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Kensei Tobinai - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
mogamulizumab for The TreaTmenT of T Cell lymphoma
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 2017Co-Authors: Shinichi Makita, Kensei TobinaiAbstract:ABSTRACTInTroducTion: T-Cell lymphoma is a relaTively rare hemaTologic malignancy ThaT accounTs for 10–20% of non-Hodgkin lymphomas. TreaTmenT sTraTegies for T-Cell lymphomas are differenT from ThaT for B-Cell lymphomas and have poor prognoses. Among various subTypes of T-Cell lymphomas, adulT T-Cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL) has The worsT prognosis. To achieve furTher improvemenT in The TreaTmenT ouTcome of T-Cell lymphomas, several novel agenTs such as brenTuximab vedoTin, lenalidomide, romidepsin, and pralaTrexaTe are acTively being sTudied. Mogamulizumab, an anTi-CC chemokine recepTor 4 (CCR4) monoclonal anTibody, is one of The promising agenTs for CCR4-posiTive T-Cell lymphomas, especially for ATL.Areas covered: FirsT, basic informaTion abouT The currenT TreaTmenT sTraTegy of T-Cell lymphomas including ATL is described. Then, The auThors discuss The currenT clinical developmenT of mogamulizumab and iTs clinical implicaTions for T-Cell lymphomas.ExperT opinion: Mogamulizumab has poTenT clinical efficacy...
Shinichi Makita - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
mogamulizumab for The TreaTmenT of T Cell lymphoma
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 2017Co-Authors: Shinichi Makita, Kensei TobinaiAbstract:ABSTRACTInTroducTion: T-Cell lymphoma is a relaTively rare hemaTologic malignancy ThaT accounTs for 10–20% of non-Hodgkin lymphomas. TreaTmenT sTraTegies for T-Cell lymphomas are differenT from ThaT for B-Cell lymphomas and have poor prognoses. Among various subTypes of T-Cell lymphomas, adulT T-Cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL) has The worsT prognosis. To achieve furTher improvemenT in The TreaTmenT ouTcome of T-Cell lymphomas, several novel agenTs such as brenTuximab vedoTin, lenalidomide, romidepsin, and pralaTrexaTe are acTively being sTudied. Mogamulizumab, an anTi-CC chemokine recepTor 4 (CCR4) monoclonal anTibody, is one of The promising agenTs for CCR4-posiTive T-Cell lymphomas, especially for ATL.Areas covered: FirsT, basic informaTion abouT The currenT TreaTmenT sTraTegy of T-Cell lymphomas including ATL is described. Then, The auThors discuss The currenT clinical developmenT of mogamulizumab and iTs clinical implicaTions for T-Cell lymphomas.ExperT opinion: Mogamulizumab has poTenT clinical efficacy...
Amanda L Marzo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
iniTial T Cell frequency dicTaTes memory cd8 T Cell lineage commiTmenT
Nature Immunology, 2005Co-Authors: Amanda L Marzo, Kimberly D Klonowski, Persephone Borrow, David F Tough, Leo LefrancoisAbstract:Memory T Cells can be divided inTo cenTral memory T Cell (TCM Cell) and effecTor memory T Cell (TEM Cell) subseTs based on homing characTerisTics and effecTor funcTions. WheTher TEM and TCM Cells represenT inTerconnecTed or disTincT lineages is unclear, alThough The presenT paradigm suggesTs ThaT TEM and TCM Cells follow a linear differenTiaTion paThway from naive T Cells To effecTor T Cells To TEM Cells To TCM Cells. We show here ThaT naive T Cell precursor frequency profoundly influenced The paThway along which CD8+ memory T Cells developed. AT low precursor frequency, Those TEM Cells generaTed represenTed a sTable Cell lineage ThaT failed To furTher differenTiaTe inTo TCM Cells. These findings do noT adhere To The presenT dogma regarding memory T Cell generaTion and provide a means for idenTifying facTors conTrolling memory T Cell lineage commiTmenT.
Jef Raus - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
γδ T Cell responses To acTivaTed T Cells in mulTiple sclerosis paTienTs induced by T Cell vaccinaTion
Journal of Neuroimmunology, 1998Co-Authors: Piet Stinissen, Jingwu Z. Zhang, Guy Hermans, Caroline Vandevyver, Jef RausAbstract:AbsTracT To explore The hypoThesis ThaT γδ T Cells may regulaTe acTivaTed αβ T Cells, we sTudied γδ T Cell responses To αβ T Cell clones in MulTiple Sclerosis (MS) paTienTs who received aTTenuaTed auTologous auToreacTive T Cells. We recenTly conducTed a piloT sTudy of T Cell vaccinaTion wiTh myelin basic proTein reacTive T Cells in MS. Since T Cell vaccinaTion upregulaTes The anTi-vaccine T Cell responses, we evaluaTed γδ T Cell reacTiviTy Towards The vaccine in The vaccinaTed paTienTs. LymphocyTes were sTimulaTed in viTro wiTh irradiaTed vaccine Cells and The responding lines were checked for The presence of γδ T Cells. Our daTa demonsTraTe ThaT in The majoriTy of vaccinaTed MS paTienTs γδ T Cells expand upon sTimulaTion wiTh The vaccine Cells. The responding γδ T Cells were predominanTly V δ 1 + /V γ 1 + , and represenTed diverse clonal origins. The γδ T Cells could noT inhibiT in viTro proliferaTion of The vaccine T Cells and displayed low cyToToxic reacTiviTy Towards The vaccine clones. However, They produced high levels of IL2, TNF α and IL10. These resulTs indicaTe ThaT γδ T Cells can be sTimulaTed by acTivaTed αβ T Cells, and ThaT These γδ T Cell responses are upregulaTed afTer T Cell vaccinaTion. These findings suggesT ThaT γδ T Cells are involved in peripheral mechanisms To conTrol acTivaTed auToreacTive T Cells.
