The Experts below are selected from a list of 17949 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Véronique Ginouvès - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Archiver les récits entre arts et sciences sociales
Pôle Image-Son, 2021Co-Authors: Véronique GinouvèsAbstract:Séance n°3 du séminaire "Archives sonores et audiovisuelles vivantes: nouveaux usages, nouvelles recherches" 30 septembre 2021 de 14H à 17h Lien Zoom: Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme (Aix-en-Provence), Salle Germaine Tillion Programme - Vanessa Brito, enseignante en philosophie aux Beaux-Arts de Marseille et directrice de programme au CIPH, présentera son projet d'ouvrage collectif "Cinéma et histoire des possibles" qui fait suite à u..
Fédérer des ressources pour les études sur le monde arabe et musulman
Pôle Image-Son, 2021Co-Authors: Véronique GinouvèsAbstract:Le séminaire interlaboratoires MMSH "Archives de la recherche", coordonné par Emmanuelle Chapron (Telemme), Véronique Ginouvès (USR 3125) se poursuit ; la séance 4 "Fédérer des ressources pour les études sur le monde arabe et musulman" sera coordonnée par Vanessa Guéno (IREMAM) et Juliette Honvault (IREMAM) et se tiendra entièrement en vidsio, vendredi 26 mars 2021 de 14h à 17h. Cette séance présente des projets et réflexions en cours sur la vie et le devenir de la documentation historique, s..
Vanessa Preast - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
xie s veterinary acupuncture
2007Co-Authors: Huisheng Xie, Vanessa PreastAbstract:Contributors. Preface. 1. Introduction to Meridians (Huisheng Xie and Vanessa Preast). 2. Introduction to Acupuncture Points (Huisheng Xie and Vanessa Preast). 3. Equine Transpositional Acupoints (Huisheng Xie and Lisa Trevisanello). 4. Equine Classical Acupoints (Huisheng Xie and Kosei Yamagiwa). 5. Canine Transpositional Acupoints. 6. Canine Classical Acupoints (Cheryl Chrisman and Huisheng Xie). 7. General Rules of Acupuncture Therapy (Huisheng Xie and Vanessa Preast). 8. Acupuncture for Treatment of Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders (Huisheng Xie and Vanessa Preast). 9. Acupuncture for Internal Medicine (Huisheng Xie). 10. Acupuncture for Acute and Miscellaneous Conditions (Huisheng Xie). 11. Techniques of Veterinary Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Bruce Ferguson). 12. Functional Neuroanatomical Physiology of Acupuncture (Roger M. Clemmons). Index.
comprar xies veterinary acupuncture huisheng xie 9780813812472 blackwell publishing
2007Co-Authors: Huisheng Xie, Vanessa PreastAbstract:Tienda online donde Comprar Xies Veterinary Acupuncture al precio 113,94 € de Huisheng Xie | Vanessa Preast, tienda de Libros de Medicina, Libros de Veterinaria - Medicina y Cirugia Animal
Pa.) ,lancaster Theological Seminary - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
How Should Christians Engage Judaism & the Hebrew Bible?
Lancaster PA: Lancaster Theological Seminary, 2021Co-Authors: Pa.) ,lancaster Theological SeminaryAbstract:A panel discussion sponsored by the Seminarian Community Council of Lancaster Theological Seminary. Panelists • The Rev. Dr. Vanessa Lovelace, Associate Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, Dean of the Seminary, and Vice President of Academic Affairs • Dr. Greg Carey, Professor of New Testament • Rabbi Jack Paskoff, Congregation Shaarai Shomayim Format mp4. 1 Hour 28 Minutes 58 seconds.Dr. Tamar Kamionkowski, Professor of Biblical Studies, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College was originally scheduled to participate but was unable to do so
Spirit Week: Water Cooler Conversation for Current Students
Lancaster PA: Lancaster Theological Seminary, 2021Co-Authors: Pa.) ,lancaster Theological SeminaryAbstract:“Water Cooler Conversation for Current Students” When the COVID-19 pandemic closed campus, it disrupted students’ informal communications at the water cooler, coffee pot, or vending machine. Here’s your chance to have an informal conversation with two experts in student water-cooler conversations, Eric Chase (Class of 2021) and Kecia Munroe (Class of 2021). Hosted by Dean Vanessa Lovelace, Eric and Kecia will discuss topics including CVRs, cross-cultural experiences, field education and CPE, call to ministry, multi-vocational ministry, and marketplace ministr
Spirit Week Battle of the Brains
Lancaster PA: Lancaster Theological Seminary, 2021Co-Authors: Pa.) ,lancaster Theological SeminaryAbstract:Beloved professors and administrators will face-off in four friendly debates. Debaters will prepare an argument in favor of their opposite preference for some added fun! All attendees will have the opportunity to vote for the best argument. Don’t miss this fun, entertaining event! • Dr. Lee Barrett (Harvard) vs. Dr. Anne Thayer (Yale) • Dr. Randall Zachman (Alabama) vs. Dr. Greg Carey (Notre Dame) • Dean Vanessa Lovelace (Hazelnut Coffee) vs. Dr. Catherine E. Williams (Pumpkin Coffee) • Interim President David Rowe (Thanksgiving Meal) vs. VP of Finance and Administration Elizabeth Bennett (Christmas Meal) 48 minutes 05 second
R Vandenbosch - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
fluctuations of Vanessa cardui butterfly abundance with el nino and pacific decadal oscillation climatic variables
Global Change Biology, 2003Co-Authors: R VandenboschAbstract:Annual 4th of July Butterfly Count data spanning more than 20 years are examined to explore Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady) population fluctuations with ENSO (El Nino) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) indices. California, Colorado and Nebraska censuses exhibit a strong positive correlation with the strong El Nino events of 1982–1983 and 1997–1998 and the weaker event of 1991–1992. Regression analysis shows the population fluctuations are strongly coupled to climate variations on both short (El Nino) and longer (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) time scales. Recognizing the sensitivity to these time scales is important for predicting longer-term global climate change effects.
Huisheng Xie - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
xie s veterinary acupuncture
2007Co-Authors: Huisheng Xie, Vanessa PreastAbstract:Contributors. Preface. 1. Introduction to Meridians (Huisheng Xie and Vanessa Preast). 2. Introduction to Acupuncture Points (Huisheng Xie and Vanessa Preast). 3. Equine Transpositional Acupoints (Huisheng Xie and Lisa Trevisanello). 4. Equine Classical Acupoints (Huisheng Xie and Kosei Yamagiwa). 5. Canine Transpositional Acupoints. 6. Canine Classical Acupoints (Cheryl Chrisman and Huisheng Xie). 7. General Rules of Acupuncture Therapy (Huisheng Xie and Vanessa Preast). 8. Acupuncture for Treatment of Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders (Huisheng Xie and Vanessa Preast). 9. Acupuncture for Internal Medicine (Huisheng Xie). 10. Acupuncture for Acute and Miscellaneous Conditions (Huisheng Xie). 11. Techniques of Veterinary Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Bruce Ferguson). 12. Functional Neuroanatomical Physiology of Acupuncture (Roger M. Clemmons). Index.
comprar xies veterinary acupuncture huisheng xie 9780813812472 blackwell publishing
2007Co-Authors: Huisheng Xie, Vanessa PreastAbstract:Tienda online donde Comprar Xies Veterinary Acupuncture al precio 113,94 € de Huisheng Xie | Vanessa Preast, tienda de Libros de Medicina, Libros de Veterinaria - Medicina y Cirugia Animal