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Usha Narayan Pillai - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Ischaemic Necrosis of Pinnae in a Dachshund Dog – A Report
The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 2020Co-Authors: M R Krishna Nath, N Madhavan Unny, Usha Narayan PillaiAbstract:Ischaemic necrosis or thrombo-vascular necrosis of pinnae or pinnal margin vasculopathy is a slowly progressive idiopathic syndrome characterized by wedge-shaped devitalization and necrosis of the distal pinnae. It may occur either in unilateral or bilateral forms, bilateral affection being more common. Initially, an erythematous swelling and discoloration may be noted in the center of the medial aspect towards the apex of pinnae. Later, a necrotic ulcer may be seen in the center of the lesion, progressing to exudation and hemorrhage. In chronic cases, the areas of ulceration undergo complete necrosis resulting in deformity. Although there is no age, sex, and breed predisposition, certain breeds like Dachshunds and Chihuahuas are commonly affected (Morris et al., 2013; Nuttall et al., 2005). This communication reports a case of ischaemic necrosis of pinnae in a Dachshund Dog with its successful clinical management.
ischaemic necrosis of pinnae in a Dachshund Dog a report
The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 2020Co-Authors: M Krishna R Nath, Madhavan N Unny, Usha Narayan PillaiAbstract:Ischaemic necrosis or thrombo-vascular necrosis of pinnae or pinnal margin vasculopathy is a slowly progressive idiopathic syndrome characterized by wedge-shaped devitalization and necrosis of the distal pinnae. It may occur either in unilateral or bilateral forms, bilateral affection being more common. Initially, an erythematous swelling and discoloration may be noted in the center of the medial aspect towards the apex of pinnae. Later, a necrotic ulcer may be seen in the center of the lesion, progressing to exudation and hemorrhage. In chronic cases, the areas of ulceration undergo complete necrosis resulting in deformity. Although there is no age, sex, and breed predisposition, certain breeds like Dachshunds and Chihuahuas are commonly affected (Morris et al., 2013; Nuttall et al., 2005). This communication reports a case of ischaemic necrosis of pinnae in a Dachshund Dog with its successful clinical management.
P. Schanilec - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Pulmonary oedema in a hunting Dog: a case report
Veterinarni Medicina, 2016Co-Authors: C. F. Agudelo, P. SchanilecAbstract:This case report describes an episode of acute dyspnoea after hunting in a Dachshund Dog. Thoracic radiographs confirmed pulmonary oedema. Echocardiography, electrocardiography and cardiac markers were within normal limits. Based on the history, clinical signs and other diagnostic tests this case could have been neurogenic non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema-like syndrome as described in Swedish Dogs also after hunting and prob - ably the first case detected in Central Europe. The Dog survived with intense oxygen, diuretic and bronchodilator therapy. The pathological mechanisms of neurogenic non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema are also discussed.
Chocolate ingestion-induced non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema in a puppy: a case report
Veterinární Medicína, 2013Co-Authors: C. F. Agudelo, Z. Filipejova, P. SchanilecAbstract:Chocolate intoxication in small animals may be life-threatening and associated with serious morbidity and mortality. The main clinical presentations are cardio-respiratory and neurological complications. One of the most common post-mortem findings is pulmonary oedema which can be a cause of immediate death. We report a case of non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema thought to be triggered by chocolate intoxication in a three-month-old puppy Dachshund Dog. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first time such a complication has been reported after chocolate ingestion. The history, clinical signs, diagnostic approach (radiographs, methylxanthine concentrations, electrocardiography and echocardiography), and treatment are described. The effects of a combination of methylxanthines and other triggers of non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema are discussed.
C. F. Agudelo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Pulmonary oedema in a hunting Dog: a case report
Veterinarni Medicina, 2016Co-Authors: C. F. Agudelo, P. SchanilecAbstract:This case report describes an episode of acute dyspnoea after hunting in a Dachshund Dog. Thoracic radiographs confirmed pulmonary oedema. Echocardiography, electrocardiography and cardiac markers were within normal limits. Based on the history, clinical signs and other diagnostic tests this case could have been neurogenic non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema-like syndrome as described in Swedish Dogs also after hunting and prob - ably the first case detected in Central Europe. The Dog survived with intense oxygen, diuretic and bronchodilator therapy. The pathological mechanisms of neurogenic non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema are also discussed.
