The Experts below are selected from a list of 249 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Clarence Lehman - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
soil carbon sequestration accelerated by restoration of grassland biodiversity
Nature Communications, 2019Co-Authors: Yi Yang, David Tilman, George N Furey, Clarence LehmanAbstract:Agriculturally degraded and abandoned lands can remove atmospheric CO2 and sequester it as soil organic matter during natural succession. However, this process may be slow, requiring a century or longer to re-attain pre-agricultural soil carbon levels. Here, we find that restoration of late-successional grassland plant diversity leads to accelerating annual carbon storage rates that, by the second period (years 13–22), are 200% greater in our highest diversity treatment than during succession at this site, and 70% greater than in monocultures. The higher soil carbon storage rates of the second period (years 13–22) are associated with the greater Aboveground Production and root biomass of this period, and with the presence of multiple species, especially C4 grasses and legumes. Our results suggest that restoration of high plant diversity may greatly increase carbon capture and storage rates on degraded and abandoned agricultural lands. Abandoned and degraded agricultural lands undergo ecological succession that sequesters atmospheric CO2 as soil carbon, but at low rates. Here the authors show that restoration of high plant diversity provides a greenhouse gas benefit by greatly increasing the rate of soil carbon sequestration on such lands.
soil carbon sequestration accelerated by restoration of grassland biodiversity
Nature Communications, 2019Co-Authors: Yi Yang, David Tilman, George Furey, Clarence LehmanAbstract:Agriculturally degraded and abandoned lands can remove atmospheric CO2 and sequester it as soil organic matter during natural succession. However, this process may be slow, requiring a century or longer to re-attain pre-agricultural soil carbon levels. Here, we find that restoration of late-successional grassland plant diversity leads to accelerating annual carbon storage rates that, by the second period (years 13–22), are 200% greater in our highest diversity treatment than during succession at this site, and 70% greater than in monocultures. The higher soil carbon storage rates of the second period (years 13–22) are associated with the greater Aboveground Production and root biomass of this period, and with the presence of multiple species, especially C4 grasses and legumes. Our results suggest that restoration of high plant diversity may greatly increase carbon capture and storage rates on degraded and abandoned agricultural lands.
David Tilman - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
soil carbon sequestration accelerated by restoration of grassland biodiversity
Nature Communications, 2019Co-Authors: Yi Yang, David Tilman, George N Furey, Clarence LehmanAbstract:Agriculturally degraded and abandoned lands can remove atmospheric CO2 and sequester it as soil organic matter during natural succession. However, this process may be slow, requiring a century or longer to re-attain pre-agricultural soil carbon levels. Here, we find that restoration of late-successional grassland plant diversity leads to accelerating annual carbon storage rates that, by the second period (years 13–22), are 200% greater in our highest diversity treatment than during succession at this site, and 70% greater than in monocultures. The higher soil carbon storage rates of the second period (years 13–22) are associated with the greater Aboveground Production and root biomass of this period, and with the presence of multiple species, especially C4 grasses and legumes. Our results suggest that restoration of high plant diversity may greatly increase carbon capture and storage rates on degraded and abandoned agricultural lands. Abandoned and degraded agricultural lands undergo ecological succession that sequesters atmospheric CO2 as soil carbon, but at low rates. Here the authors show that restoration of high plant diversity provides a greenhouse gas benefit by greatly increasing the rate of soil carbon sequestration on such lands.
soil carbon sequestration accelerated by restoration of grassland biodiversity
Nature Communications, 2019Co-Authors: Yi Yang, David Tilman, George Furey, Clarence LehmanAbstract:Agriculturally degraded and abandoned lands can remove atmospheric CO2 and sequester it as soil organic matter during natural succession. However, this process may be slow, requiring a century or longer to re-attain pre-agricultural soil carbon levels. Here, we find that restoration of late-successional grassland plant diversity leads to accelerating annual carbon storage rates that, by the second period (years 13–22), are 200% greater in our highest diversity treatment than during succession at this site, and 70% greater than in monocultures. The higher soil carbon storage rates of the second period (years 13–22) are associated with the greater Aboveground Production and root biomass of this period, and with the presence of multiple species, especially C4 grasses and legumes. Our results suggest that restoration of high plant diversity may greatly increase carbon capture and storage rates on degraded and abandoned agricultural lands.
