The Experts below are selected from a list of 291 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Peng Yang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
intent pattern recognition of lower limb motion based on mechanical sensors
IEEE CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2017Co-Authors: Yanli Geng, Peng YangAbstract:Based on the regularity nature of lower-limb motion, an intent pattern recognition approach for above-Knee Prosthesis is proposed in this paper. To remedy the defects of recognizer based on electromyogram U+0028 EMG U+0029, we develop a pure mechanical sensor architecture for intent pattern recognition of lower-limb motion. The sensor system is composed of an accelerometer, a gyroscope mounted on the prosthetic socket, and two pressure sensors mounted under the sole. To compensate the delay in the control of Prosthesis, the signals in the stance phase are used to predict the terrain and speed in the swing phase. Specifically, the intent pattern recognizer utilizes intraclass correlation coefficient U+0028 ICC U+0029 according to the Cartesian product of walking speed and terrain. Moreover, the sensor data are fused via Dempster-Shafer U+02BC s theory. And hidden Markov model U+0028 HMM U+0029 is used to recognize the realtime motion state with the reference of the prior step. The proposed method can infer the Prosthesis user U+02BC s intent of walking on different terrain, which includes level ground, stair ascent, stair descent, up and down ramp. The experiments demonstrate that the intent pattern recognizer is capable of identifying five typical terrain-modes with the rate of 95.8%. The outcome of this investigation is expected to substantially improve the control performance of powered above-Knee Prosthesis.
a study on control mechanism of above Knee robotic Prosthesis based on cpg model
Robotics and Biomimetics, 2010Co-Authors: Xin Guo, Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Yang Zhang, Liqun ZhangAbstract:With the development of biomedicine and microcontroller technology, above Knee Prosthesis has been improved rapidly. However most current researches just focus on the single Knee joint, and ignore the coupling between Knee joint and ankle joint, which do not meet the needs of patients who need to perform multi-joint coordinated movement. This paper presents a new control method using bipedal robotics technology, bio-inspiration based on CPG net. According to this method, primary controller embedded in Knee\ankle joint can receive the command from subject, recognize the movement mode, and send the start command to lower which realize the movement of above Knee Prosthesis. The previous findings show that sEMG can be employed to identify the movement mode based on SVM. And nonlinear oscillator, used for controlling multi-legged robot, can be employed to realize the lower limb movement. Further this paper explores the biodynamic effect of multi-joint, and tries to find the coupling rule and identify the MIMO neuromuscular model.
Design and analysis of active transfemoral Prosthesis
IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2010Co-Authors: Yanli Geng, Lingling Chen, Peng YangAbstract:This paper describes an active above Knee Prosthesis designed to compensate the movements of transfemoral amputees. Analyze the gait of transfemoral amputee wearing intelligent Prosthesis. Though the Prosthesis can change damping at different speed and gait, the gait of healthy side and affected-side is out of step. The disorder gait increase stress of residual limb. Using Vicon MX system captures amputees' gait data and analyses the angle of healthy limb and prosthetic side. Intelligent prostheses still do not replace the power generation capabilities of the missing limb. Base on the principle of driving mechanism on robot lower limb and powered above Knee Prosthesis, Active transfemoral Prosthesis is designed. The active above Knee Prosthesis uses linear motor as actuator. The structure of Prosthesis Knee joint is four bar linkage which can significantly keeping well with the being's Instant Center of Rotation. The gait signals of healthy subjects are used as input signal. The control strategy is Iterative Learning Control (ILC). The results indicate that the Prosthesis prototype can basically simulate normal human gait.
ROBIO - A study on control mechanism of above Knee robotic Prosthesis based on CPG model
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2010Co-Authors: Xin Guo, Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Yang Zhang, Liqun ZhangAbstract:With the development of biomedicine and microcontroller technology, above Knee Prosthesis has been improved rapidly. However most current researches just focus on the single Knee joint, and ignore the coupling between Knee joint and ankle joint, which do not meet the needs of patients who need to perform multi-joint coordinated movement. This paper presents a new control method using bipedal robotics technology, bio-inspiration based on CPG net. According to this method, primary controller embedded in Knee\ankle joint can receive the command from subject, recognize the movement mode, and send the start command to lower which realize the movement of above Knee Prosthesis. The previous findings show that sEMG can be employed to identify the movement mode based on SVM. And nonlinear oscillator, used for controlling multi-legged robot, can be employed to realize the lower limb movement. Further this paper explores the biodynamic effect of multi-joint, and tries to find the coupling rule and identify the MIMO neuromuscular model.
