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Simona Zamsa - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
The cotton World Market in 2015
2016Co-Authors: Simona ZamsaAbstract:The article analyses the cotton World Market in 2015, identifying the main trends of the fundamentals of the cotton Market (production, consumption, trade, stocks) and of cotton prices at the Liverpool and New York (Stock) Exchange. In the article there are highlighted the main factors which influenced the World prices of cotton in 2015 and perspectives for 2016. Also, it is presented the situation of main actors of the World cotton Market, of main producing, exporting and importing countries, for the whole year of 2015.
The sugar World Market in 2015
2016Co-Authors: Simona ZamsaAbstract:The article analyses the sugar World Market in 2015, identifying the main trends of the fundamentals of the refined sugar Market (production, consumption, trade, stocks) and of sugar prices at the London (Stock) Exchange. In the article there are highlighted the main factors which influenced the World prices of sugar in 2015 and perspectives for 2016. Also, it is presented the situation of main actors of the World sugar Market, of main producing, exporting and importing countries, for the whole year of 2015.
The meat World Market (cattle, chicken, pork) in 2015
2016Co-Authors: Simona ZamsaAbstract:The article analyses the meat World Market in 2015, identifying the main trends of the fundamentals of the meat Market (production, consumption, trade, stocks) and of meat prices at the Chicago (Stock) Exchange. In the article there are highlighted the main factors which influenced the World prices of meat in 2015 and perspectives for 2016. Also, it is presented the situation of main actors of the World meat Market, of main producing, exporting and importing countries, for the whole year of 2015.
The Sugar World Market in 2014
2015Co-Authors: Simona ZamsaAbstract:The article analyses the sugar World Market in 2014, identifying the main trends of the fundamentals of the refined sugar Market (production, consumption, trade, stocks) and of sugar prices at the London (Stock) Exchange. In the article there are highlighted the main factors which influenced the World prices of sugar in 2014 and perspectives for 2015. Also, it is presented the situation of main actors of the World sugar Market, of main producing, exporting and importing countries, for the whole year of 2014.
The Sugar World Market in 2013
2014Co-Authors: Simona ZamsaAbstract:The article analyses the sugar World Market in 2013, identifying the main trends of the fundamentals of the refined sugar Market (production, consumption, trade, stocks) and of sugar prices at the London (Stock) Exchange. In the article there are highlighted the main factors which influenced the World prices of sugar in 2013 and perspectives for 2014. Also, it is presented the situation of main actors of the World sugar Market, of main producing, exporting and importing countries, for the whole year of 2013.
Alex Nunn - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Saving World Market Society from itself? The New Global Politics of Inequality and the agents of World Market Society
2015Co-Authors: Alex NunnAbstract:Socio-economic inequality is now firmly on the international political agenda. In recent years the World Economic Forum, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, World Bank and International Monetary Fund have all produced publications lamenting increased inequality and its impact on political stability, the fragility of the international financial system and growth. This paper argues that this interest needs to be located in the emergence of an expanding ‘World Market society’ (WMS) that these organisations are both representative of and have sought to promote. They are now also engaged in a complex process of identifying and seeking to manage systemic risks to WMS expansion, arising from the expansion process itself, with socio-economic inequality now seen as one of these. Several factors though suggest that their efforts may not be successful. These include the lack of capacity of international organisations to manage risk independently of their mainly state-scale allies and their inability to escape the objective of WMS expansion as they seek to manage risks to it. The paper argues therefore that there is an emergent New Global Politics of Inequality whose forlorn objective is to save World Market society from itself.
Saving 'World Market Society' from itself? Risk, the New Politics of Inequality and the Agents of World Market Society 1
2015Co-Authors: Alex NunnAbstract:Socio-economic inequality is now firmly on the international political agenda. In recent years the World Economic Forum, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, World Bank and International Monetary Fund have all produced publications lamenting increased inequality and its impact on political stability, the fragility of the international financial system and growth. This paper argues that this interest needs to be located in the emergence of an expanding ‘World Market society’ (WMS) that these organisations are both representative of and have sought to promote. They are now also engaged in a complex process of identifying and seeking to manage systemic risks to WMS expansion, arising from the expansion process itself, with socioeconomic inequality now seen as one of these. Several factors though suggest that their efforts may not be successful. These include the lack of capacity of international organisations to manage risk independently of their mainly state-scale allies and their inability to escape the objective of WMS expansion as they seek to manage risks to it. The paper argues therefore that there is an emergent New Global Politics of Inequality whose forlorn objective is to save World Market society from itself.
