The Experts below are selected from a list of 8901 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
G Caja - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
heat stress modifies the lactational performances and the urinary metabolomic profile related to gastrointestinal microbiota of Dairy Goats
PLOS ONE, 2019Co-Authors: Alexandra Contrerasjodar, S Hamzaoui, G Caja, Nazri Hj Nayan, A A K SalamaAbstract:The aim of the study is to identify the candidate biomarkers of heat stress (HS) in the urine of lactating Dairy Goats through the application of proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR)-based metabolomic analysis. Dairy does (n = 16) in mid-lactation were submitted to thermal neutral (TN; indoors; 15 to 20°C; 40 to 45% humidity) or HS (climatic chamber; 37°C day, 30°C night; 40% humidity) conditions according to a crossover design (2 periods of 21 days). Thermophysiological traits and lactational performances were recorded and milk composition analyzed during each period. Urine samples were collected at day 15 of each period for 1H NMR spectroscopy analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) assessment with cross validation were used to identify the goat urinary metabolome from the Human Metabolome Data Base. HS increased rectal temperature (1.2°C), respiratory rate (3.5-fold) and water intake (74%), but decreased feed intake (35%) and body weight (5%) of the lactating does. No differences were detected in milk yield, but HS decreased the milk contents of fat (9%), protein (16%) and lactose (5%). Metabolomics allowed separating TN and HS urinary clusters by PLS-DA. Most discriminating metabolites were hippurate and other phenylalanine (Phe) derivative compounds, which increased in HS vs. TN does. The greater excretion of these gut-derived toxic compounds indicated that HS induced a harmful gastrointestinal microbiota overgrowth, which should have sequestered aromatic amino acids for their metabolism and decreased the synthesis of neurotransmitters and thyroid hormones, with a negative impact on milk yield and composition. In conclusion, HS markedly changed the thermophysiological traits and lactational performances of Dairy Goats, which were translated into their urinary metabolomic profile through the presence of gut-derived toxic compounds. Hippurate and other Phe-derivative compounds are suggested as urinary biomarkers to detect heat-stressed Dairy animals in practice.
effects of chronic heat stress on lactational performance and the transcriptomic profile of blood cells in lactating Dairy Goats
Journal of Dairy Research, 2018Co-Authors: Alexandra Contrerasjodar, A A K Salama, G Caja, S Hamzaoui, M Vailatiriboni, Juan J LoorAbstract:High temperature is a major stress that negatively affects welfare, health, and productivity of Dairy animals. Heat-stressed animals are more prone to disease, suggesting that their immunity is hindered. Although productive and physiologic responses of Dairy animals to heat stress are well known, there is still limited information on the response at the transcriptome level. Our objective was to evaluate the changes in performance and blood transcriptomics of Dairy Goats under heat stress. Eight multiparous Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats in mid-lactation were assigned to 1 of 2 climatic treatments for 35 d. Treatments and temperature-humidity index (THI) were: (1) thermal neutral (TN: n = 4; 15–20 °C, 40–45%, THI = 59–65), and (2) heat stress (HS: n = 4; 12 h at 37 °C–40%, THI = 86; 12 h at 30 °C–40%, THI = 77). Rectal temperature, respiratory rate, feed intake and milk yield were recorded daily. Additionally, milk composition was evaluated weekly. Blood samples were collected at d 35 and RNA was extracted for microarray analyses (Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome Array). Differences in rectal temperature and respiratory rate between HS and TN Goats were maximal during the first 3 d of the experiment, reduced thereafter, but remained significant throughout the 35-d experimental period. Heat stress reduced feed intake, milk yield, milk protein and milk fat contents by 29, 8, 12, and 13%, respectively. Microarray analysis of blood revealed that 55 genes were up-regulated, whereas 88 were down-regulated by HS. Bioinformatics analysis using the Dynamic Impact Approach revealed that 31 biological pathways were impacted by HS. Pathways associated with leukocyte transendothelial migration, cell adhesion, hematopoietic cell lineage, calcium signaling, and PPAR signaling were negatively impacted by HS, whereas nucleotide metabolism was activated. In conclusion, heat stress not only negatively affected milk production in Dairy Goats, but also resulted in alterations in the functionality of immune cells, which would make the immune system of heat-stressed Goats less capable of fending-off diseases.
