Of Miracles

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 267 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Ríos Díaz, Victoria Del Consuelo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Oportunidad de negocio en el mercado estados unidos para exportación de ponchos chalanes a través de un E-Commerce de la artesanía Señor de los Milagros San Miguel Cajamarca 2016.
    Universidad Privada del Norte, 2016
    Co-Authors: Mendoza Prado, Julio Severino, Ríos Díaz, Victoria Del Consuelo

    RESUMEN El poncho chalán, es un tejido artesanal a kallua, de la Provincia de San Miguel, Cajamarca, comercializado en ferias regionales, nacionales e internacionales, utilizado como vestimenta del chalán de caballo de paso y el bailarín de la marinera peruana en diversos concursos; como producto artesanal cumple con características de valor agregado: cultura, tradicional y mano de obra de artesanas y herramientas rústicas de la zona sin tecnología moderna e identidad de su pueblo como actividad productiva y económica. Es un producto altamente deseado en países en donde existen aficionados de caballos de paso y marinera como arte; a la actualidad muestran una demanda insatisfecha, y tendencia de crecimiento en su consumo. Este estudio consta de 5 capítulos y tiene como objetivo, determinar en qué medida el mercado de Estados Unidos constituye una oportunidad de negocios para incentivar la exportación del ponchos chalán, en el periodo 2016 -2020. Basándose en la hipótesis, que el mercado estadounidense constituye en gran medida una oportunidad de negocio para este producto. Esta investigación por su finalidad es básica, por su alcance es causal y por su constatación de hipótesis es una investigación no experimental longitudinal. Los autores hicieron uso de fuentes primarias como entrevistas a las artesanas expertas en la producción y comercialización del producto, visita a la artesanía Señor de los Milagros, ubicada en la Provincia de San Miguel, Cajamarca. Asimismo, recurrimos a fuentes de información secundaria, como informes estadísticos, estudios de mercado, entre otros. El Perú cuenta con excelentes artesanos creativos, con alto potencial artístico y actitud emprendedora para la producción del producto, estando en la capacidad de confeccionar y producir todo el año, con altos márgenes de rentabilidad, a pesar de ello, este producto no cuenta con promoción de marketing. Para dicha problemática, los autores proponen un comercio electrónico, para la exportación del poncho chalán a Estados Unidos, donde se expone y se muestra una lista de catálogo del producto. La principal conclusión es que, el Perú no cuenta con una Oferta exportable del poncho chalán, desestimando cualquier mercado nacional e internacional como una oportunidad de negocio para la artesanía Señor de los Milagros. No obstante, si su producción del poncho chalán aumentara y consolidara una Oferta exportable, el mercado Estadounidense sería un excelente destino para las exportaciones, convirtiéndose inmediatamente en una gran oportunidad de negocio. Palabras claves: Oportunidad de negocio, exportaciones, artesanía textil, ecommerce.ABSTRACT Chalán poncho is a handmade woven kallua, Of the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca, marketed in regional, national and international fairs, used as attire step chalán horse and dancer Of Peruvian seafood in various competitions; as an artisan product meets value-added features: culture, traditional and labor tools Of artisans and rustic area without modern technology and identity Of its people as productive and economic activity. It is a highly desired in countries where there are fans horses and fishing as art product; to present show an unmet demand and growth trend in consumption. This study consists Of five chapters and aims to determine to what extent the US market is a business opportunity to encourage the export Of ponchos chalán in the period 2016 -2021. Based on the hypothesis that the US market is largely a business opportunity for this product. This research purpose is basic, its scope is causal and its finding hypothesis is a longitudinal experimental investigation. The author made use Of primary sources such as interviews with skilled artisans in the production and marketing Of the product, visit the craft Lord Of Miracles, located in the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca. He also drew on secondary sources Of information, such as statistical reports, market research, among others. Peru has excellent creative artisans, with high artistic potential and entrepreneurial attitude to the production Of the product, being in the ability to make and produce all year, with high prOfit margins, nevertheless, this product does not have promotion Of marketing. For this problem, the author proposes an e-commerce for export poncho chalán the United States, where it is exposed and a list Of product catalog is shown. The main conclusion is that Peru does not have an exportable supply chalán poncho, dismissing any national and international market as