The Experts below are selected from a list of 29205 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Raphaël Mathevet - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Stakeholder Engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in social ecological systems some insights from biosphere reserves in western africa and france
Ecology and Society, 2016Co-Authors: Meriem Bouamrane, Mariechristine Cormiersalem, Christophe Le Page, Marja Spierenburg, Arun Agrawal, Amadou Boureima, Michel Etienne, Harold Levrel, Raphaël MathevetAbstract:CITATION: Bouamrane, M., et al. 2016. Stakeholder Engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in social-ecological systems: some insights from biosphere reserves in western Africa and France. Ecology and Society, 21(4):25, doi:10.5751/ES-08812-210425.
Stakeholder Engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in social-ecological systems: some insights from biosphere reserves in western Africa and France
Ecology and Society, 2016Co-Authors: Meriem Bouamrane, Marja Spierenburg, Arun Agrawal, Amadou Boureima, Marie-christine Cormier-salem, Michel Etienne, Christophe Le Page, Harold Levrel, Raphaël MathevetAbstract:Biosphere reserves are an example of social-ecological systems that combine biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic development with knowledge generation and dissemination (both scientific and local). We review lessons learned from case studies biosphere reserves in western African and France, highlighting the importance of early Stakeholder Engagement to build knowledge for achieving sustainable development. We discuss the evolution of the concept of biosphere reserves and its application over time in different socioeconomic and cultural settings. The diversity of Stakeholders and their different needs and perceptions about nature conservation complicate implementation processes, sometimes resulting in conflicts about the objectives and zonation of biosphere reserves. Dialogue among the different Stakeholders must start at an early planning phase and be based on the principle of social and ecological solidarity. Dialogue must then be pursued, formalized, ritualized, and translated both in terms of biosphere reserve management and in terms of political support. Tools and methods exist that can facilitate such dialogue and colearning.
Samantha Pelican Monson - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
designing the relational team development intervention to improve management of mental health in primary care using iterative Stakeholder Engagement
BMC Family Practice, 2019Co-Authors: Danielle F Loeb, Danielle M Kline, Kurt Kroenke, Cynthia M Boyd, Elizabeth A Bayliss, Evette J Ludman, L Dickinson, Ingrid A Binswanger, Samantha Pelican MonsonAbstract:Background Team-based models of care are efficacious in improving outcomes for patients with mental and physical illnesses. However, primary care clinics have been slow to adopt these models. We used iterative Stakeholder Engagement to develop an intervention to improve the implementation of team-based care for this complex population.
designing the relational team development intervention to improve management of mental health in primary care using iterative Stakeholder Engagement
BMC Family Practice, 2019Co-Authors: Danielle F Loeb, Danielle M Kline, Kurt Kroenke, Cynthia M Boyd, Elizabeth A Bayliss, L Dickinson, Ingrid A Binswanger, Evette Ludman, Samantha Pelican MonsonAbstract:Team-based models of care are efficacious in improving outcomes for patients with mental and physical illnesses. However, primary care clinics have been slow to adopt these models. We used iterative Stakeholder Engagement to develop an intervention to improve the implementation of team-based care for this complex population. We developed the initial framework for Relational Team Development (RELATED) from a qualitative study of Primary Care Providers’ (PCPs’) experiences treating mental illness and a literature review of practice facilitation and psychology clinical supervision. Subsequently, we surveyed 900 Colorado PCPs to identify factors associated with PCP self-efficacy in management of mental illness and team-based care. We then conducted two focus groups for feedback on RELATED. Lastly, we convened an expert panel to refine the intervention. We developed RELATED, a two-part intervention delivered by a practice facilitator with a background in clinical psychology. The facilitator observes PCPs during patient visits and provides individualized coaching. Next, the facilitator guides the primary care team through a practice change activity with a focus on relational team dynamics. The iterative development of RELATED using Stakeholder Engagement offers a model for the development of interventions tailored to the needs of these Stakeholders. Not applicable.
Meriem Bouamrane - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Stakeholder Engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in social ecological systems some insights from biosphere reserves in western africa and france
Ecology and Society, 2016Co-Authors: Meriem Bouamrane, Mariechristine Cormiersalem, Christophe Le Page, Marja Spierenburg, Arun Agrawal, Amadou Boureima, Michel Etienne, Harold Levrel, Raphaël MathevetAbstract:CITATION: Bouamrane, M., et al. 2016. Stakeholder Engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in social-ecological systems: some insights from biosphere reserves in western Africa and France. Ecology and Society, 21(4):25, doi:10.5751/ES-08812-210425.
