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D P Mondal - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
synergic effect of reinforcement and heat treatment on the two body Abrasive wear of an al si alloy under varying loads and Abrasive Sizes
Wear, 2008Co-Authors: D P Mondal, S Sawla, N RamakrishnanAbstract:In the present study, an attempt was made to examine the synergic effect of SiC particle reinforcement and heat treatment on the two body Abrasive wear behavior of an Al–Si alloy (BS: LM13) under varying loads and Abrasive Sizes. Silicon carbide particles with Size 50–80 μm were reinforced in Al–Si alloy, in varying concentration (10 wt% and 15 wt%), by solidification process (vortex technique) and the composite melt was solidified by gravity casting in a cast iron die. The alloy and composites were solution treated at 495 °C for 8 h, quenched in water and aged at 175 °C for 6 h and cooled in air. Two body Abrasive wear behaviour of cast and heat-treated alloy and composite, was examined against Abrasives of different Sizes (40 μm, 60 μm and 80 μm), at varying applied loads (1 N, 3 N, 5 N and 7 N), up to a sliding distance of 108 m. It has been noted that the alloy suffers from higher wear rate than that of composites either in cast or heat-treated conditions, irrespective of applied load and Abrasive Size. Further, in most of the cases, the wear rate of composite decreases with increase in SiC particle content. Efforts were made to correlate wear behavior of Al alloy and composites in terms of mechanical properties, microstructural characteristics, applied load and Abrasive Size through an empirical equation.
High-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon dual phase steel: Effects of microstructural features and experimental conditions
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2007Co-Authors: O.p Modi, B. K. Prasad, A. H. Yegneswaran, D P Mondal, Pallavi Pandit, Andreas ChrysanthouAbstract:Effects of heat treatment on the high-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon steel have been investigated at varying applied loads, Abrasive (SiC) Sizes and sliding distances. The heat treatment involved intercritical annealing at three different temperatures between Ac-1 and Ac-3 followed by ice water quenching in order to produce a dual phase microstructure consisting of varying quantities of ferrite plus martensite. The wear rate increased monotonically with applied load irrespective of the heat treatment schedule. Further, the wear rate increased drastically when the Abrasive Size was increased from 15 to 27 mu m; a further increase in the Abrasive Size led to only a marginal increase in the wear rate. In general, the wear rate decreased with increasing sliding distance and attained a nearly stable value at longer sliding distances. Increasing intercritical annealing temperature resulted into higher martensite content, thereby leading to reduced wear rate. However, the extent of reduction in wear rate with martensite content has been found to change with the applied load and Abrasive Size. The present investigation clearly suggests that it is quite possible to attain desired combinations of bulk hardness and microstructure (ferrite plus martensite) that could greatly control Abrasive wear properties in low carbon steel. The observed wear response of the samples has been explained on the basis of microconstituent-Abrasive interaction during the course of Abrasive action, degradation of the Abrasive particles and the nature of various microconstituents, i.e. mechanical properties. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
high stress Abrasive wear behaviour of aluminium hard particle composites effect of experimental parameters particle Size and volume fraction
Tribology International, 2006Co-Authors: D P MondalAbstract:Abstract High stress Abrasive wear behaviour of aluminium alloy (ADC-12)–SiC particle reinforced composites has been studied as a function of applied load, reinforcement Size and volume fraction, and has been compared with that of the matrix alloy. Two different Size ranges (25–50 and 50–80 μm) of SiC particles have been used for synthesizing ADC-12–SiC composite. The volume fraction of SiC particles has been varied in the ranges from 5 to 15 wt%. It has been noted that the Abrasive wear rate of the alloy reduced considerably due to addition of SiC particle and the wear rate of composite decreases linearly with increase in SiC content. It has also been noted that the wear resistance of composite varies inversely with square of the reinforcement Size. The wear rate of the alloy and composite has been found to be a linear function of applied load but invariant to the Abrasive Size; at critical Abrasive Size, transition in wear behaviour is noted. This has been explained through analytically derived equations and wear–surface examination.
