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Jean-claude Weeber - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Surface Plasmon routing in dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon polariton waveguides
Plasmonics: Nanoimaging Nanofabrication and Their Applications IV, 2008Co-Authors: Jonathan Grandidier, S. Massenot, Alexandre Bouhelier, G. Colas Des Francs, Jean-claude Weeber, Laurent Markey, Alain DereuxAbstract:Waveguiding by dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon-polaritons (DLSPP) structures are numerically and experimentally investigated. We used the effective index model to understand the influence of basic waveguide parameters such as width and thickness on the properties of the Surface Plasmon guided modes. A waveguide was fabricated and experimentally studied. The effective indices of the modes supported by the waveguide and their propagation length are evaluated by leakage radiation microscopy in both the Fourier and imaging planes. Several excitation schemes were tested including Surface Plasmon coupling by diascopic or episcopic illumination as well as defectmediated excitation of guided modes. We found good agreement between theoretical values predicted by the effective index model and experimental values deduced from leakage radiation images.
Surface Plasmon routing in dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon polariton waveguides - art. no. 70330S
2008Co-Authors: Jonathan Grandidier, S. Massenot, Alexandre Bouhelier, G. Colas Des Francs, Jean-claude Weeber, Laurent Markey, Alain DereuxAbstract:Waveguiding by dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon-polaritons (DLSPP) structures are numerically and experimentally investigated. We used the effective index model to understand the influence of basic waveguide parameters such as width and thickness on the properties of the Surface Plasmon guided modes. A waveguide was fabricated and experimentally studied. The effective indices of the modes supported by the waveguide and their propagation length are evaluated by leakage radiation microscopy in both the Fourier and imaging planes. Several excitation schemes were tested including Surface Plasmon coupling by diascopic or episcopic illumination as well as defect-mediated excitation of guided modes. We found good agreement between theoretical values predicted by the effective index model and experimental values deduced from leakage radiation images.
Surface Plasmon interference excited by tightly focused laser beams
Optics Letters, 2007Co-Authors: Alexandre Bouhelier, Jean-claude Weeber, Alain Dereux, Gary P. Wiederrecht, Filipp V Ignatovich, Aurelien Bruyant, Caijin Huang, Colas Des G Francs, Lukas NovotnyAbstract:We show that interfering Surface Plasmon polaritons can be excited with a focused laser beam at normal incidence to a plane metal film. No protrusions or holes are needed in this excitation scheme. Depending on the axial position of the focus, the intensity distribution on the metal Surface is either dominated by interferences between counterpropagating Plasmons or by a two-lobe pattern characteristic of localized Surface Plasmon excitation. Our experiments can be accurately explained by use of the angular spectrum representation and provide a simple means for locally exciting standing Surface Plasmon polaritons.
Surface-Plasmon hopping along coupled coplanar cavities
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 2007Co-Authors: Jean-claude Weeber, Jonathan Grandidier, Alexandre Bouhelier, Laurent Markey, Gérard Colas Des Francs, Sebastien Massenot, Alain DereuxAbstract:We report on Surface-Plasmon propagation along coupled coplanar cavities periodically distributed in an otherwise unperturbed Plasmonic crystal. We show that the dispersion of particular Bloch modes can exhibit multiple energy gaps that can be adjusted by choosing the cavity size. For resonant sizes, the composite crystals composed of juxtaposed cavities can support Plasmon modes at frequencies within the gap of the unperturbed grating. In this case, we demonstrate that the Surface-Plasmon propagation relies on a hopping mechanism.
