The Experts below are selected from a list of 8025 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
László Tóth - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Variable-deceleration-ratio wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic lens for two-dimensional angular and energy analysis.
The Review of scientific instruments, 2018Co-Authors: Hiroyuki Matsuda, László Tóth, Hiroshi DaimonAbstract:Variable-deceleration-ratio wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic lens (VD-WAAEL) is proposed as a potential technique for two-dimensional angular and energy analysis. The basic features of the lens are studied using the charge simulation method and ray tracing calculation. The lens uses an ellipsoidal mesh electrode and allows a wide Acceptance Angle of ±50°. Two possible applications of the VD-WAAEL are discussed. One is a simple combination of the VD-WAAEL-projection-lens, in which an aperture is used for energy analysis. The other is a combination of the VD-WAAEL with a conventional electron spectrometer, which is responsible for obtaining higher energy resolution. The former is discussed in detail and the latter is described briefly. While the ray tracing calculation is only for the case of an ideal mesh, a note on the disturbing effect of mesh holes is presented. The best possible energy resolution of the simple VD-WAAEL-projection-lens analyzer seems to be around 1/1000, given a fine mesh electrode to suppress the disturbing effect of mesh holes.
correction to filtering chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lenses ii experimental evaluation and software based imaging energy analyzer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II—Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Correction to “Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II—Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer” [Mar 16 1441-1450]
IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, László TóthAbstract:Chromatic aberration is a major issue for imaging mainly with large Acceptance Angle electrostatic lenses. Its correction is necessary to take advantage of the outstanding spatial and angular resolution that these lenses provide. We propose a method to eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration on the measured images by determining the impact resulting from higher and lower kinetic energies. Based on a spectral image sequence and a matrix, which describes the transmission function of the lens, a system of linear equations is solved to approximate the 2D spectral intensity distribution of the sample surface. We present the description of our method and preliminary test results, which show significant contrast and image quality improvement. The presented algorithm can also be applied as a software-based energy analyzer.
Ádám Fazekas - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
correction to filtering chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lenses ii experimental evaluation and software based imaging energy analyzer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II—Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Correction to “Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II—Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer” [Mar 16 1441-1450]
IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, László TóthAbstract:Chromatic aberration is a major issue for imaging mainly with large Acceptance Angle electrostatic lenses. Its correction is necessary to take advantage of the outstanding spatial and angular resolution that these lenses provide. We propose a method to eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration on the measured images by determining the impact resulting from higher and lower kinetic energies. Based on a spectral image sequence and a matrix, which describes the transmission function of the lens, a system of linear equations is solved to approximate the 2D spectral intensity distribution of the sample surface. We present the description of our method and preliminary test results, which show significant contrast and image quality improvement. The presented algorithm can also be applied as a software-based energy analyzer.
Hiroshi Daimon - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Variable-deceleration-ratio wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic lens for two-dimensional angular and energy analysis.
The Review of scientific instruments, 2018Co-Authors: Hiroyuki Matsuda, László Tóth, Hiroshi DaimonAbstract:Variable-deceleration-ratio wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic lens (VD-WAAEL) is proposed as a potential technique for two-dimensional angular and energy analysis. The basic features of the lens are studied using the charge simulation method and ray tracing calculation. The lens uses an ellipsoidal mesh electrode and allows a wide Acceptance Angle of ±50°. Two possible applications of the VD-WAAEL are discussed. One is a simple combination of the VD-WAAEL-projection-lens, in which an aperture is used for energy analysis. The other is a combination of the VD-WAAEL with a conventional electron spectrometer, which is responsible for obtaining higher energy resolution. The former is discussed in detail and the latter is described briefly. While the ray tracing calculation is only for the case of an ideal mesh, a note on the disturbing effect of mesh holes is presented. The best possible energy resolution of the simple VD-WAAEL-projection-lens analyzer seems to be around 1/1000, given a fine mesh electrode to suppress the disturbing effect of mesh holes.
correction to filtering chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lenses ii experimental evaluation and software based imaging energy analyzer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II—Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Correction to “Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II—Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer” [Mar 16 1441-1450]
IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Evaluation of disturbing effect of mesh holes in wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic mesh lenses
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2014Co-Authors: Hiroyuki Matsuda, László Tóth, Fumihiko Matsui, Hiroshi DaimonAbstract:Abstract A curved mesh electrode introduced into an electrostatic lens enables spherical aberration correction over a wide Acceptance Angle. This technique has great advantages in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and related techniques, allowing considerable increase in photoelectron intensity and efficient measurement of photoelectron angular distribution. However, the use of meshes severely limits spatial resolution, as the image produced through each mesh hole is blurred by the lens action of the hole. This feature is studied in detail in this paper, in order to determine the best possible resolution that can be attained in electrostatic mesh lenses with wide Acceptance Angles. A simple way to evaluate the mesh-hole effect is to use the Davisson–Calbick formula, which expresses the focal length of a single-aperture lens. To make this approach more feasible, we take into account the influence of the Angle of incidence to a mesh hole. We characterize the image blur due to each mesh hole in two orthogonal directions, considering the discrepancy in focal length in tangential and sagittal planes. After the demonstration of the validity of our approach in a simple example, the mesh-hole effect of a wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic mesh lens is evaluated.