High stress Abrasive wear behavior of sillimanite-reinforced Al-alloy matrix composite: A factorial design approach
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2003Co-Authors: M Singh, D P Mondal, A. H. YegneswaranAbstract:An attempt has been made to explore the possibility of using a natural mineral, namely sillimanite, as dispersoid for synthesizing aluminum alloy composite by solidification technique. The Abrasive wear behavior of this composite has been studied through factorial design of experiments. The wear behavior of the composite ( Y _composite) and the alloy ( Y _alloy) is expressed in terms of the coded values of different experimental parameters like applied load ( x _1), Abrasive Size ( x _2), and sliding distance ( x _3) by the following linear regression equations: $$\begin{gathered} = 20.94 + 15.22x_1 + 5.94x_2 - 1.95x_3 + 4.82x_1 x_2 - 1.45x_1 x_3 + 1.29x_2 x_3 + 1.60x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ Y_{composite} = 21.05 + 15.69x_1 + 9.5x_2 - 2.51x_3 + 7.41x_1 x_2 - 2.33x_1 x_3 + 0.52x_2 x_3 + 0.10x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ These equations suggest that (i) the effect of the load is more severe on the wear rate of each of the materials and (ii) the wear rate of the materials increases with an increase in applied load and Abrasive Size, but decreases with increase in sliding distance (iii) interaction of these parameters are quite significant towards the wear of these materials (iv) above a critical load and Abrasive Size the composite suffers from higher wear rate than that of the matrix alloy. These facts have been explained on the basis of wear mechanisms.
Abrasive wear behaviour of a high carbon steel effects of microstructure and experimental parameters and correlation with mechanical properties
Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2003Co-Authors: O.p Modi, M Singh, B. K. Prasad, D P Mondal, H K KhairaAbstract:This investigation deals with the observations made towards understanding the role of interlamellar spacing on the high-stress Abrasive wear behaviour of a high carbon steel. The samples revealed near-eutectoid (pearlitic) structure. The interlamellar spacing was varied by altering the austenitization temperature. Abrasion tests were conducted over a range of applied load, sliding speed, travel distance and Abrasive Size. Mechanical properties such as hardness, impact toughness and tensile strength, yield strength and elongation at fracture of the samples were also evaluated. The nature of dependence of Abrasive wear rate and the measured mechanical properties on material related factors like interlamellar spacing of the samples has been analyzed. The study indicates that the wear rate does not follow a Hall-Petch relationship with the interlamellar spacing of the samples unlike hardness and yield strength. An analysis of the influence of abrasion test parameters suggested the wear rate to increase sharply with load initially. This was followed by a lower rate of increase or even a reduction in wear rate at higher loads depending on the interlamellar spacing of the samples. Increasing Abrasive Size caused the wear rate to practically remain unaffected initially. This was followed by a sharp increase in wear rate beyond a critical Abrasive Size. Increasing speed led to higher wear rates upto a critical sliding speed beyond which the wear rate decreased with a further increase in speed. The varying nature of influence of interlamellar spacing on mechanical properties and interlamellar spacing and abrasion test parameters on the wear response of the samples has been discussed in terms of wear-induced subsurface work hardening/deformation of the specimens, deteriorating cutting efficiency of the Abrasive particles, stability of the deformed (transfer) layer in the near vicinity of the wear surface during abrasion and hardening of ferrite in the (eutectoid) cementite–ferrite (pearlite) mixture in the steel prior to testing.