heat stress modifies the lactational performances and the urinary metabolomic profile related to gastrointestinal microbiota of Dairy Goats
bioRxiv, 2018Co-Authors: Alexandra Contrerasjodar, S Hamzaoui, G Caja, Nazri Hj Nayan, A A K SalamaAbstract:The aim of the study was to identify the candidate biomarkers of heat stress (HS) in the urine of lactating Dairy Goats through the application of proton Nuclear Magnetic Reso-nance (1H NMR)-based metabolomic analysis. Dairy does (n = 16) in mid-lactation were submitted to thermoneutral (TN; indoors; 15 to 20°C; 40 to 45% humidity) or HS (climatic chamber; 37°C day, 30°C night; 40% humidity) conditions according to a crossover design (2 periods of 21 days). Thermophysiological traits and lactational performances were rec-orded and milk composition analyzed during each period. Urine samples were collected at day 15 of each period for 1H NMR spectroscopy analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square–discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) assessment with cross vali-dation were used to identify the goat urinary metabolome from Human Metabolome Data Base. HS increased rectal temperature (1.2°C), respiratory rate (3.5-fold) and water intake (74%), but decreased feed intake (35%) and body weight (5%) of the lactating does. No differences were detected in milk yield, but HS decreased the milk contents of fat (9%), protein (16%) and lactose (5%). Metabolomic urinalysis allowed separating TN and HS clus-ters by PLS-DA. Most discriminating metabolites were hippurate and other phenylalanine (Phe) derivative compounds, which increased in HS vs. TN does. The greater excretion of these gut-derived toxic compounds indicated that HS induced a harmful gastrointestinal microbiota overgrowth, which should have sequestrated aromatic amino acids for their metabolism and decreased the synthesis of neurotransmitters and thyroid hormones, with negative impact on milk yield and composition. In conclusion, HS markedly changed the thermophysiological traits and lactational performances of Dairy Goats, which were trans-lated into their urinary metabolomic profile through the presence of gut-derived toxic compounds. Hippurate and other Phe-derivative compounds are suggested as urinary bi-omarkers to detect heat stressed Dairy animals in practice.
different levels of response to heat stress in Dairy Goats
Small Ruminant Research, 2014Co-Authors: A A K Salama, G Caja, S Hamzaoui, B Badaoui, A Castrocosta, D A E Facanha, M M Guilhermino, Riccardo BozziAbstract:Goats are considered more tolerant to heat stress compared to Dairy cows because of their greater sweating rate and lower body weight:surface ratio, allowing greater heat dissipation. Dairy Goats kept under heat load in climatic chamber experienced losses in feed intake by 22–35% and produced 3–10% lower milk with reduced contents of fat, protein, and lactose. Moreover, milk of heat-stressed Goats had altered coagulation properties, which could have an important impact for cheese industry. The RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of milk cells showed that changes in milk composition were accompanied by down-regulation in the gene expression of casein, fat and lactose synthesis, and upregulation in the expression of genes related to milk cathepsins. Despite the reduction in feed intake, blood non esterified fatty acids and blood glucose did not change in heat-stressed Goats. Lower insulin secretion after meals as well as muscle degradation are possible mechanisms to maintain the blood glucose levels under heat stress. Heat stress increased digestibility, which might partially compensate the reduction in feed intake. The microarray of blood cells revealed a change in the expression of genes regulating fat metabolism, which might be related to immune functions of blood cells under heat stress. In conclusion, heat stress exerts important changes in the metabolic functions, gene expression, inflammatory status, and productivity of Dairy Goats. Heat stress during pregnancy could permanently condition the productivity of the offspring, but this issue needs further investigation in Dairy Goats.
physiological responses and lactational performances of late lactation Dairy Goats under heat stress conditions
Journal of Dairy Science, 2013Co-Authors: S Hamzaoui, A A K Salama, E Albanell, X Such, G CajaAbstract:Abstract Eight Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats in late lactation were exposed to different ambient conditions, using metabolic cages in a climatic chamber. The experimental design was a crossover (2 periods of 35d and 4 Goats each) and conditions were (1) thermal neutral (TN; 15 to 20°C day-night) and (2) heat stress (HS; 12-h day at 37°C and 12-h night at 30.5°C). Humidity was maintained at 40% and light-dark was constant (12–12h). The forage:concentrate ratio was adjusted daily for maintaining similar value in TN and HS Goats (70:30). Water was freely available at ambient temperature. Rectal temperature and respiratory rate (0800, 1200 and 1700h) and milk yield were recorded daily, whereas milk composition, nonesterified fatty acids and haptoglobin in blood were analyzed weekly. At d 25, additional blood samples were taken for analysis of metabolites and indicators of the acid-base balance. Digestibility coefficients and N balance were determined (d 31 to 35) and body weight was recorded (d 35). Compared with TN Goats, HS Goats experienced greater rectal temperature (+0.58°C), respiratory rate (+48 breaths/min), water intake (+77%) and water evaporation (+207%). Intake of HS Goats rapidly declined until d 7 (−40%), partially recovered from d 7 to 19, and steadied thereafter (−14%). No changes in digestibility or N balance were detected. Blood nonesterified fatty acids and haptoglobin peaked at d 7 in HS Goats but did not vary thereafter. Although milk yield did not vary by treatment, milk of HS Goats contained −12.5% protein and −11.5% casein than TN Goats. Panting reduced concentration and pressure of CO 2 in the blood of HS Goats, but they were able to maintain their blood pH similar to the TN group by lowering HCO 3 − and increasing Cl − concentrations in their blood. In conclusion, HS Dairy Goats showed dramatic physiological changes during the first week of treatment and partially recovered thereafter. They were able to maintain milk yield by losing body mass, but milk protein content and protein yield were depressed. Further research is needed to assess the response of Dairy Goats to HS at earlier stages of lactation.
