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Ronald J Stouffer - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
overview of the Coupled Model intercomparison project phase 6 cmip6 experimental design and organization
Geoscientific Model Development, 2015Co-Authors: Veronika Eyring, Gerald A Meehl, Ronald J Stouffer, Sandrine Bony, Catherine A, Bjorn Stevens, K E TaylorAbstract:Abstract. By coordinating the design and distribution of global climate Model simulations of the past, current, and future climate, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) has become one of the foundational elements of climate science. However, the need to address an ever-expanding range of scientific questions arising from more and more research communities has made it necessary to revise the organization of CMIP. After a long and wide community consultation, a new and more federated structure has been put in place. It consists of three major elements: (1) a handful of common experiments, the DECK (Diagnostic, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima) and CMIP historical simulations (1850–near present) that will maintain continuity and help document basic characteristics of Models across different phases of CMIP; (2) common standards, coordination, infrastructure, and documentation that will facilitate the distribution of Model outputs and the characterization of the Model ensemble; and (3) an ensemble of CMIP-Endorsed Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) that will be specific to a particular phase of CMIP (now CMIP6) and that will build on the DECK and CMIP historical simulations to address a large range of specific questions and fill the scientific gaps of the previous CMIP phases. The DECK and CMIP historical simulations, together with the use of CMIP data standards, will be the entry cards for Models participating in CMIP. Participation in CMIP6-Endorsed MIPs by individual Modelling groups will be at their own discretion and will depend on their scientific interests and priorities. With the Grand Science Challenges of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) as its scientific backdrop, CMIP6 will address three broad questions: – How does the Earth system respond to forcing? – What are the origins and consequences of systematic Model biases? – How can we assess future climate changes given internal climate variability, predictability, and uncertainties in scenarios? This CMIP6 overview paper presents the background and rationale for the new structure of CMIP, provides a detailed description of the DECK and CMIP6 historical simulations, and includes a brief introduction to the 21 CMIP6-Endorsed MIPs.
overview of the Coupled Model intercomparison project
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2005Co-Authors: Gerald A Meehl, Mojib Latif, Curt Covey, B J Mcavaney, Ronald J StoufferAbstract:Abstract The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) involves study and intercomparison of multi-Model simulations of present and future climate. The simulations of the future use idealized forcing in increase is compounded which CO2 1% yr−1 until it doubles (near year 70) with global Coupled Models that contain, typically, components representing atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and land surface. Results from CMIP diagnostic subprojects were presented at the Second CMIP Workshop held at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, in September 2003. Significant progress in diagnosing and understanding results from global Coupled Models has been made since the time of the First CMIP Workshop in Melbourne, Australia, in 1998. For example, the issue of flux adjustment is slowly fading as more and more Models obtain stable multi-century surface climates without them. El Nino variability, usually about half the observed amplitude in the previous generation of Coupled Models, is now more accur...
the Coupled Model intercomparison project cmip
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2000Co-Authors: Gerald A Meehl, Mojib Latif, G J Boer, Curt Covey, Ronald J StoufferAbstract:Abstract The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) was established to study and intercompare climate simulations made with Coupled ocean–atmosphere–cryosphere–land GCMs. There are two main phases (CMIP1 and CMIP2), which study, respectively, 1) the ability of Models to simulate current climate, and 2) Model simulations of climate change due to an idealized change in forcing (a 1% per year CO2 increase). Results from a number of CMIP projects were reported at the first CMIP Workshop held in Melbourne, Australia, in October 1998. Some recent advances in global Coupled Modeling related to CMIP were also reported. Presentations were based on preliminary unpublished results. Key outcomes from the workshop were that 1) many observed aspects of climate variability are simulated in global Coupled Models including the North Atlantic oscillation and its linkages to North Atlantic SSTs, El Nino–like events, and monsoon interannual variability; 2) the amplitude of both high– and low–frequency global mean surfa...
