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Ulrich Gabbert - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
numerical simulation of the guided lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composites
Composite Structures, 2012Co-Authors: Ralf Weber, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Hosseini, Ulrich GabbertAbstract:Abstract This paper deals with the investigation of the Lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composites excited by piezoelectric patch actuators. A three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) modeling approach is set up to perform parameter studies in order to better understand how the Lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composite plates is affected by change of central frequency of excitation signal, volume fraction of particles, size of particles and stiffness to density ratio of particles. Furthermore, the influence of different arrangements is investigated. Finally, the results of simplified models using material data obtained from numerical homogenization are compared to the results of models with heterogeneous build-up. The results show that the Lamb Wave Propagation properties are mainly affected by the volume fraction and ratio of stiffness to density of particles, whereas the particle size does not affect the Lamb Wave Propagation in the considered range. As the contribution of the stiffer material increases, the group velocity and the Wave length also increase while the energy transmission reduces. Simplified models based on homogenization technique enabled a tremendous drop in computational costs and show reasonable agreement in terms of group velocity and Wave length.
numerical simulation of the guided lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composites
Composite Structures, 2012Co-Authors: Ralf Weber, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Hosseini, Ulrich GabbertAbstract:Abstract This paper deals with the investigation of the Lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composites excited by piezoelectric patch actuators. A three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) modeling approach is set up to perform parameter studies in order to better understand how the Lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composite plates is affected by change of central frequency of excitation signal, volume fraction of particles, size of particles and stiffness to density ratio of particles. Furthermore, the influence of different arrangements is investigated. Finally, the results of simplified models using material data obtained from numerical homogenization are compared to the results of models with heterogeneous build-up. The results show that the Lamb Wave Propagation properties are mainly affected by the volume fraction and ratio of stiffness to density of particles, whereas the particle size does not affect the Lamb Wave Propagation in the considered range. As the contribution of the stiffer material increases, the group velocity and the Wave length also increase while the energy transmission reduces. Simplified models based on homogenization technique enabled a tremendous drop in computational costs and show reasonable agreement in terms of group velocity and Wave length.
analysis of guided lamb Wave Propagation gw in honeycomb sandwich panels
Pamm, 2010Co-Authors: Seyed Mohammad Hossein Hosseini, Ulrich GabbertAbstract:The paper aims to introduce the guided lamb Wave Propagation (GW) in a honeycomb sandwich panels to be used in the health monitoring applications. Honeycomb sandwich panels are well-known as lightweight structures with a good stiffness behavior and a wide range of applications in different industries. Due to the complex geometry and complicated boundary conditions in such a structure, the development of analytical solutions for describing the Wave Propagation and the interaction of Waves with damages is hardly possible. Therefore dimensional finite element simulations have been used to model GW for different frequency ranges and different sandwich panels with different geometrical properties. The Waves, which are highly dispersive, have been excited by thin piezoelectric patches attached to the surface of the structure. In the first step, the honeycomb panel has been simplified as an orthotropic layered continuum medium. The required material data have been calculated by applying a numerical homogenization method for the honeycomb core layer. The Wave Propagation has been compared in the homogenized model with the real geometry of a honeycomb sandwich panel. Such calculations of high frequency ultrasonic Waves are costly, both in creating a proper finite element model as well as in the required calculation time. In this paper the influence of changes in the geometry of the sandwich panel on the Wave Propagation is presented. (© 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
lamb Wave Propagation using Wave finite element method
Pamm, 2009Co-Authors: Zair Asrar Bin Ahmad, Juan Miguel Vivar Perez, Christian Willberg, Ulrich GabbertAbstract:Some of the available techniques for Lamb Wave Propagation simulation are the Finite Element Method (FEM), the Boundary Element Method and the Finite Difference Method. The FEM is the best method when complex damage, geometry or boundary is involved. However, high Lamb Wave frequency requires very small element size thus high computational cost in FEM analysis. By using the existence of periodicity in plates, an attempt to reduce this computational cost is done using Wave FEM. The applicability of this method to model Lamb Wave Propagation in plate is first assessed in this paper for the 1-D Wave Propagation and compared with FEM explicit method. (© 2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Wiesław J. Staszewski - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
cellular automata for lamb Wave Propagation modelling in smart structures
Smart Materials and Structures, 2013Co-Authors: P Kluska, Wiesław J. Staszewski, Michael J. LeamyAbstract:Lamb Waves are widely used for damage detection applications in smart structures instrumented with low-profile, surface-bonded piezoceramic transducers. A great deal of research has demonstrated that numerical simulations of Lamb Wave Propagation are important for practical implementations of the method. A cellular automata algorithm—with a triangular discretization scheme—is proposed for Lamb Wave Propagation modelling. The method is illustrated using two-dimensional models of damage detection.
