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The Experts below are selected from a list of 488406 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Cheryl L Wellington - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • merging pAthology with biomechAnics using chimerA closed heAd impAct model of engineered rotAtionAl AccelerAtion A novel surgery free model of trAumAtic brAin injury
    Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2014
    Co-Authors: Dhananjay Namjoshi, Wai Ang H Cheng, Kurt A Mcinnes, Kris M Martens, Michael Carr, Anna Wilkinson, Jerome Robert, Arooj Hayat, Peter A Cripton, Cheryl L Wellington

    BAckground TrAumAtic brAin injury (TBI) is A mAjor heAlth cAre concern thAt currently lAcks Any effective treAtment. Despite promising outcomes from mAny preclinicAl studies, clinicAl evAluAtions hAve fAiled to identify effective phArmAcologicAl therApies, suggesting thAt the trAnslAtionAl potentiAl of preclinicAl models mAy require improvement. Rodents continue to be the most widely used species for preclinicAl TBI reseArch. As most humAn TBIs result from impAct to An intAct skull, closed heAd injury (CHI) models Are highly relevAnt, however, trAditionAl CHI models suffer from extensive experimentAl vAriAbility thAt mAy be due to poor control over biomechAnicAl inputs. Here we describe A novel CHI model cAlled CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion) thAt fully integrAtes biomechAnicAl, behAviorAl, And neuropAthologicAl AnAlyses. CHIMERA is distinct from existing neurotrAumA model systems in thAt it uses A completely non-surgicAl procedure to precisely deliver impActs of prescribed dynAmic chArActeristics to A closed skull while enAbling kinemAtic AnAlysis of unconstrAined heAd movement. In this study, we chArActerized heAd kinemAtics As well As functionAl, neuropAthologicAl, And biochemicAl outcomes up to 14d following repeAted TBI (rTBI) in Adult C57BL/6 mice using CHIMERA.

  • Merging pAthology with biomechAnics using CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion): A novel, surgery-free model of trAumAtic brAin injury
    Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2014
    Co-Authors: Dhananjay Namjoshi, Kurt A Mcinnes, Kris M Martens, Michael Carr, Anna Wilkinson, Jerome Robert, Arooj Hayat, Peter A Cripton, Wai Hang Cheng, Cheryl L Wellington

    BAckground TrAumAtic brAin injury (TBI) is A mAjor heAlth cAre concern thAt currently lAcks Any effective treAtment. Despite promising outcomes from mAny preclinicAl studies, clinicAl evAluAtions hAve fAiled to identify effective phArmAcologicAl therApies, suggesting thAt the trAnslAtionAl potentiAl of preclinicAl models mAy require improvement. Rodents continue to be the most widely used species for preclinicAl TBI reseArch. As most humAn TBIs result from impAct to An intAct skull, closed heAd injury (CHI) models Are highly relevAnt, however, trAditionAl CHI models suffer from extensive experimentAl vAriAbility thAt mAy be due to poor control over biomechAnicAl inputs. Here we describe A novel CHI model cAlled CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion) thAt fully integrAtes biomechAnicAl, behAviorAl, And neuropAthologicAl AnAlyses. CHIMERA is distinct from existing neurotrAumA model systems in thAt it uses A completely non-surgicAl procedure to precisely deliver impActs of prescribed dynAmic chArActeristics to A closed skull while enAbling kinemAtic AnAlysis of unconstrAined heAd movement. In this study, we chArActerized heAd kinemAtics As well As functionAl, neuropAthologicAl, And biochemicAl outcomes up to 14d following repeAted TBI (rTBI) in Adult C57BL/6 mice using CHIMERA. Results HeAd kinemAtic AnAlysis showed excellent repeAtAbility over two closed heAd impActs sepArAted At 24h. Injured mice showed significAntly prolonged loss of righting reflex And displAyed neurologicAl, motor, And cognitive deficits Along with Anxiety-like behAvior. RepeAted TBI led to diffuse AxonAl injury with extensive microgliosis in white mAtter from 2-14d post-rTBI. Injured mouse brAins Also showed significAntly increAsed levels of TNF-α And IL-1β And increAsed endogenous tAu phosphorylAtion. Conclusions RepeAted TBI using CHIMERA mimics mAny of the functionAl And pAthologicAl chArActeristics of humAn TBI with A reliAble biomechAnicAl response of the heAd. This mAkes CHIMERA well suited to investigAte the pAthophysiology of TBI And for drug development progrAms.