A A K Salama - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
heat stress modifies the lactational performances and the urinary metabolomic profile related to gastrointestinal microbiota of Dairy Goats
PLOS ONE, 2019Co-Authors: Alexandra Contrerasjodar, S Hamzaoui, G Caja, Nazri Hj Nayan, A A K SalamaAbstract:The aim of the study is to identify the candidate biomarkers of heat stress (HS) in the urine of lactating Dairy Goats through the application of proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR)-based metabolomic analysis. Dairy does (n = 16) in mid-lactation were submitted to thermal neutral (TN; indoors; 15 to 20°C; 40 to 45% humidity) or HS (climatic chamber; 37°C day, 30°C night; 40% humidity) conditions according to a crossover design (2 periods of 21 days). Thermophysiological traits and lactational performances were recorded and milk composition analyzed during each period. Urine samples were collected at day 15 of each period for 1H NMR spectroscopy analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) assessment with cross validation were used to identify the goat urinary metabolome from the Human Metabolome Data Base. HS increased rectal temperature (1.2°C), respiratory rate (3.5-fold) and water intake (74%), but decreased feed intake (35%) and body weight (5%) of the lactating does. No differences were detected in milk yield, but HS decreased the milk contents of fat (9%), protein (16%) and lactose (5%). Metabolomics allowed separating TN and HS urinary clusters by PLS-DA. Most discriminating metabolites were hippurate and other phenylalanine (Phe) derivative compounds, which increased in HS vs. TN does. The greater excretion of these gut-derived toxic compounds indicated that HS induced a harmful gastrointestinal microbiota overgrowth, which should have sequestered aromatic amino acids for their metabolism and decreased the synthesis of neurotransmitters and thyroid hormones, with a negative impact on milk yield and composition. In conclusion, HS markedly changed the thermophysiological traits and lactational performances of Dairy Goats, which were translated into their urinary metabolomic profile through the presence of gut-derived toxic compounds. Hippurate and other Phe-derivative compounds are suggested as urinary biomarkers to detect heat-stressed Dairy animals in practice.
effects of chronic heat stress on lactational performance and the transcriptomic profile of blood cells in lactating Dairy Goats
Journal of Dairy Research, 2018Co-Authors: Alexandra Contrerasjodar, A A K Salama, G Caja, S Hamzaoui, M Vailatiriboni, Juan J LoorAbstract:High temperature is a major stress that negatively affects welfare, health, and productivity of Dairy animals. Heat-stressed animals are more prone to disease, suggesting that their immunity is hindered. Although productive and physiologic responses of Dairy animals to heat stress are well known, there is still limited information on the response at the transcriptome level. Our objective was to evaluate the changes in performance and blood transcriptomics of Dairy Goats under heat stress. Eight multiparous Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats in mid-lactation were assigned to 1 of 2 climatic treatments for 35 d. Treatments and temperature-humidity index (THI) were: (1) thermal neutral (TN: n = 4; 15–20 °C, 40–45%, THI = 59–65), and (2) heat stress (HS: n = 4; 12 h at 37 °C–40%, THI = 86; 12 h at 30 °C–40%, THI = 77). Rectal temperature, respiratory rate, feed intake and milk yield were recorded daily. Additionally, milk composition was evaluated weekly. Blood samples were collected at d 35 and RNA was extracted for microarray analyses (Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome Array). Differences in rectal temperature and respiratory rate between HS and TN Goats were maximal during the first 3 d of the experiment, reduced thereafter, but remained significant throughout the 35-d experimental period. Heat stress reduced feed intake, milk yield, milk protein and milk fat contents by 29, 8, 12, and 13%, respectively. Microarray analysis of blood revealed that 55 genes were up-regulated, whereas 88 were down-regulated by HS. Bioinformatics analysis using the Dynamic Impact Approach revealed that 31 biological pathways were impacted by HS. Pathways associated with leukocyte transendothelial migration, cell adhesion, hematopoietic cell lineage, calcium signaling, and PPAR signaling were negatively impacted by HS, whereas nucleotide metabolism was activated. In conclusion, heat stress not only negatively affected milk production in Dairy Goats, but also resulted in alterations in the functionality of immune cells, which would make the immune system of heat-stressed Goats less capable of fending-off diseases.
