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Josip Zavada - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Conditions for implementing trolleybuses in public Urban Transport
Promet-traffic & Transportation, 2010Co-Authors: Josip Zavada, Katica MilošAbstract:Big cities in the world are burdened by heavy traffic and all the resulting negative consequences. A partial solution of this problem is achieved by the introduction of high-quality public Urban Transport of passengers that enables faster and more efficient Transport. Since the introduction of individual forms of public Urban Transport depends on several factors, such as economic, traffic, environmental and technical ones, the problem is often a very complex one. The implementation of trolleybuses represents one of the forms of passenger Transportation in public Urban Transport. It is the most favourable electrical vehicle for public Urban Transport when the implementation of a rail system is not affordable. Looking through history, the trolleybus has experienced significant changes in the implementation, in a large number of world Urban environments. This paper points out the unjustifiable neglect of trolleybus in the implementation for the public Urban Transport and the renewed increase in the interest for its implementation. The advantages and drawbacks of the trolleybus are listed in relation to buses, as well as the reasons due to which some cities in the world are introducing it or increasing its implementation. The paper also emphasises and provides arguments of the ecological and energy advantages of trolleybuses in relation to buses as crucial in advanced public Urban Transport of passengers. Also, advanced technical solutions are pointed out that contribute to safer, faster and more comfortable Transport of passengers. KEY WORDS: trolleybus, bus, public Urban Transport, environment, economics
Conditions for implementing trolleybuses in public Urban Transport
Promet - Traffic - Traffico, 2010Co-Authors: Josip Zavada, Katica MilošAbstract:Big cities in the world are burdened by heavy traffic and all the resulting negative consequences. A partial solution of this problem is achieved by the introduction of high-quality public Urban Transport of passengers that enables faster and more efficient Transport. Since the introduction of indi- vidual forms of public Urban Transport depends on several factors, such as economic, traffic, environmental and techni- cal ones, the problem is often a very complex one. The im- plementation of trolleybuses represents one of the forms of passenger Transportation in public Urban Transport. It is the most favourable electrical vehicle for public Urban Transport when the implementation of a rail system is not affordable. Looking through history, the trolleybus has experienced sig- nificant changes in the implementation, in a large number of world Urban environments. This paper points out the unjustifiable neglect of trolley- bus in the implementation for the public Urban Transport and the renewed increase in the interest for its implementation. The advantages and drawbacks of the trolleybus are listed in relation to buses, as well as the reasons due to which some cities in the world are introducing it or increasing its implementation. The paper also emphasises and provides arguments of the ecological and energy advantages of trol- leybuses in relation to buses as crucial in advanced public Urban Transport of passengers. Also, advanced technical so- lutions are pointed out that contribute to safer, faster and more comfortable Transport of passengers.
Katica Miloš - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Conditions for implementing trolleybuses in public Urban Transport
Promet-traffic & Transportation, 2010Co-Authors: Josip Zavada, Katica MilošAbstract:Big cities in the world are burdened by heavy traffic and all the resulting negative consequences. A partial solution of this problem is achieved by the introduction of high-quality public Urban Transport of passengers that enables faster and more efficient Transport. Since the introduction of individual forms of public Urban Transport depends on several factors, such as economic, traffic, environmental and technical ones, the problem is often a very complex one. The implementation of trolleybuses represents one of the forms of passenger Transportation in public Urban Transport. It is the most favourable electrical vehicle for public Urban Transport when the implementation of a rail system is not affordable. Looking through history, the trolleybus has experienced significant changes in the implementation, in a large number of world Urban environments. This paper points out the unjustifiable neglect of trolleybus in the implementation for the public Urban Transport and the renewed increase in the interest for its implementation. The advantages and drawbacks of the trolleybus are listed in relation to buses, as well as the reasons due to which some cities in the world are introducing it or increasing its implementation. The paper also emphasises and provides arguments of the ecological and energy advantages of trolleybuses in relation to buses as crucial in advanced public Urban Transport of passengers. Also, advanced technical solutions are pointed out that contribute to safer, faster and more comfortable Transport of passengers. KEY WORDS: trolleybus, bus, public Urban Transport, environment, economics
Conditions for implementing trolleybuses in public Urban Transport
Promet - Traffic - Traffico, 2010Co-Authors: Josip Zavada, Katica MilošAbstract:Big cities in the world are burdened by heavy traffic and all the resulting negative consequences. A partial solution of this problem is achieved by the introduction of high-quality public Urban Transport of passengers that enables faster and more efficient Transport. Since the introduction of indi- vidual forms of public Urban Transport depends on several factors, such as economic, traffic, environmental and techni- cal ones, the problem is often a very complex one. The im- plementation of trolleybuses represents one of the forms of passenger Transportation in public Urban Transport. It is the most favourable electrical vehicle for public Urban Transport when the implementation of a rail system is not affordable. Looking through history, the trolleybus has experienced sig- nificant changes in the implementation, in a large number of world Urban environments. This paper points out the unjustifiable neglect of trolley- bus in the implementation for the public Urban Transport and the renewed increase in the interest for its implementation. The advantages and drawbacks of the trolleybus are listed in relation to buses, as well as the reasons due to which some cities in the world are introducing it or increasing its implementation. The paper also emphasises and provides arguments of the ecological and energy advantages of trol- leybuses in relation to buses as crucial in advanced public Urban Transport of passengers. Also, advanced technical so- lutions are pointed out that contribute to safer, faster and more comfortable Transport of passengers.
