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Alison Abbott - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Rethink urged on Framework Programme
Nature, 1998Co-Authors: Alison AbbottAbstract:The European Commission should redesign the proposed research advisory system for its fifth Framework Programme, which begins next year, according to the panel that previously advised it on research.
Spain blocks new Framework Programme
Nature, 1998Co-Authors: Alison AbbottAbstract:munich The smooth continuation of the European Union's (EU) five-year Framework Programmes of research is being held hostage for the first time to broader EU politics.
Funding delay looms for EU Framework Programme
Nature, 1997Co-Authors: Alison AbbottAbstract:munich Approval for the European Union s fifth five-year Framework Programme of research (FP5), due to begin towards the end of next year, is likely to be delayed.
Michael J. Barber - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Distinct spatial characteristics of industrial and public research collaborations: Evidence from the fifth EU Framework Programme
Annals of Regional Science, 2011Co-Authors: Thomas Scherngell, Michael J. BarberAbstract:This study compares the spatial characteristics of industrial R&D networks to those of public research R&D networks (i.e. universities and research organisations). The objective is to measure the impact of geographical separation effects on the constitution of cross-region R&D collaborations for both types of col- laboration.We use data on joint research projects funded by the fifth European Frame- work Programme (FP) to proxy cross-region collaborative activities. The study area is composed of 255 NUTS-2 regions that cover the EU-25 member states (excluding Malta and Cyprus) as well as Norway and Switzerland.We adopt spatial interaction models to analyse how the variation of cross-region industry and public research net- works is affected by geography. The results of the spatial analysis provide evidence that geographical factors significantly affect patterns of industrialR&Dcollaboration, while in the public research sector effects of geography aremuchsmaller.However, the results show that technological distance is themost important factor for both industry and public research cooperative activities.
distinct spatial characteristics of industrial and public research collaborations evidence from the 5th eu Framework Programme
arXiv: Physics and Society, 2010Co-Authors: Thomas Scherngell, Michael J. BarberAbstract:This study compares the spatial characteristics of industrial R&D networks to those of public research R&D networks (i.e. universities and research organisations). The objective is to measure the impact of geographical separation effects on the constitution of cross-region R&D collaborations for both types of collaboration. We use data on joint research projects funded by the 5th European Framework Programme (FP) to proxy cross-region collaborative activities. The study area is composed of 255 NUTS-2 regions that cover the EU-25 member states (excluding Malta and Cyprus) as well as Norway and Switzerland. We adopt spatial interaction models to analyse how the variation of cross-region industry and public research networks is affected by geography. The results of the spatial analysis provide evidence that geographical factors significantly affect patterns of industrial R&D collaboration, while in the public research sector effects of geography are much smaller. However, the results show that technological distance is the most important factor for both industry and public research cooperative activities.
spatial interaction modelling of cross region r d collaborations empirical evidence from the 5th eu Framework Programme
Papers in Regional Science, 2009Co-Authors: Thomas Scherngell, Michael J. BarberAbstract:Abstract The focus of this study is on cross-region R&D collaborations in Europe. We use data on collaborative R&D projects funded by the 5th EU Framework Programme (FP5). The objective is to identify separation effects – such as geographical or technological effects – on the constitution of cross-region collaborative R&D activities within a Poisson spatial interaction modelling Framework. The results provide striking evidence that geographical factors are important determinants of cross-region collaboration intensities, but the effect of technological proximity is stronger. R&D collaborations occur most often between organizations that are located close to each other in technological space. Resumen El punto focal de este estudio son las colaboraciones interregionales de I+D en Europa. Utilizamos datos de proyectos de colaboracion de I+D financiados por el 5° Programa Marco de la UE (FP5). El objetivo es identificar efectos de separacion – tales como efectos geograficos o tecnologicos – en la planificacion de actividades interregionales de colaboracion en I+D dentro de un marco de modelizacion de interaccion espacial de Poisson. Los resultados aportan pruebas contundentes de que los factores geograficos son determinantes importantes de las intensidades de colaboracion interregionales, pero el efecto de la proximidad tecnologica tiene mayor influencia. Las colaboraciones de I+D suceden en su mayoria entre organizaciones situadas proximas unas a otras en un espacio tecnologico.