Surface Plasmon propagation in microscale metal stripes
Applied Physics Letters, 2001Co-Authors: Bernhard Lamprecht, Joachim R. Krenn, Gerburg Schider, Harald Ditlbacher, Marco Salerno, Nordin Félidj, Alfred Leitner, Franz R. Aussenegg, Jean-claude WeeberAbstract:Addressing the fundamental question of miniaturization of light guiding and routing towards nanoscale optics, we study experimentally Surface Plasmon propagation in silver and gold thin films of finite widths in the micrometer range. Spatially confined excitation of Surface Plasmons is realized by a prism coupling arrangement involving an opaque aluminum screen for a distinct separation of excitation and propagation (measurement) region. The Surface Plasmon propagation length as a function of film widths is measured by detecting stray light due to Surface Plasmon scattering with a conventional optical microscope.
Alain Dereux - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Surface Plasmon circuitry in opto-electronics
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2012, 2012Co-Authors: Alain Dereux, J.-c. Weeber, Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi, Emmanouil E. Kriezis, Nikos Pleros, Tolga Tekin, M. Baus, Hercules AvramopoulosAbstract:This tutorial reviews the physics of Surface Plasmon circuitry in order to bring to the fore recently demonstrated applications of Surface Plasmon in optoelectronics such as on-board optical interconnects or routing in datacom networks.
Surface Plasmon routing in dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon polariton waveguides
Plasmonics: Nanoimaging Nanofabrication and Their Applications IV, 2008Co-Authors: Jonathan Grandidier, S. Massenot, Alexandre Bouhelier, G. Colas Des Francs, Jean-claude Weeber, Laurent Markey, Alain DereuxAbstract:Waveguiding by dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon-polaritons (DLSPP) structures are numerically and experimentally investigated. We used the effective index model to understand the influence of basic waveguide parameters such as width and thickness on the properties of the Surface Plasmon guided modes. A waveguide was fabricated and experimentally studied. The effective indices of the modes supported by the waveguide and their propagation length are evaluated by leakage radiation microscopy in both the Fourier and imaging planes. Several excitation schemes were tested including Surface Plasmon coupling by diascopic or episcopic illumination as well as defectmediated excitation of guided modes. We found good agreement between theoretical values predicted by the effective index model and experimental values deduced from leakage radiation images.
Surface Plasmon routing in dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon polariton waveguides - art. no. 70330S
2008Co-Authors: Jonathan Grandidier, S. Massenot, Alexandre Bouhelier, G. Colas Des Francs, Jean-claude Weeber, Laurent Markey, Alain DereuxAbstract:Waveguiding by dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon-polaritons (DLSPP) structures are numerically and experimentally investigated. We used the effective index model to understand the influence of basic waveguide parameters such as width and thickness on the properties of the Surface Plasmon guided modes. A waveguide was fabricated and experimentally studied. The effective indices of the modes supported by the waveguide and their propagation length are evaluated by leakage radiation microscopy in both the Fourier and imaging planes. Several excitation schemes were tested including Surface Plasmon coupling by diascopic or episcopic illumination as well as defect-mediated excitation of guided modes. We found good agreement between theoretical values predicted by the effective index model and experimental values deduced from leakage radiation images.
Surface Plasmon interference excited by tightly focused laser beams
Optics Letters, 2007Co-Authors: Alexandre Bouhelier, Jean-claude Weeber, Alain Dereux, Gary P. Wiederrecht, Filipp V Ignatovich, Aurelien Bruyant, Caijin Huang, Colas Des G Francs, Lukas NovotnyAbstract:We show that interfering Surface Plasmon polaritons can be excited with a focused laser beam at normal incidence to a plane metal film. No protrusions or holes are needed in this excitation scheme. Depending on the axial position of the focus, the intensity distribution on the metal Surface is either dominated by interferences between counterpropagating Plasmons or by a two-lobe pattern characteristic of localized Surface Plasmon excitation. Our experiments can be accurately explained by use of the angular spectrum representation and provide a simple means for locally exciting standing Surface Plasmon polaritons.
