The Experts below are selected from a list of 12339 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Chloé Patrier - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Mass Vegetative Propagation of Ostrya carpinifolia by continual removal of axillary branches from juvenile donor plants
Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2010Co-Authors: Gilles Galopin, Philippe Morel-chevillet, Remi Gardet, Chloé PatrierAbstract:The Propagation of ornamental standard trees by seedlings or traditional cutting methods does not allow to obtain a juvenile plants with a high degree of homogeneity. Vegetative Propagation by microcutting may be a solution to attain this object. This technique is based on the construction of juvenile donor plants through frequent and regular pruning of young plants. Our experiment involved one arborescent species, Ostrya carpinifolia, using one unpruned control and two types of pruning treatments, in relation with the number of internodes of axis bearing the cuttings. The treatment with axis constituted of four internodes gave the best results, with 147 cuttings after 143 days of growing of donor plants and 83% of rooting, after 21 days of cutting. For this species, Vegetative Propagation using juvenile donor plants with pruning to two internodes is highly satisfactory. Therefore, this Vegetative Propagation by juvenile donor plant can be proposed to produce homogeneous standard trees.
Mass Vegetative Propagation Of Ostrya Carpinifolia Scop. By Continual Removal Of Axillary Branches From Juvenile Donor Plants
Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2010Co-Authors: Gilles Galopin, Remi Gardet, Philippe Morel, Chloé PatrierAbstract:The Propagation of ornamental standard trees by seedlings or traditional cutting methods does not allow to obtain a juvenile plants with a high degree of homogeneity. Vegetative Propagation by microcutting may be a solution to attain this object. This technique is based on the construction of juvenile donor plants through frequent and regular pruning of young plants. Our experiment involved one arborescent species, Ostrya carpinifolia, using one unpruned control and two types of pruning treatments, in relation with the number of internodes of axis bearing the cuttings. The treatment with axis constituted of four internodes gave the best results, with 147 cuttings after 143 days of growing of donor plants and 83% of rooting, after 21 days of cutting. For this species, Vegetative Propagation using juvenile donor plants with pruning to two internodes is highly satisfactory. Therefore, this Vegetative Propagation by juvenile donor plant can be proposed to produce homogeneous standard trees.
Yunge Zhao - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Effects of storage temperature on the physiological characteristics and Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses
Biogeosciences, 2018Co-Authors: Yuewei Guo, Yunge ZhaoAbstract:Abstract. Mosses, as major components of later successional biological soil crusts (biocrusts), play many critical roles in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Recently, some species of desiccation-tolerant mosses have been artificially cultured with the aim of accelerating the recovery of biocrusts. Revealing the factors that influence the Vegetative Propagation of mosses, which is an important reproductive mode of mosses in dry habitats, will benefit the restoration of moss crusts. In this study, three air-dried desiccation-tolerant mosses (Barbula unguiculata, Didymodon vinealis, and Didymodon tectorum) were hermetically sealed and stored at five temperature levels (0, 4, 17, 25, and 30 °C) for 40 days. Then, the Vegetative Propagation and physiological characteristics of the three mosses were investigated to determine the influence of storage temperature on the Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses and the mechanism. The results showed that the Vegetative Propagation of the three mosses varied with temperature. The most variation in Vegetative Propagation among storage temperatures was observed in D. tectorum, followed by the variation observed in B. unguiculata. In contrast, no significant difference in Propagation among temperatures was found in D. vinealis. The regenerative capacity of the three mosses increased with increasing temperature from 0 to 17 °C, accompanied by a decrease in malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and decreased thereafter. As the temperature increased, the chlorophyll and soluble protein contents increased in B. unguiculata but decreased in D. vinealis and D. tectorum. As to storage, the MDA and soluble sugar contents increased after storage. The MDA content of the three mosses increased at each of the investigated temperatures by more than 50 % from the initial values, and the soluble sugar content became higher than before in the three mosses. The integrity of cells and cell membranes is likely the most important factor influencing the Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses. A 40-day storage period caused cell injury. Our results suggest that storage temperature can enhance or suppress such injury and change the regenerative capacity of the three mosses. The data indicate that the suitable storage temperature is 4 °C for B. unguiculata and 17 °C for both D. vinealis and D. tectorum.
