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S Rajan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
antifertility activity of derris brevipes variety coriacea
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2003Co-Authors: Shrishailappa Badami, B Suresh, R Aneesh, S Sankar, M Sathishkumar, S RajanAbstract:Abstract Traditional physicians in and around Kotagiri village near Ootacamund, use a mixture of powdered roots of Cassia occidentalis, Derris brevipes variety coriacea and Justicia simplex to control female fertility. A mixture of powdered roots of these three plants, powdered root of Derris brevipes variety coriacea and its ethanolic extract were screened for antifertility activity in proven fertile female rats at 200 and 600 mg/kg body weight, respectively and given orally on D1–7 of pregnancy. Both doses of the root powder of Derris brevipes variety coriacea showed 50% anti-implantation activity and also a significant reduction in the number of litters born. The ethanolic extract exhibited 40% anti-implantation activity when given orally at 600 mg/kg body weight. The rats, which continued their pregnancy, did not deliver any litters after their full term. Hence, the combined antifertility (anti-implantation and Abortifacient) activity of the ethanolic extract was 100%. The results suggest that the ethanolic extract possesses more Abortifacient type effect than the anti-implantation activity. The ethanolic extract also exhibited weak estrogenic activity when given alone and tested in immature ovariectomised female albino rats. But, when given along with ethinyl estradiol, it exhibited slight antiestrogenic activity. Histological and biochemical estimations were carried out to confirm this.
antifertility activity of ailanthus excelsa linn in female albino rats
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 1993Co-Authors: S Dhanasekaran, B Suresh, M Sethuraman, S Rajan, Rajeev DubeyAbstract:Alcoholic extract of leaf and stem bark of A. excelsa at a dose of 250 mg equivalent of plant material/kg body weight, exhibited remarkably high anti-implantation and early Abortifacient activities. The results are in agreement with the traditional use of this plant as a Abortifacient by the Irula women of the Nilgiri district.
Misao Onuma - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
A survey of Abortifacient infectious agents in livestock in Luzon, the Philippines, with emphasis on the situation in a cattle herd with abortion problems
Acta Tropica, 2007Co-Authors: Satoru Konnai, Fe A. Venturina, Takafumi Sano, Nancy S. Abes, Charito A. Gutierrez, Libertado C. Cruz, Yoshitaka Omata, Claro N. Mingala, Misako Sato, Misao OnumaAbstract:In the Philippines, insufficient consideration has been given to the implementation of systematic control measures against major Abortifacient infectious agents in livestock. To elucidate the epidemiology of Abortifacient infectious agents in livestock, the prevalence of four Abortifacient agents was assessed. Initially, a total of 96 cattle including 17 cows with history of abortion were examined in a herd in Luzon at the request of the farm owner. Six (35.3%) of the 17 aborting cows were found to be serologically positive for Neospora caninum (N. caninum), whereas the seroprevalence in non-aborting cows was 15.9% (10/63). Four of the 6 serologically positive aborting cows were also RT-PCR-positive for bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). Two (12.5%) of the 16 bulls examined were also found to be infected with BVDV, suggesting a putative risk factor of transmission via semen. Based on sequence analysis, the isolates detected belong to BVDV type 1b group. Furthermore, an epidemiological survey of Abortifacient infectious agents was conducted with various species of livestock from herds located in Luzon. Out of the 105 water buffalo samples collected, 4 (3.8%) were indicated positive to N. caninum, 2 (1.9%) to Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) and 2 (1.9%) to Trypanosoma evansi (T. evansi). The overall seroprevalence of N. caninum in goat and sheep were 23.6% (21/89) and 26.3% (10/38), respectively. BVDV was not detected in these herds. The findings of this exploratory study indicate a relationship between infection and bovine abortion and that a lager study is required to statistically confirm this relationship.
