The Experts below are selected from a list of 53301 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Nico J.l. Van Ruth - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
New Type of Valve for Solar Thermal Storage Tank Stratification
Energy Procedia, 2016Co-Authors: Nico J.l. Van RuthAbstract:Abstract This paper describes the working principle and characteristics of a new type of valve with a unique self-actuating principle that actuates based on observed temperature difference, which is intended for use on solar thermal Storage Tank inlets, where it compares the temperature of the flow coming into the valve with the temperature inside the Storage Tank, and switches the flow based on the observed temperature difference, in order to achieve maximum thermal stratification inside the Storage Tank. The novel working principle, based on mass-transfer inside the actuator driven by vapour pressure differences, is explained in detail, and results of tests with the valve are presented, which show that the valve switches very effectively, and is a very useful tool for Storage Tank stratification.
Julius M. Cruse - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Underground Storage Tank: Integrated demonstration participant site characteristic summary
1993Co-Authors: J.k. Rouse, T.j. Mclaughlin, S.p. Airhart, S.l. Lindberg, E. J. Jensen, D D Robinson, Julius M. CruseAbstract:This document serves as a baseline information resource for activities associated with the US Department of Energy Underground Storage Tank - Integrated Demonstration Program. Technologies being developed by the program are targeted toward Tank waste remediation actions at the following participant sites: Hanford, Savannah River, Oak Ridge, Idaho, and Fernald. The primary focus of the document is to provide information regarding expected environments in which Underground Storage Tank - Integrated Demonstration-developed technologies must function. This document should aid principal investigators in determining if technology concepts may have application to underground Storage Tank and near-field environments, given site baseline characteristics and conditions. A summary of each participant site`s history, description, and process history; climatic conditions; retrieval facilities (if any); waste characterization capabilities; and underground Storage Tank physical, chemical, radiological, and geologic conditions is provided. Detailed information is provided for a total of 334 underground Storage Tanks distributed among the five participant sites (Hanford, 177; Savannah River, 51; Oak Ridge, 91; Idaho, 11; Fernald, 4), including type, location, operating history, construction materials, capacity, waste type, environmental status, and radiological and chemical characteristics.
Underground Storage Tank-integrated demonstration technical task plan master schedule
1992Co-Authors: Julius M. Cruse, P.m. HeffnerAbstract:The Underground Storage Tank-Integrated Demonstration Technical Task Plan Master Schedule has been developed to present milestone summary schedules for all currently active projects within this program. Enhancements will continue with focus on adding information for the participant sites` underground Storage Tank remediation programs. The participant site information will include Federal Facility Consent Agreement, Environmental Restoration and Waste Management milestones. The ultimate goal is development of the Program Master Schedule, which will combine this information and show potential relationships between technologies developed by the demonstration and their use in remediation programs.
Underground Storage Tank: Integrated demonstration functional requirements
1992Co-Authors: J.k. Rouse, T.j. Mclaughlin, S.p. Airhart, E.e. Jensen, S.l. Lindberg, D.r. Robinson, Julius M. CruseAbstract:This document serves as a baseline information resource for activities associated with the US Department of Energy Underground Storage Tank - Integrated Demonstration Program. Technologies being developed by the program are targeted toward Tank waste remediation actions at the following participant sites: Hanford Site, Savannah River Site, Oak Ridge Reservation, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, and Feed Materials Production Center. The primary focus of the document is to provide information regarding expected environments in which Underground Storage Tank - Integrated Demonstration-developed technologies must function. This is to aid principal investigators in determining if technology concepts may have application to underground Storage Tank and near-field environments, given site baseline characteristics and conditions. A summary of each participant site`s history, description, and process history; climatic conditions; retrieval facilities (if any); waste characterization capabilities; and underground Storage Tank physical, chemical, radiological, and geologic conditions is provided.
Hoseon Yoo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
the effect of diffuser configuration on thermal stratification in a rectangular Storage Tank
Renewable Energy, 2008Co-Authors: Jae Dong Chung, Sunghwan Cho, Choon Seob Tae, Hoseon YooAbstract:This study is to systematically analyze the effect of various kinds of design factors on the stratification performance of a rectangular Storage Tank. Special interest is focused on the diffuser configuration, which crucially impacts the performance of a Storage Tank. Herein, a new diffuser shape is proposed, which exemplifies improved performance. Three-dimensional unsteady numerical experiments are conducted for four design parameters of a stratified thermal Storage Tank: Three design parameters with three levels (i.e., the Reynolds number=400, 800, and 1200; the Froude number=0.5, 1.0, and 2.0; and the area ratio of the diffuser to Tank cross-section=0.0327, 0.0582, and 0.131) and one design parameter having two levels (i.e., diffuser type=radial plate type and radial adjusted plate type). Orthogonal array L18(2×37) is adopted for the analysis of variance. The result gives quantitative estimation of the various design parameters affecting the performance and helps to determine the main factors for the optimum design of a stratified thermal Storage Tank. In the range of parameters considered, the Reynolds number is found to be the most dominant parameter. Moreover, the diffuser shape plays a significant role on the performance of a stratified thermal Storage Tank.
Hiki Hong - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
enhancement of stratification for solar water Storage Tank with spiral jacket and coil part 1 verification experiment
Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, 2012Co-Authors: Jaewook Kwon, Hiki HongAbstract:Large-scale active solar heat systems are generally using heat exchanger between collector and Storage Tank loops to prevent damage by freezing. It is difficult to maintain stratification in a Storage Tank in the system owing to greater flow rate enhancing heat transfer. In the previous study, we introduced a spiral-jacketed Storage Tank and obtained good results to keep system performance of general level without better stratification. We added a scroll-shaped heat exchanger coil on the upper part in the spiral-jacketed Storage Tank. As a result of the experiment, it was verified that degree of stratification of the new type Storage Tank is higher than that of the previous one with a possibility of better collector efficiency and solar fraction.
experimental verification of a solar hot water heating system with a spiral jacketed Storage Tank
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2008Co-Authors: Douglas T Reindl, Sun Kuk Kim, Yong Tae Kang, Hiki HongAbstract:Simplifying solar thermal systems offers a number of potential benefits, including lower initial investment, lower maintenance costs, and reduced likelihood of operating faults. Reduced capital cost leads to increased competitiveness in the energy market. With appropriate care, a simplified solar thermal system design can maintain competitive energy performance with more complicated designs. We propose to simplify small-scale thermal Storage systems by the use of a spiral-jacketed Storage Tank that combines the function of both the heat exchanger and Storage Tank. The new Storage Tank is designed and manufactured to maintain performance comparable to a conventional system, and its functional performance validated by retrofitting an existing system and operating it under real conditions over a multiple month period. The system retrofitted with a spiral-jacketed Storage Tank showed performance competitive with the previous system that utilized a typical Storage Tank and heat exchanger during a day with a good solar radiation but experienced somewhat diminished performance during a month that included cloudy days.
Liya Zhang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Numerical simulation of single spiral heat Storage Tank for solar thermal power plant
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017Co-Authors: Ting Zheng, Liya ZhangAbstract:Abstract Thermal energy Storage is a key technology for the solar thermal power plants. This paper set up a single spiral heat Storage Tank using concrete as heat Storage material and Cu-water nano-fluid as heat transfer fluid. In this paper, temperature distribution and the effects of the parameters i.e., inlet temperature and inlet velocity, on the charge time of the Storage Tank have been investigated based on numerical simulation. The results show that the charge time of the Storage Tank is about 72,000 s before the other factors have been changed. The charge time of the Storage Tank increases with the decrease of the inlet temperature and inlet velocity.