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The Experts below are selected from a list of 189009 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Chengwei Wang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • high Transmittance and superhydrophilicity of porous tio2 sio2 bi layer films without uv irradiation
    Surface & Coatings Technology, 2011
    Co-Authors: Junjun Wang, Duoshu Wang, Jian Wang, Wulong Zhao, Chengwei Wang

    Abstract In order to obtain the TiO2 films with high Transmittance and superhydrophilicity without UV irradiation, porous TiO2/SiO2 bi-layer films were prepared by spin coated SiO2 sol and TiO2 sol including polyethylene glycol 2000 (PEG 2000) onto glass and subsequent calcination at 550 °C. Meanwhile, factors that affect the TiO2/SiO2 bi-layer films Transmittance and superhydrophilicity were investigated in details by observing their surface morphologies and measuring their water contact angles (WCAs), spreading time and Transmittances. The results indicated that the as-prepared TiO2/SiO2 bi-layer film showed superhydrophilicity without UV irradiation when 0.5 wt.% PEG 2000 was added in TiO2 sol. At the same time, its maximum Transmittance was as high as 92.3%. The spreading time was only about 0.16 s. More importantly, the resultant film had an excellent stability of the superhydrophilic property.

Seamus A Curran - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • optimization of organic solar cells with thin film au as anode
    Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2011
    Co-Authors: Soniya D Yambem, Amrita Haldar, Kangshyang Liao, Eoghan P Dillon, Andrew R Barron, Seamus A Curran

    Optical Transmittance and conductivity for thin metallic films, such as Au, are two inversely related and extremely important parameters for its application in organic photovoltaics as the front electrode. We report our findings on how these parameters have been optimized to attain maximum possible efficiencies by fabricating organic solar cells with thin Au film anodes of differing optical Transmittances and consequently due to scaling at the nanolevel, varying electrical conductivities. There was an extraordinary improvement in the overall solar cell efficiency (to the order of 49%) when the Au thin film Transmittance was increased from 38% to 54%. Surface morphologies of these thin films also have an effect on the critical parameters including, Voc, Jsc and FF.

Giorgio Baldinelli - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • window frame thermal Transmittance improvements without frame geometry variations an experimentally validated cfd analysis
    Energy and Buildings, 2017
    Co-Authors: Agnieszka Lechowska, Jacek Schnotale, Giorgio Baldinelli

    Abstract In this paper, two ways to improve the PVC window frame thermal Transmittance without frame geometrical dimension and material variations are presented. The first variation considered relies on inserting polyurethane foam into the air gaps. The second variation counts on low-emissivity coating on PVC surfaces in the frame air gaps. To investigate these modifications two-dimensional CFD simulations of PVC window frames were used which then were validated by measurements performed in a calorimetric chamber. A hot box methodology was implemented for the measurements. The experimental work was focused on verification of simulation results of modeled frame thermal Transmittances. A calorimetric chamber was used, consisting of a metering box, simulating indoor conditions (warm side), and a climate box, simulating outdoor conditions (cold side). It was concluded that the air gap filling with polyurethane foam in window frames can reduce window frame thermal Transmittance by about 27% while covering PVC surfaces with low-emissivity coating can reduce window frame thermal Transmittance by about 28%. These variations do not change the frame geometry or its total thickness. To answer the question what would be the expected impact of proposed frame variations on annual energy demand of different types of buildings additional simulations of two buildings with a DesignBuilder with EnergyPlus engine software were performed for a set of different climatic conditions.

Targo Kalamees - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • the effect of thermal Transmittance of building envelope and material selection of wind barrier on moisture safety of timber frame exterior wall
    Journal of building engineering, 2016
    Co-Authors: Peep Pihelo, Targo Kalamees

    Abstract The nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) ideology of the future obliges, first and foremost, that heat losses should be reduced remarkably compared to the present levels. The current study examines the potential hygrothermal risks and their effect on highly insulated timber frame exterior walls under cold climate conditions. The focus is on the timber frame exterior walls with thermal Transmittances between 0.17 and 0.08 W/(m 2  K), with different material combinations and boundary conditions, where the risk of mould growth as a performance criterion was used. A careful selection of materials allows to design moisture safe timber frame exterior walls and provide low thermal Transmittance. It was found that the relative humidity and the risk of mould growth are higher and the drying out period is longer in walls with lower thermal Transmittance when insulation thickness is the only changed parameter. Wind barriers with higher thermal resistance and water vapour permeability indicated a lower increase of mould growth risk in structure in the course of reduction of the thermal Transmittance. Therefore, the building envelope of the future nZEB needs a careful hygrothermal design.

Junjun Wang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • high Transmittance and superhydrophilicity of porous tio2 sio2 bi layer films without uv irradiation
    Surface & Coatings Technology, 2011
    Co-Authors: Junjun Wang, Duoshu Wang, Jian Wang, Wulong Zhao, Chengwei Wang

    Abstract In order to obtain the TiO2 films with high Transmittance and superhydrophilicity without UV irradiation, porous TiO2/SiO2 bi-layer films were prepared by spin coated SiO2 sol and TiO2 sol including polyethylene glycol 2000 (PEG 2000) onto glass and subsequent calcination at 550 °C. Meanwhile, factors that affect the TiO2/SiO2 bi-layer films Transmittance and superhydrophilicity were investigated in details by observing their surface morphologies and measuring their water contact angles (WCAs), spreading time and Transmittances. The results indicated that the as-prepared TiO2/SiO2 bi-layer film showed superhydrophilicity without UV irradiation when 0.5 wt.% PEG 2000 was added in TiO2 sol. At the same time, its maximum Transmittance was as high as 92.3%. The spreading time was only about 0.16 s. More importantly, the resultant film had an excellent stability of the superhydrophilic property.