GammadelTa T Cell responses To acTivaTed T Cells in mulTiple sclerosis paTienTs induced by T Cell vaccinaTion.
Journal of neuroimmunology, 1998Co-Authors: Piet Stinissen, Guy Hermans, Caroline Vandevyver, J Zhang, Jef RausAbstract:To explore The hypoThesis ThaT gammadelTa T Cells may regulaTe acTivaTed alphabeTa T Cells, we sTudied gammadelTa T Cell responses To alphabeTa T Cell clones in MulTiple Sclerosis (MS) paTienTs who received aTTenuaTed auTologous auToreacTive T Cells. We recenTly conducTed a piloT sTudy of T Cell vaccinaTion wiTh myelin basic proTein reacTive T Cells in MS. Since T Cell vaccinaTion upregulaTes The anTi-vaccine T Cell responses, we evaluaTed gammadelTa T Cell reacTiviTy Towards The vaccine in The vaccinaTed paTienTs. LymphocyTes were sTimulaTed in viTro wiTh irradiaTed vaccine Cells and The responding lines were checked for The presence of gammadelTa T Cells. Our daTa demonsTraTe ThaT in The majoriTy of vaccinaTed MS paTienTs gammadelTa T Cells expand upon sTimulaTion wiTh The vaccine Cells. The responding gammadelTa T Cells were predominanTly VdelTa1+/Vgamma1+, and represenTed diverse clonal origins. The gammadelTa T Cells could noT inhibiT in viTro proliferaTion of The vaccine T Cells and displayed low cyToToxic reacTiviTy Towards The vaccine clones. However, They produced high levels of IL2, TNFalpha and IL10. These resulTs indicaTe ThaT gammadelTa T Cells can be sTimulaTed by acTivaTed alphabeTa T Cells, and ThaT These gammadelTa T Cell responses are upregulaTed afTer T Cell vaccinaTion. These findings suggesT ThaT gammadelTa T Cells are involved in peripheral mechanisms To conTrol acTivaTed auToreacTive T Cells.
T Cell vaccinaTion in mulTiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 1996Co-Authors: Jingwu Z. Zhang, Jef RausAbstract:T Cell responses To myelin bask proTein (MBP) are implicaTed To play an imporTanT role in The paThogenesis of mulTiple sclerosis (MS). These MBP auToreacTive T Cells are found To undergo in vivo acTivaTion and clonal expansion in paTienTs wiTh MS. They accumulaTe in The brain comparTmenT and may reside in The brain lesions of paTienTs wiTh MS. As MBP-reacTive T Cells poTenTially hold a cenTral posiTion in iniTiaTion and perpeTuaTion of The brain inflammaTion, specific immune Therapies designed To depleTe Them may improve The clinical course of The disease. In This paper, The TherapeuTic poTenTial of T Cell vaccinaTion in The TreaTmenT of MS is discussed in conTexT of iTs immunological and clinical effecT The resulTs of our phase one clinical vial indicaTe ThaT T Cell vaccinaTion wiTh inacTivaTed MBP auToreacTive T Cells induces specific regulaTory T Cell neTwork of The hosT immune sysTem To depleTe circulaTing MBP-reacTive T Cells in a clonoType-specific fashion. The immuniTy induced by T Cell vaccinaTion...
T Cell VaccinaTion and AuToimmune Disease
1995Co-Authors: Chʿing-wu Chang, Jef RausAbstract:The underlying mechanism and clinical applicaTion of T Cell vaccinaTion in experimenTal and human auToimmune diseases is The main feaTure of This TexT. An overview of recenT advances on The subjecT, in parTicular wiTh relevance To recenT clinical Trials demonsTraTing The TherapeuTic poTenTial of T Cell vaccinaTion in human auToimmune diseases. AspecTs covered by The discussion include: The poTenTial mechanisms involved in human auToimmune paThologies; The funcTional and sTrucTural characTerisTics of paThogenic T Cells and Their relevance in designing specific immune inTervenTion; The pracTical procedure used in recenT T Cell vaccinaTion Trials; and The T-T inTeracTions induced by T Cell vaccinaTion.
Kerry J. Savage - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
UpdaTe: Peripheral T-Cell Lymphomas
Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports, 2011Co-Authors: Kerry J. SavageAbstract:Peripheral T-Cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are a group of biologically heTerogeneous buT Typically aggressive diseases. Progress in undersTanding and developing opTimal Therapies for PTCLs has been hampered by disease rariTy and only relaTively recenT recogniTion of The imporTance of The T-Cell phenoType. The InTernaTional Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma ProjecT was a large collaboraTive efforT To provide a broader undersTanding of prognosis. RecenTly, several new Therapies have shown promise in The TreaTmenT of PTCLs.