The Experts below are selected from a list of 2460 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Cathie Withyman - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Merging contemporary learning theory with mental health promotion to produce an effective schools-based program.
Nurse education in practice, 2017Co-Authors: Margaret Mcallister, Bruce Allen Knight, Cathie WithymanAbstract:Approximately three quarters of all major mental disorders begin in adolescence. Finding ways to buffer against stress, access social support and connection and flexibly draw upon a range of coping mechanisms are vital strategies that young people can use to promote mental health and wellbeing and to navigate this turbulent life transition successfully. Within Australia, like other parts of the world such as the UK and the USA, it is a Sad Reality that when young people do become distressed they are not self-caring or supporting others effectively, and not seeking or receiving appropriate help. In order to respond proactively to this issue, a nurse-initiated mental health promotion program was developed. It is termed, iCARE, which stands for Creating Awareness, Resilience and Enhanced Mental Health. The aim of this paper is to discuss the underpinning educational theory that assists in developing in young people a sense of belonging, empathy, self-care and resilience, and why the strategies chosen to engage young people are likely to be effective.
Dan Dacian Cuzdriorean - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
SMEs financial risk management assessment in an emerging country: a Sad Reality of if and cons
African J. of Accounting Auditing and Finance, 2014Co-Authors: Dan Dacian CuzdrioreanAbstract:This paper extends the results of a previous paper by enlarging the sample used. In this respect, this empirical paper assesses the current state of SMEs financial risk management in an emerging country. Using a descriptive survey as research method, my results document that liquidity and credit are the main financial risks that Romanian SMEs are exposed to. Moreover, Romanian SMEs seems not to be aware of the benefits of having departments of risk management assessment neither risk managers designated or formalised risk management processes. My results indicate also that Romanian SMEs are not aware of the benefits of implementing a holistic risk management approach and the attitude towards risk and uncertainty assessment is more reactive than proactive. As main limitations of my study I could observed both the central tendency bias in the responses gave by my respondents and in some cases social desirability bias. Future research is also approached.
Shivani Saria - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Suicides among Women - A Sad Reality in Nepal
2015Co-Authors: Shivani SariaAbstract:Introduction Suicide, which is the act of deliberately taking one’s own life, has become a disappointing Reality across the world. Suicides have been identified as the 10th leading cause of death in the world for all ages in 2010. Suicides are considered as a distant Reality by most people, who haven’t experienced it in their own families, but the Reality is that suicide happens with far greater frequency than anyone can ever imagine. Every 40 seconds, suicide claims a life around the world as per the statistics of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates around one million people claim their lives every year worldwide, which suggests the annual global suicide mortality rate at 16 per 100,000. Suicides happen everywhere around the world with lowand middleincome countries having an estimated 75% of all suicides.
Haiko Sprott - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
What can rehabilitation interventions achieve in patients with primary fibromyalgia
Current opinion in rheumatology, 2003Co-Authors: Haiko SprottAbstract:Symptoms of primary fibromyalgia (FM) persist for years, independent of applied therapy. That is the Sad Reality we have to deal with. But is that really true? The following review is a scan of literature from September 1, 2001 to August 31, 2002, concerning rehabilitation interventions for patients with FM, to find progress in this field and to ascertain state-of-the-art treatment strategies for the disease. The main problem when treating patients with FM successfully is the heterogeneity of the patients' group. Several investigators determined subgroups within FM patients diagnosed by the 1990 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria of FM. Therefore, uniform recommendations for treatment cannot be given. Current treatment recommendations for FM include reassurance and explanation of the nature of the illness, evaluation and eradication of mechanical stressors as far as possible, symptomatic analgesic drug treatment, moderate individually adapted physical exercises, and adjuvant psychotherapeutic support in an interdisciplinary setting. Individually adapted measures are highly emphasized to differentially treat FM subgroups, as far as identified. This review will focus on these points on the one hand, and provide an overview about the current symptomatically-oriented therapy on the other hand. This all occurs against the background of an unknown etiology of the disease so far. Experimental approaches will be noted as well. The demonstration of a long-term effective intervention for managing the symptoms associated with FM is needed.
Margaret Mcallister - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Merging contemporary learning theory with mental health promotion to produce an effective schools-based program.
Nurse education in practice, 2017Co-Authors: Margaret Mcallister, Bruce Allen Knight, Cathie WithymanAbstract:Approximately three quarters of all major mental disorders begin in adolescence. Finding ways to buffer against stress, access social support and connection and flexibly draw upon a range of coping mechanisms are vital strategies that young people can use to promote mental health and wellbeing and to navigate this turbulent life transition successfully. Within Australia, like other parts of the world such as the UK and the USA, it is a Sad Reality that when young people do become distressed they are not self-caring or supporting others effectively, and not seeking or receiving appropriate help. In order to respond proactively to this issue, a nurse-initiated mental health promotion program was developed. It is termed, iCARE, which stands for Creating Awareness, Resilience and Enhanced Mental Health. The aim of this paper is to discuss the underpinning educational theory that assists in developing in young people a sense of belonging, empathy, self-care and resilience, and why the strategies chosen to engage young people are likely to be effective.