heat stress modifies the lactational performances and the urinary metabolomic profile related to gastrointestinal microbiota of Dairy Goats
bioRxiv, 2018Co-Authors: Alexandra Contrerasjodar, S Hamzaoui, G Caja, Nazri Hj Nayan, A A K SalamaAbstract:The aim of the study was to identify the candidate biomarkers of heat stress (HS) in the urine of lactating Dairy Goats through the application of proton Nuclear Magnetic Reso-nance (1H NMR)-based metabolomic analysis. Dairy does (n = 16) in mid-lactation were submitted to thermoneutral (TN; indoors; 15 to 20°C; 40 to 45% humidity) or HS (climatic chamber; 37°C day, 30°C night; 40% humidity) conditions according to a crossover design (2 periods of 21 days). Thermophysiological traits and lactational performances were rec-orded and milk composition analyzed during each period. Urine samples were collected at day 15 of each period for 1H NMR spectroscopy analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square–discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) assessment with cross vali-dation were used to identify the goat urinary metabolome from Human Metabolome Data Base. HS increased rectal temperature (1.2°C), respiratory rate (3.5-fold) and water intake (74%), but decreased feed intake (35%) and body weight (5%) of the lactating does. No differences were detected in milk yield, but HS decreased the milk contents of fat (9%), protein (16%) and lactose (5%). Metabolomic urinalysis allowed separating TN and HS clus-ters by PLS-DA. Most discriminating metabolites were hippurate and other phenylalanine (Phe) derivative compounds, which increased in HS vs. TN does. The greater excretion of these gut-derived toxic compounds indicated that HS induced a harmful gastrointestinal microbiota overgrowth, which should have sequestrated aromatic amino acids for their metabolism and decreased the synthesis of neurotransmitters and thyroid hormones, with negative impact on milk yield and composition. In conclusion, HS markedly changed the thermophysiological traits and lactational performances of Dairy Goats, which were trans-lated into their urinary metabolomic profile through the presence of gut-derived toxic compounds. Hippurate and other Phe-derivative compounds are suggested as urinary bi-omarkers to detect heat stressed Dairy animals in practice.
different levels of response to heat stress in Dairy Goats
Small Ruminant Research, 2014Co-Authors: A A K Salama, G Caja, S Hamzaoui, B Badaoui, A Castrocosta, D A E Facanha, M M Guilhermino, Riccardo BozziAbstract:Goats are considered more tolerant to heat stress compared to Dairy cows because of their greater sweating rate and lower body weight:surface ratio, allowing greater heat dissipation. Dairy Goats kept under heat load in climatic chamber experienced losses in feed intake by 22–35% and produced 3–10% lower milk with reduced contents of fat, protein, and lactose. Moreover, milk of heat-stressed Goats had altered coagulation properties, which could have an important impact for cheese industry. The RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of milk cells showed that changes in milk composition were accompanied by down-regulation in the gene expression of casein, fat and lactose synthesis, and upregulation in the expression of genes related to milk cathepsins. Despite the reduction in feed intake, blood non esterified fatty acids and blood glucose did not change in heat-stressed Goats. Lower insulin secretion after meals as well as muscle degradation are possible mechanisms to maintain the blood glucose levels under heat stress. Heat stress increased digestibility, which might partially compensate the reduction in feed intake. The microarray of blood cells revealed a change in the expression of genes regulating fat metabolism, which might be related to immune functions of blood cells under heat stress. In conclusion, heat stress exerts important changes in the metabolic functions, gene expression, inflammatory status, and productivity of Dairy Goats. Heat stress during pregnancy could permanently condition the productivity of the offspring, but this issue needs further investigation in Dairy Goats.
physiological responses and lactational performances of late lactation Dairy Goats under heat stress conditions
Journal of Dairy Science, 2013Co-Authors: S Hamzaoui, A A K Salama, E Albanell, X Such, G CajaAbstract:Abstract Eight Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats in late lactation were exposed to different ambient conditions, using metabolic cages in a climatic chamber. The experimental design was a crossover (2 periods of 35d and 4 Goats each) and conditions were (1) thermal neutral (TN; 15 to 20°C day-night) and (2) heat stress (HS; 12-h day at 37°C and 12-h night at 30.5°C). Humidity was maintained at 40% and light-dark was constant (12–12h). The forage:concentrate ratio was adjusted daily for maintaining similar value in TN and HS Goats (70:30). Water was freely available at ambient temperature. Rectal temperature and respiratory rate (0800, 1200 and 1700h) and milk yield were recorded daily, whereas milk composition, nonesterified fatty acids and haptoglobin in blood were analyzed weekly. At d 25, additional blood samples were taken for analysis of metabolites and indicators of the acid-base balance. Digestibility coefficients and N balance were determined (d 31 to 35) and body weight was recorded (d 35). Compared with TN Goats, HS Goats experienced greater rectal temperature (+0.58°C), respiratory rate (+48 breaths/min), water intake (+77%) and water evaporation (+207%). Intake of HS Goats rapidly declined until d 7 (−40%), partially recovered from d 7 to 19, and steadied thereafter (−14%). No changes in digestibility or N balance were detected. Blood nonesterified fatty acids and haptoglobin peaked at d 7 in HS Goats but did not vary thereafter. Although milk yield did not vary by treatment, milk of HS Goats contained −12.5% protein and −11.5% casein than TN Goats. Panting reduced concentration and pressure of CO 2 in the blood of HS Goats, but they were able to maintain their blood pH similar to the TN group by lowering HCO 3 − and increasing Cl − concentrations in their blood. In conclusion, HS Dairy Goats showed dramatic physiological changes during the first week of treatment and partially recovered thereafter. They were able to maintain milk yield by losing body mass, but milk protein content and protein yield were depressed. Further research is needed to assess the response of Dairy Goats to HS at earlier stages of lactation.