A. H. Yegneswaran - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
High-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon dual phase steel: Effects of microstructural features and experimental conditions
Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2007Co-Authors: O.p Modi, Dehi Pada Mondal, B. K. Prasad, A. H. Yegneswaran, Pallavi Pandit, Andreas ChrysanthouAbstract:Abstract Effects of heat treatment on the high-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon steel have been investigated at varying applied loads, Abrasive (SiC) Sizes and sliding distances. The heat treatment involved intercritical annealing at three different temperatures between Ac 1 and Ac 3 followed by ice water quenching in order to produce a dual phase microstructure consisting of varying quantities of ferrite plus martensite. The wear rate increased monotonically with applied load irrespective of the heat treatment schedule. Further, the wear rate increased drastically when the Abrasive Size was increased from 15 to 27 μm; a further increase in the Abrasive Size led to only a marginal increase in the wear rate. In general, the wear rate decreased with increasing sliding distance and attained a nearly stable value at longer sliding distances. Increasing intercritical annealing temperature resulted into higher martensite content, thereby leading to reduced wear rate. However, the extent of reduction in wear rate with martensite content has been found to change with the applied load and Abrasive Size. The present investigation clearly suggests that it is quite possible to attain desired combinations of bulk hardness and microstructure (ferrite plus martensite) that could greatly control Abrasive wear properties in low carbon steel. The observed wear response of the samples has been explained on the basis of microconstituent–Abrasive interaction during the course of Abrasive action, degradation of the Abrasive particles and the nature of various microconstituents, i.e. mechanical properties.
High-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon dual phase steel: Effects of microstructural features and experimental conditions
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2007Co-Authors: O.p Modi, B. K. Prasad, A. H. Yegneswaran, D P Mondal, Pallavi Pandit, Andreas ChrysanthouAbstract:Effects of heat treatment on the high-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon steel have been investigated at varying applied loads, Abrasive (SiC) Sizes and sliding distances. The heat treatment involved intercritical annealing at three different temperatures between Ac-1 and Ac-3 followed by ice water quenching in order to produce a dual phase microstructure consisting of varying quantities of ferrite plus martensite. The wear rate increased monotonically with applied load irrespective of the heat treatment schedule. Further, the wear rate increased drastically when the Abrasive Size was increased from 15 to 27 mu m; a further increase in the Abrasive Size led to only a marginal increase in the wear rate. In general, the wear rate decreased with increasing sliding distance and attained a nearly stable value at longer sliding distances. Increasing intercritical annealing temperature resulted into higher martensite content, thereby leading to reduced wear rate. However, the extent of reduction in wear rate with martensite content has been found to change with the applied load and Abrasive Size. The present investigation clearly suggests that it is quite possible to attain desired combinations of bulk hardness and microstructure (ferrite plus martensite) that could greatly control Abrasive wear properties in low carbon steel. The observed wear response of the samples has been explained on the basis of microconstituent-Abrasive interaction during the course of Abrasive action, degradation of the Abrasive particles and the nature of various microconstituents, i.e. mechanical properties. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
High stress Abrasive wear behavior of sillimanite-reinforced Al-alloy matrix composite: A factorial design approach
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2003Co-Authors: M Singh, D P Mondal, A. H. YegneswaranAbstract:An attempt has been made to explore the possibility of using a natural mineral, namely sillimanite, as dispersoid for synthesizing aluminum alloy composite by solidification technique. The Abrasive wear behavior of this composite has been studied through factorial design of experiments. The wear behavior of the composite ( Y _composite) and the alloy ( Y _alloy) is expressed in terms of the coded values of different experimental parameters like applied load ( x _1), Abrasive Size ( x _2), and sliding distance ( x _3) by the following linear regression equations: $$\begin{gathered} = 20.94 + 15.22x_1 + 5.94x_2 - 1.95x_3 + 4.82x_1 x_2 - 1.45x_1 x_3 + 1.29x_2 x_3 + 1.60x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ Y_{composite} = 21.05 + 15.69x_1 + 9.5x_2 - 2.51x_3 + 7.41x_1 x_2 - 2.33x_1 x_3 + 0.52x_2 x_3 + 0.10x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ These equations suggest that (i) the effect of the load is more severe on the wear rate of each of the materials and (ii) the wear rate of the materials increases with an increase in applied load and Abrasive Size, but decreases with increase in sliding distance (iii) interaction of these parameters are quite significant towards the wear of these materials (iv) above a critical load and Abrasive Size the composite suffers from higher wear rate than that of the matrix alloy. These facts have been explained on the basis of wear mechanisms.
