Acetabular Fossa

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Mitsuo Ochi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • multiple drillings of the Acetabular Fossa induce early joint remodeling after rotational Acetabular osteotomy for hip dysplasia
    Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 2008
    Co-Authors: Takuma Yamasaki, Yuji Yasunaga, Hiroshi Terayama, Takanari Hamaki, Masataka Deie, Mitsuo Ochi

    Introduction We previously observed medial and/or lateral expansion of the subchondral bone in the acetabulum 3 years postoperatively in two out of three cases in which rotational Acetabular osteotomy (RAO) was performed. Then we performed multiple drillings at the Acetabular Fossa in order to induce expansion of the medial subchondral bone in the acetabulum. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of multiple drillings on early joint remodeling after RAO.

  • multiple drillings of the Acetabular Fossa induce early joint remodeling after rotational Acetabular osteotomy for hip dysplasia
    Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 2008
    Co-Authors: Takuma Yamasaki, Yuji Yasunaga, Hiroshi Terayama, Takanari Hamaki, Masataka Deie, Mitsuo Ochi

    We previously observed medial and/or lateral expansion of the subchondral bone in the acetabulum 3 years postoperatively in two out of three cases in which rotational Acetabular osteotomy (RAO) was performed. Then we performed multiple drillings at the Acetabular Fossa in order to induce expansion of the medial subchondral bone in the acetabulum. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of multiple drillings on early joint remodeling after RAO. Twenty-one women (21 joints) who had undergone RAO with multiple drillings at Acetabular Fossa (group D) were included. As a control group, 12 women (14 joints) without drillings in RAO procedure were observed (group C). The center-edge angle (CE angle), Acetabular roof obliquity (AC angle), head lateralization index (HLI), and the angle between medial and lateral edge of Acetabular roof (LOM angle) were measured on the radiographs preoperatively, at 1 month, 2 years postoperatively, and at the last follow-up. As regards the mean CE angle, AC angle, and HLI, there was no significant difference between the two groups. The mean LOM angle at 2 years and the last follow-up demonstrated significant difference between the two groups. Biomechanical and anatomical changes after RAO cause increasing stress to the medial side of the acetabulum. Moreover, bone marrow-stimulating procedure at Acetabular Fossa might be beneficial to develop early joint remodeling affected by bone marrow derived cells such as mesenchymal stem cells.

  • a histological study of articular cartilage after rotational Acetabular osteotomy for hip dysplasia
    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-british Volume, 2005
    Co-Authors: Koichi Shimogaki, Yuji Yasunaga, Mitsuo Ochi

    Acetabular dysplasia was produced in 24 immature white rabbits. A rotational Acetabular osteotomy was then carried out and radiological and histological studies of the articular cartilage were made. In the hips which did not undergo osteotomy, radiographs at 26 weeks showed that residual subluxation remained and arthritic changes such as narrowing of the joint space or dislocation were still seen. However, in the operated group there was a remarkable increase in cover, but arthritic changes were not observed. After 24 weeks, the Mankin grading score in the operated group was significantly lower than that in the non-operated group. The latter hips showed an irregular surface of the cartilage, exfoliation and proliferation of synovial tissue. In those undergoing osteotomy, primary cloning of chondrocytes or hypercellularity was seen and at 24 weeks after operation and metaplasia of the cartilage in the fibrous tissue was observed in the boundary between the medial area of the acetabulum and the Acetabular Fossa.

Peter C. Thomson - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

Bethany J. Wilson - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

Yuji Yasunaga - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • multiple drillings of the Acetabular Fossa induce early joint remodeling after rotational Acetabular osteotomy for hip dysplasia
    Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 2008
    Co-Authors: Takuma Yamasaki, Yuji Yasunaga, Hiroshi Terayama, Takanari Hamaki, Masataka Deie, Mitsuo Ochi

    Introduction We previously observed medial and/or lateral expansion of the subchondral bone in the acetabulum 3 years postoperatively in two out of three cases in which rotational Acetabular osteotomy (RAO) was performed. Then we performed multiple drillings at the Acetabular Fossa in order to induce expansion of the medial subchondral bone in the acetabulum. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of multiple drillings on early joint remodeling after RAO.