lamb Wave Propagation modelling and simulation using parallel processing architecture and graphical cards
Smart Materials and Structures, 2012Co-Authors: Pawel Packo, A. B. Spencer, Tatiana Bielak, Wiesław J. Staszewski, Keith WordenAbstract:This paper demonstrates new parallel computation technology and an implementation for Lamb Wave Propagation modelling in complex structures. A graphical processing unit (GPU) and computer unified device architecture (CUDA), available in low-cost graphical cards in standard PCs, are used for Lamb Wave Propagation numerical simulations. The local interaction simulation approach (LISA) Wave Propagation algorithm has been implemented as an example. Other algorithms suitable for parallel discretization can also be used in practice. The method is illustrated using examples related to damage detection. The results demonstrate good accuracy and effective computational performance of very large models. The Wave Propagation modelling presented in the paper can be used in many practical applications of science and engineering.
lamb Wave Propagation modelling for damage detection i two dimensional analysis
Smart Materials and Structures, 2007Co-Authors: Wiesław J. StaszewskiAbstract:Wave Propagation modelling is important for reliable damage detection based on Lamb Waves. A number of different numerical computational techniques have been developed for Wave Propagation studies. The local interaction simulation approach, used for modelling sharp interfaces and discontinuities in complex media, has been applied effectively for numerical simulations of elastic Wave interaction with structural damage. The paper builds upon this experience and reports numerical investigations of Lamb Wave Propagation modelling for damage detection in metallic structures. The ultimate objective of the investigations is to demonstrate that numerical simulations can significantly ease the monitoring strategy used for damage detection with Lamb Waves. The interaction of fundamental Lamb Wave modes with a rectangular damage slot in an aluminium plate is investigated as an example. For the sake of completeness, the first part of the paper forms an introduction to Wave Propagation studies for damage detection. The local interaction simulation approach is implemented. This is followed by a series of two-dimensional studies of Wave interaction with damage.
lamb Wave Propagation modelling for damage detection ii damage monitoring strategy
Smart Materials and Structures, 2007Co-Authors: Wiesław J. StaszewskiAbstract:Wave Propagation modelling is important for reliable damage detection based on Lamb Waves. A number of different numerical computational techniques have been developed for Wave Propagation studies. The local interaction simulation approach, used for modelling sharp interfaces and discontinuities in complex media, has been applied effectively for numerical simulations of elastic Wave interaction with structural damage. The paper builds upon this experience and reports numerical investigations of Lamb Wave Propagation modelling for damage detection in metallic structures. The ultimate objective of these investigations is to demonstrate that numerical simulations can significantly ease the monitoring strategy used for damage detection with Lamb Waves. The interaction of fundamental Lamb Wave modes with a rectangular damage slot in an aluminium plate is investigated as an example. The second part of the Wave Propagation studies focuses on the monitoring strategy for damage detection. The effect of sensor position on the amplitude and time of flight of Lamb Waves is investigated and discussed for various severities of damage. The results are validated experimentally.