Gerald A Meehl - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
overview of the Coupled Model intercomparison project phase 6 cmip6 experimental design and organization
Geoscientific Model Development, 2015Co-Authors: Veronika Eyring, Gerald A Meehl, Ronald J Stouffer, Sandrine Bony, Catherine A, Bjorn Stevens, K E TaylorAbstract:Abstract. By coordinating the design and distribution of global climate Model simulations of the past, current, and future climate, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) has become one of the foundational elements of climate science. However, the need to address an ever-expanding range of scientific questions arising from more and more research communities has made it necessary to revise the organization of CMIP. After a long and wide community consultation, a new and more federated structure has been put in place. It consists of three major elements: (1) a handful of common experiments, the DECK (Diagnostic, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima) and CMIP historical simulations (1850–near present) that will maintain continuity and help document basic characteristics of Models across different phases of CMIP; (2) common standards, coordination, infrastructure, and documentation that will facilitate the distribution of Model outputs and the characterization of the Model ensemble; and (3) an ensemble of CMIP-Endorsed Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) that will be specific to a particular phase of CMIP (now CMIP6) and that will build on the DECK and CMIP historical simulations to address a large range of specific questions and fill the scientific gaps of the previous CMIP phases. The DECK and CMIP historical simulations, together with the use of CMIP data standards, will be the entry cards for Models participating in CMIP. Participation in CMIP6-Endorsed MIPs by individual Modelling groups will be at their own discretion and will depend on their scientific interests and priorities. With the Grand Science Challenges of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) as its scientific backdrop, CMIP6 will address three broad questions: – How does the Earth system respond to forcing? – What are the origins and consequences of systematic Model biases? – How can we assess future climate changes given internal climate variability, predictability, and uncertainties in scenarios? This CMIP6 overview paper presents the background and rationale for the new structure of CMIP, provides a detailed description of the DECK and CMIP6 historical simulations, and includes a brief introduction to the 21 CMIP6-Endorsed MIPs.
overview of the Coupled Model intercomparison project
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2005Co-Authors: Gerald A Meehl, Mojib Latif, Curt Covey, B J Mcavaney, Ronald J StoufferAbstract:Abstract The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) involves study and intercomparison of multi-Model simulations of present and future climate. The simulations of the future use idealized forcing in increase is compounded which CO2 1% yr−1 until it doubles (near year 70) with global Coupled Models that contain, typically, components representing atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and land surface. Results from CMIP diagnostic subprojects were presented at the Second CMIP Workshop held at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, in September 2003. Significant progress in diagnosing and understanding results from global Coupled Models has been made since the time of the First CMIP Workshop in Melbourne, Australia, in 1998. For example, the issue of flux adjustment is slowly fading as more and more Models obtain stable multi-century surface climates without them. El Nino variability, usually about half the observed amplitude in the previous generation of Coupled Models, is now more accur...
the Coupled Model intercomparison project cmip
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2000Co-Authors: Gerald A Meehl, Mojib Latif, G J Boer, Curt Covey, Ronald J StoufferAbstract:Abstract The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) was established to study and intercompare climate simulations made with Coupled ocean–atmosphere–cryosphere–land GCMs. There are two main phases (CMIP1 and CMIP2), which study, respectively, 1) the ability of Models to simulate current climate, and 2) Model simulations of climate change due to an idealized change in forcing (a 1% per year CO2 increase). Results from a number of CMIP projects were reported at the first CMIP Workshop held in Melbourne, Australia, in October 1998. Some recent advances in global Coupled Modeling related to CMIP were also reported. Presentations were based on preliminary unpublished results. Key outcomes from the workshop were that 1) many observed aspects of climate variability are simulated in global Coupled Models including the North Atlantic oscillation and its linkages to North Atlantic SSTs, El Nino–like events, and monsoon interannual variability; 2) the amplitude of both high– and low–frequency global mean surfa...