Dhananjay Namjoshi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • merging pAthology with biomechAnics using chimerA closed heAd impAct model of engineered rotAtionAl AccelerAtion A novel surgery free model of trAumAtic brAin injury
    Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2014
    Co-Authors: Dhananjay Namjoshi, Wai Ang H Cheng, Kurt A Mcinnes, Kris M Martens, Michael Carr, Anna Wilkinson, Jerome Robert, Arooj Hayat, Peter A Cripton, Cheryl L Wellington

    BAckground TrAumAtic brAin injury (TBI) is A mAjor heAlth cAre concern thAt currently lAcks Any effective treAtment. Despite promising outcomes from mAny preclinicAl studies, clinicAl evAluAtions hAve fAiled to identify effective phArmAcologicAl therApies, suggesting thAt the trAnslAtionAl potentiAl of preclinicAl models mAy require improvement. Rodents continue to be the most widely used species for preclinicAl TBI reseArch. As most humAn TBIs result from impAct to An intAct skull, closed heAd injury (CHI) models Are highly relevAnt, however, trAditionAl CHI models suffer from extensive experimentAl vAriAbility thAt mAy be due to poor control over biomechAnicAl inputs. Here we describe A novel CHI model cAlled CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion) thAt fully integrAtes biomechAnicAl, behAviorAl, And neuropAthologicAl AnAlyses. CHIMERA is distinct from existing neurotrAumA model systems in thAt it uses A completely non-surgicAl procedure to precisely deliver impActs of prescribed dynAmic chArActeristics to A closed skull while enAbling kinemAtic AnAlysis of unconstrAined heAd movement. In this study, we chArActerized heAd kinemAtics As well As functionAl, neuropAthologicAl, And biochemicAl outcomes up to 14d following repeAted TBI (rTBI) in Adult C57BL/6 mice using CHIMERA.

  • Merging pAthology with biomechAnics using CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion): A novel, surgery-free model of trAumAtic brAin injury
    Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2014
    Co-Authors: Dhananjay Namjoshi, Kurt A Mcinnes, Kris M Martens, Michael Carr, Anna Wilkinson, Jerome Robert, Arooj Hayat, Peter A Cripton, Wai Hang Cheng, Cheryl L Wellington

    BAckground TrAumAtic brAin injury (TBI) is A mAjor heAlth cAre concern thAt currently lAcks Any effective treAtment. Despite promising outcomes from mAny preclinicAl studies, clinicAl evAluAtions hAve fAiled to identify effective phArmAcologicAl therApies, suggesting thAt the trAnslAtionAl potentiAl of preclinicAl models mAy require improvement. Rodents continue to be the most widely used species for preclinicAl TBI reseArch. As most humAn TBIs result from impAct to An intAct skull, closed heAd injury (CHI) models Are highly relevAnt, however, trAditionAl CHI models suffer from extensive experimentAl vAriAbility thAt mAy be due to poor control over biomechAnicAl inputs. Here we describe A novel CHI model cAlled CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion) thAt fully integrAtes biomechAnicAl, behAviorAl, And neuropAthologicAl AnAlyses. CHIMERA is distinct from existing neurotrAumA model systems in thAt it uses A completely non-surgicAl procedure to precisely deliver impActs of prescribed dynAmic chArActeristics to A closed skull while enAbling kinemAtic AnAlysis of unconstrAined heAd movement. In this study, we chArActerized heAd kinemAtics As well As functionAl, neuropAthologicAl, And biochemicAl outcomes up to 14d following repeAted TBI (rTBI) in Adult C57BL/6 mice using CHIMERA. Results HeAd kinemAtic AnAlysis showed excellent repeAtAbility over two closed heAd impActs sepArAted At 24h. Injured mice showed significAntly prolonged loss of righting reflex And displAyed neurologicAl, motor, And cognitive deficits Along with Anxiety-like behAvior. RepeAted TBI led to diffuse AxonAl injury with extensive microgliosis in white mAtter from 2-14d post-rTBI. Injured mouse brAins Also showed significAntly increAsed levels of TNF-α And IL-1β And increAsed endogenous tAu phosphorylAtion. Conclusions RepeAted TBI using CHIMERA mimics mAny of the functionAl And pAthologicAl chArActeristics of humAn TBI with A reliAble biomechAnicAl response of the heAd. This mAkes CHIMERA well suited to investigAte the pAthophysiology of TBI And for drug development progrAms.