Chocolate ingestion-induced non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema in a puppy: a case report
Veterinární Medicína, 2013Co-Authors: C. F. Agudelo, Z. Filipejova, P. SchanilecAbstract:Chocolate intoxication in small animals may be life-threatening and associated with serious morbidity and mortality. The main clinical presentations are cardio-respiratory and neurological complications. One of the most common post-mortem findings is pulmonary oedema which can be a cause of immediate death. We report a case of non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema thought to be triggered by chocolate intoxication in a three-month-old puppy Dachshund Dog. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first time such a complication has been reported after chocolate ingestion. The history, clinical signs, diagnostic approach (radiographs, methylxanthine concentrations, electrocardiography and echocardiography), and treatment are described. The effects of a combination of methylxanthines and other triggers of non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema are discussed.
João Pedro Scussel Feranti - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Perineal Hernia in Dogs: Which Technique Should We Use?
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2017Co-Authors: Arícia Gomes Sprada, Rafael Ricardo Huppes, João Pedro Scussel Feranti, Fernando Wiecheteck De Souza, Livia De Paula Coelho, Paola Castro Moraes, Bruno Watanabe MintoAbstract:Background: Perineal hernia may be unilateral or bilateral and results from weakening and separation of the pelvic diaphragm muscles, favoring the abdominal viscera herniation into the perineal subcutaneous. The factors described as possible etiology of this affection are prostate hyperplasia, senile muscular atrophy, myopathy and hormonal imbalances. Several herniorrhaphy techniques are available in literature presenting different rates of success leaving the question whether there is any technique that is predominantly better than others are. This case report aims to describe five cases of perineal hernia treated with four different techniques performed by four experienced surgeons. Cases: Case 1. Semitendinous muscle transposition: A 8-year-old intact male Shitzu (6 kg) was referred for the evaluation of a swelling in the right perineal region. The mass was soft and regressed into de pelvic cavity during palpation. Abdominal ultrasound and radiography were taken, which reveled perineal hernia and a mild prostate enlargement. The patient was prepared for hernia repair with semitendinous muscle transposition and orchiectomy. Case 2. Internal obturator muscle transposition: A 9-year-old intact male mixed breed Dog (18kg) presenting a two-week long unilateral (right-side) perineral hernia. Ultrasound exam revealed a cystic prostate and adipose tissue as the hernia content. After clinical and image examination the patient was submitted to surgical repair using the internal obturator muscle transposition technique and orchiectomy. Case 3. Internal obturator muscle transposition associated to correction of rectal sacculation: A 12-year-old intact male mixed breed presenting swelling on the right side of the perianal region. The owner reported a 4-day long aquesia, emesis and increased volume in perineum for 6 months. During the rectal palpation, resected fecal content was present and rectal sacculation was suspected. Enema, simple abdominal radiography, contrast radiography and ultrasonography were performed. The exams showed perineal hernia with bowel content and presence of rectal sacculation. The patient was submitted to surgery in order to correct the perineal hernia and rectal sacculation, and to performe orchiectomy. Case 4. Polypropylene mesh: A 13-year-old intact male Dachshund Dog (8.6 kg) was referred to clinical examination due to a 1-year-history complaint of a mass in the right perineal area. The owner also reported rectal prolapse and stranguria noted two days prior the consultation. Ultrasound and radiography showed bladder, prostate and bowel contained in hernia sac. The patient underwent to hernia repair with polypropylene mesh and castration. Case 5. Bovine pericardium preserved in 4% formaldehyde: A 7-year-old intact male mixed breed Dog (14 kg) was presented to clinical evaluation with swelling lateral to the anus and dyschezia. Abdominal radiography and ultrasound revealed images suggestive of perineal hernia with urinary bladder, prostate and bowl content. The patient was referred to surgery. Discussion: Perineal herniations are commonly related to weakness of pelvic diaphragm muscles. However, the etiology involved in this process is undetermined. Success rate of perineal hernia repair techniques vary in literature. It can be speculated that local factors may influence these results, such as the surgeon ability to perform the technique or to recognize components that adversely affects the surgery. The results were considered satisfactory in all cases, which may answer the question: the better technique is the one we perform better.