Dekun Chen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Prevalence and pathogens of subclinical mastitis in Dairy Goats in China
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2014Co-Authors: Yan-qing Zhao, Xuanduo Zhao, Miaotao Zhang, Dekun ChenAbstract:Subclinical mastitis, a costly disease for the Dairy industry, is usually caused by intramammary bacterial infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of and pathogens involved in subclinical mastitis in Dairy Goats in China. A total of 683 Dairy Goats in the main breeding areas of China were selected, and milk samples were collected. Out of these, 313 (45.82 %) Goats were detected distinct or strong positive for subclinical mastitis by using California mastitis test. Among these positive Goats, 209 milk samples were used to identify the causing agents by a multiplex PCR assay, and results were listed as follows: coagulase-negative staphylococci (59.52 %), Staphylococcus aureus (15.24 %), Escherichia coli (11.43 %), and Streptococcus spp. (10.95 %). In conclusion, subclinical mastitis is a highly prevalent disease in Dairy Goats in China, and coagulase-negative staphylococci are the predominant pathogens.
Seroprevalence of chlamydial infection in Dairy Goats in Shaanxi Province, Northwestern China
African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012Co-Authors: Guang-hui Zhao, Chuan-chuan Shang, Yan-qing Zhao, Dekun ChenAbstract:The prevalence of chlamydial infection in Dairy Goats in Shaanxi province, Northwestern China was determined by indirect hemagglutination antibody (IHA) on serum samples from 729 Dairy Goats (263 Saanen Dairy Goats and 466 Guanzhong Dairy Goats). Antibodies to Chlamydophila sp. were detected in 21 (2.88%) serum samples, with antibody titers ranging from 1:16 to 1:64. Seropositive Goats were found only in three (Zhuangli town, Wangliao town and Yangling district) of the nine locations/herds examined in six counties. The prevalence of chlamydial infection was significantly related with locations/herds (χ2 = 54.36, P = 0.00) and breeds (χ2 = 56.50, P = 0.00). Both Saanen and Guanzhong Dairy Goats were positive for chlamydial infection, with higher seroprevalence in Saanen Dairy Goats (5.70%, 15/263) than that in Guanzhong Dairy goat (1.29%, 6/466). The results of the present study indicate that more integrated strategies should be carried out to prevent and control chlamydiosis in Goats in Shaanxi province. Key words : Seroprevalence, chlamydial infection, Dairy Goats, Shaanxi Province, Northwestern China.
High prevalence of Eimeria infection in Dairy Goats in Shaanxi province, northwestern China
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2011Co-Authors: Guang-hui Zhao, Chuan-chuan Shang, Yan-qing Zhao, Chao-xi Chen, Dekun ChenAbstract:A survey of Dairy Goats for infection with Eimeria species of coccidia was conducted in the Shaanxi province, northwestern China between December and November 2010, including Saanen and Guanzhong breeds. A total of 584 fecal samples (250 and 334 from Saanen and Guanzhong Dairy Goats, respectively) in six farms were collected. Eimeria oocysts were seen in 568 (97.3%) fecal samples, with six species, namely Eimeria jolchijevi, Eimeria arloingi, Eimeria alijevi, Eimeria caprina, Eimeria hirci, and Eimeria christenseni. The most prevalent were E. arloingi in Saanen and Guanzhong Dairy Goats, with an overall prevalence of 83.3% and 84.4%, and the lowest prevalence were E. christenseni (26.9%) and E. hirci (20.7%) for Saanen and Guanzhong Dairy Goats, respectively. Two or more Eimeria species were commonly presented in all the age groups; 80.0% and 81.4% of positive Saanen and Guanzhong Dairy Goats carried more than two species, and 1.6% and 6.5% of two breeds had six species. The results of the present survey suggested that Eimeria infection is wide and severe in the Saanen and Guanzhong Dairy Goats, which suggested that integrated strategies should be implemented to prevent and control coccidial infection in Dairy Goats in this province.