Makoto Ishida - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • A three-Axis Accelerometer for high temperAtures with low temperAture dependence using A constAnt temperAture control of SOI piezoresistors
    The Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 2003. MEMS-03 Kyoto. IEEE, 2003
    Co-Authors: Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida

    In this pAper, A three-Axis Accelerometer for high temperAtures using constAnt temperAture control of SOI piezoresistors is proposed for reduction of temperAture drift. The Accelerometer hAs surrounding mAss structure, And piezoresistors for four wheAtstone bridges to detect three-Axis AccelerAtion. A temperAture sensor using the whole resistAnce of four wheAtstone bridges And micro-heAters Are integrAted on the beAm structures. The structure of Accelerometer wAs optimized with finite element method simulAtion progrAm, ANSYS. TemperAture dependence of the fAbricAted three-Axis Accelerometer on vAriAtion of Atmosphere temperAture (room temperAture to 300/spl deg/C) is much reduced by keeping the temperAture of piezoresistors At 300/spl deg/C. TemperAture Coefficient of Sensitivity (TCS) is much reduced to 72% of the originAl TCS.

  • Low temperAture dependence three-Axis Accelerometer for high temperAture environments with temperAture control of SOI piezoresistors
    Sensors and Actuators A-physical, 2003
    Co-Authors: Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida

    AbstrAct In this pAper, A three-Axis Accelerometer for high temperAtures using constAnt temperAture control of silicon on insulAtor (SOI) piezoresistors is proposed for reduction of temperAture drift. The Accelerometer hAs surrounding mAss structure, And piezoresistors for four wheAtstone bridges to detect three-Axis AccelerAtion. A temperAture sensor using the whole resistAnce of four wheAtstone bridges And micro-heAters Are integrAted on the beAm structures. The structure of Accelerometer wAs optimized with finite element method (FEM) simulAtion progrAm, ANSYS. The Accelerometer wAs fAbricAted with SOI wAfers by bulk-micromAchining. TemperAture dependence of the fAbricAted three-Axis Accelerometer on vAriAtion of Atmospheric temperAture (from room temperAture to 300 °C) is much reduced by keeping the temperAture of piezoresistors At 300 °C. TemperAture coefficient of sensitivity (TCS) is much reduced to 72% of the originAl TCS.

Kris M Martens - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • merging pAthology with biomechAnics using chimerA closed heAd impAct model of engineered rotAtionAl AccelerAtion A novel surgery free model of trAumAtic brAin injury
    Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2014
    Co-Authors: Dhananjay Namjoshi, Wai Ang H Cheng, Kurt A Mcinnes, Kris M Martens, Michael Carr, Anna Wilkinson, Jerome Robert, Arooj Hayat, Peter A Cripton, Cheryl L Wellington

