Sailing Boat

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Morera Romera Rubén - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Diseño de instalación fotovoltaica en embarcación recreativa de 12 metros
    'Universitat Politecnica de Valencia', 2019
    Co-Authors: Morera Romera Rubén

    [EN] Thepresented project consistsof a seriesof documents focused onthe design of a photovoltaic installation that accompanies theexistinggenerating set, necessaryin a twelve meters long Sailing Boat, as well as thecalculations for itsinstallation and properfunctioning.The vessel taken as reference is a school-shipfromMarina de Dénia, for what the calculations of its consumptionand location have been obtained based on the average realized by the above mentioned ship.The photovoltaic installation is divided in two parts:One fixed, placed on the cover of the ship, which will provide energy when the vessel is placed at the port or when the climatic conditions prevent to hoisted the mainsail and jib.One free, placed on the mainsail and the jib, which will be used when the ship is Sailing to reduce the consumption of petrol even to replace it if the meteorology allows it.The following documents realized later correspond to a descriptive report that details the process of design and installation, an economic evaluation that provides an approximate value of the amount of the different items, the planes corresponding to the design, as well as the calculations used to assure the veracity of each one of the previous parts.[ES] El proyecto que se presenta a continuación consiste en una serie de documentos enfocados en el diseño de una instalación fotovoltaica que acompañe al grupo electrógeno existente, necesario en una embarcación velera de doce metros de eslora, así como los cálculos correspondientes para su instalación y correcto funcionamiento.La embarcación tomada como referencia es un barco-escuela de la Marina de Dénia, por lo que los cálculos tanto de consumos como de ubicación han sido realizados en base al promedio realizado por dicho navío.La instalación fotovoltaica está dividida en dos partes:Una fija, situada sobre la cubierta del barco, que proporcionará energía cuando la embarcación se sitúe en el puerto o cuando las condiciones climáticas impidan el izado de las velas.Una libre, situada sobre la vela mayor y el foque, que será empleada cuando el barco esté navegando para disminuir el consumo de combustible llegando incluso a reemplazarlo si la meteorología lo permite.Los documentos realizados a continuación corresponden a una memoria descriptiva que detalla el procesode diseño e instalación, una evaluación económica que proporciona una valoración aproximada del monto de las diferentes partidas, los planos correspondientes al diseño, así como los cálculos empleados para asegurar la veracidad de cada una de las anteriores partes.[CA] El projecte que es presenta a continuació consisteix en una sèrie d'articles enfocats en el disseny d'una instal·laciófotovoltaica que acompanye al grup electrogenexistent, necessarien unaembarcació velera de dotze metres d’eslora, així com els càlculs corresponents per a l’instal·lació i correctefuncionament. La embarcaciópressacom a referència és un vaixell de la Marina de Dénia, pelque els càlculs tantde consum com delocalitzacióestanfonamentatsen base a la mitjana realitzada per ditanau. L’instal·laciófotovoltaicaestà divididaen dues parts: Una fixa, ubicada sobre la coberta del vaixell, que proporcionaràenergiaquan el vaixell estiga situata port o quan les condicions meteorològiques impidisquen l’hissada de les veles.Una lliure, sobre la velamajor i el floc, que s'utilitzarà quan el vaixell estiga navegant per a disminuir el consum de combustiblearribant fins i tot asubstituir-lo, si la meteorologiaho permet. Els documents realitzats a continuació corresponen a una memòria descriptiva que detalla el procés de disseny i instal·lació, una avaluació econòmica que proporciona una valoració aproximada de la suma de les diverses partides,els plànols corresponents al disseny, així com els càlculs empleats per a assegurar la veracitat de cadascuna de les anteriors parts.Morera Romera, R. (2019). Diseño de instalación fotovoltaica en embarcación recreativa de 12 metros. Universitat Politècnica de València.

