The Experts below are selected from a list of 285 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Dharmono Dharmono - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Keanekaragaman spesies famili Poaceae di Hutan Pantai Tabanio, Kecamatan Takisung, Kabupaten Tanah Laut
2018Co-Authors: Nurul Hikmah, Dharmono DharmonoAbstract:Poaceae is one of the plant families with members of about 500 genus and 8000 species, cosmopolite, and common in the tropics. Coastal forest is the Poaceae habitat in the wetlands. Coastal forests and its ecosystems have functions and benefits with a broad influence in terms of economic, social and ecological. This study aimed to determine the species diversity of Poaceae family found in the Tabanio Coastal Forest, Takisung District, Tanah Laut Regency. The research was descriptive and observation technique. There were eleven species of the Poaceae family: Brachiaria eruciformis (JE Smith) Griseb, Brachiaria plathyphilla (Griseb) Nash., Brachiaria reptans (L) Gardn & Hubb, Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L) Richt., Eragrostis tenella (L) Beauv . Ex R. & S., Eragrostis uniloides (Retz) Nees ex Steud, Leptochloa chinensis (L) Nees., Paspalum conjugatum Berg., Paspalum vaginatum SW., Pogonatherum paniceum Hack., and Zoysia matrella Merr.
Keanekaragaman spesies famili Poaceae di Hutan Pantai Tabanio, Kecamatan Takisung, Kabupaten Tanah Laut
2018Co-Authors: Nurul Hikmah, Dharmono DharmonoAbstract:Poaceae is one of the plant families with members of about 500 genus and 8000 species, cosmopolite, and common in the tropics. Coastal forest is the Poaceae habitat in the wetlands. Coastal forests and its ecosystems have functions and benefits with a broad influence in terms of economic, social and ecological. This study aimed to determine the species diversity of Poaceae family found in the Tabanio Coastal Forest, Takisung District, Tanah Laut Regency. The research was descriptive and observation technique. There were eleven species of the Poaceae family: Brachiaria eruciformis (JE Smith) Griseb, Brachiaria plathyphilla (Griseb) Nash., Brachiaria reptans (L) Gardn & Hubb, Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L) Richt., Eragrostis tenella (L) Beauv . Ex R. & S., Eragrostis uniloides (Retz) Nees ex Steud, Leptochloa chinensis (L) Nees., Paspalum conjugatum Berg., Paspalum vaginatum SW., Pogonatherum paniceum Hack., and Zoysia matrella Merr.
Olmi L. - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Cereali selvatici a Takarkori, sito del Tadrart Acacus - Sahara Libico: schede di alcuni macroresti da uno spot dell’Olocene Medio.
2007Co-Authors: Olmi L., Buldrini F., Mariotti Lippi M., Di Lernia S., Massamba N’, Mercuri A. M.Abstract:Il lavoro presenta una serie di tavole descrittive di alcuni reperti mummificati di Paniceae provenienti dal riparo sotto roccia di Takarkori. Il sito archeologico \ue8 ubicato nell\u2019area pi\uf9 meridionale del Tadrart Acacus libico, un massiccio montuoso del Sahara Centrale, al confine tra Libia e Algeria sud-occidentale. Le schede realizzate, utili per le determinazioni nelle future analisi archeobotaniche nell\u2019area, si riferiscono a 6 generi/specie di Paniceae, che includono tra l\u2019altro cereali selvatici ancor oggi raccolti in aree sahariane e saheliane: Echinochloa colona, Panicum sp., Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Urochloa panicoides, Brachiaria sp., e B. leersioides
Cereali selvatici a Takarkori, sito del Tadrart Acacus – Sahara libico: schede di alcuni macroresti da uno spot dell’Olocene medio.
Modena : [s. n.] 1997-, 2006Co-Authors: Olmi L., Massamba N’siala, Buldrini F., Mariotti Lippi M., Di Lernia S., Mercuri A.m.Abstract:Il lavoro presenta una serie di tavole descrittive di alcuni reperti mummificati di Paniceae provenienti dal riparo sotto roccia di Takarkori. Il sito archeologico è ubicato nell’area più meridionale del Tadrart Acacus libico, un massiccio montuoso del Sahara centrale, al confine tra Libia e Algeria sudoccidentale. Le schede realizzate, utili per le determinazioni nelle future analisi archeobotaniche nell’area, si riferiscono a sei generi/specie di Paniceae, che includono tra l’altro cereali selvatici ancora oggi raccolti in aree sahariane e saheliane: Echinochloa colona, Panicum sp., Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Urochloa panicoides, Brachiaria sp., e B. leersioides
Nurul Hikmah - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Keanekaragaman spesies famili Poaceae di Hutan Pantai Tabanio, Kecamatan Takisung, Kabupaten Tanah Laut
2018Co-Authors: Nurul Hikmah, Dharmono DharmonoAbstract:Poaceae is one of the plant families with members of about 500 genus and 8000 species, cosmopolite, and common in the tropics. Coastal forest is the Poaceae habitat in the wetlands. Coastal forests and its ecosystems have functions and benefits with a broad influence in terms of economic, social and ecological. This study aimed to determine the species diversity of Poaceae family found in the Tabanio Coastal Forest, Takisung District, Tanah Laut Regency. The research was descriptive and observation technique. There were eleven species of the Poaceae family: Brachiaria eruciformis (JE Smith) Griseb, Brachiaria plathyphilla (Griseb) Nash., Brachiaria reptans (L) Gardn & Hubb, Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L) Richt., Eragrostis tenella (L) Beauv . Ex R. & S., Eragrostis uniloides (Retz) Nees ex Steud, Leptochloa chinensis (L) Nees., Paspalum conjugatum Berg., Paspalum vaginatum SW., Pogonatherum paniceum Hack., and Zoysia matrella Merr.