modelling of lamb Waves for damage detection in metallic structures part i Wave Propagation
Smart Materials and Structures, 2003Co-Authors: Wiesław J. StaszewskiAbstract:Lamb Waves are the most widely used acousto-ultrasonic guided Waves for damage detection. The method is generally complicated by the coexistence of at least two highly dispersive modes at any given frequency. Furthermore pure Lamb Wave modes may generate a variety of other modes by interacting with defects and/or by crossing different boundaries. Knowledge and understanding of Lamb Wave Propagation is important for reliable damage detection. However, the theoretical analysis of guided Wave scattering forms an extremely difficult problem. This paper reports an application of the local interaction simulation approach for Wave Propagation in metallic structures. The focus of the analysis is on damage detection applications. The study also involves Wave Propagation in a piezoceramic actuator/sensor diffusion bond model in which one of the piezoceramics generates the thickness mode vibration. The simulated results are validated experimentally. The results show the potential of the method for Wave Propagation analysis in damage detection applications.
Vincent Cros - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
spin Wave Propagation in ultra thin yig based Waveguides
Applied Physics Letters, 2017Co-Authors: Martin Collet, O Gladii, M Evelt, V D Bessonov, Lucile Soumah, Paolo Bortolotti, S O Demokritov, Y Henry, Vincent CrosAbstract:Spin-Wave Propagation in microfabricated 20 nm thick, 2.5 μm wide Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) Waveguides is studied using propagating spin-Wave spectroscopy (PSWS) and phase resolved micro-focused Brillouin Light Scattering (μ-BLS) spectroscopy. We demonstrate that spin-Wave Propagation in 50 parallel Waveguides is robust against microfabrication induced imperfections and extract spin-Wave Propagation parameters for the Damon-Eshbach configuration in a wide range of excitation frequencies. As expected from its low damping, YIG allows for the Propagation of spin Waves over long distances; the attenuation lengths is 25 μm at μ 0 H = 45 mT. Moreover, direct mapping of spin Waves by μ-BLS allows us to reconstruct the spin-Wave dispersion relation and to confirm the multi-mode Propagation in the Waveguides, glimpsed by propagating spin-Wave spectroscopy.
spin Wave Propagation in ultra thin yig based Waveguides
arXiv: Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics, 2016Co-Authors: Martin Collet, O Gladii, M Evelt, V D Bessonov, Lucile Soumah, Paolo Bortolotti, S O Demokritov, Y Henry, Vincent CrosAbstract:Spin-Wave Propagation in an assembly of microfabricated 20 nm thick, 2.5 {\mu}m wide Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) Waveguides is studied using propagating spin-Wave spectroscopy (PSWS) and phase resolved micro-focused Brillouin Light Scattering ({\mu}-BLS) spectroscopy. We show that spin-Wave Propagation in 50 parallel Waveguides is robust against microfabrication induced imperfections. Spin-Wave Propagation parameters are studied in a wide range of excitation frequencies for the Damon-Eshbach (DE) configuration. As expected from its low damping, YIG allows the Propagation of spin Waves over long distances (the attenuation lengths is 25 {\mu}m at \mu$_{0}$H = 45 mT). Direct mapping of spin Waves by {\mu}-BLS allows us to reconstruct the spin-Wave dispersion relation and to confirm the multi-mode Propagation in the Waveguides, glimpsed by propagating spin-Wave spectroscopy.