Kathryn Rudie Harrigan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Rival States, Rival Firms: Competition for World Market Shares
Academy of Management Review, 1993Co-Authors: Kathryn Rudie HarriganAbstract:The article reviews the book “Rival States, Rival Firms: Competition for World Market Shares,” by John Stopford and Susan Strange with John S. Henley.
Harald Grethe - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
the effects of vietnamese rice export policies on World Market integration
Proceedings of the IAAE 2015 Agriculture in an interconnected world, 2015Co-Authors: Jonas Luckmann, Rico Ihle, Ulrich Kleinwechter, Harald GretheAbstract:World Market prices of rice have been subject to large fluctuations in recent years. Vietnam is a major exporter of rice which is also the main staple food in the country. The Vietnamese government is limiting exports, to insulate domestic consumers from World Market price hikes. The effects of these policy interventions on price transmission are investigated in this study. We analyze the Marketing chain of rice in Vietnam and construct a multivariate Vector Error Correction Model for Markets across the country and include a policy parameter and an international reference price. We find reasonable cointegration of most Markets analyzed and only a limited effect of the applied export policies: they suppressed the price in the main producing region, but did not significantly affect the prices in main deficit region. Thus food security programs directly targeting poor consumers are likely to be more efficient to improve food security. URI:
the effects of vietnamese export policies on the World Market integration of domestic rice Markets
2015 Conference August 9-14 2015 Milan Italy, 2015Co-Authors: Jonas Luckmann, Rico Ihle, Ulrich Kleinwechter, Harald GretheAbstract:World Market prices of rice have been subject to large fluctuations in recent years. Vietnam is a major exporter of rice which is also the main staple food in the country. The Vietnamese government is limiting exports, to insulate domestic consumers from World Market price hikes. The effects of these policy interventions on price transmission are investigated in this study. We analyze the Marketing chain of rice in Vietnam and construct a multivariate Vector Error Correction Model for Markets across the country and include a policy parameter and an international reference price. We find reasonable cointegration of most Markets analyzed and only a limited effect of the applied export policies: they suppressed the price in the main producing region, but did not significantly affect the prices in main deficit region. Thus food security programs directly targeting poor consumers are likely to be more efficient to improve food security.
Thanin Silpcharu - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Footwear Design Strategies for the Thai Footwear Industry to Be Excellent in the World Market
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology Market and Complexity, 2020Co-Authors: Adul Adulyanukosol, Thanin SilpcharuAbstract:The potential of Thai industrial product design is still inferior to that of the leading competitors in the World Market, which gives more importance to design during the product development to increase Thailand’s competitive edge on a commercial scale. Product design is a very important part of sustainable growth in this industry. Thus, this research aims at investigating footwear design strategies for the Thai footwear industry to be excellent in the World Market. The research has been designed with a mixed method of both qualitative and quantitative study. The quantitative data were collected through a semi-structured interview of 500 designers who presented their designs to join an award competition. The results reveal that the footwear design strategies consisted of four factors: (1) design, (2) Market analysis, (3) innovation, and (4) information technology. This paper utilizes the method of structural equation modeling (SEM) to establish a strategic model for competitive advantage in the Thai footwear industry. The analysis results indicate that the footwear design strategies model could help make more effective policies and organization strategies for enterprises and designers to develop themselves towards excellence in the World Market.
Footwear Design Strategies for Thai Footwear Industry to Be Excellence in World Market
2019Co-Authors: Adul Adulyanukosol, Thanin SilpcharuAbstract:The potential of Thai industrial product design is still inferior to those of leading competitors in World Market that give more importance on the design during their product development to increase their competitive edges on commercial scale. The product design is very important part for sustainable growth in this industry. Thus, this research aims at investigating footwear design strategies for Thai footwear industry to be excellence in World Market. The research has been designed with the mixed method of both qualitative and quantitative study. The quantitative data were collected through semi-structure interview from 500 designers who presented their designs to join the award competition. The results revealed that the footwear design strategies consisted of 4 factors, i.e. 1) design, 2) Market analysis, 3) innovation, and 4) information technology. This paper utilizes the method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to establish a strategies model for competitive advantage in Thai footwear industry. The analysis results indicated that the footwear design strategies model could help make more effective policies and organization strategies for enterprises and designers to develop themselves to be excellence in World Market.