Keanekaragaman spesies famili Poaceae di Hutan Pantai Tabanio, Kecamatan Takisung, Kabupaten Tanah Laut
2018Co-Authors: Nurul Hikmah, Dharmono DharmonoAbstract:Poaceae is one of the plant families with members of about 500 genus and 8000 species, cosmopolite, and common in the tropics. Coastal forest is the Poaceae habitat in the wetlands. Coastal forests and its ecosystems have functions and benefits with a broad influence in terms of economic, social and ecological. This study aimed to determine the species diversity of Poaceae family found in the Tabanio Coastal Forest, Takisung District, Tanah Laut Regency. The research was descriptive and observation technique. There were eleven species of the Poaceae family: Brachiaria eruciformis (JE Smith) Griseb, Brachiaria plathyphilla (Griseb) Nash., Brachiaria reptans (L) Gardn & Hubb, Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L) Richt., Eragrostis tenella (L) Beauv . Ex R. & S., Eragrostis uniloides (Retz) Nees ex Steud, Leptochloa chinensis (L) Nees., Paspalum conjugatum Berg., Paspalum vaginatum SW., Pogonatherum paniceum Hack., and Zoysia matrella Merr.
Chergui Hassan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Structure écologique des peuplements végétaux des dunes fixées par des graminées vivaces, dans le Maroc Oriental.
IAV Hassan II, 2014Co-Authors: Bouraada Khalid, Chavanon Guy, Chergui HassanAbstract:L’étude de la structure écologique du peuplement végétal des formations sableuses (dunes, nebkhas,…) fixées par des graminées vivaces, dans le Maroc Oriental, montre des groupements d’espèces où s’individualise très nettement la station de Saïdia (littoral méditerranéen). Sur le continent, la station de Figuig se distingue assez nettement par un noyau d’espèces proprement sahariennes, alors que les stations de Tendrara et Bouârfa sont peu différentes. Deux espèces sont nouvelles pour la flore marocaine : Dactyloctenium aegyptium Ash. (Poaceae) récoltée à Figuig et Onopordon algeriense Pomel. (Asteraceae), récoltée à Tendrara et à Bouârfa. Par ailleurs, 24 espèces sont nouvelles pour la région. Les Poaceae et les Asteraceae dominent en nombre d’espèces dans les stations continentales, alors que dans la station littorale se sont les Fabaceae qui prennent le relais. The research presented here, concerns the ecological structure of vegetal planting of sandy formations (dunes, nebkha,…) fixed by hardy gramineous plants, in the oriental Morocco, shows groupings of species where the station of Saïdia (Mediterranean littoral) becomes individualized very clearly. On the continent , the station of Figuig (sahara) is distinguished clearly enough by a group of species properly saharian ; whereas, the stations of Tendrara and Bouârfa were little different on the level of the division of flora. Two species were new for the Moroccan flora : Dactyloctenium aegyptium Ash. harvested at Figuig station and Onopordon algeriense Pomel. harvested at Tendrara and at Bouârfa stations. Besides, 24 vegetal species were new for the region. The Poaceae and the Asteraceae plants dominate in number of species in the continental stations ; whearas, in the littoral station it’s the Fabaceae which takes the relay.  
Hassan Chergui - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Structure écologique des peuplements végétaux des dunes fixées par des graminées vivaces, dans le Maroc Oriental
Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, 2014Co-Authors: Khalid Bouraada, Guy Chavanon, Hassan CherguiAbstract:The research presented here, concerns the ecological structure of vegetal planting of sandy formations (dunes, nebkha,…) fixed by hardy gramineous plants, in the oriental Morocco, shows groupings of species where the station of Saïdia (Mediterranean littoral) becomes individualized very clearly. On the continent , the station of Figuig (sahara) is distinguished clearly enough by a group of species properly saharian ; whereas, the stations of Tendrara and Bouârfa were little different on the level of the division of flora. Two species were new for the Moroccan flora : Dactyloctenium aegyptium Ash. harvested at Figuig station and Onopordon algeriense Pomel. harvested at Tendrara and at Bouârfa stations. Besides, 24 vegetal species were new for the region. The Poaceae and the Asteraceae plants dominate in number of species in the continental stations ; whearas, in the littoral station it’s the Fabaceae which takes the relay