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii infection in Dairy Goats in shaanxi province northwestern china
Parasites & Vectors, 2011Co-Authors: Guang-hui Zhao, Chuan-chuan Shang, Miaotao Zhang, Tingting Tian, Jie Li, Junyan Xu, Dekun ChenAbstract:Background Toxoplasma gondii is an important zoonotic pathogen causing significant human and animal health problems. Infection in Dairy Goats not only results in significant reproductive losses, but also represents an important source of human infection due to consumption of infected meat and milk. In the present study we report for the first time seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in Guanzhong and Saanen Dairy Goats in Shaanxi province, Northwestern China.
Hong Chen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
mir 2478 inhibits tgfβ1 expression by targeting the transcriptional activation region downstream of the tgfβ1 promoter in Dairy Goats
Scientific Reports, 2017Co-Authors: Jing Wang, Zhuanjian Li, Yongzhen Huang, Hong ChenAbstract:In a previous study, miR-2478 was demonstrated to be up-regulated in Dairy goat mammary glands during peak lactation compared with the dry period. However, the detailed mechanisms by which miR-2478 regulates physiological lactation and mammary gland development in Dairy Goats remain unclear. In this study, we used bioinformatics analysis and homologous cloning to predict the target genes of miR-2478 and selected INSR, FBXO11, TGFβ1 and ING4 as candidate target genes of miR-2478. Subsequently, by targeting the 5'UTR of the TGFβ1 gene, we verified that miR-2478 significantly inhibited TGFβ1 transcription and the Pearson's correlation coefficient between miR-2478 expression and TGFβ1 expression was -0.98. Furthermore, we identified the potential promoter and transcription factor binding regions of TGFβ1 and analyzed the potential mechanisms of interaction between miR-2478 and TGFβ1. Dual-luciferase reporter assays revealed that two regions, spanning from -904 to -690 bp and from -79 to +197 bp, were transcription factor binding regions of TGFβ1. Interesting, the miR-2478 binding sequence was determined to span from +123 to +142 bp in the TGFβ1 gene promoter. Thus, our results have demonstrated that miR-2478 binds to the core region of the TGFβ1 promoter and that it affects goat mammary gland development by inhibiting TGFβ1 transcription.
genetic variants and effects on milk traits of the caprine paired like homeodomain transcription factor 2 pitx2 gene in Dairy Goats
Gene, 2013Co-Authors: Haiyu Zhao, Xianfeng Wu, Hong ChenAbstract:Abstract The paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 (PITX2) gene plays a critical role in cell proliferation, differentiation, hematopoiesis and organogenesis. This gene regulates several genes' expressions in the Wnt/beta-catenin and POU1F1 pathways, thereby probably affecting milk performance. The goal of this study was to characterize the genetic variants of the PITX2 gene and test their associations with milk traits in Dairy Goats. Herein, four novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), AC_000163:g.18117T>C, g.18161C>G, g.18322C>A and g.18353T>C, within the caprine PITX2 gene, were found in two famous Chinese Dairy goat breeds. These SNPs mapping at Cys28Arg, Pro42Pro, IVS1+79C>A and IVS1+110T>C, were genotyped by the MvaI, SmaI, MspI and RsaI aCRS–RFLP or PCR–RFLP methods, respectively. Accordingly, two main haplotypes (CGCT and CGCC) were identified among the specimens. Association testing revealed that the SmaI and RsaI polymorphisms were significantly associated with the milk fat content, milk lactose content and milk density (P
association of igf i gene polymorphisms with milk yield and body size in chinese Dairy Goats
Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2010Co-Authors: Chanjuan Deng, Hong ChenAbstract:The association of IGF-I gene polymorphisms with certain traits in 708 individuals of two Chinese Dairy-goat breeds (Guanzhong and Xinong Saanen) was investigated. Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and DNA sequencing methods were employed in screening for genetic variation. Two novel mutations were detected in the 5'-flanking region and in intron 4 of IGF-I gene, viz., g.1617 G > A and g.5752 G > C (accession D26119.2), respectively. The associations of the g.1617 G > A mutation with milk yield and the body size were not significant (p > 0.05). However, in the case of g.5752 G > C, Xinong Saanen Dairy Goats with the CG genotype presented longer bodies (p C mutation could facilitate association analysis and serve as a genetic marker for Chinese Dairy-goat breeding and genetics.