above-Knee Prosthesis Control Based on Posture Recognition by Support Vector Machine
2008 IEEE Conference on Robotics Automation and Mechatronics, 2008Co-Authors: Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Xiaoyun Xu, Linan ZuAbstract:In order for individuals suffering from transfemoral amputation to walk in a variety of circumstances, the above-Knee Prosthesis based on posture recognition was presented. The body posture of lower limb was classified into four classes, "stair", "sitting", "standing", and "walking". For measure the amputee's movement intent, surface EMG signals which can reflect amputee's movement intent and can be measured without invasion were applied to identify postural adjustments by support vector machine. The result of this study indicates that this method can recognize every postural adjustment with a higher identification rate, and has a great potential in practical application of artificial lower limb.
Lingling Chen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
The Active above-Knee Prosthesis Gait Control Based on the EMPC
Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference, 2015Co-Authors: Yan Zhang, Lingling Chen, Yongchang Zhang, Bokai XuanAbstract:On-line optimization control has been recognized as a superior algorithm for constrained systems. To deal with various disturbances and serious nonlinearity, active above-Knee Prosthesis (AKP) is treated as constrained switching system in this paper. The kinetic characters of AKP were analyzed when an amputee was walking on level-ground. A piecewise affine model can be built, and the AKP system was divided into 15 subsystems. Explicit model predictive control algorithm was applied to switch between subsystems. State-space partitions and explicit control laws are calculated off-line. On-line control signal can be obtained by looking up table. This algorithm can make the Prosthesis to track the flexion curve of health limb accurately. Finally, results are shown that this method can tune the control impedance for powered Knee prostheses with less energy consumption and high operation speed.
a study on control mechanism of above Knee robotic Prosthesis based on cpg model
Robotics and Biomimetics, 2010Co-Authors: Xin Guo, Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Yang Zhang, Liqun ZhangAbstract:With the development of biomedicine and microcontroller technology, above Knee Prosthesis has been improved rapidly. However most current researches just focus on the single Knee joint, and ignore the coupling between Knee joint and ankle joint, which do not meet the needs of patients who need to perform multi-joint coordinated movement. This paper presents a new control method using bipedal robotics technology, bio-inspiration based on CPG net. According to this method, primary controller embedded in Knee\ankle joint can receive the command from subject, recognize the movement mode, and send the start command to lower which realize the movement of above Knee Prosthesis. The previous findings show that sEMG can be employed to identify the movement mode based on SVM. And nonlinear oscillator, used for controlling multi-legged robot, can be employed to realize the lower limb movement. Further this paper explores the biodynamic effect of multi-joint, and tries to find the coupling rule and identify the MIMO neuromuscular model.
Design and analysis of active transfemoral Prosthesis
IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2010Co-Authors: Yanli Geng, Lingling Chen, Peng YangAbstract:This paper describes an active above Knee Prosthesis designed to compensate the movements of transfemoral amputees. Analyze the gait of transfemoral amputee wearing intelligent Prosthesis. Though the Prosthesis can change damping at different speed and gait, the gait of healthy side and affected-side is out of step. The disorder gait increase stress of residual limb. Using Vicon MX system captures amputees' gait data and analyses the angle of healthy limb and prosthetic side. Intelligent prostheses still do not replace the power generation capabilities of the missing limb. Base on the principle of driving mechanism on robot lower limb and powered above Knee Prosthesis, Active transfemoral Prosthesis is designed. The active above Knee Prosthesis uses linear motor as actuator. The structure of Prosthesis Knee joint is four bar linkage which can significantly keeping well with the being's Instant Center of Rotation. The gait signals of healthy subjects are used as input signal. The control strategy is Iterative Learning Control (ILC). The results indicate that the Prosthesis prototype can basically simulate normal human gait.