Ralf Weber - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
numerical simulation of the guided lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composites
Composite Structures, 2012Co-Authors: Ralf Weber, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Hosseini, Ulrich GabbertAbstract:Abstract This paper deals with the investigation of the Lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composites excited by piezoelectric patch actuators. A three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) modeling approach is set up to perform parameter studies in order to better understand how the Lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composite plates is affected by change of central frequency of excitation signal, volume fraction of particles, size of particles and stiffness to density ratio of particles. Furthermore, the influence of different arrangements is investigated. Finally, the results of simplified models using material data obtained from numerical homogenization are compared to the results of models with heterogeneous build-up. The results show that the Lamb Wave Propagation properties are mainly affected by the volume fraction and ratio of stiffness to density of particles, whereas the particle size does not affect the Lamb Wave Propagation in the considered range. As the contribution of the stiffer material increases, the group velocity and the Wave length also increase while the energy transmission reduces. Simplified models based on homogenization technique enabled a tremendous drop in computational costs and show reasonable agreement in terms of group velocity and Wave length.
numerical simulation of the guided lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composites
Composite Structures, 2012Co-Authors: Ralf Weber, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Hosseini, Ulrich GabbertAbstract:Abstract This paper deals with the investigation of the Lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composites excited by piezoelectric patch actuators. A three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) modeling approach is set up to perform parameter studies in order to better understand how the Lamb Wave Propagation in particle reinforced composite plates is affected by change of central frequency of excitation signal, volume fraction of particles, size of particles and stiffness to density ratio of particles. Furthermore, the influence of different arrangements is investigated. Finally, the results of simplified models using material data obtained from numerical homogenization are compared to the results of models with heterogeneous build-up. The results show that the Lamb Wave Propagation properties are mainly affected by the volume fraction and ratio of stiffness to density of particles, whereas the particle size does not affect the Lamb Wave Propagation in the considered range. As the contribution of the stiffer material increases, the group velocity and the Wave length also increase while the energy transmission reduces. Simplified models based on homogenization technique enabled a tremendous drop in computational costs and show reasonable agreement in terms of group velocity and Wave length.
S O Demokritov - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
spin Wave Propagation in ultra thin yig based Waveguides
Applied Physics Letters, 2017Co-Authors: Martin Collet, O Gladii, M Evelt, V D Bessonov, Lucile Soumah, Paolo Bortolotti, S O Demokritov, Y Henry, Vincent CrosAbstract:Spin-Wave Propagation in microfabricated 20 nm thick, 2.5 μm wide Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) Waveguides is studied using propagating spin-Wave spectroscopy (PSWS) and phase resolved micro-focused Brillouin Light Scattering (μ-BLS) spectroscopy. We demonstrate that spin-Wave Propagation in 50 parallel Waveguides is robust against microfabrication induced imperfections and extract spin-Wave Propagation parameters for the Damon-Eshbach configuration in a wide range of excitation frequencies. As expected from its low damping, YIG allows for the Propagation of spin Waves over long distances; the attenuation lengths is 25 μm at μ 0 H = 45 mT. Moreover, direct mapping of spin Waves by μ-BLS allows us to reconstruct the spin-Wave dispersion relation and to confirm the multi-mode Propagation in the Waveguides, glimpsed by propagating spin-Wave spectroscopy.
spin Wave Propagation in ultra thin yig based Waveguides
arXiv: Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics, 2016Co-Authors: Martin Collet, O Gladii, M Evelt, V D Bessonov, Lucile Soumah, Paolo Bortolotti, S O Demokritov, Y Henry, Vincent CrosAbstract:Spin-Wave Propagation in an assembly of microfabricated 20 nm thick, 2.5 {\mu}m wide Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) Waveguides is studied using propagating spin-Wave spectroscopy (PSWS) and phase resolved micro-focused Brillouin Light Scattering ({\mu}-BLS) spectroscopy. We show that spin-Wave Propagation in 50 parallel Waveguides is robust against microfabrication induced imperfections. Spin-Wave Propagation parameters are studied in a wide range of excitation frequencies for the Damon-Eshbach (DE) configuration. As expected from its low damping, YIG allows the Propagation of spin Waves over long distances (the attenuation lengths is 25 {\mu}m at \mu$_{0}$H = 45 mT). Direct mapping of spin Waves by {\mu}-BLS allows us to reconstruct the spin-Wave dispersion relation and to confirm the multi-mode Propagation in the Waveguides, glimpsed by propagating spin-Wave spectroscopy.