L Approach

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 222 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Ravi Shankar - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • coLLaborative and Lean new product deveLopment Approach a case study in the automotive product design
    International Journal of Production Research, 2015
    Co-Authors: Prashant Tuli, Ravi Shankar

    CoLLaboration between buyer and the suppLier has been wideLy studied in the contemporary research to enhance the efficiency of the product deveLopment process. EarLy invoLvement of stakehoLders in deveLopment Leads to reduced deveLopment time and cost and enhanced quaLity. The current study presents an Approach termed as ‘coLLaborative and Lean’ (C&L) Approach to new product deveLopment (NPD). It invoLves appLication of Lean principLes in a coLLaborative environment between an automotive component suppLier and the originaL equipment manufacturer (OEM). The study compares the depLoyment of two methodoLogies of deveLopment – generic process and the C&L process for deveLoping the same part by a suppLier for two different OEMs. DeveLopment with one OEM was done using generic process and the other using the C&L process. The study uses vaLue stream mapping of the various phases of the deveLopment and attempts to understand the appLication of the proposed Approach in the automotive domain. It highLights the pote...

Prashant Tuli - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • coLLaborative and Lean new product deveLopment Approach a case study in the automotive product design
    International Journal of Production Research, 2015
    Co-Authors: Prashant Tuli, Ravi Shankar

    CoLLaboration between buyer and the suppLier has been wideLy studied in the contemporary research to enhance the efficiency of the product deveLopment process. EarLy invoLvement of stakehoLders in deveLopment Leads to reduced deveLopment time and cost and enhanced quaLity. The current study presents an Approach termed as ‘coLLaborative and Lean’ (C&L) Approach to new product deveLopment (NPD). It invoLves appLication of Lean principLes in a coLLaborative environment between an automotive component suppLier and the originaL equipment manufacturer (OEM). The study compares the depLoyment of two methodoLogies of deveLopment – generic process and the C&L process for deveLoping the same part by a suppLier for two different OEMs. DeveLopment with one OEM was done using generic process and the other using the C&L process. The study uses vaLue stream mapping of the various phases of the deveLopment and attempts to understand the appLication of the proposed Approach in the automotive domain. It highLights the pote...

Roberto Roddi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • EarLy excision of nasaL hemangiomas: the L-Approach.
    Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 1994
    Co-Authors: J. C. Van Der Meulen, M. Gilbert, Roberto Roddi

    The presence of a nasaL hemangioma may have a severe negative effect on the personaLity of a chiLd. EarLy surgery in the invoLution phase has proved to be beneficiaL in this respect. The treatment of a consecutive series of nine patients who had surgery shortLy after they were first seen for consuLtation is discussed. An extended rhinotomy (L-Approach) was used in four of these patients. The resuLts were uniformLy good.

Kuo-chin Huang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Modified Kocher-Langenbeck Approach for the treatment of posterior waLL or coLumn acetabuLar fractures: The one-incision two-window method
    Co-Authors: Yang T, Kuo-chin Huang

    Abstract Abstract The Kocher-Langenbeck (K-L) Approach is the standard method for the treatment of posterior waLL or coLumn acetabuLar fractures. This Approach aLLows direct access to the posterior structures of the acetabuLum, but is Limited craniaLLy and caudaLLy by the neurovascuLar bundLe. The present study was conducted to assess the quaLity of reduction and the incidence of compLications in patients who underwent the modified “one-incision two-window” K-L Approach. Methods : This is a Retrospective case series with recruited thirteen consecutive patients from 2015 to 2017 who sustained an acute, dispLaced posterior waLL or coLumn acetabuLar fracture. ALL patients were treated with modified “one-incision two-window” K-L Approach. ResuLts: The mean operation time, mean intraoperative bLood Loss, and mean incision wound Length were estimated to be 103.8 min (60-120 min), 373.1 mL (100-700 mL), and 9.7 cm (8.0-13.0 cm), respectiveLy. The radiographic quaLity of reduction was graded as anatomicaL reduction (maximum residuaL dispLacement [MRD] ≤ 2 mm) in aLL cases, according to Matta’s criteria. Concerning the incidence of compLications, there were no iatrogenic neurovascuLar injury, no surgicaL site infections, and no osteonecrosis of the femoraL head or heterotopic ossification in this cohort. One patient with transverse with posterior waLL fracture (group 1) experienced deep vein thrombosis in the Lesion Leg. Another two patients with soLitary posterior waLL fracture (group 2) deveLoped posttraumatic osteoarthritis, with one diagnosed as Tonnis grade I Lesion and the other as Tonnis grade III Lesion. With respect to the cLinicaL treatment outcome, the mean visuaL anaLogue scaLe (VAS), mean modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS) and subjective satisfaction rate were 1.7 (1.0-2.0), 90.6 (81-100), and 84.6% (80%-90%), respectiveLy. ALthough there was no significant difference in the satisfaction rate (82.9% vs. 87.0%, P = 0.941) at 12 months after surgery, group 1 patients had more increased VAS score (2.0 vs. 1.2, P = 0.016) and more decreased mHHS (87.7 vs. 94.6, P = 0.014) than group 2 patients. ConcLusions: Our piLot study confirmed that the “one-incision two-window” K-L Approach is a simpLe, safe, reLiabLe, and effective way to manage acute, dispLaced posterior waLL or coLumn acetabuLar fractures.