Rui Wang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
shaping Urban Transport policies in china will copying foreign policies work
Transport Policy, 2010Co-Authors: Rui WangAbstract:After decades of rapid economic growth, Chinese cities now face serious Urban Transport challenges, such as congestion, air pollution, energy shortage, and global climate change. Efficient and equitable Urban Transport policies are essential to China's sustainable development, in which Urbanization plays a critical role. Can Chinese cities solve these challenges by copying or modeling the policies of other nations? This paper argues that understanding the unique contexts of Chinese cities is necessary for predicting whether policies implemented elsewhere will perform well in China. The study explores four examples of hotly contested Urban Transport policies. The previous experience of each policy is compared with its likely efficiency and distributional consequences in China. Specific attention is paid to how the policy context - the spatial and institutional characteristics of the Chinese cities - can affect the adoption of foreign Urban Transport policies in China. Suggestions regarding the four policies are proposed to policy makers, followed by conclusions and discussions.
Ron Van Duin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
An adaptive approach to implementing innovative Urban Transport solutions
Transport Policy, 2008Co-Authors: Vincent Marchau, Warren E. Walker, Ron Van DuinAbstract:Urban Transport is facing an increasing number of problems. Innovative technological solutions have been proposed for many of these problems. The implementation of these solutions, however, is surrounded by many uncertainties--for example, future relevant developments for Urban Transport demand and supply, the possible consequences of these developments for Urban Transportation system performance, and the way crucial stakeholders will value these consequences. In order to deal with these uncertainties, a flexible or adaptive policy is proposed that takes some actions right away and creates a framework for future actions that allow for adaptations over time as knowledge about Urban Transport technologies accumulates and critical events with respect to the implementation of these technologies take place. The adaptive approach is illustrated for three promising technological solutions for Urban Transport problems: (1) intelligent speed adaptation, (2) personal intelligent travel assistant, and (3) underground freight Transport.
An Adaptive Approach to Implementing Innovative Urban Transport Solutions
2007Co-Authors: Vincent Marchau, Warren E. Walker, Ron Van DuinAbstract:This paper describes how Urban Transport is confronting an increasing number of problems. Innovative technological solutions have been proposed for many of these problems. The implementation of these solutions, however, is surrounded by many uncertainties on – for example, about future relevant developments for Urban Transport demand and supply, the possible consequences of these developments for Urban Transportation system performance, and the way crucial stakeholders will value these consequences. In order to deal with these uncertainties, a flexible or adaptive policy is proposed that takes some actions right away and creates a framework for future actions that allow for adaptations over time as knowledge about Urban Transport technologies accumulates and critical events with respect to the implementation of these technologies take place. The adaptive approach is illustrated for three promising Urban Transport technological solutions: (1) Intelligent Speed Adaptation; (2) Personal Intelligent Travel Assistant; and (3) Underground Freight Transport.
Stephen Stares - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
China's Urban Transport development strategy: Proceedings of a symposium in Beijing, November 8-10, 1995 - China's Urban Transport development strategy : proceedings of a symposium in Beijing, November 8-10, 1995
World Bank Discussion Papers, 1997Co-Authors: Stephen StaresAbstract:The proceedings of the China Urban Transport Symposium brought together senior policymakers from the Central government and a number of major cities, prominent international and domestic Urban Transport exports, and World Bank (IBRD) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) staff, to clarify the issues facing China's Urban Transport policy and strategy. Theme papers covered motorization, motor vehicle pollution, Urban Transport management, bicycles in cities, mass rapid transit, public transit reform, the private sector's role, Transport pricing, and Urban Transport planning. The participants generally recognized that a comprehensive approach to Urban Transport that balanced Transport infrastructure construction with Transport policy measures was required. The Concluding Statement, included in full text, summarized this consensus, and set out principles, criteria, and actions to underpin China's Urban Transport strategy, and to guide future assistance from the IBRD and the ADB.