Abrasive wear behaviour of zinc aluminium alloy 10 al2o3 composite through factorial design of experiment
Journal of Materials Science, 2001Co-Authors: O.p Modi, D P Mondal, R P Yadav, R Dasgupta, A. H. YegneswaranAbstract:Two body Abrasive wear behaviour of a zinc-aluminium alloy - 10% Al2O3 composite was studied at different loads (1–7 N) and Abrasive Sizes (20–275 μm) as a function of sliding distance and compared with the matrix alloy. The wear rate of the composite and the matrix alloy has been expressed in terms of the applied load, Abrasive Size and sliding distance using linear factorial design approach. The study suggests that the wear rate of the alloy and composite follow the following relations: $$\begin{gathered} Y_{{\text{alloy}}} = 0.1334 - 0.0336x_1 + 0.0907x_2 + 0.0296x_1 x_2 + 0.0274x_2 x_3 - 0.0106x_3 x_1 \hfill \\ {\text{ }} - 0.0201x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ Y_{{\text{comp}}} = 0.0726 - 0.028x_1 + 0.062x_2 + 0.03x_3 - 0.024x_1 x_2 + 0.028x_2 x_3 - 0.016x_3 x_1 \hfill \\ {\text{ }} - 0.014x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ where, x1, x2 and x3 are the coded values of sliding distance, applied load and Abrasive Size respectively. It has been demonstrated through the above equations that the wear rate increases with applied load and Abrasive Size but decreases with sliding distance. The interaction effect of the variables exhibited a mixed behaviour towards the wear of the material. It was also noted that the effect of load is less prominent for the composite than the matrix alloy while the trend reversed as far as the influence of the Abrasive Size is concerned.
Abrasive wear behaviour of zinc-aluminium alloy - 10% Al2O3 composite through factorial design of experiment
Journal of Materials Science, 2001Co-Authors: O.p Modi, S. Das, D P Mondal, R P Yadav, R Dasgupta, A. H. YegneswaranAbstract:Two body Abrasive wear behaviour of a zinc-aluminium alloy - 10% Al_2O_3 composite was studied at different loads (1–7 N) and Abrasive Sizes (20–275 μm) as a function of sliding distance and compared with the matrix alloy. The wear rate of the composite and the matrix alloy has been expressed in terms of the applied load, Abrasive Size and sliding distance using linear factorial design approach. The study suggests that the wear rate of the alloy and composite follow the following relations: $$\begin{gathered} Y_{{\text{alloy}}} = 0.1334 - 0.0336x_1 + 0.0907x_2 + 0.0296x_1 x_2 + 0.0274x_2 x_3 - 0.0106x_3 x_1 \hfill \\ {\text{ }} - 0.0201x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ Y_{{\text{comp}}} = 0.0726 - 0.028x_1 + 0.062x_2 + 0.03x_3 - 0.024x_1 x_2 + 0.028x_2 x_3 - 0.016x_3 x_1 \hfill \\ {\text{ }} - 0.014x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ where, x _1, x _2 and x _3 are the coded values of sliding distance, applied load and Abrasive Size respectively. It has been demonstrated through the above equations that the wear rate increases with applied load and Abrasive Size but decreases with sliding distance. The interaction effect of the variables exhibited a mixed behaviour towards the wear of the material. It was also noted that the effect of load is less prominent for the composite than the matrix alloy while the trend reversed as far as the influence of the Abrasive Size is concerned.
J.h. Shin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
the effect of ceo2 Abrasive Size on dishing and step height reduction of silicon oxide film in sti cmp
Surface & Coatings Technology, 2005Co-Authors: Dae-soon Lim, Jinhee Ahn, H.s. Park, J.h. ShinAbstract:Abstract The effect of the CeO 2 Abrasive Size during chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) of shallow trench isolation (STI) structures was investigated, in order to minimize the amount of oxide dishing and to improve the planarization efficiency. Three slurry samples were prepared based on a 1.0 wt.% Abrasive concentration with different Sizes of ceria particles. The step height and dishing reduction were investigated as a function of the polishing time with pattern wafers in prepared slurries. The reduction in thickness as a function of the polishing time varied between the different slurries. The dependence of the step height reduction of the patterned wafer on the polishing time showed non-linear behavior in all of the tested slurries. The amount of dishing also varied with the type of slurry. The changes in the cross-sectional profiles of the oxide as a function of the polishing time were analyzed, in order to establish a dishing and step height reduction model depending on the Abrasive Size. The step height variation and dishing were varied with the Size of the Abrasive. The observed results were explained by the contribution of inactive particles, which depended on relative Size of the Abrasives and the height of the remaining oxide layer.