  • Diseño de instalación fotovoltaica en embarcación recreativa de 12 metros
    'Universitat Politecnica de Valencia', 2019
    Co-Authors: Morera Romera Rubén

    [EN] Thepresented project consistsof a seriesof documents focused onthe design of a photovoltaic installation that accompanies theexistinggenerating set, necessaryin a twelve meters long Sailing Boat, as well as thecalculations for itsinstallation and properfunctioning.The vessel taken as reference is a school-shipfromMarina de Dénia, for what the calculations of its consumptionand location have been obtained based on the average realized by the above mentioned ship.The photovoltaic installation is divided in two parts:One fixed, placed on the cover of the ship, which will provide energy when the vessel is placed at the port or when the climatic conditions prevent to hoisted the mainsail and jib.One free, placed on the mainsail and the jib, which will be used when the ship is Sailing to reduce the consumption of petrol even to replace it if the meteorology allows it.The following documents realized later correspond to a descriptive report that details the process of design and installation, an economic evaluation that provides an approximate value of the amount of the different items, the planes corresponding to the design, as well as the calculations used to assure the veracity of each one of the previous parts.[ES] El proyecto que se presenta a continuación consiste en una serie de documentos enfocados en el diseño de una instalación fotovoltaica que acompañe al grupo electrógeno existente, necesario en una embarcación velera de doce metros de eslora, así como los cálculos correspondientes para su instalación y correcto funcionamiento.La embarcación tomada como referencia es un barco-escuela de la Marina de Dénia, por lo que los cálculos tanto de consumos como de ubicación han sido realizados en base al promedio realizado por dicho navío.La instalación fotovoltaica está dividida en dos partes:Una fija, situada sobre la cubierta del barco, que proporcionará energía cuando la embarcación se sitúe en el puerto o cuando las condiciones climáticas impidan el izado de las velas.Una libre, situada sobre la vela mayor y el foque, que será empleada cuando el barco esté navegando para disminuir el consumo de combustible llegando incluso a reemplazarlo si la meteorología lo permite.Los documentos realizados a continuación corresponden a una memoria descriptiva que detalla el procesode diseño e instalación, una evaluación económica que proporciona una valoración aproximada del monto de las diferentes partidas, los planos correspondientes al diseño, así como los cálculos empleados para asegurar la veracidad de cada una de las anteriores partes.[CA] El projecte que es presenta a continuació consisteix en una sèrie d'articles enfocats en el disseny d'una instal·laciófotovoltaica que acompanye al grup electrogenexistent, necessarien unaembarcació velera de dotze metres d’eslora, així com els càlculs corresponents per a l’instal·lació i correctefuncionament. La embarcaciópressacom a referència és un vaixell de la Marina de Dénia, pelque els càlculs tantde consum com delocalitzacióestanfonamentatsen base a la mitjana realitzada per ditanau. L’instal·laciófotovoltaicaestà divididaen dues parts: Una fixa, ubicada sobre la coberta del vaixell, que proporcionaràenergiaquan el vaixell estiga situata port o quan les condicions meteorològiques impidisquen l’hissada de les veles.Una lliure, sobre la velamajor i el floc, que s'utilitzarà quan el vaixell estiga navegant per a disminuir el consum de combustiblearribant fins i tot asubstituir-lo, si la meteorologiaho permet. Els documents realitzats a continuació corresponen a una memòria descriptiva que detalla el procés de disseny i instal·lació, una avaluació econòmica que proporciona una valoració aproximada de la suma de les diverses partides,els plànols corresponents al disseny, així com els càlculs empleats per a assegurar la veracitat de cadascuna de les anteriors parts.Morera Romera, R. (2019). Diseño de instalación fotovoltaica en embarcación recreativa de 12 metros.