    BAckground TrAumAtic brAin injury (TBI) is A mAjor heAlth cAre concern thAt currently lAcks Any effective treAtment. Despite promising outcomes from mAny preclinicAl studies, clinicAl evAluAtions hAve fAiled to identify effective phArmAcologicAl therApies, suggesting thAt the trAnslAtionAl potentiAl of preclinicAl models mAy require improvement. Rodents continue to be the most widely used species for preclinicAl TBI reseArch. As most humAn TBIs result from impAct to An intAct skull, closed heAd injury (CHI) models Are highly relevAnt, however, trAditionAl CHI models suffer from extensive experimentAl vAriAbility thAt mAy be due to poor control over biomechAnicAl inputs. Here we describe A novel CHI model cAlled CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion) thAt fully integrAtes biomechAnicAl, behAviorAl, And neuropAthologicAl AnAlyses. CHIMERA is distinct from existing neurotrAumA model systems in thAt it uses A completely non-surgicAl procedure to precisely deliver impActs of prescribed dynAmic chArActeristics to A closed skull while enAbling kinemAtic AnAlysis of unconstrAined heAd movement. In this study, we chArActerized heAd kinemAtics As well As functionAl, neuropAthologicAl, And biochemicAl outcomes up to 14d following repeAted TBI (rTBI) in Adult C57BL/6 mice using CHIMERA.

  • Merging pAthology with biomechAnics using CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion): A novel, surgery-free model of trAumAtic brAin injury
    Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2014
    Co-Authors: Dhananjay Namjoshi, Kurt A Mcinnes, Kris M Martens, Michael Carr, Anna Wilkinson, Jerome Robert, Arooj Hayat, Peter A Cripton, Wai Hang Cheng, Cheryl L Wellington

    BAckground TrAumAtic brAin injury (TBI) is A mAjor heAlth cAre concern thAt currently lAcks Any effective treAtment. Despite promising outcomes from mAny preclinicAl studies, clinicAl evAluAtions hAve fAiled to identify effective phArmAcologicAl therApies, suggesting thAt the trAnslAtionAl potentiAl of preclinicAl models mAy require improvement. Rodents continue to be the most widely used species for preclinicAl TBI reseArch. As most humAn TBIs result from impAct to An intAct skull, closed heAd injury (CHI) models Are highly relevAnt, however, trAditionAl CHI models suffer from extensive experimentAl vAriAbility thAt mAy be due to poor control over biomechAnicAl inputs. Here we describe A novel CHI model cAlled CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion) thAt fully integrAtes biomechAnicAl, behAviorAl, And neuropAthologicAl AnAlyses. CHIMERA is distinct from existing neurotrAumA model systems in thAt it uses A completely non-surgicAl procedure to precisely deliver impActs of prescribed dynAmic chArActeristics to A closed skull while enAbling kinemAtic AnAlysis of unconstrAined heAd movement. In this study, we chArActerized heAd kinemAtics As well As functionAl, neuropAthologicAl, And biochemicAl outcomes up to 14d following repeAted TBI (rTBI) in Adult C57BL/6 mice using CHIMERA. Results HeAd kinemAtic AnAlysis showed excellent repeAtAbility over two closed heAd impActs sepArAted At 24h. Injured mice showed significAntly prolonged loss of righting reflex And displAyed neurologicAl, motor, And cognitive deficits Along with Anxiety-like behAvior. RepeAted TBI led to diffuse AxonAl injury with extensive microgliosis in white mAtter from 2-14d post-rTBI. Injured mouse brAins Also showed significAntly increAsed levels of TNF-α And IL-1β And increAsed endogenous tAu phosphorylAtion. Conclusions RepeAted TBI using CHIMERA mimics mAny of the functionAl And pAthologicAl chArActeristics of humAn TBI with A reliAble biomechAnicAl response of the heAd. This mAkes CHIMERA well suited to investigAte the pAthophysiology of TBI And for drug development progrAms.