The effect of CeO2 Abrasive Size on dishing and step height reduction of silicon oxide film in STI–CMP
Surface & Coatings Technology, 2005Co-Authors: Dae-soon Lim, Jinhee Ahn, H.s. Park, J.h. ShinAbstract:Abstract The effect of the CeO 2 Abrasive Size during chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) of shallow trench isolation (STI) structures was investigated, in order to minimize the amount of oxide dishing and to improve the planarization efficiency. Three slurry samples were prepared based on a 1.0 wt.% Abrasive concentration with different Sizes of ceria particles. The step height and dishing reduction were investigated as a function of the polishing time with pattern wafers in prepared slurries. The reduction in thickness as a function of the polishing time varied between the different slurries. The dependence of the step height reduction of the patterned wafer on the polishing time showed non-linear behavior in all of the tested slurries. The amount of dishing also varied with the type of slurry. The changes in the cross-sectional profiles of the oxide as a function of the polishing time were analyzed, in order to establish a dishing and step height reduction model depending on the Abrasive Size. The step height variation and dishing were varied with the Size of the Abrasive. The observed results were explained by the contribution of inactive particles, which depended on relative Size of the Abrasives and the height of the remaining oxide layer.
O.p Modi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
High-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon dual phase steel: Effects of microstructural features and experimental conditions
Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2007Co-Authors: O.p Modi, Dehi Pada Mondal, B. K. Prasad, A. H. Yegneswaran, Pallavi Pandit, Andreas ChrysanthouAbstract:Abstract Effects of heat treatment on the high-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon steel have been investigated at varying applied loads, Abrasive (SiC) Sizes and sliding distances. The heat treatment involved intercritical annealing at three different temperatures between Ac 1 and Ac 3 followed by ice water quenching in order to produce a dual phase microstructure consisting of varying quantities of ferrite plus martensite. The wear rate increased monotonically with applied load irrespective of the heat treatment schedule. Further, the wear rate increased drastically when the Abrasive Size was increased from 15 to 27 μm; a further increase in the Abrasive Size led to only a marginal increase in the wear rate. In general, the wear rate decreased with increasing sliding distance and attained a nearly stable value at longer sliding distances. Increasing intercritical annealing temperature resulted into higher martensite content, thereby leading to reduced wear rate. However, the extent of reduction in wear rate with martensite content has been found to change with the applied load and Abrasive Size. The present investigation clearly suggests that it is quite possible to attain desired combinations of bulk hardness and microstructure (ferrite plus martensite) that could greatly control Abrasive wear properties in low carbon steel. The observed wear response of the samples has been explained on the basis of microconstituent–Abrasive interaction during the course of Abrasive action, degradation of the Abrasive particles and the nature of various microconstituents, i.e. mechanical properties.