a business opportunity for the craft Lord Of Miracles. However, if your poncho chalán production increase and consolidate an exportable supply, the US market would be an excellent destination for exports, immediately becoming a huge business opportunity. Chalán poncho is a handmade woven callua, Of the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca, marketed in regional, national and international fairs, used as attire step chalán horse and dancer Of Peruvian seafood in various competitions; as an artisan product meets value-added features: culture, traditional and labor tools Of artisans and rustic area without modern technology and identity Of its people as productive and economic activity. It is a highly desired in countries where there are fans horses and fishing as art product; to present show an unmet demand and growth trend in consumption. This study consists Of five chapters and aims to determine to what extent the US market is a business opportunity to encourage the export Of ponchos chalán in the period 2016 -2021. Based on the hypothesis that the US market is largely a business opportunity for this product. This research purpose is basic, its scope is causal and its finding hypothesis is a longitudinal experimental investigation. The author made use Of primary sources such as interviews with skilled artisans in the production and marketing Of the product, visit the craft Lord Of Miracles, located in the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca. He also drew on secondary sources Of information, such as statistical reports, market research, among others. Peru has excellent creative artisans, with high artistic potential and entrepreneurial attitude to the production Of the product, being in the ability to make and produce all year, with high prOfit margins, nevertheless, this product does not have promotion Of marketing. For this problem, the author proposes an e-commerce for export poncho chalán the United States, where it is exposed and a list Of product catalog is shown. The main conclusion is that Peru does not have an exportable supply chalán poncho, dismissing any national and international market as a business opportunity for the craft Lord Of Miracles. However, if your poncho chalán production increase and consolidate an exportable supply, the US market would be an excellent destination for exports, immediately becoming a huge business opportunity. Keywords: Business Opportunity, exports, textile crafts, e- commerc

  • Oportunidad de negocio en el mercado estados unidos para exportación de ponchos chalanes a través de un e-commerce de la artesanía Señor de los Milagros San Miguel Cajamarca 2016
    Universidad Privada del Norte, 2016
    Co-Authors: Mendoza Prado, Julio Severino, Ríos Díaz, Victoria Del Consuelo

    El poncho chalán, es un tejido artesanal a kallua, de la Provincia de San Miguel, Cajamarca, comercializado en ferias regionales, nacionales e internacionales, utilizado como vestimenta del chalán de caballo de paso y el bailarín de la marinera peruana en diversos concursos; como producto artesanal cumple con características de valor agregado: cultura, tradicional y mano de obra de artesanas y herramientas rústicas de la zona sin tecnología moderna e identidad de su pueblo como actividad productiva y económica. Es un producto altamente deseado en países en donde existen aficionados de caballos de paso y marinera como arte; a la actualidad muestran una demanda insatisfecha, y tendencia de crecimiento en su consumo. Este estudio consta de 5 capítulos y tiene como objetivo, determinar en qué medida el mercado de Estados Unidos constituye una oportunidad de negocios para incentivar la exportación del ponchos chalán, en el periodo 2016 -2020. Basándose en la hipótesis, que el mercado estadounidense constituye en gran medida una oportunidad de negocio para este producto. Esta investigación por su finalidad es básica, por su alcance es causal y por su constatación de hipótesis es una investigación no experimental longitudinal. Los autores hicieron uso de fuentes primarias como entrevistas a las artesanas expertas en la producción y comercialización del producto, visita a la artesanía Señor de los Milagros, ubicada en la Provincia de San Miguel, Cajamarca. Asimismo, recurrimos a fuentes de información secundaria, como informes estadísticos, estudios de mercado, entre otros. El Perú cuenta con excelentes artesanos creativos, con alto potencial artístico y actitud emprendedora para la producción del producto, estando en la capacidad de confeccionar y producir todo el año, con altos márgenes de rentabilidad, a pesar de ello, este producto no cuenta con promoción de marketing. Para dicha problemática, los autores proponen un comercio electrónico, para la exportación del poncho chalán a Estados Unidos, donde se expone y se muestra una lista de catálogo del producto. La principal conclusión es que, el Perú no cuenta con una Oferta exportable del poncho chalán, desestimando cualquier mercado nacional e internacional como una oportunidad de negocio para la