Hiroyuki Matsuda - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Variable-deceleration-ratio wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic lens for two-dimensional angular and energy analysis.
The Review of scientific instruments, 2018Co-Authors: Hiroyuki Matsuda, László Tóth, Hiroshi DaimonAbstract:Variable-deceleration-ratio wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic lens (VD-WAAEL) is proposed as a potential technique for two-dimensional angular and energy analysis. The basic features of the lens are studied using the charge simulation method and ray tracing calculation. The lens uses an ellipsoidal mesh electrode and allows a wide Acceptance Angle of ±50°. Two possible applications of the VD-WAAEL are discussed. One is a simple combination of the VD-WAAEL-projection-lens, in which an aperture is used for energy analysis. The other is a combination of the VD-WAAEL with a conventional electron spectrometer, which is responsible for obtaining higher energy resolution. The former is discussed in detail and the latter is described briefly. While the ray tracing calculation is only for the case of an ideal mesh, a note on the disturbing effect of mesh holes is presented. The best possible energy resolution of the simple VD-WAAEL-projection-lens analyzer seems to be around 1/1000, given a fine mesh electrode to suppress the disturbing effect of mesh holes.
correction to filtering chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lenses ii experimental evaluation and software based imaging energy analyzer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II—Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Correction to “Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II—Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer” [Mar 16 1441-1450]
IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2016Co-Authors: Ádám Fazekas, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiroshi Daimon, László TóthAbstract:Here, the experimental results of the method of filtering the effect of chromatic aberration for wide Acceptance Angle electrostatic lens-based system are described. This method can eliminate the effect of chromatic aberration from the images of a measured spectral image sequence by determining and removing the effect of higher and lower kinetic energy electrons on each different energy image, which leads to significant improvement of image and spectral quality. The method is based on the numerical solution of a large system of linear equations and equivalent with a multivariate strongly nonlinear deconvolution method. A matrix whose elements describe the strongly nonlinear chromatic aberration-related transmission function of the lens system acts on the vector of the ordered pixels of the distortion free spectral image sequence, and produces the vector of the ordered pixels of the measured spectral image sequence. Since the method can be applied not only on 2D real- and $k$ -space diffraction images, but also along a third dimension of the image sequence that is along the optical or in the 3D parameter space, the energy axis, it functions as a software-based imaging energy analyzer (SBIEA). It can also be applied in cases of light or other type of optics for different optical aberrations and distortions. In case of electron optics, the SBIEA method makes possible the spectral imaging without the application of any other energy filter. It is notable that this method also eliminates the disturbing background significantly in the present investigated case of reflection electron energy loss spectra. It eliminates the instrumental effects and makes possible to measure the real physical processes better.
Evaluation of disturbing effect of mesh holes in wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic mesh lenses
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2014Co-Authors: Hiroyuki Matsuda, László Tóth, Fumihiko Matsui, Hiroshi DaimonAbstract:Abstract A curved mesh electrode introduced into an electrostatic lens enables spherical aberration correction over a wide Acceptance Angle. This technique has great advantages in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and related techniques, allowing considerable increase in photoelectron intensity and efficient measurement of photoelectron angular distribution. However, the use of meshes severely limits spatial resolution, as the image produced through each mesh hole is blurred by the lens action of the hole. This feature is studied in detail in this paper, in order to determine the best possible resolution that can be attained in electrostatic mesh lenses with wide Acceptance Angles. A simple way to evaluate the mesh-hole effect is to use the Davisson–Calbick formula, which expresses the focal length of a single-aperture lens. To make this approach more feasible, we take into account the influence of the Angle of incidence to a mesh hole. We characterize the image blur due to each mesh hole in two orthogonal directions, considering the discrepancy in focal length in tangential and sagittal planes. After the demonstration of the validity of our approach in a simple example, the mesh-hole effect of a wide-Acceptance-Angle electrostatic mesh lens is evaluated.
Hele Savin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Black silicon back-contact module with wide light Acceptance Angle
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 2019Co-Authors: Pablo Ortega, M. Garín, Guillaume Von Gastrow, Tuukka Savisalo, Antti Tolvanen, Henri Vahlman, Ville Vähänissi, Toni P. Pasanen, David Carrió, Hele SavinAbstract:This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ortega, P, Garin, M, von Gastrow, G, et al. Black silicon back‐contact module with wide light Acceptance Angle. Prog Photovolt Res Appl. 2019; 1– 7, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving