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Elias Siores - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
the effect of cutting jet variation on surface striation formation in Abrasive water jet cutting
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2003Co-Authors: Frank L Chen, Elias SioresAbstract:Abstract Abrasive water jet machining is an emerging technology which can shape almost all engineering materials, but also produces a characteristic striated surface finish which limits its potential applications. In this study, the characterisation of different materials’ cut surfaces is investigated using a scanning electron microscope. The effect of Abrasive Particle distribution in the jet on striation formation is detailed. A non-invasive technique: laser Doppler anemometry is used to analyse the Abrasive Particle distribution in the jet. Furthermore, the mechanisms of striation formation are discussed in detail and an effective striation minimisation technique applied to the cutting process is outlined.
the effect of cutting jet variation on striation formation in Abrasive water jet cutting
International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2001Co-Authors: Frank L Chen, Elias SioresAbstract:Abrasive water jet machining is an emerging technology which can shape almost all engineering materials, but it also produces a characteristic striated surface finish which limits its potential applications. In this study, the characterisation of different materials' cut surfaces is investigated using a scanning electron microscope. The effect of Abrasive Particle distribution in the jet on striation formation is detailed. A non-invasive technique, Laser Doppler Anemometry, is used to analyse the Abrasive Particle distribution in the jet. Furthermore, the mechanisms of striation formation are discussed in detail and an effective striation minimisation technique applied to the cutting process is outlined.
Frank L Chen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
the effect of cutting jet variation on surface striation formation in Abrasive water jet cutting
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2003Co-Authors: Frank L Chen, Elias SioresAbstract:Abstract Abrasive water jet machining is an emerging technology which can shape almost all engineering materials, but also produces a characteristic striated surface finish which limits its potential applications. In this study, the characterisation of different materials’ cut surfaces is investigated using a scanning electron microscope. The effect of Abrasive Particle distribution in the jet on striation formation is detailed. A non-invasive technique: laser Doppler anemometry is used to analyse the Abrasive Particle distribution in the jet. Furthermore, the mechanisms of striation formation are discussed in detail and an effective striation minimisation technique applied to the cutting process is outlined.
the effect of cutting jet variation on striation formation in Abrasive water jet cutting
International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2001Co-Authors: Frank L Chen, Elias SioresAbstract:Abrasive water jet machining is an emerging technology which can shape almost all engineering materials, but it also produces a characteristic striated surface finish which limits its potential applications. In this study, the characterisation of different materials' cut surfaces is investigated using a scanning electron microscope. The effect of Abrasive Particle distribution in the jet on striation formation is detailed. A non-invasive technique, Laser Doppler Anemometry, is used to analyse the Abrasive Particle distribution in the jet. Furthermore, the mechanisms of striation formation are discussed in detail and an effective striation minimisation technique applied to the cutting process is outlined.
Taesung Kim - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Measurement of CMP Slurry Abrasive Size Distribution by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 2010Co-Authors: Hojoong Kim, Ji Chul Yang, Taesung KimAbstract:This article introduces an Abrasive Particle size measurement by a scanning mobility Particle sizer (SMPS) to measure precise size distribution in the nanoregime. Static light scattering (SLS), which is a conventional method, is compared with the SMPS-based technique. Both measurement techniques differ in the measurement of SiO 2 and CeO 2 Abrasive Particle sizes. Results showed that SMPS is more sensitive than the SLS equipment due to a single-Particle count, which is suitable for representing nanoParticle Abrasives. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no article yet about the use of an SMPS for the measurement of Abrasive size in chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) technology.
Slurry Abrasive Particle Size Measurement by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer
2009Co-Authors: Hojoong Kim, Ji Chul Yang, Taesung KimAbstract:Abrasive Particle size of CMP slurry is known as one of the key design parameters to control the defect level during CMP process. For the measurement of Abrasive size distribution, laser light scattering is widely used for its fast measurement speed and ease of use. However, it also has disadvantages, such as non-repeatable measurement result due to customized signal converting algorithms and imprecise result for poly-disperse Abrasive Particles due to bulk unit sample measurement. Thus, in this paper, we propose the use of scanning mobility Particle sizer (SMPS) for the measurement of Abrasive Particle size distribution. SMPS is one of the standard instruments in aerosol and nanoParticle research field for several decades. SMPS utilizes size classification by electrical mobility and single Particle counting, which provide more precise result. We measured Abrasive size distribution of SiO2 and CeO2 slurry using both static laser light scattering instrument (SLS) and SMPS for SiO2 and CeO2. SMPS showed another mode of size distribution, which was not measured by SLS. From SEM measurement, we confirmed that this mode corresponded to primary Abrasive size.
S Bouvier - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Effect of Martensite Morphology on Tribological Behaviour of a Low-Alloy Steel
Metallography Microstructure and Analysis, 2019Co-Authors: C Trevisiol, A Jourani, S BouvierAbstract:Few works are devoted to study the microstructure effect on tribological behaviors of contacting materials. The most of them are only focused on wear and without fixing the hardness and/or the chemical composition. A contribution is proposed by investigating the combined effects of microstructure and Abrasive Particle size. Friction tests are performed for steel pins characterized by various microstructures with similar hardness level (around 410 $$ {H_{\text{V}}} $$ H V ) and chemical composition. The microstructures are composed of a quenched martensitic microstructure, a tempered martensitic microstructure, and ferrite–martensite dual-phase microstructures with various martensite colony morphologies. These pins slide against Abrasive papers with various Particle sizes, from 15 to 200 μm, under different normal loads from 50 to 110 N. Dual-phase microstructures enhance friction and wear behaviors. Among these microstructures, compared to fine and fibrous martensite colony morphologies, coarse and equiaxed martensite colonies minimize friction coefficient and wear rate. It is worth noting that for a given load, a transition in friction behavior is observed for a critical Particle size (CPS) which depends on microstructure and normal load. This study also showed that whatever the microstructure and the Abrasive Particle sizes, friction coefficients decrease with increasing normal load. However, for wear rate, a reverse trend is observed.