Surface-Plasmon hopping along coupled coplanar cavities
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 2007Co-Authors: Jean-claude Weeber, Jonathan Grandidier, Alexandre Bouhelier, Laurent Markey, Gérard Colas Des Francs, Sebastien Massenot, Alain DereuxAbstract:We report on Surface-Plasmon propagation along coupled coplanar cavities periodically distributed in an otherwise unperturbed Plasmonic crystal. We show that the dispersion of particular Bloch modes can exhibit multiple energy gaps that can be adjusted by choosing the cavity size. For resonant sizes, the composite crystals composed of juxtaposed cavities can support Plasmon modes at frequencies within the gap of the unperturbed grating. In this case, we demonstrate that the Surface-Plasmon propagation relies on a hopping mechanism.
Jiří Homola - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Sensors - Surface Plasmon resonance based sensors
Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, 2006Co-Authors: Jiří HomolaAbstract:Fundamentals of SPR Sensors.- Electromagnetic Theory of Surface Plasmons.- Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Sensors.- Molecular Interactions in SPR Sensors.- Implementations of SPR Biosensors.- SPR Sensor Instrumentation.- The Art of Immobilization for SPR Sensors.- Applications of SPR Biosensors.- Investigating Biomolecular Interactions and Binding Properties Using SPR Biosensors.- SPR Biosensors for Detection of Biological and Chemical Analytes.- SPR Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring.- SPR Biosensors for Food Safety.- SPR Biosensors for Medical Diagnostics.
present and future of Surface Plasmon resonance biosensors
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2003Co-Authors: Jiří HomolaAbstract:Surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors are optical sensors exploiting special electromagnetic waves—Surface Plasmon-polaritons—to probe interactions between an analyte in solution and a biomolecular recognition element immobilized on the SPR sensor Surface. Major application areas include detection of biological analytes and analysis of biomolecular interactions where SPR biosensors provide benefits of label-free real-time analytical technology. This paper reviews fundamentals of SPR affinity biosensors and discusses recent advances in development and applications of SPR biosensors.
Alexandre Bouhelier - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Surface Plasmon routing in dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon polariton waveguides
Plasmonics: Nanoimaging Nanofabrication and Their Applications IV, 2008Co-Authors: Jonathan Grandidier, S. Massenot, Alexandre Bouhelier, G. Colas Des Francs, Jean-claude Weeber, Laurent Markey, Alain DereuxAbstract:Waveguiding by dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon-polaritons (DLSPP) structures are numerically and experimentally investigated. We used the effective index model to understand the influence of basic waveguide parameters such as width and thickness on the properties of the Surface Plasmon guided modes. A waveguide was fabricated and experimentally studied. The effective indices of the modes supported by the waveguide and their propagation length are evaluated by leakage radiation microscopy in both the Fourier and imaging planes. Several excitation schemes were tested including Surface Plasmon coupling by diascopic or episcopic illumination as well as defectmediated excitation of guided modes. We found good agreement between theoretical values predicted by the effective index model and experimental values deduced from leakage radiation images.
Surface Plasmon routing in dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon polariton waveguides - art. no. 70330S
2008Co-Authors: Jonathan Grandidier, S. Massenot, Alexandre Bouhelier, G. Colas Des Francs, Jean-claude Weeber, Laurent Markey, Alain DereuxAbstract:Waveguiding by dielectric-loaded Surface Plasmon-polaritons (DLSPP) structures are numerically and experimentally investigated. We used the effective index model to understand the influence of basic waveguide parameters such as width and thickness on the properties of the Surface Plasmon guided modes. A waveguide was fabricated and experimentally studied. The effective indices of the modes supported by the waveguide and their propagation length are evaluated by leakage radiation microscopy in both the Fourier and imaging planes. Several excitation schemes were tested including Surface Plasmon coupling by diascopic or episcopic illumination as well as defect-mediated excitation of guided modes. We found good agreement between theoretical values predicted by the effective index model and experimental values deduced from leakage radiation images.