artesanía Señor de los Milagros. No obstante, si su producción del poncho chalán aumentara y consolidara una Oferta exportable, el mercado Estadounidense sería un excelente destino para las exportaciones, convirtiéndose inmediatamente en una gran oportunidad de negocio. Palabras claves: Oportunidad de negocio, exportaciones, artesanía textil, ecommerce.ABSTRACT Chalán poncho is a handmade woven kallua, Of the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca, marketed in regional, national and international fairs, used as attire step chalán horse and dancer Of Peruvian seafood in various competitions; as an artisan product meets value-added features: culture, traditional and labor tools Of artisans and rustic area without modern technology and identity Of its people as productive and economic activity. It is a highly desired in countries where there are fans horses and fishing as art product; to present show an unmet demand and growth trend in consumption. This study consists Of five chapters and aims to determine to what extent the US market is a business opportunity to encourage the export Of ponchos chalán in the period 2016 -2021. Based on the hypothesis that the US market is largely a business opportunity for this product. This research purpose is basic, its scope is causal and its finding hypothesis is a longitudinal experimental investigation. The author made use Of primary sources such as interviews with skilled artisans in the production and marketing Of the product, visit the craft Lord Of Miracles, located in the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca. He also drew on secondary sources Of information, such as statistical reports, market research, among others. Peru has excellent creative artisans, with high artistic potential and entrepreneurial attitude to the production Of the product, being in the ability to make and produce all year, with high prOfit margins, nevertheless, this product does not have promotion Of marketing. For this problem, the author proposes an e-commerce for export poncho chalán the United States, where it is exposed and a list Of product catalog is shown. The main conclusion is that Peru does not have an exportable supply chalán poncho, dismissing any national and international market as a business opportunity for the craft Lord Of Miracles. However, if your poncho chalán production increase and consolidate an exportable supply, the US market would be an excellent destination for exports, immediately becoming a huge business opportunity. Chalán poncho is a handmade woven callua, Of the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca, marketed in regional, national and international fairs, used as attire step chalán horse and dancer Of Peruvian seafood in various competitions; as an artisan product meets value-added features: culture, traditional and labor tools Of artisans and rustic area without modern technology and identity Of its people as productive and economic activity. It is a highly desired in countries where there are fans horses and fishing as art product; to present show an unmet demand and growth trend in consumption. This study consists Of five chapters and aims to determine to what extent the US market is a business opportunity to encourage the export Of ponchos chalán in the period 2016 -2021. Based on the hypothesis that the US market is largely a business opportunity for this product. This research purpose is basic, its scope is causal and its finding hypothesis is a longitudinal experimental investigation. The author made use Of primary sources such as interviews with skilled artisans in the production and marketing Of the product, visit the craft Lord Of Miracles, located in the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca. He also drew on secondary sources Of information, such as statistical reports, market research, among others. Peru has excellent creative artisans, with high artistic potential and entrepreneurial attitude to the production Of the product, being in the ability to make and produce all year, with high prOfit margins, nevertheless, this product does not have promotion Of marketing. For this problem, the author proposes an e-commerce for export poncho chalán the United States, where it is exposed and a list Of product catalog is shown. The main conclusion is that Peru does not have an exportable supply chalán poncho, dismissing any national and international market as a business opportunity for the craft Lord Of Miracles. However, if your poncho chalán production increase and consolidate an exportable supply, the US market would be an excellent destination for exports, immediately becoming a huge business opportunity. Keywords: Business Opportunity, exports, textile crafts, e- commerceTesisAsesor: Ing. María Elena, Vera Corre

Mendoza Prado, Julio Severino - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Oportunidad de negocio en el mercado estados unidos para exportación de ponchos chalanes a través de un E-Commerce de la artesanía Señor de los Milagros San Miguel Cajamarca 2016.