effect of hardness microstructure normal load and Abrasive size on friction and on wear behaviour of 35ncd16 steel
Wear, 2017Co-Authors: C Trevisiol, A Jourani, S BouvierAbstract:Abstract Wear and friction properties depend on many parameters such as normal load and material hardness. However, coupled contributions of microstructure and Abrasive Particle size are less investigated. A contribution in this field is proposed with wear tests performed between a 35NCD16 steel and Abrasive silicon carbide grains ranging from 35 µm to 200 µm under different normal loads (50–110 N). To vary hardness and microstructure, samples are subjected to water quenching and tempering at various temperatures (200–600 °C). These heat treatments result in a martensitic microstructure with various levels of carbon contents and carbide precipitations. For a given microstructure and hardness, the friction coefficient decreases with increasing the normal load and/or decreasing the Abrasive Particle size. However, the wear rate increases with increasing the normal load and/or the Abrasive Particle size. For high normal loads, the results also reveal that the friction coefficient decreases when the hardness and the martensite volume fraction increase. Nonetheless, for low normal loads, a transitional microstructure from martensite laths to carbides and equiaxed grains, for a tempering around 400 °C, impacts the friction coefficient. Whatever the normal load, this transitional microstructure also influences the wear rate.
effect of martensite volume fraction and Abrasive Particles size on friction and wear behaviour of a low alloy steel
Tribology International, 2017Co-Authors: C Trevisiol, A Jourani, S BouvierAbstract:Abstract Friction tests between a ferrite-martensite dual phase steel, with different martensite volume fractions (48–98%), and an Abrasive paper with different sizes (15–200 µm) under various normal loads (50–110 N) are performed. It is highlighted that low normal loads minimize the wear rate whereas high normal loads minimize the friction coefficient. The lowest Abrasive Particle size minimizes the wear rate whereas an intermediate one (35 µm) minimizes the friction coefficient. The wear rate and the friction coefficient decrease with increasing the martensite volume fraction. Conversely to the wear rate, for high normal loads, the friction coefficient becomes insensitive to the martensite volume fraction. It is also noticed that there are combined effects of martensite volume fraction and Abrasive Particle size on wear mechanisms.
effect of Abrasive Particle size on friction and wear behaviour of various microstructures of 25cd4 steel
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017Co-Authors: C Trevisiol, A Jourani, S BouvierAbstract:Many parameters, such as normal load and material bulk hardness, control the wear and friction behaviours of materials. Nonetheless, the investigation of the coupled contributions of microstructure and Abrasive Particle size are still lacking. A contribution is proposed by using steel pins with various microstructures with a similar macro-hardness (around 410HV) and chemical composition. A quenched martensitic microstructure, a tempered martensitic microstructure and three ferrite-martensite dual-phase microstructures, with a similar martensite volume fraction (around 67%) and different martensite colony morphologies, are established. Friction tests are performed between these pins and Abrasive papers with different sizes ranging from 15μm to 200μm. Compared to single-phase microstructures (quenched and tempered martensitic microstructures) and whatever the Abrasive Particle size, ferrite-martensite dual-phase microstructures reduce the friction coefficient and provide better wear resistance. For the ferrite-martensite dual-phase microstructures and unlike fine and fibrous martensite colonies, coarse and granular martensite colonies minimize the friction coefficient. In addition, characterized by a change of wear mechanisms between abrasion and adhesion, an intermediate Abrasive Particle around 35 μm minimizes the friction coefficient. This study also reveals that the wear rate increases with the Abrasive Particle size which is associated to an increase of the attack angle of Abrasive grains.
Hojoong Kim - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Measurement of CMP Slurry Abrasive Size Distribution by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 2010Co-Authors: Hojoong Kim, Ji Chul Yang, Taesung KimAbstract:This article introduces an Abrasive Particle size measurement by a scanning mobility Particle sizer (SMPS) to measure precise size distribution in the nanoregime. Static light scattering (SLS), which is a conventional method, is compared with the SMPS-based technique. Both measurement techniques differ in the measurement of SiO 2 and CeO 2 Abrasive Particle sizes. Results showed that SMPS is more sensitive than the SLS equipment due to a single-Particle count, which is suitable for representing nanoParticle Abrasives. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no article yet about the use of an SMPS for the measurement of Abrasive size in chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) technology.
Slurry Abrasive Particle Size Measurement by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer
2009Co-Authors: Hojoong Kim, Ji Chul Yang, Taesung KimAbstract:Abrasive Particle size of CMP slurry is known as one of the key design parameters to control the defect level during CMP process. For the measurement of Abrasive size distribution, laser light scattering is widely used for its fast measurement speed and ease of use. However, it also has disadvantages, such as non-repeatable measurement result due to customized signal converting algorithms and imprecise result for poly-disperse Abrasive Particles due to bulk unit sample measurement. Thus, in this paper, we propose the use of scanning mobility Particle sizer (SMPS) for the measurement of Abrasive Particle size distribution. SMPS is one of the standard instruments in aerosol and nanoParticle research field for several decades. SMPS utilizes size classification by electrical mobility and single Particle counting, which provide more precise result. We measured Abrasive size distribution of SiO2 and CeO2 slurry using both static laser light scattering instrument (SLS) and SMPS for SiO2 and CeO2. SMPS showed another mode of size distribution, which was not measured by SLS. From SEM measurement, we confirmed that this mode corresponded to primary Abrasive size.