Electronic Format

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 40848 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

M.r. Adams - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Standard Electronic Format Specification for Tank Characterization Data Loader Version 3.5
    Co-Authors: M.r. Adams

    The purpose of this document is to describe the standard Electronic Format for data files that will be sent for entry into the Tank Characterization Database (TCD). There are 2 different file types needed for each data load: (1) Analytical Results and (2) Sample Descriptions.

  • Standard Electronic Format Specification for Tank Characterization Data Loader Version 3.0
    Co-Authors: M.r. Adams

    The purpose of this document is to describe the standard Electronic Format for data files that will be sent for entry into the Tank Characterization Database (TCD). There are 2 different file types needed for each data load: Analytical Results; and Sample Descriptions. The first record of each file must be a header record. The content of the first 5 fields is ignored. They were used previously to satisfy historic requirements that are no longer applicable. The sixth field of the header record must contain the Standard Electronic Format (SEF) version ID (SEF3.0). The remaining records will be Formatted as specified below. Fields within a record will be separated using the ''|'' symbol. The ''|''symbol must not appear anywhere in the file except when used as a delimiter.

Noa Fink - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • preference for Electronic Format of scientific journals a case study of the science library users at the hebrew university
    Library & Information Science Research, 2005
    Co-Authors: Judit Barilan, Noa Fink

    The article reports the results of a survey on the use of printed and Electronic journals in a science library. In May 2003, when the survey was conducted, users had already been exposed to Electronic journals for a number of years, most of the scientific journals were accessible in Electronic Format while the print Format was still available. The major findings are that more than 80% of the respondents frequently use and prefer an Electronic Format, irrespective of their rank or age. Most previous studies found an inverse relationship between e-journal usage and age, but these results indicate that by now users of all ages switched to the Electronic Format not only in terms of usage but of preference as well.

  • Preference for Electronic Format of scientific journals—A case study of the Science Library users at the Hebrew University
    Library & Information Science Research, 2005
    Co-Authors: Judit Bar-ilan, Noa Fink

    The article reports the results of a survey on the use of printed and Electronic journals in a science library. In May 2003, when the survey was conducted, users had already been exposed to Electronic journals for a number of years, most of the scientific journals were accessible in Electronic Format while the print Format was still available. The major findings are that more than 80% of the respondents frequently use and prefer an Electronic Format, irrespective of their rank or age. Most previous studies found an inverse relationship between e-journal usage and age, but these results indicate that by now users of all ages switched to the Electronic Format not only in terms of usage but of preference as well.

Alisha Copley - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

Judit Barilan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • preference for Electronic Format of scientific journals a case study of the science library users at the hebrew university
    Library & Information Science Research, 2005
    Co-Authors: Judit Barilan, Noa Fink

    The article reports the results of a survey on the use of printed and Electronic journals in a science library. In May 2003, when the survey was conducted, users had already been exposed to Electronic journals for a number of years, most of the scientific journals were accessible in Electronic Format while the print Format was still available. The major findings are that more than 80% of the respondents frequently use and prefer an Electronic Format, irrespective of their rank or age. Most previous studies found an inverse relationship between e-journal usage and age, but these results indicate that by now users of all ages switched to the Electronic Format not only in terms of usage but of preference as well.

R. L. Heath - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Development of new expanded editions of the Gamma-ray Spectrum Catalogues in Electronic Format
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 1998
    Co-Authors: R. L. Heath

    A program has been developed at the INEL to produce new enhanced editions of the original Gamma-ray Spectrum Catalogues for presentation in Electronic Format. This program has produced the first version of the Catalogues in CD-ROM Format and will offer them on the Internet through the Gamma-ray Spectrometry Center Web Site at INEEL. The original content of the Catalogues has been expanded to include integrated decay scheme drawings, tables of related decay data, and updated material on the techniques of gamma-ray spectrometry. All of the original spectral plots, gamma-ray energy and intensity data, and text were converted to digital Format, related decay data from the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) and decay scheme graphics were then added, and all data converted to the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Format. Follow-on versions of the catalogues are being expanded to include prompt neutron capture and n-n' spectra and spectra representing the response of large-volume Ge detectors. Large-volume Ge detector spectra will be calculated, using Monte Carlo and parametric fitting techniques presently under development. Examples of content and details of the advanced technology applied to produce these new volumes will be presented. Services and content of the Gamma-ray Spectrometry Center Web Site will also be described.

  • The development of a new edition of the gamma-ray spectrum catalogues designed for presentation in Electronic Format
    Co-Authors: R. L. Heath

    New editions of the original Gamma-ray Spectrum Catalogues are being prepared for publication in Electronic Format. The objective of this program is to produce versions of the Catalogues in CD-ROM Format and as an Internet resource. Additions to the original content of the Catalogues will include integrated decay scheme drawings, tables of related decay data, and updated text on the techniques of gamma-ray spectrometry. Related decay data from the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) are then added, and all data converted to the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Format for CD-ROM production and availability on the Internet. At a later date the catalogues will be expanded to include spectra representing the response of large-volume Ge detectors, alpha-particle spectra, prompt neutron capture and inelastic scattering gamma-ray spectra, and gross fission product spectra characteristic of fuel cycle waste materials. Characterization of radioactivity in materials is a requirement in many phases of radioactive waste management. Movement, shipping, treatment, all activities which involve handling of mixed waste or TRU categories of waste at all DOE sites will require that measurements and assessment documentation utilize basic nuclear data which are tracable to internationally accepted standard values. This program will involve the identification of data needs unique to the development and application of specialized detector systems for radioactive waste characterization.