Effects of storage temperature on physiological characteristics and Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses
2017Co-Authors: Yuewei Guo, Yunge ZhaoAbstract:Abstract. Mosses, as major components of later successional biological soil crusts (biocrusts), play many critical roles in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Recently, some species of desiccation-tolerant mosses have been artificially cultured to speed up the recovery of biocrusts. Revealing the influencing factors on the Vegetative Propagation of mosses will benefit the restoration of moss crusts, which is an important reproductive mode of mosses in arid and semi-arid region. In this study, three desiccation-tolerant mosses (Barbula unguiculata, Didymodon vinealis and Didymodon tectorum) were stored at five temperature gradients (0 °C, 4 °C, 17 °C, 25 °C and 30 °C) for 40 days. Then Vegetative Propagation and physiological characteristics of the three mosses were investigated to determine the influence of storage temperature on Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses and its mechanism. The results showed that Vegetative Propagation of the three mosses varied with temperature, and the most significant change was observed in D. tectorum after storage at different temperatures. Conversely, no significant difference was found in D. vinealis. Only germination percentage of B. unguiculata was not significantly different at all storage temperatures. The enhancement in regenerative capacity of the three mosses was accompanied by an increased temperature from 0 °C to 17 °C and a decrease beyond that. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content of the three mosses was increased by more than 50 % at all of the investigated temperatures, meanwhile, soluble sugar content increased in the three mosses. However, a decrease trend was observed in MDA content from 0 to 17 °C. As the temperature increased, the contents of chlorophyll and soluble protein in B. unguiculata increased, while decreased in D. vinealis and D. tectorum. The integrity of cell and its membrane probably is the important influencing factor on the Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses. Although a 40-day storage period caused cell injury, our results suggested that storage temperature could enhance or suppress such injury and change Vegetative Propagation capacity of the three mosses. It could be concluded that the suitable storage temperature of B. unguiculata was 4 °C and the optimal temperature was 17 °C for D. vinealis and D. tectorum.
Gilles Galopin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Mass Vegetative Propagation of Ostrya carpinifolia by continual removal of axillary branches from juvenile donor plants
Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2010Co-Authors: Gilles Galopin, Philippe Morel-chevillet, Remi Gardet, Chloé PatrierAbstract:The Propagation of ornamental standard trees by seedlings or traditional cutting methods does not allow to obtain a juvenile plants with a high degree of homogeneity. Vegetative Propagation by microcutting may be a solution to attain this object. This technique is based on the construction of juvenile donor plants through frequent and regular pruning of young plants. Our experiment involved one arborescent species, Ostrya carpinifolia, using one unpruned control and two types of pruning treatments, in relation with the number of internodes of axis bearing the cuttings. The treatment with axis constituted of four internodes gave the best results, with 147 cuttings after 143 days of growing of donor plants and 83% of rooting, after 21 days of cutting. For this species, Vegetative Propagation using juvenile donor plants with pruning to two internodes is highly satisfactory. Therefore, this Vegetative Propagation by juvenile donor plant can be proposed to produce homogeneous standard trees.
Mass Vegetative Propagation Of Ostrya Carpinifolia Scop. By Continual Removal Of Axillary Branches From Juvenile Donor Plants
Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2010Co-Authors: Gilles Galopin, Remi Gardet, Philippe Morel, Chloé PatrierAbstract:The Propagation of ornamental standard trees by seedlings or traditional cutting methods does not allow to obtain a juvenile plants with a high degree of homogeneity. Vegetative Propagation by microcutting may be a solution to attain this object. This technique is based on the construction of juvenile donor plants through frequent and regular pruning of young plants. Our experiment involved one arborescent species, Ostrya carpinifolia, using one unpruned control and two types of pruning treatments, in relation with the number of internodes of axis bearing the cuttings. The treatment with axis constituted of four internodes gave the best results, with 147 cuttings after 143 days of growing of donor plants and 83% of rooting, after 21 days of cutting. For this species, Vegetative Propagation using juvenile donor plants with pruning to two internodes is highly satisfactory. Therefore, this Vegetative Propagation by juvenile donor plant can be proposed to produce homogeneous standard trees.
Yuewei Guo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Effects of storage temperature on the physiological characteristics and Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses
Biogeosciences, 2018Co-Authors: Yuewei Guo, Yunge ZhaoAbstract:Abstract. Mosses, as major components of later successional biological soil crusts (biocrusts), play many critical roles in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Recently, some species of desiccation-tolerant mosses have been artificially cultured with the aim of accelerating the recovery of biocrusts. Revealing the factors that influence the Vegetative Propagation of mosses, which is an important reproductive mode of mosses in dry habitats, will benefit the restoration of moss crusts. In this study, three air-dried desiccation-tolerant mosses (Barbula unguiculata, Didymodon vinealis, and Didymodon tectorum) were hermetically sealed and stored at five temperature levels (0, 4, 17, 25, and 30 °C) for 40 days. Then, the Vegetative Propagation and physiological characteristics of the three mosses were investigated to determine the influence of storage temperature on the Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses and the mechanism. The results showed that the Vegetative Propagation of the three mosses varied with temperature. The most variation in Vegetative Propagation among storage temperatures was observed in D. tectorum, followed by the variation observed in B. unguiculata. In contrast, no significant difference in Propagation among temperatures was found in D. vinealis. The regenerative capacity of the three mosses increased with increasing temperature from 0 to 17 °C, accompanied by a decrease in malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and decreased thereafter. As the temperature increased, the chlorophyll and soluble protein contents increased in B. unguiculata but decreased in D. vinealis and D. tectorum. As to storage, the MDA and soluble sugar contents increased after storage. The MDA content of the three mosses increased at each of the investigated temperatures by more than 50 % from the initial values, and the soluble sugar content became higher than before in the three mosses. The integrity of cells and cell membranes is likely the most important factor influencing the Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses. A 40-day storage period caused cell injury. Our results suggest that storage temperature can enhance or suppress such injury and change the regenerative capacity of the three mosses. The data indicate that the suitable storage temperature is 4 °C for B. unguiculata and 17 °C for both D. vinealis and D. tectorum.
