Visual Analysis

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Xia Zhang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Study of urban space based on the Visual Analysis
    2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, 2011
    Co-Authors: Xia Zhang

    This paper give a scientific Visual Analysis tool which can wholly include the qualitative Analysis, the quantitative Analysis and the orientation Analysis for the design of urban space. Based on the 3D GIS and its Visual Analysis function, different urban space have been analysed and evalued. At last, some results of urban space designing are put forward.

  • Scheme Evaluation of Urban Design Using 3D Visual Analysis
    International Symposium on Spatial Analysis Spatial-Temporal Data Modeling and Data Mining, 2009
    Co-Authors: Xia Zhang, Qing Zhu

    The evaluation of urban landscape and the design of urban space are in need of a scientific Visual Analysis tool that can wholly include the qualitative Analysis, the quantitative Analysis and the orientation Analysis. With the outstanding saving, management, Visualization and analytical functions of 3D space information, 3DGIS can exactly provide powerful technique support for this. Based on the humanistic Analysis conception, the concept of Visual openness index is introduced, and some Visual Analysis functions are designed and implemented based on VGEGIS platform. Finally a case study for the application of Visual Analysis is carried out and the results show that the urban design scheme evaluation is improved distinctively.

  • Visual Analysis of urban space based on 3D city models
    MIPPR 2005: Geospatial Information Data Mining and Applications, 2005
    Co-Authors: Xia Zhang, Qing Zhu

    The Visual quality of urban space determines the pleasant degree of human’s mind that evoked by the vision. Therefore, Visual thinking of space is significant in the urban design process. In 3D dynamic virtual environment, through the visibility computation, the “true” Visual Analysis can be carried out, which makes the design process more Visual and scientific. The first critical issue of Visual Analysis is the construction of the Visual Analysis model. The Visual Analysis concept model and the Analysis criterion come from the urban design result. The design result and quantify criteria of urban space could be embedded into the 3D Analysis models, and then the Visual effect can be evaluated through the Visual Analysis. The height of impressible area, the back-off distance of the street building, or the open space detail can be effectively controlled and analyzed. The second is the proper presentation. The visible field with certain eye-level and certain view-angle can be computed, but it is not equal to what can be seen. The Visual Analysis based on the 3DCM facilitates planners and designers to consider the multi-dimensional urban space during the design process.

Helwig Hauser - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Visualization and Visual Analysis of Multifaceted Scientific Data: A Survey
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2013
    Co-Authors: Johannes Kehrer, Helwig Hauser

    Visualization and Visual Analysis play important roles in exploring, analyzing, and presenting scientific data. In many disciplines, data and model scenarios are becoming multifaceted: data are often spatiotemporal and multivariate; they stem from different data sources (multimodal data), from multiple simulation runs (multirun/ensemble data), or from multiphysics simulations of interacting phenomena (multimodel data resulting from coupled simulation models). Also, data can be of different dimensionality or structured on various types of grids that need to be related or fused in the Visualization. This heterogeneity of data characteristics presents new opportunities as well as technical challenges for Visualization research. Visualization and interaction techniques are thus often combined with computational Analysis. In this survey, we study existing methods for Visualization and interactive Visual Analysis of multifaceted scientific data. Based on a thorough literature review, a categorization of approaches is proposed. We cover a wide range of fields and discuss to which degree the different challenges are matched with existing solutions for Visualization and Visual Analysis. This leads to conclusions with respect to promising research directions, for instance, to pursue new solutions for multirun and multimodel data as well as techniques that support a multitude of facets.