Modification of Surface Fluxes from Component Models in Global Coupled Models
Journal of Climate, 1997Co-Authors: Gerald A MeehlAbstract:Abstract The present generation of global Coupled ocean–atmosphere GCMs contains considerable systematic errors both in terms of net surface heat flux and simulated SSTs. Here, a global Coupled GCM is used to illustrate how systematic errors in the separate Coupled Model components (atmosphere and ocean) contribute to the simulations of net surface heat flux and SST when the components are Coupled together. Features of the Coupled Model simulation are a combination of errors in the component Models and errors introduced due to the dynamic interaction, both local and nonlocal, between atmosphere and ocean. Various regions and latitudinal zones are examined to determine the processes that produce the net surface heat fluxes and SSTs in the Coupled simulation. In the Coupled Model, a good simulation of net surface heat flux does not always produce a correspondingly accurate simulation of SST. Alterations of surface winds and/or ocean currents can introduce SST errors and consequent compensating surface fluxe...
K E Taylor - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
overview of the Coupled Model intercomparison project phase 6 cmip6 experimental design and organization
Geoscientific Model Development, 2015Co-Authors: Veronika Eyring, Gerald A Meehl, Ronald J Stouffer, Sandrine Bony, Catherine A, Bjorn Stevens, K E TaylorAbstract:Abstract. By coordinating the design and distribution of global climate Model simulations of the past, current, and future climate, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) has become one of the foundational elements of climate science. However, the need to address an ever-expanding range of scientific questions arising from more and more research communities has made it necessary to revise the organization of CMIP. After a long and wide community consultation, a new and more federated structure has been put in place. It consists of three major elements: (1) a handful of common experiments, the DECK (Diagnostic, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima) and CMIP historical simulations (1850–near present) that will maintain continuity and help document basic characteristics of Models across different phases of CMIP; (2) common standards, coordination, infrastructure, and documentation that will facilitate the distribution of Model outputs and the characterization of the Model ensemble; and (3) an ensemble of CMIP-Endorsed Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) that will be specific to a particular phase of CMIP (now CMIP6) and that will build on the DECK and CMIP historical simulations to address a large range of specific questions and fill the scientific gaps of the previous CMIP phases. The DECK and CMIP historical simulations, together with the use of CMIP data standards, will be the entry cards for Models participating in CMIP. Participation in CMIP6-Endorsed MIPs by individual Modelling groups will be at their own discretion and will depend on their scientific interests and priorities. With the Grand Science Challenges of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) as its scientific backdrop, CMIP6 will address three broad questions: – How does the Earth system respond to forcing? – What are the origins and consequences of systematic Model biases? – How can we assess future climate changes given internal climate variability, predictability, and uncertainties in scenarios? This CMIP6 overview paper presents the background and rationale for the new structure of CMIP, provides a detailed description of the DECK and CMIP6 historical simulations, and includes a brief introduction to the 21 CMIP6-Endorsed MIPs.
an overview of results from the Coupled Model intercomparison project
Global and Planetary Change, 2003Co-Authors: Curt Covey, Krishna Achutarao, Ulrich Cubasch, Phil Jones, Steven J Lambert, Michael E Mann, Thomas J Phillips, K E TaylorAbstract:The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) collects output from global Coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation Models (Coupled GCMs). Among other uses, such Models are employed both to detect anthropogenic effects in the climate record of the past century and to project future climatic changes due to human production of greenhouse gases and aerosols. CMIP has archived output from both constant forcing ("control run") and perturbed (1% per year increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide) simulations. This report summarizes results form 18 CMIP Models. A third of the Models refrain from employing ad hoc flux adjustments at the ocean-atmosphere interface. The new generation of non-flux-adjusted control runs are nearly as stable as - and agree with observations nearly as well as - the flux-adjusted Models. Both flux-adjusted and non-flux-adjusted Models simulate an overall level of natural internal climate variability that is within the bounds set by observations. These developments represent significant progress in the state of the art of climate Modeling since the Second (1995) Scientific Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC; see Gates et al. [Gates, W.L., et at., 1996. Climate Models - Evaluation. Climate Climate 1995: The Science of Climate Change, Houghton, J.T., et al. (Eds.), Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 229-284]). In the increasing-CO2 runs, differences between different Models, while substantial, are not as great as one might expect from earlier assessments that relied on equilibrium climate sensitivity.
