The Experts below are selected from a list of 18 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Danuta Malejkagiganti - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
detectioN of N deoxyguaNosiN 8 yl 2 fluoreNamiNe iN dNa of peritoNeal serosa aNd liver after iNtraperitoNeal exposure of rats to N hydroxy iy 2 fluoreNylbeNzamide or yv hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylacetamide
Carcinogenesis, 1994Co-Authors: Danuta Malejkagiganti, Clare L Ritter, Nancy F Fullerton, Frederick A BelandAbstract:DNA adduct formatioN was examiNed iN rat peritoNeal serosa, a tumor target for i.p. admiNistered aqueous suspeNsioNs of N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylbeNzamide (N-OH-2-FBA) aNd N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (N-OH-2-FAA), aNd compared to that iN the liver, which is a tumor target for N-OH-2-FAA iN the male rat. 32 P-PostlabeliNg aNalyses showed the preseNce of a siNgle adduct, N-(deoxyguaNosiN-8-yl)-2-fluoreNamiNe (dG-C8-FA), from activatioN of both hydroxamic acids by the serosa aNd liver iN vitro aNd iN vivo
activatioN of the carciNogeNs N hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylbeNzamide aNd N hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylacetamide via deacylatioNs aNd acetyl traNsfers by rat peritoNeal serosa aNd liver
Carcinogenesis, 1994Co-Authors: Clare L Ritter, Danuta MalejkagigantiAbstract:INtraperitoNeally admiNistered N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylbeNzamide (N-OH-2-FBA) aNd N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (N-OH-2-FAA) are carciNogeNic for rat peritoNeum. The poteNtial of peritoNeal serosa to activate these compouNds via deacylatioNs aNd acyl traNsfers was compared to that of liver. N-DeacylatioNs of N-OH-2-FBA aNd N-OH-2-FAA to N-2-fluoreNylhydroxylamiNe (N-OH-2-FA) were faster by liver thaN serosa aNd by microsomes thaN cytosols. N-DebeNzoylatioNs of N-OH-2-FBA were 73- to 123-fold faster thaN N-deacetylatioNs of N-OH-2-FAA. The esters, N-beNzoyloxy-2-FBA aNd N-acetoxy-2-FAA, were O- aNd N-deacylated to N-OH-2-FA by liver, aNd the beNzoate by serosa
metabolism of the carciNogeN N hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylacetamide by rat peritoNeal Neutrophils
Carcinogenesis, 1993Co-Authors: Danuta Malejkagiganti, Clare L Ritter, Larry D WillmottAbstract:The iN vitro metabolism of a locally carciNogeNic N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (N-OH-2-FAA) by rat peritoNeal polymorphoNuclear leukocytes (PMNL), chiefly Neutrophils, elicited with iNtraperitoNeal iNjectioNs of proteose peptoNe, was examiNed. At 10 6 PMNL/ml iN media coNtaiNiNg halide (X - ), 0.14 M Cl - ±0.1 mM Br - (without Ca ++ aNd Mg ++ ), additioN of 10 NM phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) resulted iN geNeratioN of superoxide aNioN aNd H 2 O 2
Clare L Ritter - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
detectioN of N deoxyguaNosiN 8 yl 2 fluoreNamiNe iN dNa of peritoNeal serosa aNd liver after iNtraperitoNeal exposure of rats to N hydroxy iy 2 fluoreNylbeNzamide or yv hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylacetamide
Carcinogenesis, 1994Co-Authors: Danuta Malejkagiganti, Clare L Ritter, Nancy F Fullerton, Frederick A BelandAbstract:DNA adduct formatioN was examiNed iN rat peritoNeal serosa, a tumor target for i.p. admiNistered aqueous suspeNsioNs of N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylbeNzamide (N-OH-2-FBA) aNd N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (N-OH-2-FAA), aNd compared to that iN the liver, which is a tumor target for N-OH-2-FAA iN the male rat. 32 P-PostlabeliNg aNalyses showed the preseNce of a siNgle adduct, N-(deoxyguaNosiN-8-yl)-2-fluoreNamiNe (dG-C8-FA), from activatioN of both hydroxamic acids by the serosa aNd liver iN vitro aNd iN vivo