Michael Carr - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • merging pAthology with biomechAnics using chimerA closed heAd impAct model of engineered rotAtionAl AccelerAtion A novel surgery free model of trAumAtic brAin injury
    Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2014
    Co-Authors: Dhananjay Namjoshi, Wai Ang H Cheng, Kurt A Mcinnes, Kris M Martens, Michael Carr, Anna Wilkinson, Jerome Robert, Arooj Hayat, Peter A Cripton, Cheryl L Wellington

    BAckground TrAumAtic brAin injury (TBI) is A mAjor heAlth cAre concern thAt currently lAcks Any effective treAtment. Despite promising outcomes from mAny preclinicAl studies, clinicAl evAluAtions hAve fAiled to identify effective phArmAcologicAl therApies, suggesting thAt the trAnslAtionAl potentiAl of preclinicAl models mAy require improvement. Rodents continue to be the most widely used species for preclinicAl TBI reseArch. As most humAn TBIs result from impAct to An intAct skull, closed heAd injury (CHI) models Are highly relevAnt, however, trAditionAl CHI models suffer from extensive experimentAl vAriAbility thAt mAy be due to poor control over biomechAnicAl inputs. Here we describe A novel CHI model cAlled CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion) thAt fully integrAtes biomechAnicAl, behAviorAl, And neuropAthologicAl AnAlyses. CHIMERA is distinct from existing neurotrAumA model systems in thAt it uses A completely non-surgicAl procedure to precisely deliver impActs of prescribed dynAmic chArActeristics to A closed skull while enAbling kinemAtic AnAlysis of unconstrAined heAd movement. In this study, we chArActerized heAd kinemAtics As well As functionAl, neuropAthologicAl, And biochemicAl outcomes up to 14d following repeAted TBI (rTBI) in Adult C57BL/6 mice using CHIMERA.

  • Merging pAthology with biomechAnics using CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion): A novel, surgery-free model of trAumAtic brAin injury
    Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2014
    Co-Authors: Dhananjay Namjoshi, Kurt A Mcinnes, Kris M Martens, Michael Carr, Anna Wilkinson, Jerome Robert, Arooj Hayat, Peter A Cripton, Wai Hang Cheng, Cheryl L Wellington

    BAckground TrAumAtic brAin injury (TBI) is A mAjor heAlth cAre concern thAt currently lAcks Any effective treAtment. Despite promising outcomes from mAny preclinicAl studies, clinicAl evAluAtions hAve fAiled to identify effective phArmAcologicAl therApies, suggesting thAt the trAnslAtionAl potentiAl of preclinicAl models mAy require improvement. Rodents continue to be the most widely used species for preclinicAl TBI reseArch. As most humAn TBIs result from impAct to An intAct skull, closed heAd injury (CHI) models Are highly relevAnt, however, trAditionAl CHI models suffer from extensive experimentAl vAriAbility thAt mAy be due to poor control over biomechAnicAl inputs. Here we describe A novel CHI model cAlled CHIMERA (Closed-HeAd ImpAct Model of Engineered RotAtionAl AccelerAtion) thAt fully integrAtes biomechAnicAl, behAviorAl, And neuropAthologicAl AnAlyses. CHIMERA is distinct from existing neurotrAumA model systems in thAt it uses A completely non-surgicAl procedure to precisely deliver impActs of prescribed dynAmic chArActeristics to A closed skull while enAbling kinemAtic AnAlysis of unconstrAined heAd movement. In this study, we chArActerized heAd kinemAtics As well As functionAl, neuropAthologicAl, And biochemicAl outcomes up to 14d following repeAted TBI (rTBI) in Adult C57BL/6 mice using CHIMERA. Results HeAd kinemAtic AnAlysis showed excellent repeAtAbility over two closed heAd impActs sepArAted At 24h. Injured mice showed significAntly prolonged loss of righting reflex And displAyed neurologicAl, motor, And cognitive deficits Along with Anxiety-like behAvior. RepeAted TBI led to diffuse AxonAl injury with extensive microgliosis in white mAtter from 2-14d post-rTBI. Injured mouse brAins Also showed significAntly increAsed levels of TNF-α And IL-1β And increAsed endogenous tAu phosphorylAtion. Conclusions RepeAted TBI using CHIMERA mimics mAny of the functionAl And pAthologicAl chArActeristics of humAn TBI with A reliAble biomechAnicAl response of the heAd. This mAkes CHIMERA well suited to investigAte the pAthophysiology of TBI And for drug development progrAms.