Yi Yang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
soil carbon sequestration accelerated by restoration of grassland biodiversity
Nature Communications, 2019Co-Authors: Yi Yang, David Tilman, George N Furey, Clarence LehmanAbstract:Agriculturally degraded and abandoned lands can remove atmospheric CO2 and sequester it as soil organic matter during natural succession. However, this process may be slow, requiring a century or longer to re-attain pre-agricultural soil carbon levels. Here, we find that restoration of late-successional grassland plant diversity leads to accelerating annual carbon storage rates that, by the second period (years 13–22), are 200% greater in our highest diversity treatment than during succession at this site, and 70% greater than in monocultures. The higher soil carbon storage rates of the second period (years 13–22) are associated with the greater Aboveground Production and root biomass of this period, and with the presence of multiple species, especially C4 grasses and legumes. Our results suggest that restoration of high plant diversity may greatly increase carbon capture and storage rates on degraded and abandoned agricultural lands. Abandoned and degraded agricultural lands undergo ecological succession that sequesters atmospheric CO2 as soil carbon, but at low rates. Here the authors show that restoration of high plant diversity provides a greenhouse gas benefit by greatly increasing the rate of soil carbon sequestration on such lands.
soil carbon sequestration accelerated by restoration of grassland biodiversity
Nature Communications, 2019Co-Authors: Yi Yang, David Tilman, George Furey, Clarence LehmanAbstract:Agriculturally degraded and abandoned lands can remove atmospheric CO2 and sequester it as soil organic matter during natural succession. However, this process may be slow, requiring a century or longer to re-attain pre-agricultural soil carbon levels. Here, we find that restoration of late-successional grassland plant diversity leads to accelerating annual carbon storage rates that, by the second period (years 13–22), are 200% greater in our highest diversity treatment than during succession at this site, and 70% greater than in monocultures. The higher soil carbon storage rates of the second period (years 13–22) are associated with the greater Aboveground Production and root biomass of this period, and with the presence of multiple species, especially C4 grasses and legumes. Our results suggest that restoration of high plant diversity may greatly increase carbon capture and storage rates on degraded and abandoned agricultural lands.
Meng Lu - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
minor stimulation of soil carbon storage by nitrogen addition a meta analysis
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2011Co-Authors: Meng Lu, Xuhui Zhou, Yuanhe Yang, Changming Fang, Jiakuan Chen, Bo LiAbstract:Abstract It is a well-established concept that nitrogen (N) limits plant growth and ecosystem Production. However, whether N limits land carbon (C) sequestration – particularly in soil, the largest pool in the land – remains highly controversial. We conducted a meta-analysis to synthesize 257 studies published in the literature with 512 paired comparisons to quantify the changes of ecosystem C processes in response to N addition. Our results show that N addition significantly increased Aboveground, belowground, and litter C pools by 35.7, 23.0, and 20.9%, respectively, across all the studies. Despite the substantial increases in C inputs from vegetation to soil system, N addition resulted in no significant change in C storage of both organic horizon and mineral soil in forests and grasslands, but a significant 3.5% increase in agricultural ecosystems, largely due to less contribution from Aboveground Production and increases in DOC and soil respiration. Thus, N stimulation of C storage primarily occurred in plant pools but little in soil pools. Moreover, N-induced change in soil C storage was positively related to changes in belowground Production but not to those in Aboveground growth. Our global synthesis also suggests that earth system models need to treat soil C inputs from Aboveground and belowground sources differentially for soil C sequestration in response to N deposition and fertilization.
Tana E Wood - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Aboveground tree growth varies with belowground carbon allocation in a tropical rainforest environment
PLOS ONE, 2014Co-Authors: James W. Raich, Deborah A Clark, Luitgard Schwendenmann, Tana E WoodAbstract:Young secondary forests and plantations in the moist tropics often have rapid rates of biomass accumulation and thus sequester large amounts of carbon. Here, we compare results from mature forest and nearby 15–20 year old tree plantations in lowland Costa Rica to evaluate differences in allocation of carbon to Aboveground Production and root systems. We found that the tree plantations, which had fully developed, closed canopies, allocated more carbon belowground - to their root systems - than did mature forest. This increase in belowground carbon allocation correlated significantly with Aboveground tree growth but not with canopy Production (i.e., leaf fall or fine litter Production). In contrast, there were no correlations between canopy Production and either tree growth or belowground carbon allocation. Enhanced allocation of carbon to root systems can enhance plant nutrient uptake, providing nutrients beyond those required for the Production of short-lived tissues such as leaves and fine roots, and thus enabling biomass accumulation. Our analyses support this deduction at our site, showing that enhanced allocation of carbon to root systems can be an important mechanism promoting biomass accumulation during forest growth in the moist tropics. Identifying factors that control when, where and for how long this occurs would help us to improve models of forest growth and nutrient cycling, and to ascertain the role that young forests play in mitigating increased atmospheric carbon dioxide.