Curt Covey - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
overview of the Coupled Model intercomparison project
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2005Co-Authors: Gerald A Meehl, Mojib Latif, Curt Covey, B J Mcavaney, Ronald J StoufferAbstract:Abstract The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) involves study and intercomparison of multi-Model simulations of present and future climate. The simulations of the future use idealized forcing in increase is compounded which CO2 1% yr−1 until it doubles (near year 70) with global Coupled Models that contain, typically, components representing atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and land surface. Results from CMIP diagnostic subprojects were presented at the Second CMIP Workshop held at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, in September 2003. Significant progress in diagnosing and understanding results from global Coupled Models has been made since the time of the First CMIP Workshop in Melbourne, Australia, in 1998. For example, the issue of flux adjustment is slowly fading as more and more Models obtain stable multi-century surface climates without them. El Nino variability, usually about half the observed amplitude in the previous generation of Coupled Models, is now more accur...
an overview of results from the Coupled Model intercomparison project
Global and Planetary Change, 2003Co-Authors: Curt Covey, Krishna Achutarao, Ulrich Cubasch, Phil Jones, Steven J Lambert, Michael E Mann, Thomas J Phillips, K E TaylorAbstract:The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) collects output from global Coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation Models (Coupled GCMs). Among other uses, such Models are employed both to detect anthropogenic effects in the climate record of the past century and to project future climatic changes due to human production of greenhouse gases and aerosols. CMIP has archived output from both constant forcing ("control run") and perturbed (1% per year increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide) simulations. This report summarizes results form 18 CMIP Models. A third of the Models refrain from employing ad hoc flux adjustments at the ocean-atmosphere interface. The new generation of non-flux-adjusted control runs are nearly as stable as - and agree with observations nearly as well as - the flux-adjusted Models. Both flux-adjusted and non-flux-adjusted Models simulate an overall level of natural internal climate variability that is within the bounds set by observations. These developments represent significant progress in the state of the art of climate Modeling since the Second (1995) Scientific Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC; see Gates et al. [Gates, W.L., et at., 1996. Climate Models - Evaluation. Climate Climate 1995: The Science of Climate Change, Houghton, J.T., et al. (Eds.), Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 229-284]). In the increasing-CO2 runs, differences between different Models, while substantial, are not as great as one might expect from earlier assessments that relied on equilibrium climate sensitivity.
the Coupled Model intercomparison project cmip
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2000Co-Authors: Gerald A Meehl, Mojib Latif, G J Boer, Curt Covey, Ronald J StoufferAbstract:Abstract The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) was established to study and intercompare climate simulations made with Coupled ocean–atmosphere–cryosphere–land GCMs. There are two main phases (CMIP1 and CMIP2), which study, respectively, 1) the ability of Models to simulate current climate, and 2) Model simulations of climate change due to an idealized change in forcing (a 1% per year CO2 increase). Results from a number of CMIP projects were reported at the first CMIP Workshop held in Melbourne, Australia, in October 1998. Some recent advances in global Coupled Modeling related to CMIP were also reported. Presentations were based on preliminary unpublished results. Key outcomes from the workshop were that 1) many observed aspects of climate variability are simulated in global Coupled Models including the North Atlantic oscillation and its linkages to North Atlantic SSTs, El Nino–like events, and monsoon interannual variability; 2) the amplitude of both high– and low–frequency global mean surfa...