  • Representative Factor Generation for the Interactive Visual Analysis of High-Dimensional Data
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2012
    Co-Authors: Cagatay Turkay, Arvid Lundervold, Helwig Hauser

    Datasets with a large number of dimensions per data item (hundreds or more) are challenging both for computational and Visual Analysis. Moreover, these dimensions have different characteristics and relations that result in sub-groups and/or hierarchies over the set of dimensions. Such structures lead to heterogeneity within the dimensions. Although the consideration of these structures is crucial for the Analysis, most of the available Analysis methods discard the heterogeneous relations among the dimensions. In this paper, we introduce the construction and utilization of representative factors for the interactive Visual Analysis of structures in high-dimensional datasets. First, we present a selection of methods to investigate the sub-groups in the dimension set and associate representative factors with those groups of dimensions. Second, we introduce how these factors are included in the interactive Visual Analysis cycle together with the original dimensions. We then provide the steps of an analytical procedure that iteratively analyzes the datasets through the use of representative factors. We discuss how our methods improve the reliability and interpretability of the Analysis process by enabling more informed selections of computational tools. Finally, we demonstrate our techniques on the Analysis of brain imaging study results that are performed over a large group of subjects.

  • Brushing moments in interactive Visual Analysis
    Computer Graphics Forum, 2010
    Co-Authors: Johannes Kehrer, Peter Filzmoser, Helwig Hauser

    We present a systematic study of opportunities for the interactive Visual Analysis of multi-dimensional scientific data that is based on the integration of statistical aggregations along selected independent data dimensions in a framework of coordinated multiple views (with linking and brushing). Traditional and robust estimates of the four statistical moments (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis) as well as measures of outlyingness are integrated in an iterative Visual Analysis process. Brushing particular statistics, the analyst can investigate data characteristics such as trends and outliers. We present a categorization of beneficial combinations of attributes in 2D scatterplots: (a) kth vs. (k+1)th statistical moment of a traditional or robust estimate, (b) traditional vs. robust version of the same moment, (c) two different robust estimates of the same moment. We propose selected view transformations to iteratively construct this multitude of informative views as well as to enhance the depiction of the statistical properties in scatterplots and quantile plots. In the framework, we interrelate the original distributional data and the aggregated statistics, which allows the analyst to work with both data representations simultaneously. We demonstrate our approach in the context of two Visual Analysis scenarios of multi-run climate simulations.

  • Interactive Visual Analysis of Perfusion Data
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2007
    Co-Authors: Steffen Oeltze, Helwig Hauser, Helmut Doleisch, P. Muigg, Bernhard Preim

    Perfusion data are dynamic medical image data which characterize the regional blood flow in human tissue. These data bear a great potential in medical diagnosis, since diseases can be better distinguished and detected at an earlier stage compared to static image data. The wide-spread use of perfusion data is hampered by the lack of efficient evaluation methods. For each voxel, a time-intensity curve characterizes the enhancement of a contrast agent. Parameters derived from these curves characterize the perfusion and have to be integrated for diagnosis. The diagnostic evaluation of this multi-field data is challenging and time-consuming due to its complexity. For the Visual Analysis of such datasets, feature-based approaches allow to reduce the amount of data and direct the user to suspicious areas. We present an interactive Visual Analysis approach for the evaluation of perfusion data. For this purpose, we integrate statistical methods and interactive feature specification. Correlation Analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are applied for dimension reduction and to achieve a better understanding of the inter-parameter relations. Multiple, linked views facilitate the definition of features by brushing multiple dimensions. The specification result is linked to all views establishing a focus+context style of Visualization in 3D. We discuss our approach with respect to clinical datasets from the three major application areas: ischemic stroke diagnosis, breast tumor diagnosis, as well as the diagnosis of the coronary heart disease (CHD). It turns out that the significance of perfusion parameters strongly depends on the individual patient, scanning parameters, and data pre-processing.