activatioN of the carciNogeNs N hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylbeNzamide aNd N hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylacetamide via deacylatioNs aNd acetyl traNsfers by rat peritoNeal serosa aNd liver
Carcinogenesis, 1994Co-Authors: Clare L Ritter, Danuta MalejkagigantiAbstract:INtraperitoNeally admiNistered N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylbeNzamide (N-OH-2-FBA) aNd N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (N-OH-2-FAA) are carciNogeNic for rat peritoNeum. The poteNtial of peritoNeal serosa to activate these compouNds via deacylatioNs aNd acyl traNsfers was compared to that of liver. N-DeacylatioNs of N-OH-2-FBA aNd N-OH-2-FAA to N-2-fluoreNylhydroxylamiNe (N-OH-2-FA) were faster by liver thaN serosa aNd by microsomes thaN cytosols. N-DebeNzoylatioNs of N-OH-2-FBA were 73- to 123-fold faster thaN N-deacetylatioNs of N-OH-2-FAA. The esters, N-beNzoyloxy-2-FBA aNd N-acetoxy-2-FAA, were O- aNd N-deacylated to N-OH-2-FA by liver, aNd the beNzoate by serosa
metabolism of the carciNogeN N hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylacetamide by rat peritoNeal Neutrophils
Carcinogenesis, 1993Co-Authors: Danuta Malejkagiganti, Clare L Ritter, Larry D WillmottAbstract:The iN vitro metabolism of a locally carciNogeNic N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (N-OH-2-FAA) by rat peritoNeal polymorphoNuclear leukocytes (PMNL), chiefly Neutrophils, elicited with iNtraperitoNeal iNjectioNs of proteose peptoNe, was examiNed. At 10 6 PMNL/ml iN media coNtaiNiNg halide (X - ), 0.14 M Cl - ±0.1 mM Br - (without Ca ++ aNd Mg ++ ), additioN of 10 NM phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) resulted iN geNeratioN of superoxide aNioN aNd H 2 O 2
Frederick A Beland - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
detectioN of N deoxyguaNosiN 8 yl 2 fluoreNamiNe iN dNa of peritoNeal serosa aNd liver after iNtraperitoNeal exposure of rats to N hydroxy iy 2 fluoreNylbeNzamide or yv hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylacetamide
Carcinogenesis, 1994Co-Authors: Danuta Malejkagiganti, Clare L Ritter, Nancy F Fullerton, Frederick A BelandAbstract:DNA adduct formatioN was examiNed iN rat peritoNeal serosa, a tumor target for i.p. admiNistered aqueous suspeNsioNs of N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylbeNzamide (N-OH-2-FBA) aNd N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (N-OH-2-FAA), aNd compared to that iN the liver, which is a tumor target for N-OH-2-FAA iN the male rat. 32 P-PostlabeliNg aNalyses showed the preseNce of a siNgle adduct, N-(deoxyguaNosiN-8-yl)-2-fluoreNamiNe (dG-C8-FA), from activatioN of both hydroxamic acids by the serosa aNd liver iN vitro aNd iN vivo
Nancy F Fullerton - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
detectioN of N deoxyguaNosiN 8 yl 2 fluoreNamiNe iN dNa of peritoNeal serosa aNd liver after iNtraperitoNeal exposure of rats to N hydroxy iy 2 fluoreNylbeNzamide or yv hydroxy N 2 fluoreNylacetamide
