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Julie Stamm - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
limbic System Structure volumes and associated neurocognitive functioning in former nfl players
Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2019Co-Authors: Christian Lepage, Marc Muehlmann, Yorghos Tripodis, Jakob Hufschmidt, Julie StammAbstract:Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disease associated with exposure to repetitive head impacts. CTE has been linked to disruptions in cognition, mood, and behavior. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of CTE can only be made post-mortem. Neuropathological evidence suggests limbic Structures may provide an opportunity to characterize CTE in the living. Using 3 T magnetic resonance imaging, we compared select limbic brain regional volumes – the amygdala, hippocampus, and cingulate gyrus – between symptomatic former National Football League (NFL) players (n = 86) and controls (n = 22). Moreover, within the group of former NFL players, we examined the relationship between those limbic Structures and neurobehavioral functioning (n = 75). The former NFL group comprised eighty-six men (mean age = 55.2 ± 8.0 years) with at least 12 years of organized football experience, at least 2 years of active participation in the NFL, and self-reported declines in cognition, mood, and behavior within the last 6 months. The control group consisted of men (mean age = 57.0 ± 6.6 years) with no history of contact-sport involvement or traumatic brain injury. All control participants provided neurobehavioral data. Compared to controls, former NFL players exhibited reduced volumes of the amygdala, hippocampus, and cingulate gyrus. Within the NFL group, reduced bilateral cingulate gyrus volume was associated with worse attention and psychomotor speed (r = 0.4 (right), r = 0.42 (left); both p < 0.001), while decreased right hippocampal volume was associated with worse visual memory (r = 0.25, p = 0.027). Reduced volumes of limbic System Structures in former NFL players are associated with neurocognitive features of CTE. Volume reductions in the amygdala, hippocampus, and cingulate gyrus may be potential biomarkers of neurodegeneration in those at risk for CTE.
Philipp Hartmann - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
the euro area financial System Structure integration and policy initiatives
2003Co-Authors: Philipp Hartmann, Angela Maddaloni, Simone ManganelliAbstract:Four years after the introduction of the euro, this paper provides an overview of the current Structure and integration of the euro area financial Systems and related policy initiatives. We first compare the euro area financial Structure with that of the United States and Japan. Using new and comprehensive financial account data, we also describe how the euro area financial Structure evolved since 1995. We document the progress towards integration of the major euro area financial segments, namely money markets, bond markets, equity markets and banking. Finally, we discuss recent policy initiatives aimed at further improving European financial integration.
the euro area financial System Structure integration and policy initiatives
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2003Co-Authors: Philipp Hartmann, Angela Maddaloni, Simone ManganelliAbstract:Four years after the introduction of the euro, this paper provides an overview of the current Structure and integration of the euro-area financial Systems and related policy initiatives. We first compare the euro-area financial Structure with those of the United States and Japan. Using new and comprehensive financial account data, we also describe how the euro-area financial Structure has evolved since 1995. We document the progress towards integration of the major euro-area financial segments, namely money markets, bond markets, equity markets, and banking. Finally, we discuss recent policy initiatives aimed at further improving European financial integration.
Simone Manganelli - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
the euro area financial System Structure integration and policy initiatives
2003Co-Authors: Philipp Hartmann, Angela Maddaloni, Simone ManganelliAbstract:Four years after the introduction of the euro, this paper provides an overview of the current Structure and integration of the euro area financial Systems and related policy initiatives. We first compare the euro area financial Structure with that of the United States and Japan. Using new and comprehensive financial account data, we also describe how the euro area financial Structure evolved since 1995. We document the progress towards integration of the major euro area financial segments, namely money markets, bond markets, equity markets and banking. Finally, we discuss recent policy initiatives aimed at further improving European financial integration.
the euro area financial System Structure integration and policy initiatives
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2003Co-Authors: Philipp Hartmann, Angela Maddaloni, Simone ManganelliAbstract:Four years after the introduction of the euro, this paper provides an overview of the current Structure and integration of the euro-area financial Systems and related policy initiatives. We first compare the euro-area financial Structure with those of the United States and Japan. Using new and comprehensive financial account data, we also describe how the euro-area financial Structure has evolved since 1995. We document the progress towards integration of the major euro-area financial segments, namely money markets, bond markets, equity markets, and banking. Finally, we discuss recent policy initiatives aimed at further improving European financial integration.
Harry V Vinters - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
microglia insights into immune System Structure function and reactivity in the central nervous System
Histology and Histopathology, 2011Co-Authors: Martin Wirenfeldt, Alicia A Babcock, Harry V VintersAbstract:Microglia are essential cellular components of a well-functioning central nervous System (CNS). The development and establishment of the microglial population differs from the other major cell populations in the CNS i.e. neurons and macroglia (astrocytes and oligodendrocytes). This different ontogeny gives microglia unique properties. In recent years detailed studies of the microglial population have been greatly facilitated by the use of bone marrow (BM) chimeric animals. Experimental BM transplants have provided the opportunity to trace and investigate how BM cells migrate into the CNS and settle to become microglia. Furthermore various functional properties of microglia in the normal and pathological CNS are now being revealed because of combinations of BM transplantations and experimental disease models. Here, we describe some of the latest findings in microglial biology and discuss the potential for using microglia in therapeutic interventions.
Mikael Simons - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
myelin in the central nervous System Structure function and pathology
Physical Review, 2019Co-Authors: Christine Stadelmann, Sebastian Timmler, Alonso Barrantesfreer, Mikael SimonsAbstract:Oligodendrocytes generate multiple layers of myelin membrane around axons of the central nervous System to enable fast and efficient nerve conduction. Until recently, saltatory nerve conduction was...