Joseph Oloro - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
determination of the Abortifacient activity of the aqueous extract of phytolacca dodecandra lher leaf in wistar rats
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2015Co-Authors: Angella Namulindwa, David Nkwangu, Joseph OloroAbstract:Throughout history women have tried to control their fertility using herbal remedies; traditionally Phytolacca dodecandra leaves have been used as an Abortifacient. The objective of this study was to determine the Abortifacient activity of the aqueous extract of P. dodecandra leaf in Wistar rats. Hundred grams of shaded dried powdered leaves were soaked in 0.5 L of cold water, and using cold maceration, an aqueous extract was obtained. Acute toxicity was carried out using Lorke’s method. The Abortifacient activity of the plant extract was tested using a modified method. Thirty pregnant rats were randomly distributed into five groups each consisting of 6 rats and were treated. The percentage number of rats that aborted per treated group was compared with those of the controls. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the extract revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, phenolics, steroids and triterpenoids. Toxicity signs such as reduced appetite, sleepiness, shivering and excessive urination were observed at a dose of 2048 mg/kg; however, no deaths were observed. In the groups in which 125 and 250 mg/kg of P. dodecandra extract was administered, 83.3% of the rats aborted, and in the group in which 500 mg/kg was administered, 100% of the rats aborted. This study has substantiated the Abortifacient activity of the aqueous extract of P. dodecandra leaves which may be attributed to the phytochemicals. Key words: Abortifacient, phytochemical screening, acute toxicity, Phytolacca dodecandra.
Surendra Kumar Sharma - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
post coital antifertility activity of achyranthes aspera linn root
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2006Co-Authors: Neeru Vasudeva, Surendra Kumar SharmaAbstract:Achyranthes aspera Linn. (Amaranthaceae) is an abundant indigenous herb in India. It is traditionally being used as an Abortifacient. The ethanol extract of the root was screened for antifertility activity in proven fertile female albino rats at 200 mg/kg body weight and given orally on days 1-7 of pregnancy. The ethanol extract exhibited 83.3% anti-implantation activity when given orally at 200 mg/kg body weight. The rats, which continued their pregnancy, did not deliver any litters after their full term. Hence the combined antifertility (anti-implantation and Abortifacient) activity of ethanol extract was 100%. The results suggest that the ethanol extract possess both anti-implantation and Abortifacient activity. The ethanol extract also exhibited estrogenic activity tested in immature ovariectomised female albino rats. Histological studies were carried out to confirm this.
Shrishailappa Badami - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Pre-coital and post-coital anti-implantation and Abortifacient activities of Aristolochia bracteolata Lam . aerial parts
Journal of Natural Medicines, 2007Co-Authors: Sathish Kumar Muthureddy Nataraj, Pavan Kumar Puvvada, Saraswathi B. Patil, Elango Kannan, Subburaju Thillainayagam, Chinnaswamy Kodiyalam, Shrishailappa Badami, Suresh BhojrajAbstract:The ethyl acetate soluble fraction of the ethanolic extract of Aristolochia bracteolata was tested for pre-coital and post-coital anti-implantation and Abortifacient activities in female albino rats. In the pre-coital study, the treatment at 20 and 40 mg/kg body weight showed significant and dose-related anti-implantation and Abortifacient properties. In the post-coital studies at 20, 30 and 40 mg/kg body weight doses, similar results were observed. The total antifertility activity at 40 mg/kg body weight was found to be comparable to that of standard ethinyl estradiol given for the similar period. The plant merits further investigation to prove the mechanism of action and to isolate its phytoconstituents.
antifertility activity of derris brevipes variety coriacea
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2003Co-Authors: Shrishailappa Badami, B Suresh, R Aneesh, S Sankar, M Sathishkumar, S RajanAbstract:Abstract Traditional physicians in and around Kotagiri village near Ootacamund, use a mixture of powdered roots of Cassia occidentalis, Derris brevipes variety coriacea and Justicia simplex to control female fertility. A mixture of powdered roots of these three plants, powdered root of Derris brevipes variety coriacea and its ethanolic extract were screened for antifertility activity in proven fertile female rats at 200 and 600 mg/kg body weight, respectively and given orally on D1–7 of pregnancy. Both doses of the root powder of Derris brevipes variety coriacea showed 50% anti-implantation activity and also a significant reduction in the number of litters born. The ethanolic extract exhibited 40% anti-implantation activity when given orally at 600 mg/kg body weight. The rats, which continued their pregnancy, did not deliver any litters after their full term. Hence, the combined antifertility (anti-implantation and Abortifacient) activity of the ethanolic extract was 100%. The results suggest that the ethanolic extract possesses more Abortifacient type effect than the anti-implantation activity. The ethanolic extract also exhibited weak estrogenic activity when given alone and tested in immature ovariectomised female albino rats. But, when given along with ethinyl estradiol, it exhibited slight antiestrogenic activity. Histological and biochemical estimations were carried out to confirm this.