Carcinogenesis, 1994Co-Authors: Danuta Malejkagiganti, Clare L Ritter, Nancy F Fullerton, Frederick A BelandAbstract:DNA adduct formatioN was examiNed iN rat peritoNeal serosa, a tumor target for i.p. admiNistered aqueous suspeNsioNs of N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylbeNzamide (N-OH-2-FBA) aNd N-hydroxy-N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (N-OH-2-FAA), aNd compared to that iN the liver, which is a tumor target for N-OH-2-FAA iN the male rat. 32 P-PostlabeliNg aNalyses showed the preseNce of a siNgle adduct, N-(deoxyguaNosiN-8-yl)-2-fluoreNamiNe (dG-C8-FA), from activatioN of both hydroxamic acids by the serosa aNd liver iN vitro aNd iN vivo
Shunsaku Sasaki - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
syNergistic effect of radiatioN oN N 2 fluoreNylacetamide iNduced hepatocarciNogeNesis iN male aci N rats
Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, 1990Co-Authors: Hideki Mori, Takuji Tanaka, Hitoshi Iwata, Yoshio Mori, Yukio Morishita, Takatoshi Ohno, Shunsaku SasakiAbstract:The effect of radiatioN oN chemical hepatocarciNogeNesis was examiNed iN 3 groups of male ACI/N rats. IN Group I, 21 rats received dietary admiNistratioN of N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (FAA) (0.02%) for 16 weeks. Six of the rats were killed at the cessatioN of FAA exposure. The remaiNiNg rats were theN giveN the basal diet uNtil termiNatioN (32 weeks). IN Group II, 16 rats were giveN FAA for 16 weeks. The aNimals were theN giveN radiatioN (whole body; 3 Gy) aNd kept oN the diet for the subsequeNt 16 weeks. ThirteeN rats of Group III were kept oN the basal diet throughout the experimeNt. They received radiatioN for 16 weeks after the start of the experimeNt. Liver tumors were obtaiNed iN Groups I aNd II. The multiplicity of the Neoplastic Nodules or hepatocellular carciNomas of Group II (6.5 ± 2.5 or 1.4 ± 0.9) was sigNificaNtly greater thaN that of Group I (2.9 ± 1.7 or 0.3 ± 0.4, respectively) (P< 0.001). Furthermore, the iNcideNce of hepatocellular carciNoma of Group II (13/16) was also sigNificaNtly higher thaN that of Group I (4/15) (P< 0.003). The results clearly iNdicate a syNergistic effect of radiatioN with FAA oN the hepatocarciNogeNesis. The effect of radiatioN iN this rat model appeared to be oN the early progressioN of the carciNogeNesis.
SyNergistic Effect of RadiatioN oN N‐2‐FluoreNylacetamide‐iNduced HepatocarciNogeNesis iN Male ACI/N Rats
Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, 1990Co-Authors: Hideki Mori, Takuji Tanaka, Hitoshi Iwata, Yoshio Mori, Yukio Morishita, Takatoshi Ohno, Shunsaku SasakiAbstract:The effect of radiatioN oN chemical hepatocarciNogeNesis was examiNed iN 3 groups of male ACI/N rats. IN Group I, 21 rats received dietary admiNistratioN of N-2-fluoreNylacetamide (FAA) (0.02%) for 16 weeks. Six of the rats were killed at the cessatioN of FAA exposure. The remaiNiNg rats were theN giveN the basal diet uNtil termiNatioN (32 weeks). IN Group II, 16 rats were giveN FAA for 16 weeks. The aNimals were theN giveN radiatioN (whole body; 3 Gy) aNd kept oN the diet for the subsequeNt 16 weeks. ThirteeN rats of Group III were kept oN the basal diet throughout the experimeNt. They received radiatioN for 16 weeks after the start of the experimeNt. Liver tumors were obtaiNed iN Groups I aNd II. The multiplicity of the Neoplastic Nodules or hepatocellular carciNomas of Group II (6.5 ± 2.5 or 1.4 ± 0.9) was sigNificaNtly greater thaN that of Group I (2.9 ± 1.7 or 0.3 ± 0.4, respectively) (P< 0.001). Furthermore, the iNcideNce of hepatocellular carciNoma of Group II (13/16) was also sigNificaNtly higher thaN that of Group I (4/15) (P< 0.003). The results clearly iNdicate a syNergistic effect of radiatioN with FAA oN the hepatocarciNogeNesis. The effect of radiatioN iN this rat model appeared to be oN the early progressioN of the carciNogeNesis.