Elena Huergo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
measuring the economic impact of research joint ventures supported by the eu Framework Programme
Journal of Technology Transfer, 2012Co-Authors: Ascension Barajas, Elena Huergo, Lourdes MorenoAbstract:The objective of this paper is to analyse the effects of international R&D cooperation on firms’ economic performance. Our approach, based on a complete data set with information about Spanish participants in research joint ventures supported by the EU Framework Programme during the period 1995–2005, establishes a recursive model structure to capture the relationship between R&D cooperation, knowledge generation and economic results, which are measured by labour productivity. In the analysis we take into account that the participation in this specific type of cooperative projects implies a selection process that includes both the self-selection by participants to join the consortia and the selection of projects by the European Commission to award the public aid. Empirical analysis has confirmed that: (1) R&D cooperation has a positive impact on the technological capacity of firms, captured through intangible fixed assets and (2) the technological capacity of firms is positively related to their productivity.
international r d cooperation within the eu Framework Programme empirical evidence for spanish firms
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2010Co-Authors: Ascension Barajas, Elena HuergoAbstract:This work aims to explain which factors determine the participation of Spanish companies in R&D consortia within the EU's Framework Programme (FP), considering that the probability that a firm takes part must be regarded as the result of a two-phase process. First, the firm decides whether to apply for an FP cooperation project or not and secondly, the project is approved or rejected. The empirical results confirm that the probability of application depends on some firm-specific variables such as its commercial presence in foreign markets, its absorptive capacity regarding incoming spillovers and its prior experience in FP proposals. With regard to the proposal award, variables related to coordination capability (leader capacity, geographical distance among partners and prior experience in R&D cooperation) are valuable determinants.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2009Co-Authors: Ascension Barajas, Elena Huergo, Lourdes MorenoAbstract:The objective of this paper is to analyse the effects of international R&D cooperation on firms’ economic performance. Our empirical analysis, based on Spanish firms’ participation in the Framework Programme (FP) between 1995 and 2005, has confirmed that: (1) cooperation within the FP has a positive impact on the technological capacity of firms, captured through intangible fixed assets and (2) the technological capacity of firms is positively related to their economic performance, measured by labour productivity.
Thomas Scherngell - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
towards an integrated european research area findings from eigenvector spatially filtered spatial interaction models using european Framework Programme data
Papers in Regional Science, 2012Co-Authors: Thomas Scherngell, Rafael LataAbstract:One of the main goals of the European Research Area (ERA) concept is to improve integration of the European research system. The main policy instrument in this context is the European Framework Programme (FP) supporting pre-competitive collaborative Research and Development (R&D). The objective of this study is to monitor progress towards ERA by identifying the evolution of separation effects influencing FP collaboration intensities between 255 European regions over the period 1999–2006. We employ spatial interaction models accounting for spatial autocorrelation by using spatial filtering methods. The results show that geographical distance and country border effects gradually decrease, and point to the contribution of the FPs to the realization of ERA. Resumen Uno de los objetivos principales del concepto de Espacio Europeo de Investigacion (EEI) es la mejora de la integracion del sistema de investigacion europeo. El principal instrumento politico en este contexto es el Programa Marco europeo (PM) de apoyo a la Investigacion y Desarrollo (I+D) para la colaboracion precompetitiva. El objetivo de este estudio es dar seguimiento al avance hacia el EEI mediante la identificacion de la evolucion de los efectos de separacion que influyen en las intensidades de colaboracion del PM entre las 255 regiones europeas en el periodo 1999-2006. Para lograrlo se emplearon modelos de interaccion espacial que representan la autocorrelacion espacial mediante el uso de metodos espaciales de filtrado. Los resultados muestran que la distancia geografica y los efectos de frontera de los paises disminuyen gradualmente, y destacan la contribucion de los programas marco en cuanto al logro del EEI.