Karsenti Eric - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Tara Oceans: towards global ocean ecosystems biology
    'Springer Science and Business Media LLC', 2020
    Co-Authors: Sunagawa Shinichi, Acinas, Silvia G., Bork Peer, Bowler Chris, Tara Oceans Coordinators, Eveillard Damien, Gorsky Gabriel, Guidi Lionel, Iudicone Daniele, Karsenti Eric

    A planetary-scale understanding of the ocean ecosystem, particularly in light of climate change, is crucial. Here, we review the work of Tara Oceans, an international, multidisciplinary project to assess the complexity of ocean life across comprehensive taxonomic and spatial scales. Using a modified Sailing Boat, the team sampled plankton at 210 globally distributed sites at depths down to 1,000 m. We describe publicly available resources of molecular, morphological and environmental data, and discuss how an ecosystems biology approach has expanded our understanding of plankton diversity and ecology in the ocean as a planetary, interconnected ecosystem. These efforts illustrate how global-scale concepts and data can help to integrate biological complexity into models and serve as a baseline for assessing ecosystem changes and the future habitability of our planet in the Anthropocene epoch.ISSN:1740-1526ISSN:1740-153

  • Tara Oceans: towards global ocean ecosystems biology
    'Springer Science and Business Media LLC', 2020
    Co-Authors: Sunagawa Shinichi, Acinas, Silvia G., Bork Peer, Bowler Chris, Tara Oceans Coordinators, Eveillard Damien, Guidi Lionel, Iudicone Daniele, Gorsky G., Karsenti Eric

    This article is contribution number 100 of Tara Oceans.-- 18 pages, 6 figures, 2 boxes, supplementary information planetary-scale understanding of the ocean ecosystem, particularly in light of climate change, is crucial. Here, we review the work of Tara Oceans, an international, multidisciplinary project to assess the complexity of ocean life across comprehensive taxonomic and spatial scales. Using a modified Sailing Boat, the team sampled plankton at 210 globally distributed sites at depths down to 1,000 m. We describe publicly available resources of molecular, morphological and environmental data, and discuss how an ecosystems biology approach has expanded our understanding of plankton diversity and ecology in the ocean as a planetary, interconnected ecosystem. These efforts illustrate how global-scale concepts and data can help to integrate biological complexity into models and serve as a baseline for assessing ecosystem changes and the future habitability of our planet in the Anthropocene epochTara Oceans (which includes the Tara Oceans and Tara Oceans Polar Circle expeditions) would not exist without the leadership of the Tara Ocean Foundation and the continuous support of 23 institutes ( The authors further thank the commitment of the following sponsors: the French CNRS (in particular Groupement de Recherche GDR3280 and the Research Federation for the Study of Global Ocean Systems Ecology and Evolution FR2022/Tara GOSEE), the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Genoscope/CEA, the French Ministry of Research and the French Government Investissements d’Avenir programmes OCEANOMICS (ANR-11-BTBR-0008), FRANCE GENOMIQUE (ANR-10-INBS-09-08) and MEMO LIFE (ANR-10-LABX-54), the PSL research university (ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) and EMBRC-France (ANR-10-INBS-02). Funding for the collection and processing of the Tara Oceans data set was provided by the NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program under grants NNX11AQ14G, NNX09AU43G, NNX13AE58G and NNX15AC08G (to the University of Maine), the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Remote Sensing of Canada’s New Arctic Frontier and the Canada Foundation for Innovation. [...] C.B. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement 835067) as well as the Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study at Harvard University for a scholar’s fellowship during the 2016–2017 academic year. M.B.S. thanks the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (award 3790) and the US National Science Foundation (awards OCE#1536989 and OCE#1829831) as well as the Ohio Supercomputer for computational support. S.G.A. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTM2017-87736-R). [...] S. Sunagawa is supported by ETH Zürich and the Helmut Horten Foundation and by funding from the Swiss National Foundation (205321_184955

Sunagawa Shinichi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Tara Oceans: towards global ocean ecosystems biology
    'Springer Science and Business Media LLC', 2020
    Co-Authors: Sunagawa Shinichi, Acinas, Silvia G., Bork Peer, Bowler Chris, Tara Oceans Coordinators, Eveillard Damien, Gorsky Gabriel, Guidi Lionel, Iudicone Daniele, Karsenti Eric

