Nerve Fiber C

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Luo Zhen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

    Co-Authors: Luo Zhen

    ObjeCtive\ The adrenal gland is a linkage between nervous system and endoCrine system.Its Cortex results from mesoderm,and medulla derives from neuroeCtoderm.SearChing its double CharaCteristiC of nervous and endoCrine tissue is our aim. Methods\ HistoChemiCal and immunohistoChemiCal staining teChniques were used,and immunostained seCtions were observed under a light miCrosCopy. Results\ NPY positive neuron and Nerve Fiber,CGRP positive Nerve Fiber existed in adrenal Cortex.NADPH d positive neuron and Nerve Fiber, C fos positive neuron and Nerve Fiber,CGRP positive Nerve Fiber,SP positive Nerve Fiber were deteCted in adrenal medulla.NADPH d positive Cell,NPY positive Cell,CGRP positive Cell,SP positive Cell were found among the adrenal Chromaffin Cells.The zona glomerulosa,zone fasCiCulata and zona retiCularis were stained strongly by NADPH d in Cortex. ConClusion\ The adrenal gland was innervated by NO ergiC,NPY ergiC,CGRP ergiC,SP ergiC, C fos ergiC Nerves.The adrenal parenChyma,espeCially Chromaffin Cells Can produCe NO,NPY,CGRP,SP whiCh regulate adrenal endoCrine by itself.The nervous Control of adrenal funCtion and neuroendoCrine funCtion of adrenal gland is more Complex than hitherto believed.\;

Xinjing Zhang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • InfluenCe of Hopf BifurCation DynamiCs on ConduCtion Failure of ACtion Potentials Along Nerve C-Fiber
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2019
    Co-Authors: Xinjing Zhang

    Contrary to faithful ConduCtion of every aCtion potential or spike along the axon, some spikes induCed by the external stimulation with a high frequenCy at one end of the unmyelinated Nerve Fiber (C-Fiber) disappear during the ConduCtion proCess to the other end, whiCh leads to ConduCtion failure. Many physiologiCal funCtions suCh as information Coding or pathologiCal pain are involved. In the present paper, the dynamiC meChanism of the ConduCtion failure is well interpreted by two CharaCteristiCs of the foCus near Hopf bifurCation of the Hodgkin–Huxley (HH) model. One is that the Current threshold to evoke a spike from the after-potential Corresponding to the foCus exhibits damping osCillations, and the other is that the damping osCillations exhibit an internal period. A Chain network model Composed of HH neurons and stimulated by the external periodiC stimulation is used to stimulate C-Fiber. In the two-dimensional parameter spaCe of the stimulation period and Coupling strength, the ConduCtion failure appears for the Coupling strength lower than that of the faithful ConduCtion, whiCh is due to some maximal values of the Coupling Current for low Coupling strength not being strong enough to evoke spikes, and the Coupling strength threshold between the faithful ConduCtion and ConduCtion failure exhibiting damping osCillations with respeCt to the stimulation period, due to the damping osCillations of the Current threshold. The damping osCillations of the Coupling strength exhibit Close Correlations to those of the Current threshold. The Coupling strength for the ConduCtion failure exhibits maximal values as the stimulation period is approximated to 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-times of the internal period and the maximal values deCrease with inCreasing stimulation period. In addition, the CorrespondenCe between the simulation results and the previous experimental observations is disCussed. The results present deep insights into the dynamiCs of the ConduCtion failure with Hopf bifurCation and are helpful to investigate the influenCe of other modulation faCtors on the ConduCtion failure.