S Hamzaoui - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
heat stress modifies the lactational performances and the urinary metabolomic profile related to gastrointestinal microbiota of Dairy Goats
PLOS ONE, 2019Co-Authors: Alexandra Contrerasjodar, S Hamzaoui, G Caja, Nazri Hj Nayan, A A K SalamaAbstract:The aim of the study is to identify the candidate biomarkers of heat stress (HS) in the urine of lactating Dairy Goats through the application of proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR)-based metabolomic analysis. Dairy does (n = 16) in mid-lactation were submitted to thermal neutral (TN; indoors; 15 to 20°C; 40 to 45% humidity) or HS (climatic chamber; 37°C day, 30°C night; 40% humidity) conditions according to a crossover design (2 periods of 21 days). Thermophysiological traits and lactational performances were recorded and milk composition analyzed during each period. Urine samples were collected at day 15 of each period for 1H NMR spectroscopy analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) assessment with cross validation were used to identify the goat urinary metabolome from the Human Metabolome Data Base. HS increased rectal temperature (1.2°C), respiratory rate (3.5-fold) and water intake (74%), but decreased feed intake (35%) and body weight (5%) of the lactating does. No differences were detected in milk yield, but HS decreased the milk contents of fat (9%), protein (16%) and lactose (5%). Metabolomics allowed separating TN and HS urinary clusters by PLS-DA. Most discriminating metabolites were hippurate and other phenylalanine (Phe) derivative compounds, which increased in HS vs. TN does. The greater excretion of these gut-derived toxic compounds indicated that HS induced a harmful gastrointestinal microbiota overgrowth, which should have sequestered aromatic amino acids for their metabolism and decreased the synthesis of neurotransmitters and thyroid hormones, with a negative impact on milk yield and composition. In conclusion, HS markedly changed the thermophysiological traits and lactational performances of Dairy Goats, which were translated into their urinary metabolomic profile through the presence of gut-derived toxic compounds. Hippurate and other Phe-derivative compounds are suggested as urinary biomarkers to detect heat-stressed Dairy animals in practice.
effects of chronic heat stress on lactational performance and the transcriptomic profile of blood cells in lactating Dairy Goats
Journal of Dairy Research, 2018Co-Authors: Alexandra Contrerasjodar, A A K Salama, G Caja, S Hamzaoui, M Vailatiriboni, Juan J LoorAbstract:High temperature is a major stress that negatively affects welfare, health, and productivity of Dairy animals. Heat-stressed animals are more prone to disease, suggesting that their immunity is hindered. Although productive and physiologic responses of Dairy animals to heat stress are well known, there is still limited information on the response at the transcriptome level. Our objective was to evaluate the changes in performance and blood transcriptomics of Dairy Goats under heat stress. Eight multiparous Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats in mid-lactation were assigned to 1 of 2 climatic treatments for 35 d. Treatments and temperature-humidity index (THI) were: (1) thermal neutral (TN: n = 4; 15–20 °C, 40–45%, THI = 59–65), and (2) heat stress (HS: n = 4; 12 h at 37 °C–40%, THI = 86; 12 h at 30 °C–40%, THI = 77). Rectal temperature, respiratory rate, feed intake and milk yield were recorded daily. Additionally, milk composition was evaluated weekly. Blood samples were collected at d 35 and RNA was extracted for microarray analyses (Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome Array). Differences in rectal temperature and respiratory rate between HS and TN Goats were maximal during the first 3 d of the experiment, reduced thereafter, but remained significant throughout the 35-d experimental period. Heat stress reduced feed intake, milk yield, milk protein and milk fat contents by 29, 8, 12, and 13%, respectively. Microarray analysis of blood revealed that 55 genes were up-regulated, whereas 88 were down-regulated by HS. Bioinformatics analysis using the Dynamic Impact Approach revealed that 31 biological pathways were impacted by HS. Pathways associated with leukocyte transendothelial migration, cell adhesion, hematopoietic cell lineage, calcium signaling, and PPAR signaling were negatively impacted by HS, whereas nucleotide metabolism was activated. In conclusion, heat stress not only negatively affected milk production in Dairy Goats, but also resulted in alterations in the functionality of immune cells, which would make the immune system of heat-stressed Goats less capable of fending-off diseases.