    A planetary-scale understanding of the ocean ecosystem, particularly in light of climate change, is crucial. Here, we review the work of Tara Oceans, an international, multidisciplinary project to assess the complexity of ocean life across comprehensive taxonomic and spatial scales. Using a modified Sailing Boat, the team sampled plankton at 210 globally distributed sites at depths down to 1,000 m. We describe publicly available resources of molecular, morphological and environmental data, and discuss how an ecosystems biology approach has expanded our understanding of plankton diversity and ecology in the ocean as a planetary, interconnected ecosystem. These efforts illustrate how global-scale concepts and data can help to integrate biological complexity into models and serve as a baseline for assessing ecosystem changes and the future habitability of our planet in the Anthropocene epoch.ISSN:1740-1526ISSN:1740-153

  • Tara Oceans: towards global ocean ecosystems biology
    'Springer Science and Business Media LLC', 2020
    Co-Authors: Sunagawa Shinichi, Acinas, Silvia G., Bork Peer, Bowler Chris, Tara Oceans Coordinators, Eveillard Damien, Guidi Lionel, Iudicone Daniele, Gorsky G., Karsenti Eric

    This article is contribution number 100 of Tara Oceans.-- 18 pages, 6 figures, 2 boxes, supplementary information planetary-scale understanding of the ocean ecosystem, particularly in light of climate change, is crucial. Here, we review the work of Tara Oceans, an international, multidisciplinary project to assess the complexity of ocean life across comprehensive taxonomic and spatial scales. Using a modified Sailing Boat, the team sampled plankton at 210 globally distributed sites at depths down to 1,000 m. We describe publicly available resources of molecular, morphological and environmental data, and discuss how an ecosystems biology approach has expanded our understanding of plankton diversity and ecology in the ocean as a planetary, interconnected ecosystem. These efforts illustrate how global-scale concepts and data can help to integrate biological complexity into models and serve as a baseline for assessing ecosystem changes and the future habitability of our planet in the Anthropocene epochTara Oceans (which includes the Tara Oceans and Tara Oceans Polar Circle expeditions) would not exist without the leadership of the Tara Ocean Foundation and the continuous support of 23 institutes ( The authors further thank the commitment of the following sponsors: the French CNRS (in particular Groupement de Recherche GDR3280 and the Research Federation for the Study of Global Ocean Systems Ecology and Evolution FR2022/Tara GOSEE), the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Genoscope/CEA, the French Ministry of Research and the French Government Investissements d’Avenir programmes OCEANOMICS (ANR-11-BTBR-0008), FRANCE GENOMIQUE (ANR-10-INBS-09-08) and MEMO LIFE (ANR-10-LABX-54), the PSL research university (ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) and EMBRC-France (ANR-10-INBS-02). Funding for the collection and processing of the Tara Oceans data set was provided by the NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program under grants NNX11AQ14G, NNX09AU43G, NNX13AE58G and NNX15AC08G (to the University of Maine), the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Remote Sensing of Canada’s New Arctic Frontier and the Canada Foundation for Innovation. [...] C.B. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement 835067) as well as the Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study at Harvard University for a scholar’s fellowship during the 2016–2017 academic year. M.B.S. thanks the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (award 3790) and the US National Science Foundation (awards OCE#1536989 and OCE#1829831) as well as the Ohio Supercomputer for computational support. S.G.A. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTM2017-87736-R). [...] S. Sunagawa is supported by ETH Zürich and the Helmut Horten Foundation and by funding from the Swiss National Foundation (205321_184955

Giménez Amat María - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Instalación de energías renovables para la autosuficiencia de una embarcación de recreo a vela
    'Universitat Jaume I', 2020
    Co-Authors: Giménez Amat María

