary compound S -methylcySteine Sulphoxide by bacteria iSolated from human faeceS.
Arjan Narbad - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
effectS of in vitro metaboliSm of a broccoli leachate glucoSinolateS and S methylcySteine Sulphoxide on the human faecal microbiome
European Journal of Nutrition, 2021Co-Authors: Lee Kellingray, Gwenaelle Le Gall, Joanne F Doleman, Arjan Narbad, Richard MithenAbstract:BraSSica are an important food Source worldwide and are characteriSed by the preSence of compoundS called glucoSinolateS. StudieS indicate that the glucoSinolate derived bioactive metabolite Sulphoraphane can elicit chemoprotective benefitS on human cellS. GlucoSinolateS can be metaboliSed in vivo by memberS of the human gut microbiome, although the prevalence of thiS activity iS unclear. BraSSica and Allium plantS alSo contain S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide (SMCSO), that may provide additional health benefitS but itS metaboliSm by gut bacteria iS not fully underStood. We examined the effectS of a broccoli leachate (BL) on the compoSition and function of human faecal microbiomeS of five different participantS under in vitro conditionS. Bacterial iSolateS from theSe communitieS were then teSted for their ability to metaboliSe glucoSinolateS and SMCSO. Microbial communitieS cultured in vitro in BL media were obServed to have enhanced growth of lactic acid bacteria, Such aS lactobacilli, with a correSponding increaSe in the levelS of lactate and Short-chain fatty acidS. MemberS of EScherichia iSolated from theSe faecal communitieS were found to bioconvert glucoSinolateS and SMCSO to their reduced analogueS. ThiS Study uSeS a broccoli leachate to inveStigate the bacterial-mediated bioconverSion of glucoSinolateS and SMCSO, which may lead to further productS with additional health benefitS to the hoSt. We believe that thiS iS the firSt Study that ShowS the reduction of the dietary compound S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide by bacteria iSolated from human faeceS.
EffectS of in vitro metaboliSm of a broccoli leachate, glucoSinolateS and S-methylcySteine Sulphoxide on the human faecal microbiome
European Journal of Nutrition, 2020Co-Authors: Lee Kellingray, Joanne F Doleman, Arjan Narbad, Gwénaëlle Gall, Richard MithenAbstract:PurpoSe BraSSica are an important food Source worldwide and are characteriSed by the preSence of compoundS called glucoSinolateS. StudieS indicate that the glucoSinolate derived bioactive metabolite Sulphoraphane can elicit chemoprotective benefitS on human cellS. GlucoSinolateS can be metaboliSed in vivo by memberS of the human gut microbiome, although the prevalence of thiS activity iS unclear. BraSSica and Allium plantS alSo contain S -methylcySteine Sulphoxide (SMCSO), that may provide additional health benefitS but itS metaboliSm by gut bacteria iS not fully underStood. MethodS We examined the effectS of a broccoli leachate (BL) on the compoSition and function of human faecal microbiomeS of five different participantS under in vitro conditionS. Bacterial iSolateS from theSe communitieS were then teSted for their ability to metaboliSe glucoSinolateS and SMCSO. ReSultS Microbial communitieS cultured in vitro in BL media were obServed to have enhanced growth of lactic acid bacteria, Such aS lactobacilli, with a correSponding increaSe in the levelS of lactate and Short-chain fatty acidS. MemberS of EScherichia iSolated from theSe faecal communitieS were found to bioconvert glucoSinolateS and SMCSO to their reduced analogueS. ConcluSion ThiS Study uSeS a broccoli leachate to inveStigate the bacterial-mediated bioconverSion of glucoSinolateS and SMCSO, which may lead to further productS with additional health benefitS to the hoSt. We believe that thiS iS the firSt Study that ShowS the reduction of the dietary compound S -methylcySteine Sulphoxide by bacteria iSolated from human faeceS.