  • Modified Kocher-Langenbeck Approach for the Treatment of Posterior WaLL or CoLumn AcetabuLar Fractures: The One-Incision Two-Window Method
    Co-Authors: Tien-yu Yang, Po-yao Chuang, Tsan-wen Huang, Kuo-chin Huang

    Abstract Background: The Kocher-Langenbeck (K-L) Approach is the standard method for the treatment of posterior waLL or coLumn acetabuLar fractures. This Approach aLLows direct access to the posterior structures of the acetabuLum, but is Limited craniaLLy and caudaLLy by the neurovascuLar bundLe. The present study was conducted to assess the quaLity of reduction and the incidence of compLications in patients who underwent the modified “one-incision two-window” K-L Approach.Methods : This is a Retrospective case series with recruited thirteen consecutive patients from 2015 to 2017 who sustained an acute, dispLaced posterior waLL or coLumn acetabuLar fracture. ALL patients were treated with modified “one-incision two-window” K-L Approach.ResuLts: The mean operation time, mean intraoperative bLood Loss, and mean incision wound Length were estimated to be 103.8 min (60-120 min), 373.1 mL (100-700 mL), and 9.7 cm (8.0-13.0 cm), respectiveLy. The radiographic quaLity of reduction was graded as anatomicaL reduction (maximum residuaL dispLacement [MRD] ≤ 2 mm) in aLL cases, according to Matta’s criteria. Concerning the incidence of compLications, there were no iatrogenic neurovascuLar injury, no surgicaL site infections, and no osteonecrosis of the femoraL head or heterotopic ossification in this cohort. One patient with transverse posterior waLL fracture (group 1) experienced deep vein thrombosis in the Lesion Leg. Another two patients with soLitary posterior waLL fracture (group 2) deveLoped posttraumatic osteoarthritis, with one diagnosed as Tonnis grade I Lesion and the other as Tonnis grade III Lesion. With respect to the cLinicaL treatment outcome, the mean visuaL anaLogue scaLe (VAS), mean modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS) and subjective satisfaction rate were 1.7 (1.0-2.0), 90.6 (81-100), and 84.6% (80%-90%), respectiveLy. ALthough there was no significant difference in the satisfaction rate (82.9% vs. 87.0%, P = 0.941) at 12 months after surgery, group 1 patients had more increased VAS score (2.0 vs. 1.2, P = 0.016) and more decreased mHHS (87.7 vs. 94.6, P = 0.014) than group 2 patients. ConcLusions: Our piLot study confirmed that the “one-incision two-window” K-L Approach is a simpLe, safe, reLiabLe, and effective way to manage acute, dispLaced posterior waLL or coLumn acetabuLar fractures.LeveL of evidence: Therapeutic study, LeveL IV.

Carlos Armando Duarte - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Two-scaLe Approach to predict muLti-site cracking potentiaL in 3-D structures using the generaLized finite eLement method
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2013
    Co-Authors: Francisco Evangelista, Jeffery R. Roesler, Carlos Armando Duarte

    AbstractThis research utiLized the noveL computationaL framework of the generaLized finite eLement method (GFEM) to predict the potentiaL for crack propagation in concrete sLabs. A two-scaLe Approach, using the gLobaLLocaL concept within the GFEM framework (GFEMg–L), is appLied to muLti-site cracking probLems (MSC), where different crack geometries are pLaced simuLtaneousLy at different positions in a three-dimensionaL airfieLd sLab Loaded by new generation aircraft gears. The GFEMg–L Approach efficientLy simuLated muLtipLe cracks without discretization in the gLobaL mesh, but onLy in the LocaL domain. The GFEMg–L enrichment functions aLLow the dispLacements of the LocaL probLem to be represented in the gLobaL domain through enrichment functions from the LocaL probLems rather than expLicitLy modeLing each crack discreteLy in the gLobaL domain. The main contribution of this work was extension of the GFEMg–L Approach to a cLass of three-dimensionaL MSC probLems invoLving reaListic boundaries conditions and existence of muLtipLe cracks spanning different orders of magnitude in size (scaLes) within the domain. For the Linear eLastic structure, bottom- and surface-initiated cracks with smaLL dimensions were considered in conjunction with a Larger macro-crack. UnLike traditionaL numericaL methods, the proposed GFEMg–L made it possibLe to tackLe this cLass of probLems by avoiding refined crack front meshes in the gLobaL domain as weLL as numericaL round-off errors. Furthermore, the two-scaLe Approach significantLy reduces the computationaL cost for Large-scaLe 3-D MSC probLems