    Treball final de Grau en Enginyeria Elèctrica. Codi: EE1045. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020Este trabajo de fin de grado pretende diseñar las instalaciones necesarias para lograr la autosuficiencia de una embarcación de recreo a vela. El objetivo es que todos sus consumos sean alimentados con energías renovables, siendo la principal la solar fotovoltaica e incluyendo un estudio del posible aprovechamiento de la energía proveniente de las olas, el viento y otras fuentes renovables. Se realizará un estudio detallado de todos los consumos eléctricos implicados en el mantenimiento y uso de una embarcación de recreo a vela de menos de 24 metros de eslora. Se analizará el potencial de las distintas alternativas que puedan ser aplicadas para lograr este propósito de autosuficiencia y se elegirán de entre ellas las que mejor se adapten a esta aplicación concreta. Se buscarán más los aspectos de eficiencia y sostenibilidad que los puramente económicos, algo típico en el mundo de la náutica. El estudio se realizará sobre un modelo real de velero, por lo que se conocerán sus consumos reales mediante mediciones, así como las superficies disponibles para la instalación de paneles fotovoltaicos u otros tipos de generación. Por otro lado, se analizará la irradiancia concreta del puerto en el que se tiene el amarre en función de su orientación y de otros factores que puedan afectar al estudio energético. También se analizará tanto el viento como el oleaje en los alrededores del puerto. Tras comparar las distintas opciones de generación, se elegirán las más viables, para las que se detallará su instalación en la embarcación. Se obtendrá también la autonomía mínima para la situación más desfavorable en función del número de tripulantes. Con estos datos se realizará el cálculo pertinente de la instalación que dará apoyo al consumo eléctrico de la embarcación. También se tendrá en cuenta que todos los componentes de las instalaciones sean capaces de soportar las condiciones adversas del medio marino, dada su singular dificultad de mantenimiento por factores como la salinidad, la humedad y la constante exposición directa al sol, que afectan tanto a la vida útil de las placas como a su eficiencia. El trabajo incluirá los planos de la instalación eléctrica, incluyendo vistas 3D, documentos técnicos de los aparatos que se vayan a instalar en la embarcación, pliego de condiciones, presupuesto y normativa aplicable. La ITC-BT-42. Instalaciones eléctricas en puertos y marinas para barcos de recreo indica que los receptores que se utilicen en dichas instalaciones cumplirán los requisitos de las directivas europeas aplicables conforme a lo establecido en el artículo 6 del REBT.This end-of-degree project aims to design the necessary facilities to achieve self-sufficiency in a pleasure Sailing Boat. The target is all its consumptions being fed with renewable energies, the main one being solar photovoltaic and including a study of the possible use of energy from waves, wind and other renewable sources. A detailed study will be carried out of all the electrical consumptions involved in the maintenance and use of a pleasure Sailing Boat of less than 24 meters in length. The potential of the different alternatives that can be applied to achieve this purpose of self-sufficiency will be analyzed and the ones that suit the best for this specific application will be chosen from among them. Efficiency and sustainability aspects will be sought more than the purely economic ones, something typical in the nautical world. The study will be carried out on a real model of a sailBoat, so its real consumption will be known through measurements, as well as the surfaces available for the installation of photovoltaic panels or other types of generation. On the other hand, the specific irradiance of the port where the mooring is located will be analyzed based on its orientation and other factors that may affect the energy study. Both the wind and the swell around the port will also be analyzed. After comparing the different generation options, the most viable ones will be chosen, for which their installation on the Boat will be detailed. The minimum autonomy for the most unfavorable situation will also be obtained depending on the number of crew members. With these data, the pertinent calculation of the installation that will support the electrical consumption of the Boat will be made. It will also be taken into account that all the components of the facilities are capable of withstanding the adverse conditions of the marine environment, taking into account their unique maintenance difficulty due to factors such as salinity, humidity and constant direct exposure to the sun, which affect both the useful life of the plates and their efficiency. The work will include the plans of the electrical installation, including 3D views, technical documents of the devices to be installed on the Boat, specifications, budget and applicable regulations. ITC-BT-42. Electrical installations in ports and marinas for pleasure Boats indicates that the receivers used in said installations will comply with the requirements of the applicable European directives in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of the REBT