Toracotomia com ressecção de costela para lobectomia pulmonar de adenocarcinoma papilar primário extenso em cão
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2014Co-Authors: Bruna Copat, João Pedro Scussel Feranti, Rafael Oliveira Chaves, Ana Paula Da Silva, Marília Teresa De Oliveira, Virgínia Heinze Pohl, Luis Felipe Dutra Corrêa, Maurício Veloso BrunAbstract:Background: Primary pulmonary neoplasms are uncommon in Dogs. The thoracotomy for resection of rib procedure is performed still little in the national territory in small animal medicine and may in some cases of large tumors the best indication. In this context, the aim of this study was to report the clinical, pathological and histological features, as well to describe the pulmonary lobectomy with rib resection as a therapeutic option for a big pulmonary papillary adenocarcinoma in a Dog. Case: A Sixteen-years-old female Dachshund Dog was referred had a history of cough for about two months. In physical examination expiratory dyspnea, abdominal breathing and muffled lung sounds (mainly in the left lower lung field) was observed. In the chest radiograph a radiopaque structure (9.5 x 7.5 cm) was visualized in the left lower lobe and the trachea was shifted to the right. Front to the findings, the animal was referred for thoracotomy with rib resection to lobectomy of the left lower lobe. In surgery, was performed incision skin/musculocutaneous parallel to the seventh left rib extending from the proximity of the costovertebral articulation to the sternum. After incision and dissection of the muscle layer, the periosteum of the seventh rib was incised on the lateral surface of the middle rib. Then sectioned rib with shear and periosteum together with the parietal pleura with the blade, extending last incision with Metzenbaum scissors. The affected lung lobe was identified, isolated and exteriorized with humidified compresses, thus performing pulmonary lobectomy. Previously the synthesis of the chest, was introduced thoracostomy (14 Fr) probe fixed to the skin with suture Chinese manga. A thoracorraphy was achieved with 2-0 polyglactin 910 quilter in a cross pattern in the middle and lateral ends of the sectioned periosteum; subcutaneous tissue was occluded with 3-0 polyglactin 910 in a simple continuous pattern and the skin sutured with 4-0 nylon simple interrupted pattern. After seven months of operation, via telephone contact, the owner reported that the animal was in good clinical condition without clinical signs of recurrence. Discussion: The treatment of choice for primary lung neoplasms solitary in Dogs is surgical resection. The partial lobectomy lung is indicated in cases of lung biopsy or excision of lesions at the end of the organ however in cases of severe traumatic injury, neoplasms, abscesses, or twist lobes that are confined to a single lobe, the technique is indicated complete pulmonary lobectomy. The extensive size of the neoplasm visualized in plain radiography was decisive in the election of the surgical technique for lobectomy rib resection, once the intercostal access promotes smaller working space, a condition that could be related to the difficulty, or even impossibility, of performing lobectomy. The rib resection surgery allowed ample space for the execution of delicate maneuvers of hemostasis and synthesis of the bronchi besides tumor removal with a wide margin of safety. Despite this imaging guidance about the presence and nature of the neoplasm, histopathological examination is essential for definitive diagnosis. The diagnosis of primary papillary adenocarcinoma in a female Dog already underwent mastectomy two months before, has led us to a critical analysis that reinforces the importance in finding a definitive diagnosis and early primary neoplasms. The size of the neoplasm visualized on plain radiography was instrumental to the election of the surgical technique of lobectomy with rib resection. Thoracotomy with rib resection for complete lobectomy of left caudal lung lobe was effective in the treatment of a big primary pulmonary neoplasm.
M Krishna R Nath - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
ischaemic necrosis of pinnae in a Dachshund Dog a report
The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 2020Co-Authors: M Krishna R Nath, Madhavan N Unny, Usha Narayan PillaiAbstract:Ischaemic necrosis or thrombo-vascular necrosis of pinnae or pinnal margin vasculopathy is a slowly progressive idiopathic syndrome characterized by wedge-shaped devitalization and necrosis of the distal pinnae. It may occur either in unilateral or bilateral forms, bilateral affection being more common. Initially, an erythematous swelling and discoloration may be noted in the center of the medial aspect towards the apex of pinnae. Later, a necrotic ulcer may be seen in the center of the lesion, progressing to exudation and hemorrhage. In chronic cases, the areas of ulceration undergo complete necrosis resulting in deformity. Although there is no age, sex, and breed predisposition, certain breeds like Dachshunds and Chihuahuas are commonly affected (Morris et al., 2013; Nuttall et al., 2005). This communication reports a case of ischaemic necrosis of pinnae in a Dachshund Dog with its successful clinical management.