High-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon dual phase steel: Effects of microstructural features and experimental conditions
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2007Co-Authors: O.p Modi, B. K. Prasad, A. H. Yegneswaran, D P Mondal, Pallavi Pandit, Andreas ChrysanthouAbstract:Effects of heat treatment on the high-stress Abrasive wear response of 0.2% carbon steel have been investigated at varying applied loads, Abrasive (SiC) Sizes and sliding distances. The heat treatment involved intercritical annealing at three different temperatures between Ac-1 and Ac-3 followed by ice water quenching in order to produce a dual phase microstructure consisting of varying quantities of ferrite plus martensite. The wear rate increased monotonically with applied load irrespective of the heat treatment schedule. Further, the wear rate increased drastically when the Abrasive Size was increased from 15 to 27 mu m; a further increase in the Abrasive Size led to only a marginal increase in the wear rate. In general, the wear rate decreased with increasing sliding distance and attained a nearly stable value at longer sliding distances. Increasing intercritical annealing temperature resulted into higher martensite content, thereby leading to reduced wear rate. However, the extent of reduction in wear rate with martensite content has been found to change with the applied load and Abrasive Size. The present investigation clearly suggests that it is quite possible to attain desired combinations of bulk hardness and microstructure (ferrite plus martensite) that could greatly control Abrasive wear properties in low carbon steel. The observed wear response of the samples has been explained on the basis of microconstituent-Abrasive interaction during the course of Abrasive action, degradation of the Abrasive particles and the nature of various microconstituents, i.e. mechanical properties. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Abrasive wear behaviour of a high carbon steel effects of microstructure and experimental parameters and correlation with mechanical properties
Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2003Co-Authors: O.p Modi, M Singh, B. K. Prasad, D P Mondal, H K KhairaAbstract:This investigation deals with the observations made towards understanding the role of interlamellar spacing on the high-stress Abrasive wear behaviour of a high carbon steel. The samples revealed near-eutectoid (pearlitic) structure. The interlamellar spacing was varied by altering the austenitization temperature. Abrasion tests were conducted over a range of applied load, sliding speed, travel distance and Abrasive Size. Mechanical properties such as hardness, impact toughness and tensile strength, yield strength and elongation at fracture of the samples were also evaluated. The nature of dependence of Abrasive wear rate and the measured mechanical properties on material related factors like interlamellar spacing of the samples has been analyzed. The study indicates that the wear rate does not follow a Hall-Petch relationship with the interlamellar spacing of the samples unlike hardness and yield strength. An analysis of the influence of abrasion test parameters suggested the wear rate to increase sharply with load initially. This was followed by a lower rate of increase or even a reduction in wear rate at higher loads depending on the interlamellar spacing of the samples. Increasing Abrasive Size caused the wear rate to practically remain unaffected initially. This was followed by a sharp increase in wear rate beyond a critical Abrasive Size. Increasing speed led to higher wear rates upto a critical sliding speed beyond which the wear rate decreased with a further increase in speed. The varying nature of influence of interlamellar spacing on mechanical properties and interlamellar spacing and abrasion test parameters on the wear response of the samples has been discussed in terms of wear-induced subsurface work hardening/deformation of the specimens, deteriorating cutting efficiency of the Abrasive particles, stability of the deformed (transfer) layer in the near vicinity of the wear surface during abrasion and hardening of ferrite in the (eutectoid) cementite–ferrite (pearlite) mixture in the steel prior to testing.
Two-body Abrasive wear behaviour of aluminium alloy–sillimanite particle reinforced composite
Wear, 2002Co-Authors: M Singh, Dehi Pada Mondal, O.p Modi, A. K. JhaAbstract:In the present paper two-body Abrasive wear behaviour of the cast aluminium alloy and aluminium alloy–10 wt.% sillimanite particle composite has been studied at different applied loads and Abrasive Sizes for different sliding distances. It was noted that the wear rate decreased with sliding distance and approached to a stable value and increased with increase in Abrasive Size and applied load irrespective of the materials. It was interesting to note that at 25 μm Abrasive Size, composite showed superior wear resistance to that of alloy but at 200 μm Abrasive Size, the former one suffered from inferior wear resistance than the later one irrespective of applied load. In the intermediate Abrasive Size (100 μm) the composite exhibited superior wear resistance than that of alloy at lower applied load, whereas at higher applied load the trend is reversed. These facts have been studied through wear surface, subsurface and wear debris analysis.