Tara Oceans Coordinators - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Tara Oceans: towards global ocean ecosystems biology
    'Springer Science and Business Media LLC', 2020
    Co-Authors: Sunagawa Shinichi, Acinas, Silvia G., Bork Peer, Bowler Chris, Tara Oceans Coordinators, Eveillard Damien, Gorsky Gabriel, Guidi Lionel, Iudicone Daniele, Karsenti Eric

    A planetary-scale understanding of the ocean ecosystem, particularly in light of climate change, is crucial. Here, we review the work of Tara Oceans, an international, multidisciplinary project to assess the complexity of ocean life across comprehensive taxonomic and spatial scales. Using a modified Sailing Boat, the team sampled plankton at 210 globally distributed sites at depths down to 1,000 m. We describe publicly available resources of molecular, morphological and environmental data, and discuss how an ecosystems biology approach has expanded our understanding of plankton diversity and ecology in the ocean as a planetary, interconnected ecosystem. These efforts illustrate how global-scale concepts and data can help to integrate biological complexity into models and serve as a baseline for assessing ecosystem changes and the future habitability of our planet in the Anthropocene epoch.ISSN:1740-1526ISSN:1740-153

  • Tara Oceans: towards global ocean ecosystems biology
    'Springer Science and Business Media LLC', 2020
    Co-Authors: Sunagawa Shinichi, Acinas, Silvia G., Bork Peer, Bowler Chris, Tara Oceans Coordinators, Eveillard Damien, Guidi Lionel, Iudicone Daniele, Gorsky G., Karsenti Eric

    This article is contribution number 100 of Tara Oceans.-- 18 pages, 6 figures, 2 boxes, supplementary information planetary-scale understanding of the ocean ecosystem, particularly in light of climate change, is crucial. Here, we review the work of Tara Oceans, an international, multidisciplinary project to assess the complexity of ocean life across comprehensive taxonomic and spatial scales. Using a modified Sailing Boat, the team sampled plankton at 210 globally distributed sites at depths down to 1,000 m. We describe publicly available resources of molecular, morphological and environmental data, and discuss how an ecosystems biology approach has expanded our understanding of plankton diversity and ecology in the ocean as a planetary, interconnected ecosystem. These efforts illustrate how global-scale concepts and data can help to integrate biological complexity into models and serve as a baseline for assessing ecosystem changes and the future habitability of our planet in the Anthropocene epochTara Oceans (which includes the Tara Oceans and Tara Oceans Polar Circle expeditions) would not exist without the leadership of the Tara Ocean Foundation and the continuous support of 23 institutes ( The authors further thank the commitment of the following sponsors: the French CNRS (in particular Groupement de Recherche GDR3280 and the Research Federation for the Study of Global Ocean Systems Ecology and Evolution FR2022/Tara GOSEE), the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Genoscope/CEA, the French Ministry of Research and the French Government Investissements d’Avenir programmes OCEANOMICS (ANR-11-BTBR-0008), FRANCE GENOMIQUE (ANR-10-INBS-09-08) and MEMO LIFE (ANR-10-LABX-54), the PSL research university (ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) and EMBRC-France (ANR-10-INBS-02). Funding for the collection and processing of the Tara Oceans data set was provided by the NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program under grants NNX11AQ14G, NNX09AU43G, NNX13AE58G and NNX15AC08G (to the University of Maine), the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Remote Sensing of Canada’s New Arctic Frontier and the Canada Foundation for Innovation. [...] C.B. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement 835067) as well as the Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study at Harvard University for a scholar’s fellowship during the 2016–2017 academic year. M.B.S. thanks the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (award 3790) and the US National Science Foundation (awards OCE#1536989 and OCE#1829831) as well as the Ohio Supercomputer for computational support. S.G.A. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTM2017-87736-R). [...] S. Sunagawa is supported by ETH Zürich and the Helmut Horten Foundation and by funding from the Swiss National Foundation (205321_184955