  • Interactive Visual Analysis of Families of Function Graphs
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2006
    Co-Authors: Z. Konyha, Kresimir Matkovic, Denis Gracanin, Mario Jelovic, Helwig Hauser

    The Analysis and exploration of multidimensional and multivariate data is still one of the most challenging areas in the field of Visualization. In this paper, we describe an approach to Visual Analysis of an especially challenging set of problems that exhibit a complex internal data structure. We describe the interactive Visual exploration and Analysis of data that includes several (usually large) families of function graphs fi(x, t). We describe Analysis procedures and practical aspects of the interactive Visual Analysis specific to this type of data (with emphasis on the function graph characteristic of the data). We adopted the well-proven approach of multiple, linked views with advanced interactive brushing to assess the data. Standard views such as histograms, scatterplots, and parallel coordinates are used to jointly Visualize data. We support iterative Visual Analysis by providing means to create complex, composite brushes that span multiple views and that are constructed using different combination schemes. We demonstrate that engineering applications represent a challenging but very applicable area for Visual analytics. As a case study, we describe the optimization of a fuel injection system in diesel engines of passenger cars

Qing Zhu - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Scheme Evaluation of Urban Design Using 3D Visual Analysis
    International Symposium on Spatial Analysis Spatial-Temporal Data Modeling and Data Mining, 2009
    Co-Authors: Xia Zhang, Qing Zhu

    The evaluation of urban landscape and the design of urban space are in need of a scientific Visual Analysis tool that can wholly include the qualitative Analysis, the quantitative Analysis and the orientation Analysis. With the outstanding saving, management, Visualization and analytical functions of 3D space information, 3DGIS can exactly provide powerful technique support for this. Based on the humanistic Analysis conception, the concept of Visual openness index is introduced, and some Visual Analysis functions are designed and implemented based on VGEGIS platform. Finally a case study for the application of Visual Analysis is carried out and the results show that the urban design scheme evaluation is improved distinctively.

  • Visual Analysis of urban space based on 3D city models
    MIPPR 2005: Geospatial Information Data Mining and Applications, 2005
    Co-Authors: Xia Zhang, Qing Zhu

    The Visual quality of urban space determines the pleasant degree of human’s mind that evoked by the vision. Therefore, Visual thinking of space is significant in the urban design process. In 3D dynamic virtual environment, through the visibility computation, the “true” Visual Analysis can be carried out, which makes the design process more Visual and scientific. The first critical issue of Visual Analysis is the construction of the Visual Analysis model. The Visual Analysis concept model and the Analysis criterion come from the urban design result. The design result and quantify criteria of urban space could be embedded into the 3D Analysis models, and then the Visual effect can be evaluated through the Visual Analysis. The height of impressible area, the back-off distance of the street building, or the open space detail can be effectively controlled and analyzed. The second is the proper presentation. The visible field with certain eye-level and certain view-angle can be computed, but it is not equal to what can be seen. The Visual Analysis based on the 3DCM facilitates planners and designers to consider the multi-dimensional urban space during the design process.

Sup>yan Long - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Study on Agricultural Park Landscape Planning Based on Visual Analysis
    Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016
    Co-Authors: Sup>tao Liu, Sup>liu Lan, Sup>yan Long

    The whole agricultural park landscape planning refers to planning landscape of the agricultural park, so as to form the overall space protection and conscious guidance for the whole agricultural park. In this study, based on the perspective of Visual Analysis, taking Visual Analysis and interpretation of landscape as the breakthrough point, through discussing and analyzing the Visual order of the overall landscape planning of the agricultural park, putting forward the overall landscape planning strategy based on the Visual Analysis of the agricultural park.

Yan Long - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Research Article Study on Agricultural Park Landscape Planning Based on Visual Analysis
    Co-Authors: Tao Liu, Liu Lan, Yan Long

    The whole agricultural park landscape planning refers to planning landscape of the agricultural park, so as to form the overall space protection and conscious guidance for the whole agricultural park. In this study, based on the perspective of Visual Analysis, taking Visual Analysis and interpretation of landscape as the breakthrough point, through discussing and analyzing the Visual order of the overall landscape planning of the agricultural park, putting forward the overall landscape planning strategy based on the Visual Analysis of the agricultural park.