  • multiple drillings of the Acetabular Fossa induce early joint remodeling after rotational Acetabular osteotomy for hip dysplasia
    Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 2008
    Co-Authors: Takuma Yamasaki, Yuji Yasunaga, Hiroshi Terayama, Takanari Hamaki, Masataka Deie, Mitsuo Ochi

    We previously observed medial and/or lateral expansion of the subchondral bone in the acetabulum 3 years postoperatively in two out of three cases in which rotational Acetabular osteotomy (RAO) was performed. Then we performed multiple drillings at the Acetabular Fossa in order to induce expansion of the medial subchondral bone in the acetabulum. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of multiple drillings on early joint remodeling after RAO. Twenty-one women (21 joints) who had undergone RAO with multiple drillings at Acetabular Fossa (group D) were included. As a control group, 12 women (14 joints) without drillings in RAO procedure were observed (group C). The center-edge angle (CE angle), Acetabular roof obliquity (AC angle), head lateralization index (HLI), and the angle between medial and lateral edge of Acetabular roof (LOM angle) were measured on the radiographs preoperatively, at 1 month, 2 years postoperatively, and at the last follow-up. As regards the mean CE angle, AC angle, and HLI, there was no significant difference between the two groups. The mean LOM angle at 2 years and the last follow-up demonstrated significant difference between the two groups. Biomechanical and anatomical changes after RAO cause increasing stress to the medial side of the acetabulum. Moreover, bone marrow-stimulating procedure at Acetabular Fossa might be beneficial to develop early joint remodeling affected by bone marrow derived cells such as mesenchymal stem cells.

  • a histological study of articular cartilage after rotational Acetabular osteotomy for hip dysplasia
    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-british Volume, 2005
    Co-Authors: Koichi Shimogaki, Yuji Yasunaga, Mitsuo Ochi

    Acetabular dysplasia was produced in 24 immature white rabbits. A rotational Acetabular osteotomy was then carried out and radiological and histological studies of the articular cartilage were made. In the hips which did not undergo osteotomy, radiographs at 26 weeks showed that residual subluxation remained and arthritic changes such as narrowing of the joint space or dislocation were still seen. However, in the operated group there was a remarkable increase in cover, but arthritic changes were not observed. After 24 weeks, the Mankin grading score in the operated group was significantly lower than that in the non-operated group. The latter hips showed an irregular surface of the cartilage, exfoliation and proliferation of synovial tissue. In those undergoing osteotomy, primary cloning of chondrocytes or hypercellularity was seen and at 24 weeks after operation and metaplasia of the cartilage in the fibrous tissue was observed in the boundary between the medial area of the acetabulum and the Acetabular Fossa.

Rissech Badalló I Carme - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Anàlisi del creixement del coxal a partir de material ossi i les seves aplicacions en la medicina forense i l'antropologia
    Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2001
    Co-Authors: Rissech Badalló I Carme