ROBIO - A study on control mechanism of above Knee robotic Prosthesis based on CPG model
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2010Co-Authors: Xin Guo, Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Yang Zhang, Liqun ZhangAbstract:With the development of biomedicine and microcontroller technology, above Knee Prosthesis has been improved rapidly. However most current researches just focus on the single Knee joint, and ignore the coupling between Knee joint and ankle joint, which do not meet the needs of patients who need to perform multi-joint coordinated movement. This paper presents a new control method using bipedal robotics technology, bio-inspiration based on CPG net. According to this method, primary controller embedded in Knee\ankle joint can receive the command from subject, recognize the movement mode, and send the start command to lower which realize the movement of above Knee Prosthesis. The previous findings show that sEMG can be employed to identify the movement mode based on SVM. And nonlinear oscillator, used for controlling multi-legged robot, can be employed to realize the lower limb movement. Further this paper explores the biodynamic effect of multi-joint, and tries to find the coupling rule and identify the MIMO neuromuscular model.
above-Knee Prosthesis Control BasedonPosture Recognition bySupport Vector Machine
2008Co-Authors: Lingling ChenAbstract:In orderforindividuals suffering fromtrans- femoral amputation towalkinavariety ofcircumstances, the above-Knee Prosthesis basedon posturerecognition was presented. Thebodyposture oflowerlimbwasclassified into fourclasses, "stair", "sitting", "standing", and"walking". For measure theamputee's movementintent, surface EMG signals whichcanreflect amputee's movementintent andcanbe measuredwithout invasion wereapplied toidentify postural adjustments bysupport vector machine. Theresult ofthis study indicates thatthismethodcan recognize everypostural adjustment witha higher identification rate, andhasa great potential inpractical application ofartificial lowerlimb. Keywords-above-Knee Prosthesis, surface electromyography signal, posture recognition, support vector machine
Y C Mao - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
International Journal of Information Acquisition, 2010Co-Authors: Y C MaoAbstract:The shock wave of ground reaction forces during walking and running is suggested as a primary etiological agent in some conditions, such as degenerative joint disease, prosthetic joint loosening, plantar fasciitis or muscle tears. This study proposes a novel shock absorber design with an adjustable automatic smooth tuning range of the damping coefficient and rapid rebounds after impact loads, equipped in the above-Knee Prosthesis tibia section without any electronic devices. This absorber is also capable of automatic locking-out and releasing for stance and heel-strike phases without manual switching. It absorbs the impact load of the ground reaction force at each heel strike and adapts itself to the input force speed, feasible for patients to tolerate a wide range of athletic and inert situations. This study constructs a high order nonlinear dynamic model for its pressure-sensitive plunger and check valve systems and considers the cavitation phenomenon during speedy fluid flows. Simulation results show that both the damper resistant force and the damping coefficient reduce as the ground reaction force velocity increases, providing a desirable tendency of diminishing shock wave influences on the biological musculoskeletal system.
modeling and simulation of a self tuning rapid releasing shock absorber for above Knee Prosthesis
Robotics and Biomimetics, 2009Co-Authors: Y C MaoAbstract:The shock absorber inside the above-Knee amputation Prosthesis is a feasible solution to absorb impact forces from the ground during patent's walking and running. A conventional shock absorber consists of a spring and a damper with constant coefficients, producing too rigid reactions when encountering impact forces, whereas extremely weak reactions for gentle loadings. This study proposes a novel shock absorber design for an above-Knee Prosthesis, which provides automatic smooth tuning of the damping coefficient and rapid rebounds after impact loads. This design achieves the automatic tuning by a pressure-sensitive plunger valve system and check valves without any electronic devices. Theoretical modelling of the shock absorber is established in this study. Parameters of the valve system under certain absorbing performance requirements are determined in this paper.
ROBIO - Modeling and simulation of a self-tuning rapid-releasing shock absorber for above-Knee Prosthesis
2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2009Co-Authors: Y C MaoAbstract:The shock absorber inside the above-Knee amputation Prosthesis is a feasible solution to absorb impact forces from the ground during patent's walking and running. A conventional shock absorber consists of a spring and a damper with constant coefficients, producing too rigid reactions when encountering impact forces, whereas extremely weak reactions for gentle loadings. This study proposes a novel shock absorber design for an above-Knee Prosthesis, which provides automatic smooth tuning of the damping coefficient and rapid rebounds after impact loads. This design achieves the automatic tuning by a pressure-sensitive plunger valve system and check valves without any electronic devices. Theoretical modelling of the shock absorber is established in this study. Parameters of the valve system under certain absorbing performance requirements are determined in this paper.
Xin Guo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
a study on control mechanism of above Knee robotic Prosthesis based on cpg model
Robotics and Biomimetics, 2010Co-Authors: Xin Guo, Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Yang Zhang, Liqun ZhangAbstract:With the development of biomedicine and microcontroller technology, above Knee Prosthesis has been improved rapidly. However most current researches just focus on the single Knee joint, and ignore the coupling between Knee joint and ankle joint, which do not meet the needs of patients who need to perform multi-joint coordinated movement. This paper presents a new control method using bipedal robotics technology, bio-inspiration based on CPG net. According to this method, primary controller embedded in Knee\ankle joint can receive the command from subject, recognize the movement mode, and send the start command to lower which realize the movement of above Knee Prosthesis. The previous findings show that sEMG can be employed to identify the movement mode based on SVM. And nonlinear oscillator, used for controlling multi-legged robot, can be employed to realize the lower limb movement. Further this paper explores the biodynamic effect of multi-joint, and tries to find the coupling rule and identify the MIMO neuromuscular model.
ROBIO - A study on control mechanism of above Knee robotic Prosthesis based on CPG model
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2010Co-Authors: Xin Guo, Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Yang Zhang, Liqun ZhangAbstract:With the development of biomedicine and microcontroller technology, above Knee Prosthesis has been improved rapidly. However most current researches just focus on the single Knee joint, and ignore the coupling between Knee joint and ankle joint, which do not meet the needs of patients who need to perform multi-joint coordinated movement. This paper presents a new control method using bipedal robotics technology, bio-inspiration based on CPG net. According to this method, primary controller embedded in Knee\ankle joint can receive the command from subject, recognize the movement mode, and send the start command to lower which realize the movement of above Knee Prosthesis. The previous findings show that sEMG can be employed to identify the movement mode based on SVM. And nonlinear oscillator, used for controlling multi-legged robot, can be employed to realize the lower limb movement. Further this paper explores the biodynamic effect of multi-joint, and tries to find the coupling rule and identify the MIMO neuromuscular model.
RAM - above-Knee Prosthesis Control Based on Posture Recognition by Support Vector Machine
2008 IEEE Conference on Robotics Automation and Mechatronics, 2008Co-Authors: Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Xin GuoAbstract:In order for individuals suffering from transfemoral amputation to walk in a variety of circumstances, the above-Knee Prosthesis based on posture recognition was presented. The body posture of lower limb was classified into four classes, "stair", "sitting", "standing", and "walking". For measure the amputee's movement intent, surface EMG signals which can reflect amputee's movement intent and can be measured without invasion were applied to identify postural adjustments by support vector machine. The result of this study indicates that this method can recognize every postural adjustment with a higher identification rate, and has a great potential in practical application of artificial lower limb.
Stride recognition in the control concept of trans-femoral Prosthesis
2008 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2008Co-Authors: Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Xin GuoAbstract:In order to improve the gait of disable people, a control concept of above-Knee Prosthesis was presented. The surface electromyography signal extracted from leg muscles was applied to recognize the phase of stride, and translated into on-off signal of self-lock control. A hybrid neural network-genetic algorithm was applied to describe the relation between surface electromyography signals and every phase of stride. The result of this study indicates that this algorithm can predict the highly nonlinear relation between different phase of stride and surface electromyography signals with higher identification rate.
Linan Zu - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
above-Knee Prosthesis Control Based on Posture Recognition by Support Vector Machine
2008 IEEE Conference on Robotics Automation and Mechatronics, 2008Co-Authors: Lingling Chen, Peng Yang, Xiaoyun Xu, Linan ZuAbstract:In order for individuals suffering from transfemoral amputation to walk in a variety of circumstances, the above-Knee Prosthesis based on posture recognition was presented. The body posture of lower limb was classified into four classes, "stair", "sitting", "standing", and "walking". For measure the amputee's movement intent, surface EMG signals which can reflect amputee's movement intent and can be measured without invasion were applied to identify postural adjustments by support vector machine. The result of this study indicates that this method can recognize every postural adjustment with a higher identification rate, and has a great potential in practical application of artificial lower limb.