Distinct spatial characteristics of industrial and public research collaborations: Evidence from the fifth EU Framework Programme
Annals of Regional Science, 2011Co-Authors: Thomas Scherngell, Michael J. BarberAbstract:This study compares the spatial characteristics of industrial R&D networks to those of public research R&D networks (i.e. universities and research organisations). The objective is to measure the impact of geographical separation effects on the constitution of cross-region R&D collaborations for both types of col- laboration.We use data on joint research projects funded by the fifth European Frame- work Programme (FP) to proxy cross-region collaborative activities. The study area is composed of 255 NUTS-2 regions that cover the EU-25 member states (excluding Malta and Cyprus) as well as Norway and Switzerland.We adopt spatial interaction models to analyse how the variation of cross-region industry and public research net- works is affected by geography. The results of the spatial analysis provide evidence that geographical factors significantly affect patterns of industrialR&Dcollaboration, while in the public research sector effects of geography aremuchsmaller.However, the results show that technological distance is themost important factor for both industry and public research cooperative activities.
distinct spatial characteristics of industrial and public research collaborations evidence from the 5th eu Framework Programme
arXiv: Physics and Society, 2010Co-Authors: Thomas Scherngell, Michael J. BarberAbstract:This study compares the spatial characteristics of industrial R&D networks to those of public research R&D networks (i.e. universities and research organisations). The objective is to measure the impact of geographical separation effects on the constitution of cross-region R&D collaborations for both types of collaboration. We use data on joint research projects funded by the 5th European Framework Programme (FP) to proxy cross-region collaborative activities. The study area is composed of 255 NUTS-2 regions that cover the EU-25 member states (excluding Malta and Cyprus) as well as Norway and Switzerland. We adopt spatial interaction models to analyse how the variation of cross-region industry and public research networks is affected by geography. The results of the spatial analysis provide evidence that geographical factors significantly affect patterns of industrial R&D collaboration, while in the public research sector effects of geography are much smaller. However, the results show that technological distance is the most important factor for both industry and public research cooperative activities.
spatial interaction modelling of cross region r d collaborations empirical evidence from the 5th eu Framework Programme
Papers in Regional Science, 2009Co-Authors: Thomas Scherngell, Michael J. BarberAbstract:Abstract The focus of this study is on cross-region R&D collaborations in Europe. We use data on collaborative R&D projects funded by the 5th EU Framework Programme (FP5). The objective is to identify separation effects – such as geographical or technological effects – on the constitution of cross-region collaborative R&D activities within a Poisson spatial interaction modelling Framework. The results provide striking evidence that geographical factors are important determinants of cross-region collaboration intensities, but the effect of technological proximity is stronger. R&D collaborations occur most often between organizations that are located close to each other in technological space. Resumen El punto focal de este estudio son las colaboraciones interregionales de I+D en Europa. Utilizamos datos de proyectos de colaboracion de I+D financiados por el 5° Programa Marco de la UE (FP5). El objetivo es identificar efectos de separacion – tales como efectos geograficos o tecnologicos – en la planificacion de actividades interregionales de colaboracion en I+D dentro de un marco de modelizacion de interaccion espacial de Poisson. Los resultados aportan pruebas contundentes de que los factores geograficos son determinantes importantes de las intensidades de colaboracion interregionales, pero el efecto de la proximidad tecnologica tiene mayor influencia. Las colaboraciones de I+D suceden en su mayoria entre organizaciones situadas proximas unas a otras en un espacio tecnologico.
Rodolfo Saracci - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
European Union: the seventh Framework Programme resuscitates public health research.
European journal of public health, 2007Co-Authors: Rodolfo SaracciAbstract:There are occasions when the European Union (EU) policies exasperate even the most convinced pro-European. A case in point has been the sixth Framework Programme of research (FP6, 2002–2006), where a panoply of biological and medical research has been dressed up as generally relevant for improving the European citizens' health, with essentially no place—except than in indirect, circuitous ways—for the research that simple common sense would link to health, namely public health research1,2. The new FP7 (2007–2013) is now starting3, endowed with more than € 53 000 million, an increase over FP6 conservatively estimated at 40% in real terms (estimates vary depending on how inflation and the actual years of spending are factored in). FP7 consists of four Programmes: Cooperation , covering 10 … Correspondence: Professor Rodolfo Saracci, IFC-National Research Council, via Trieste 41, 56100 Pisa, Italy, e-mail: saracci{at}