    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEn l'estudi de restes osteològiques, l'os coxal és un element important tant per a la determinació sexual com per a l'estimació de l'edat. Malgrat l'existència d'una extensa bibliografia no sempre els problemes metodològics han estat ben resolts, sobretot en els coxals infantils. El problema rau principalment en la manca d'un estudi dels canvis que tenen lloc en els elements del coxal durant el creixement. Els estudis de creixement a partir de material osteològic resulten difícils de realitzar a causa de la dificultat de comparació de les mesures infantils amb les adultes. No obstant, aquest problema és de fàcil solució si és té la localització precisa del punt Acetabular com a punt de referència a totes les edats. A partir de 327 individus d'edats compreses entre el naixement i els 97 anys, pertanyents a quatre col·leccions europees, es planteja la localització exacta del punt Acetabular mitjançant una anàlisi morfològica, i l'estudi del comportament del creixement de 25 variables mètriques, comparables entre adults i subadults, mitjançant la regressió polinòmica. El punt Acetabular en els coxals immadurs està clarament representat pel punt d'unió en la Fossa Acetabular i per les línies de fusió de cada element del coxal. En els ossos coxals adults s'observa que la Fossa Acetabular té forma de trèvol. La comparació de la morfologia Acetabular dels coxals immadurs amb els coxals madurs suggereix que el punt Acetabular dels coxals adults està sempre representat per la indentació entre el lòbul superior i l'anterior de la Fossa Acetabular. Malgrat l'ampli espectre de temps i la diversitat genètica de la mostra, sempre ha estat possible la localització del punt Acetabular, no observant-se variabilitat ni intra ni inter observador. A diferència dels mètodes clàssics la variabilitat observada en la Fossa Acetabular és causada per la variabilitat del mateix punt Acetabular. Aquest mètode resulta d'aplicació simple i permet realitzar estudis del coxal amb variables amb major sentit anatòmic i comparables tant entre els individus infantils i adults d'una mateixa població com entre poblacions diferents. Per aquesta raó aquest punt, el punt Acetabular anatòmic és el punt que s'utilitza en el nostre estudi mètric. En l'estudi mètric s'observa que les quatre sèries estudiades tenen unes dimensions corporals semblants i les diferències principals no estan en la robustesa sinó en les proporcions pèlviques de la sèrie britànica respecte a les ibèriques. La mostra presenta un desenvolupament semblant al de la població actual d'Europa occidental. Les edats d'inici del brot puberal i de maduresa Acetabular (edat d'unió dels elements Acetabulars) entren dins els intervals d'edat que es consideren normals per a la població actual. Per altra banda, el comportament de les corbes de creixement de les mesures analitzades és molt igual al trobat en mesures semblants o relacionades a les d'aquest estudi en població actual. Les variables verticals presenten un comportament lineal amb una taxa de creixement constant i les variables horitzontals presenten un alentiment del creixement abans del brot puberal. S'ha evidenciat creixement en el coxal fins als 25 anys aproximadament, en la longitud del pubis, l'amplada de l'escotadura ciàtica, l'índex isquiopúbic i l'índex de l'escotadura ciàtica en els dos sexes, i en la longitud de l'isqui en el sexe masculí. Aquest creixement és difícil atribuir-lo a una maduració retardada de les sèries analitzades perquè, com s'ha vist anteriorment, el desenvolupament d'aquestes sèries és comparable al de la població actual. Aquest fet permet afirmar que el creixement de la longitud del pubis i l'amplada escotadura cotilociàtica en els dos sexes i la longitud de l'isqui en la sèrie masculina dura fins al voltant dels 25 anys. Per altra banda, també s'ha observat l'increment amb l'edat, en els dos sexes, de l'amplada cotilociàtica, l'altura del coxal, l'amplada de l'ili i la disminució de l'amplada de l'escotadura ciàtica i l'índex cotilociàtic. Aquestes variacions són causades pel creixement en gruix de l'os a causa de l'aposició en el periosti. En l'anàlisi de les diferències sexuals no s'observa dimorfisme sexual durant els 9 primers anys de vida, excepte en l'índex isquiopúbic que ha resultat significatiu entre els 0 i 5 anys. Malgrat només es trobin diferències sexuals en l'índex isquiopúbic, també resulten interessants durant els primers 9 anys de vida la resta d'índexs analitzats. També semblen tenir possibilitats les variables absolutes relacionades amb el diàmetre Acetabular, però fan falta més dades per a poder-ho confirmar. Les variables més significatives en la discriminació sexual del coxal adult: longitud de l'isqui, amplada cotilociàtica, altura del coxal, índex del coxal, diàmetre Acetabular, i les variables relacionades amb el diàmetre Acetabular proposades en aquest treball. L'amplada cotilociàtica i l'altura del coxal i els índexs analitzats no són