The Experts below are selected from a list of 18 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Gary F Gates - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
a dose attenuation shield for use in glomerular filtration rate computations a method for combined renal Scintiangiography and functional quantification
Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 1991Co-Authors: Gary F GatesAbstract:Renal perfusion and function can be determined by renography using Tc-99m DTPA. However, the high dose of tracer necessary for Scintiangiography may result in inaccurate syringe-count determinations when measured by the gamma camera necessary for calculating the glomerular filtration rate by a camera technique. This report describes a syringe shield, constructed at minimal cost, which allows for suitable count attenuation and use of high doses of tracer for assessment of both renal perfusion and function.
Gerald L Denardo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
2015Co-Authors: Geoffrey Coates, Robert C Stadalnik, John M Palmer, Gerald L DenardoAbstract:Occasionally malignant tumors form a para sitic relationship with surrounding organs, de riving their blood supply from vessels feeding that organ without histologic evidence of “in vasion―. Since radiopaque angiography relies upon identification of the feeding vessel to a tumor to define its location and origin, the true nature of a parasitic tumor may not be detected and a mistaken diagnosis of metastases to that organ made. This incomplete information might dissuade a surgeon from operating on a resect able tumor. In the diagnosis of malignant tu mors in and around the liver, radioisotopic Scintiangiography reveals filling of the tumor vessels resulting in a “vascular blush―. In ge
Claunch B. - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Parameterization of the Cerebral Blood Flow
1Co-Authors: Gandsman E., Spraragen S.c., Brown P., Claunch B.Abstract:A computer program has been developed to calculate parameters associated with cerebral blood flow as studied by Scintiangiography. Slopes, integrals, arrival times, maximum counting rates and other quantities are calculated from time activity curves corresponding to designated regions of interest: carotid arteries, middle and anterior cerebral arteries and the peripheral portions of the cerebral hemispheres
Geoffrey Coates - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
2015Co-Authors: Geoffrey Coates, Robert C Stadalnik, John M Palmer, Gerald L DenardoAbstract:Occasionally malignant tumors form a para sitic relationship with surrounding organs, de riving their blood supply from vessels feeding that organ without histologic evidence of “in vasion―. Since radiopaque angiography relies upon identification of the feeding vessel to a tumor to define its location and origin, the true nature of a parasitic tumor may not be detected and a mistaken diagnosis of metastases to that organ made. This incomplete information might dissuade a surgeon from operating on a resect able tumor. In the diagnosis of malignant tu mors in and around the liver, radioisotopic Scintiangiography reveals filling of the tumor vessels resulting in a “vascular blush―. In ge
Gandsman E. - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Parameterization of the Cerebral Blood Flow
1Co-Authors: Gandsman E., Spraragen S.c., Brown P., Claunch B.Abstract:A computer program has been developed to calculate parameters associated with cerebral blood flow as studied by Scintiangiography. Slopes, integrals, arrival times, maximum counting rates and other quantities are calculated from time activity curves corresponding to designated regions of interest: carotid arteries, middle and anterior cerebral arteries and the peripheral portions of the cerebral hemispheres