Surface Plasmon interference excited by tightly focused laser beams
Optics Letters, 2007Co-Authors: Alexandre Bouhelier, Jean-claude Weeber, Alain Dereux, Gary P. Wiederrecht, Filipp V Ignatovich, Aurelien Bruyant, Caijin Huang, Colas Des G Francs, Lukas NovotnyAbstract:We show that interfering Surface Plasmon polaritons can be excited with a focused laser beam at normal incidence to a plane metal film. No protrusions or holes are needed in this excitation scheme. Depending on the axial position of the focus, the intensity distribution on the metal Surface is either dominated by interferences between counterpropagating Plasmons or by a two-lobe pattern characteristic of localized Surface Plasmon excitation. Our experiments can be accurately explained by use of the angular spectrum representation and provide a simple means for locally exciting standing Surface Plasmon polaritons.
Surface-Plasmon hopping along coupled coplanar cavities
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 2007Co-Authors: Jean-claude Weeber, Jonathan Grandidier, Alexandre Bouhelier, Laurent Markey, Gérard Colas Des Francs, Sebastien Massenot, Alain DereuxAbstract:We report on Surface-Plasmon propagation along coupled coplanar cavities periodically distributed in an otherwise unperturbed Plasmonic crystal. We show that the dispersion of particular Bloch modes can exhibit multiple energy gaps that can be adjusted by choosing the cavity size. For resonant sizes, the composite crystals composed of juxtaposed cavities can support Plasmon modes at frequencies within the gap of the unperturbed grating. In this case, we demonstrate that the Surface-Plasmon propagation relies on a hopping mechanism.
Surface Plasmon Broadband Continuum
Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties III, 2005Co-Authors: Alexandre Bouhelier, Gary P. WiederrechtAbstract:A new method for optically exciting and visualizing Surface Plasmons in thin metal films is described. The technique relies on the use of a high numerical aperture objective lens to locally launch Surface Plasmons with an area much smaller than their lateral decay length. We visualize directly the intensity distribution of the Surface Plasmons by detecting the intrinsic lossy modes associated with Plasmon propagation in thin films. Our approach allowed us to excite simultaneously a broad spectral continuum of Surface waves and to describe for the first time Surface Plasmon rainbow jets. We quantified the attenuation of the jet as a function of wavelength and film thickness and compared it to the different propagation damping mechanisms. We demonstrated the influence of the interface on the Surface Plasmon propagation length and demonstrated Surface Plasmon spectral filtering using molecular excitonic adsorbates.
Xiang Zhang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
near field moire effect mediated by Surface Plasmon polariton excitation
Optics Letters, 2007Co-Authors: Stephane Durant, Yi Xiong, Yuri Pikus, Xiang ZhangAbstract:We have demonstrated a Surface Plasmon polariton mediated optical Moire effect by inserting a silver slab between two subwavelength gratings. Enhancement of the evanescent fields by the Surface Plasmon excitations on the silver slab leads to a remarkable contrast improvement in the Moire fringes from two subwavelength gratings. Numerical calculations, which agree very well with the experimental observation of evanescent-wave Moire fringes, elucidate the crucial role of the Surface Plasmon polaritons. The near-field Moire effect has potential applications to extend the existing Moire techniques to subwavelength characterization of nanostructures.
Surface Plasmon interference nanolithography.
Nano letters, 2005Co-Authors: Zhaowei Liu, Qi-huo Wei, Xiang ZhangAbstract:A new nanophotolithography technique based on the interference of Surface Plasmon waves is proposed and demonstrated by using computer simulations. The wavelengths of the Surface Plasmon waves at metal and dielectric interfaces can reach the nanometer scale while their frequencies remain in the optical range. As a result, the resolution of this Surface Plasmon interference nanolithography (SPIN) can go far beyond the free-space diffraction limit of the light. Simulation results show that one-dimensional and two-dimensional periodical structures of 40−100 nm features can be patterned using interfering Surface Plasmons launched by 1D gratings. Detailed characteristics of SPIN such as field distribution and contrast are also investigated.