Effects of storage temperature on physiological characteristics and Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses
2017Co-Authors: Yuewei Guo, Yunge ZhaoAbstract:Abstract. Mosses, as major components of later successional biological soil crusts (biocrusts), play many critical roles in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Recently, some species of desiccation-tolerant mosses have been artificially cultured to speed up the recovery of biocrusts. Revealing the influencing factors on the Vegetative Propagation of mosses will benefit the restoration of moss crusts, which is an important reproductive mode of mosses in arid and semi-arid region. In this study, three desiccation-tolerant mosses (Barbula unguiculata, Didymodon vinealis and Didymodon tectorum) were stored at five temperature gradients (0 °C, 4 °C, 17 °C, 25 °C and 30 °C) for 40 days. Then Vegetative Propagation and physiological characteristics of the three mosses were investigated to determine the influence of storage temperature on Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses and its mechanism. The results showed that Vegetative Propagation of the three mosses varied with temperature, and the most significant change was observed in D. tectorum after storage at different temperatures. Conversely, no significant difference was found in D. vinealis. Only germination percentage of B. unguiculata was not significantly different at all storage temperatures. The enhancement in regenerative capacity of the three mosses was accompanied by an increased temperature from 0 °C to 17 °C and a decrease beyond that. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content of the three mosses was increased by more than 50 % at all of the investigated temperatures, meanwhile, soluble sugar content increased in the three mosses. However, a decrease trend was observed in MDA content from 0 to 17 °C. As the temperature increased, the contents of chlorophyll and soluble protein in B. unguiculata increased, while decreased in D. vinealis and D. tectorum. The integrity of cell and its membrane probably is the important influencing factor on the Vegetative Propagation of desiccation-tolerant mosses. Although a 40-day storage period caused cell injury, our results suggested that storage temperature could enhance or suppress such injury and change Vegetative Propagation capacity of the three mosses. It could be concluded that the suitable storage temperature of B. unguiculata was 4 °C and the optimal temperature was 17 °C for D. vinealis and D. tectorum.
Remi Gardet - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Mass Vegetative Propagation of Ostrya carpinifolia by continual removal of axillary branches from juvenile donor plants
Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2010Co-Authors: Gilles Galopin, Philippe Morel-chevillet, Remi Gardet, Chloé PatrierAbstract:The Propagation of ornamental standard trees by seedlings or traditional cutting methods does not allow to obtain a juvenile plants with a high degree of homogeneity. Vegetative Propagation by microcutting may be a solution to attain this object. This technique is based on the construction of juvenile donor plants through frequent and regular pruning of young plants. Our experiment involved one arborescent species, Ostrya carpinifolia, using one unpruned control and two types of pruning treatments, in relation with the number of internodes of axis bearing the cuttings. The treatment with axis constituted of four internodes gave the best results, with 147 cuttings after 143 days of growing of donor plants and 83% of rooting, after 21 days of cutting. For this species, Vegetative Propagation using juvenile donor plants with pruning to two internodes is highly satisfactory. Therefore, this Vegetative Propagation by juvenile donor plant can be proposed to produce homogeneous standard trees.
Mass Vegetative Propagation Of Ostrya Carpinifolia Scop. By Continual Removal Of Axillary Branches From Juvenile Donor Plants
Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2010Co-Authors: Gilles Galopin, Remi Gardet, Philippe Morel, Chloé PatrierAbstract:The Propagation of ornamental standard trees by seedlings or traditional cutting methods does not allow to obtain a juvenile plants with a high degree of homogeneity. Vegetative Propagation by microcutting may be a solution to attain this object. This technique is based on the construction of juvenile donor plants through frequent and regular pruning of young plants. Our experiment involved one arborescent species, Ostrya carpinifolia, using one unpruned control and two types of pruning treatments, in relation with the number of internodes of axis bearing the cuttings. The treatment with axis constituted of four internodes gave the best results, with 147 cuttings after 143 days of growing of donor plants and 83% of rooting, after 21 days of cutting. For this species, Vegetative Propagation using juvenile donor plants with pruning to two internodes is highly satisfactory. Therefore, this Vegetative Propagation by juvenile donor plant can be proposed to produce homogeneous standard trees.