Abrasive wear behaviour of zinc aluminium alloy 10 al2o3 composite through factorial design of experiment
Journal of Materials Science, 2001Co-Authors: O.p Modi, D P Mondal, R P Yadav, R Dasgupta, A. H. YegneswaranAbstract:Two body Abrasive wear behaviour of a zinc-aluminium alloy - 10% Al2O3 composite was studied at different loads (1–7 N) and Abrasive Sizes (20–275 μm) as a function of sliding distance and compared with the matrix alloy. The wear rate of the composite and the matrix alloy has been expressed in terms of the applied load, Abrasive Size and sliding distance using linear factorial design approach. The study suggests that the wear rate of the alloy and composite follow the following relations: $$\begin{gathered} Y_{{\text{alloy}}} = 0.1334 - 0.0336x_1 + 0.0907x_2 + 0.0296x_1 x_2 + 0.0274x_2 x_3 - 0.0106x_3 x_1 \hfill \\ {\text{ }} - 0.0201x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ Y_{{\text{comp}}} = 0.0726 - 0.028x_1 + 0.062x_2 + 0.03x_3 - 0.024x_1 x_2 + 0.028x_2 x_3 - 0.016x_3 x_1 \hfill \\ {\text{ }} - 0.014x_1 x_2 x_3 \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ where, x1, x2 and x3 are the coded values of sliding distance, applied load and Abrasive Size respectively. It has been demonstrated through the above equations that the wear rate increases with applied load and Abrasive Size but decreases with sliding distance. The interaction effect of the variables exhibited a mixed behaviour towards the wear of the material. It was also noted that the effect of load is less prominent for the composite than the matrix alloy while the trend reversed as far as the influence of the Abrasive Size is concerned.
Y Sahin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
a model for the Abrasive wear behaviour of aluminium based composites
Materials & Design, 2008Co-Authors: Y Sahin, K OzdinAbstract:The Abrasive wear behaviour of SiCp-reinforced composites was investigated using pin-on-disc type of machine where the sample slid against SiC Abrasive of different grit Sizes. The Abrasive wear of the composite and its alloy matrix was developed in terms of the applied load, sliding distance and particle Size using factorial design. It was demonstrated through established equations that the wear rate increased with increasing applied load, Abrasive Size and decreased with sliding distance. In addition to this, Abrasive Size was found to be effective for the composite, but applied load was dominant for the alloy matrix. Moreover, the interaction of load/Abrasive Size was found to be effective than those of other variables.
tribological behaviour of metal matrix and its composite
Materials & Design, 2007Co-Authors: Y SahinAbstract:A plan of experiments based on the combined techniques using orthogonal arrays and analysis of variance was employed on tribological behaviour of metal matrix and its composite, in a pin-on-disc machine using SiC Abrasive grits under different conditions. The obtained results indicate that type of the work piece due to the introduction of SiC particle into the matrix alloy exerted the greatest effect on Abrasive wear, followed by applied load. The sliding distance was found to have a much lower effect. Moreover, the interactions of SiC reinforcement/applied load and SiC reinforcement/sliding distance had a moderate influence on the Abrasive wear while interactions of reinforcement/Abrasive Size, applied load/Abrasive Size, applied load/sliding distance and Abrasive Size/sliding distance had no significant effect.
Wear behaviour of aluminium alloy and its composites reinforced by SiC particles using statistical analysis
Materials & Design, 2003Co-Authors: Y SahinAbstract:Abstract The wear behaviour of SiCp-reinforced aluminium composite produced by the molten metal mixing method was investigated by means of a pin-on-disc type wear rig. Abrasive wear tests were carried out on 5 vol.% SiCp and its matrix alloy against SiC and Al2O3 emery papers on a steel counterface at a fixed speed. The wear rate of the composite and the matrix alloy has been expressed in terms of the applied load, sliding distance and particle Size using a linear factorial design approach. The parameters x1, x2 and x3 are the code values of sliding distance, applied load and Abrasive Size, respectively. It has been demonstrated through established equations that the composite exhibited a low wear rate compared to the unreinforced matrix material for both cases. Moreover, the wear rate increased with increasing applied load, Abrasive Size and sliding distance for SiC paper, whereas the wear rate increased with applied load and Abrasive particle, and it decreased with sliding distance for Al2O3 paper. The interaction effect of the variables exhibited a mixed behaviour towards the wear of the materials.