recomanables per a l'estudi del creixement del coxal ni per a la determinació de l'edat a causa de la gran dispersió. Les variables recomanables per l'estimació de l'edat són la longitud de l'isqui, l'amplada de l'ili, la longitud de l'ili. De totes elles la més interessant és la longitud de l'isqui, pel fet de tenir l'expressió matemàtica més senzilla, una funció de primer grau. La relació de l'edat i la longitud de l'isqui es manté en la funció inversa, cosa que fa molt fàcil el càlcul de l'edat. També és interessant per la manca de diferències sexuals durant tota l'etapa de creixement.In the analysis of osteological remains, the coxal bone is an important element for both sexual determination and age at death estimation. In spite of the extensive bibliography about these topics, there are some methodological problems specifically in the subadult coxal. This is due to the lack of a study about the coxal changes during growth from osteological material. This kind of studies are difficult because the subadult measures are not comparable with adult measures. However, this problem will be easy resolved using the Acetabular point as a reference point between adults and subadults. For this reason the aim of this work is to provide the location of the Acetabular point based on a morphological study, and to analyse the growth of 25 metrical variables which are comparable between adults and subadults based on polynomial regression. The material used was 327 individuals age ranging from new-borns to 97 years and belonging to four European collections with sex and age known. The Acetabular point in immature coxal bones is clearly represented by the point of fusion lines for each bony element of the coxal bone at the Acetabular Fossa level. In the adult coxal bones, the Acetabular Fossa has an irregular clover-leaf shape and, the superior lobe is smaller than the anterior and posterior lobes. The cross-sectional analysis of the Acetabular morphology suggests that the Acetabular point in adult coxal bones is always represented by the indentation between the superior and the anterior lobe of the Acetabular Fossa. In the metrical study of the present work, in spite of some differences in the pelvic proportions between the Britannic population respect Iberian ones No differences statistically significant in corporal size are found. The development of the analysed sample is like the contemporary European population. The start of the puberal growth spurt and the Acetabular maturity (age of fusion of the three Acetabular elements) are into the normal ranges for the contemporary population. On the other hand, the behaviour of the growth curves from the analysed variables in the present study is similar to the curves obtained for similar or relating measures in the actual population. The vertical variables have a lineal behaviour with a constant growth tax. The horizontal variables have a no constant growth tax, they present a decreasing tax before the start of the puberal growth spurt. The present study shows growth into the coxal until 25 years of age approximately, specifically in the pubic length, sciatic notch width, ischium-pubic index, sciatic notch index in both sexes, and the ischium length in the masculine sex. We can not attribute this growth to the delay in the maturation of the analysed series because, as previously previously, the development of the series are similar to the contemporary European population. This permits us to affirm that the growth into the pubic length, the sciatic notch width in both sexes and the ischium length in masculine sexe is until 25 years approximately. In the other hand, we can also observe increase of the cotylosciatic width, coxal height and ilium width and the decrease of the sciatic notch in both sexes related with ages. This variations are caused for the apposition on the periostium. With respect the sexual differences we did not observe significative differences after 10 years old, with the exception at the ischium-pubic index between 0 to 5 years. The ischium-pubic index is the only variable with significative differences, however also seems interesting for the sexual discrimination the absolute variables relating with the diameter of acetabulm; but it would be necessary more data to confirm this observation. The variables more significatives in the sexual discrimination of the adult coxal are: ischium length, cotylosciatic index, coxal height, coxal index, Acetabular diameter and the variables relating with de Acetabular diameters described in this study. The cotylosciatic width, coxal height and the analysed index are not recommendable either for the growth analysis nor for age estimation due to his big dispersion. The recommended variables for age estimation are the ischium length, ilium width and ilium length. The most interesting is the ischium length due to the lack of sexual differences into this variable during growth. This is important in archaeological material where the sex is unknown