Mojib Latif - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
ocean circulation and tropical variability in the Coupled Model echam5 mpi om
Journal of Climate, 2006Co-Authors: Johann H Jungclaus, Mojib Latif, Noel Keenlyside, Michael Botzet, Helmuth Haak, Jochem Marotzke, Uwe Mikolajewicz, Erich RoecknerAbstract:Abstract This paper describes the mean ocean circulation and the tropical variability simulated by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) Coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation Model (AOGCM). Results are presented from a version of the Coupled Model that served as a prototype for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) simulations. The Model does not require flux adjustment to maintain a stable climate. A control simulation with present-day greenhouse gases is analyzed, and the simulation of key oceanic features, such as sea surface temperatures (SSTs), large-scale circulation, meridional heat and freshwater transports, and sea ice are compared with observations. A parameterization that accounts for the effect of ocean currents on surface wind stress is implemented in the Model. The largest impact of this parameterization is in the tropical Pacific, where the mean state is significantly improved: the strength of the trade winds and the associated...
overview of the Coupled Model intercomparison project
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2005Co-Authors: Gerald A Meehl, Mojib Latif, Curt Covey, B J Mcavaney, Ronald J StoufferAbstract:Abstract The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) involves study and intercomparison of multi-Model simulations of present and future climate. The simulations of the future use idealized forcing in increase is compounded which CO2 1% yr−1 until it doubles (near year 70) with global Coupled Models that contain, typically, components representing atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and land surface. Results from CMIP diagnostic subprojects were presented at the Second CMIP Workshop held at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, in September 2003. Significant progress in diagnosing and understanding results from global Coupled Models has been made since the time of the First CMIP Workshop in Melbourne, Australia, in 1998. For example, the issue of flux adjustment is slowly fading as more and more Models obtain stable multi-century surface climates without them. El Nino variability, usually about half the observed amplitude in the previous generation of Coupled Models, is now more accur...
the Coupled Model intercomparison project cmip
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2000Co-Authors: Gerald A Meehl, Mojib Latif, G J Boer, Curt Covey, Ronald J StoufferAbstract:Abstract The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) was established to study and intercompare climate simulations made with Coupled ocean–atmosphere–cryosphere–land GCMs. There are two main phases (CMIP1 and CMIP2), which study, respectively, 1) the ability of Models to simulate current climate, and 2) Model simulations of climate change due to an idealized change in forcing (a 1% per year CO2 increase). Results from a number of CMIP projects were reported at the first CMIP Workshop held in Melbourne, Australia, in October 1998. Some recent advances in global Coupled Modeling related to CMIP were also reported. Presentations were based on preliminary unpublished results. Key outcomes from the workshop were that 1) many observed aspects of climate variability are simulated in global Coupled Models including the North Atlantic oscillation and its linkages to North Atlantic SSTs, El Nino–like events, and monsoon interannual variability; 2) the amplitude of both high– and low–frequency global mean surfa...
Decadal Oscillations in a Simple Coupled Model
Journal of Climate, 1998Co-Authors: M. Münnich, Mojib Latif, Stephan Venzke, Ernst Maier-reimerAbstract:To study the dynamics that may lead to decadal oscillations in the North Pacific a simple Coupled Model is developed. The ocean is based on the linear, potential vorticity equation for baroclinic planetary waves. The atmosphere is reduced to a nonlocal wind response to thermocline depth anomalies. The wind stress has a spatially fixed structure and its amplitude depends on the thermocline perturbation at one location or in a predefined index region. Such a simple Coupled Model produces decadal oscillations for suitable parameter choices. For realistic wind stress patterns, the patterns of oceanic variability are similar to those observed. It is determined by the speed of long Rossby waves at the coupling latitude. The period of the oscillation is rather insensitive to the coupling strength and amounts to approximately twice the time the Rossby wave needs to travel from the center of the wind stress curl anomaly to the coupling location. A stochastic component to the atmospheric forcing is incorporated by white noise added to the feedback. With such a forcing, typical oceanic spectra become red with a broad peak at decadal timescales superimposed.