heat stress modifies the lactational performances and the urinary metabolomic profile related to gastrointestinal microbiota of Dairy Goats
bioRxiv, 2018Co-Authors: Alexandra Contrerasjodar, S Hamzaoui, G Caja, Nazri Hj Nayan, A A K SalamaAbstract:The aim of the study was to identify the candidate biomarkers of heat stress (HS) in the urine of lactating Dairy Goats through the application of proton Nuclear Magnetic Reso-nance (1H NMR)-based metabolomic analysis. Dairy does (n = 16) in mid-lactation were submitted to thermoneutral (TN; indoors; 15 to 20°C; 40 to 45% humidity) or HS (climatic chamber; 37°C day, 30°C night; 40% humidity) conditions according to a crossover design (2 periods of 21 days). Thermophysiological traits and lactational performances were rec-orded and milk composition analyzed during each period. Urine samples were collected at day 15 of each period for 1H NMR spectroscopy analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square–discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) assessment with cross vali-dation were used to identify the goat urinary metabolome from Human Metabolome Data Base. HS increased rectal temperature (1.2°C), respiratory rate (3.5-fold) and water intake (74%), but decreased feed intake (35%) and body weight (5%) of the lactating does. No differences were detected in milk yield, but HS decreased the milk contents of fat (9%), protein (16%) and lactose (5%). Metabolomic urinalysis allowed separating TN and HS clus-ters by PLS-DA. Most discriminating metabolites were hippurate and other phenylalanine (Phe) derivative compounds, which increased in HS vs. TN does. The greater excretion of these gut-derived toxic compounds indicated that HS induced a harmful gastrointestinal microbiota overgrowth, which should have sequestrated aromatic amino acids for their metabolism and decreased the synthesis of neurotransmitters and thyroid hormones, with negative impact on milk yield and composition. In conclusion, HS markedly changed the thermophysiological traits and lactational performances of Dairy Goats, which were trans-lated into their urinary metabolomic profile through the presence of gut-derived toxic compounds. Hippurate and other Phe-derivative compounds are suggested as urinary bi-omarkers to detect heat stressed Dairy animals in practice.
different levels of response to heat stress in Dairy Goats
Small Ruminant Research, 2014Co-Authors: A A K Salama, G Caja, S Hamzaoui, B Badaoui, A Castrocosta, D A E Facanha, M M Guilhermino, Riccardo BozziAbstract:Goats are considered more tolerant to heat stress compared to Dairy cows because of their greater sweating rate and lower body weight:surface ratio, allowing greater heat dissipation. Dairy Goats kept under heat load in climatic chamber experienced losses in feed intake by 22–35% and produced 3–10% lower milk with reduced contents of fat, protein, and lactose. Moreover, milk of heat-stressed Goats had altered coagulation properties, which could have an important impact for cheese industry. The RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of milk cells showed that changes in milk composition were accompanied by down-regulation in the gene expression of casein, fat and lactose synthesis, and upregulation in the expression of genes related to milk cathepsins. Despite the reduction in feed intake, blood non esterified fatty acids and blood glucose did not change in heat-stressed Goats. Lower insulin secretion after meals as well as muscle degradation are possible mechanisms to maintain the blood glucose levels under heat stress. Heat stress increased digestibility, which might partially compensate the reduction in feed intake. The microarray of blood cells revealed a change in the expression of genes regulating fat metabolism, which might be related to immune functions of blood cells under heat stress. In conclusion, heat stress exerts important changes in the metabolic functions, gene expression, inflammatory status, and productivity of Dairy Goats. Heat stress during pregnancy could permanently condition the productivity of the offspring, but this issue needs further investigation in Dairy Goats.
physiological responses and lactational performances of late lactation Dairy Goats under heat stress conditions
Journal of Dairy Science, 2013Co-Authors: S Hamzaoui, A A K Salama, E Albanell, X Such, G CajaAbstract:Abstract Eight Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats in late lactation were exposed to different ambient conditions, using metabolic cages in a climatic chamber. The experimental design was a crossover (2 periods of 35d and 4 Goats each) and conditions were (1) thermal neutral (TN; 15 to 20°C day-night) and (2) heat stress (HS; 12-h day at 37°C and 12-h night at 30.5°C). Humidity was maintained at 40% and light-dark was constant (12–12h). The forage:concentrate ratio was adjusted daily for maintaining similar value in TN and HS Goats (70:30). Water was freely available at ambient temperature. Rectal temperature and respiratory rate (0800, 1200 and 1700h) and milk yield were recorded daily, whereas milk composition, nonesterified fatty acids and haptoglobin in blood were analyzed weekly. At d 25, additional blood samples were taken for analysis of metabolites and indicators of the acid-base balance. Digestibility coefficients and N balance were determined (d 31 to 35) and body weight was recorded (d 35). Compared with TN Goats, HS Goats experienced greater rectal temperature (+0.58°C), respiratory rate (+48 breaths/min), water intake (+77%) and water evaporation (+207%). Intake of HS Goats rapidly declined until d 7 (−40%), partially recovered from d 7 to 19, and steadied thereafter (−14%). No changes in digestibility or N balance were detected. Blood nonesterified fatty acids and haptoglobin peaked at d 7 in HS Goats but did not vary thereafter. Although milk yield did not vary by treatment, milk of HS Goats contained −12.5% protein and −11.5% casein than TN Goats. Panting reduced concentration and pressure of CO 2 in the blood of HS Goats, but they were able to maintain their blood pH similar to the TN group by lowering HCO 3 − and increasing Cl − concentrations in their blood. In conclusion, HS Dairy Goats showed dramatic physiological changes during the first week of treatment and partially recovered thereafter. They were able to maintain milk yield by losing body mass, but milk protein content and protein yield were depressed. Further research is needed to assess the response of Dairy Goats to HS at earlier stages of lactation.