Stakeholder Engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in social-ecological systems: some insights from biosphere reserves in western Africa and France
Ecology and Society, 2016Co-Authors: Meriem Bouamrane, Marja Spierenburg, Arun Agrawal, Amadou Boureima, Marie-christine Cormier-salem, Michel Etienne, Christophe Le Page, Harold Levrel, Raphaël MathevetAbstract:Biosphere reserves are an example of social-ecological systems that combine biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic development with knowledge generation and dissemination (both scientific and local). We review lessons learned from case studies biosphere reserves in western African and France, highlighting the importance of early Stakeholder Engagement to build knowledge for achieving sustainable development. We discuss the evolution of the concept of biosphere reserves and its application over time in different socioeconomic and cultural settings. The diversity of Stakeholders and their different needs and perceptions about nature conservation complicate implementation processes, sometimes resulting in conflicts about the objectives and zonation of biosphere reserves. Dialogue among the different Stakeholders must start at an early planning phase and be based on the principle of social and ecological solidarity. Dialogue must then be pursued, formalized, ritualized, and translated both in terms of biosphere reserve management and in terms of political support. Tools and methods exist that can facilitate such dialogue and colearning.
Marcel Bogers - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Linking Stakeholder Engagement to profitability through sustainability-oriented innovation: A quantitative study of the minerals industry
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019Co-Authors: Babak Ghassim, Marcel BogersAbstract:Abstract Firms' capability to develop sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) can be enhanced by Stakeholder Engagement (SE) in order to acquire a wide range of external knowledge to support innovation efforts and outcomes. While we understand some of the transactional and relational attributes at stake for firms to leverage Engagement with external Stakeholders, we do not yet fully understand all the underlying mechanisms that are conducive to greater SOI outputs. At the same time, Stakeholder theory emphasizes the importance of such Engagement for firms’ financial performance (FP), even though the related findings are far from conclusive. Therefore, this paper suggests and tests a mediation model to investigate the associations between SE, SOI and FP. Based on data collected from 101 mineral companies in Norway, the results show that both transactional and relational interactions are important for improving SOI outputs, and that SOI fully mediates the association between SE and FP (measured by profitability). This suggests that external Engagement activities do not directly link to FP, and that the financial benefit begins to appear once a firm is able to transform the acquired knowledge from external Stakeholders into innovative outputs. Such open innovation approach thus requires a sustainability orientation to ultimately materialize into a performance benefit.
linking Stakeholder Engagement to profitability through sustainability oriented innovation a quantitative study of the minerals industry
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019Co-Authors: Babak Ghassim, Marcel BogersAbstract:Abstract Firms' capability to develop sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) can be enhanced by Stakeholder Engagement (SE) in order to acquire a wide range of external knowledge to support innovation efforts and outcomes. While we understand some of the transactional and relational attributes at stake for firms to leverage Engagement with external Stakeholders, we do not yet fully understand all the underlying mechanisms that are conducive to greater SOI outputs. At the same time, Stakeholder theory emphasizes the importance of such Engagement for firms’ financial performance (FP), even though the related findings are far from conclusive. Therefore, this paper suggests and tests a mediation model to investigate the associations between SE, SOI and FP. Based on data collected from 101 mineral companies in Norway, the results show that both transactional and relational interactions are important for improving SOI outputs, and that SOI fully mediates the association between SE and FP (measured by profitability). This suggests that external Engagement activities do not directly link to FP, and that the financial benefit begins to appear once a firm is able to transform the acquired knowledge from external Stakeholders into innovative outputs. Such open innovation approach thus requires a sustainability orientation to ultimately materialize into a performance benefit.
Danielle F Loeb - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
designing the relational team development intervention to improve management of mental health in primary care using iterative Stakeholder Engagement
BMC Family Practice, 2019Co-Authors: Danielle F Loeb, Danielle M Kline, Kurt Kroenke, Cynthia M Boyd, Elizabeth A Bayliss, Evette J Ludman, L Dickinson, Ingrid A Binswanger, Samantha Pelican MonsonAbstract:Background Team-based models of care are efficacious in improving outcomes for patients with mental and physical illnesses. However, primary care clinics have been slow to adopt these models. We used iterative Stakeholder Engagement to develop an intervention to improve the implementation of team-based care for this complex population.
designing the relational team development intervention to improve management of mental health in primary care using iterative Stakeholder Engagement
BMC Family Practice, 2019Co-Authors: Danielle F Loeb, Danielle M Kline, Kurt Kroenke, Cynthia M Boyd, Elizabeth A Bayliss, L Dickinson, Ingrid A Binswanger, Evette Ludman, Samantha Pelican MonsonAbstract:Team-based models of care are efficacious in improving outcomes for patients with mental and physical illnesses. However, primary care clinics have been slow to adopt these models. We used iterative Stakeholder Engagement to develop an intervention to improve the implementation of team-based care for this complex population. We developed the initial framework for Relational Team Development (RELATED) from a qualitative study of Primary Care Providers’ (PCPs’) experiences treating mental illness and a literature review of practice facilitation and psychology clinical supervision. Subsequently, we surveyed 900 Colorado PCPs to identify factors associated with PCP self-efficacy in management of mental illness and team-based care. We then conducted two focus groups for feedback on RELATED. Lastly, we convened an expert panel to refine the intervention. We developed RELATED, a two-part intervention delivered by a practice facilitator with a background in clinical psychology. The facilitator observes PCPs during patient visits and provides individualized coaching. Next, the facilitator guides the primary care team through a practice change activity with a focus on relational team dynamics. The iterative development of RELATED using Stakeholder Engagement offers a model for the development of interventions tailored to the needs of these Stakeholders. Not applicable.