    Universidad Privada del Norte, 2016
    Co-Authors: Mendoza Prado, Julio Severino, Ríos Díaz, Victoria Del Consuelo

    RESUMEN El poncho chalán, es un tejido artesanal a kallua, de la Provincia de San Miguel, Cajamarca, comercializado en ferias regionales, nacionales e internacionales, utilizado como vestimenta del chalán de caballo de paso y el bailarín de la marinera peruana en diversos concursos; como producto artesanal cumple con características de valor agregado: cultura, tradicional y mano de obra de artesanas y herramientas rústicas de la zona sin tecnología moderna e identidad de su pueblo como actividad productiva y económica. Es un producto altamente deseado en países en donde existen aficionados de caballos de paso y marinera como arte; a la actualidad muestran una demanda insatisfecha, y tendencia de crecimiento en su consumo. Este estudio consta de 5 capítulos y tiene como objetivo, determinar en qué medida el mercado de Estados Unidos constituye una oportunidad de negocios para incentivar la exportación del ponchos chalán, en el periodo 2016 -2020. Basándose en la hipótesis, que el mercado estadounidense constituye en gran medida una oportunidad de negocio para este producto. Esta investigación por su finalidad es básica, por su alcance es causal y por su constatación de hipótesis es una investigación no experimental longitudinal. Los autores hicieron uso de fuentes primarias como entrevistas a las artesanas expertas en la producción y comercialización del producto, visita a la artesanía Señor de los Milagros, ubicada en la Provincia de San Miguel, Cajamarca. Asimismo, recurrimos a fuentes de información secundaria, como informes estadísticos, estudios de mercado, entre otros. El Perú cuenta con excelentes artesanos creativos, con alto potencial artístico y actitud emprendedora para la producción del producto, estando en la capacidad de confeccionar y producir todo el año, con altos márgenes de rentabilidad, a pesar de ello, este producto no cuenta con promoción de marketing. Para dicha problemática, los autores proponen un comercio electrónico, para la exportación del poncho chalán a Estados Unidos, donde se expone y se muestra una lista de catálogo del producto. La principal conclusión es que, el Perú no cuenta con una Oferta exportable del poncho chalán, desestimando cualquier mercado nacional e internacional como una oportunidad de negocio para la artesanía Señor de los Milagros. No obstante, si su producción del poncho chalán aumentara y consolidara una Oferta exportable, el mercado Estadounidense sería un excelente destino para las exportaciones, convirtiéndose inmediatamente en una gran oportunidad de negocio. Palabras claves: Oportunidad de negocio, exportaciones, artesanía textil, ecommerce.ABSTRACT Chalán poncho is a handmade woven kallua, Of the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca, marketed in regional, national and international fairs, used as attire step chalán horse and dancer Of Peruvian seafood in various competitions; as an artisan product meets value-added features: culture, traditional and labor tools Of artisans and rustic area without modern technology and identity Of its people as productive and economic activity. It is a highly desired in countries where there are fans horses and fishing as art product; to present show an unmet demand and growth trend in consumption. This study consists Of five chapters and aims to determine to what extent the US market is a business opportunity to encourage the export Of ponchos chalán in the period 2016 -2021. Based on the hypothesis that the US market is largely a business opportunity for this product. This research purpose is basic, its scope is causal and its finding hypothesis is a longitudinal experimental investigation. The author made use Of primary sources such as interviews with skilled artisans in the production and marketing Of the product, visit the craft Lord Of Miracles, located in the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca. He also drew on secondary sources Of information, such as statistical reports, market research, among others. Peru has excellent creative artisans, with high artistic potential and entrepreneurial attitude to the production Of the product, being in the ability to make and produce all year, with high prOfit margins, nevertheless, this product does not have promotion Of marketing. For this problem, the author proposes an e-commerce for export poncho chalán the United States, where it is exposed and a list Of product catalog is shown. The main conclusion is that Peru does not have an exportable supply chalán poncho, dismissing any national and international market as a business opportunity for the craft Lord Of Miracles. However, if your poncho chalán production increase and consolidate an exportable supply, the US market would be an excellent destination for exports, immediately becoming a huge business opportunity. Chalán poncho is a handmade woven callua, Of the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca, marketed in regional, national and international fairs, used as attire step chalán horse and dancer Of Peruvian seafood in various competitions; as an artisan product meets value-added features: culture, traditional and labor tools Of artisans and rustic area without modern technology and identity Of its people as productive and economic activity. It is a highly desired in countries where there are fans horses and fishing as art product; to present show an unmet demand and growth trend in consumption. This study consists Of five chapters and aims to determine to what extent the US market is a business opportunity to encourage the export Of ponchos chalán in the period 2016 -2021. Based on the hypothesis that the US market is largely a business opportunity for this product. This research purpose is basic, its scope is causal and its finding hypothesis is a longitudinal experimental investigation. The author made use Of primary sources such as interviews with skilled artisans in the production and marketing Of the product, visit the craft Lord Of Miracles, located in the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca. He also drew on secondary sources Of information, such as statistical reports, market research, among others. Peru has excellent creative artisans, with high artistic potential and entrepreneurial attitude to the production Of the product, being in the ability to make and produce all year, with high prOfit margins, nevertheless, this product does not have promotion Of marketing. For this problem, the author proposes an e-commerce for export poncho chalán the United States, where it is exposed and a list Of product catalog is shown. The main conclusion is that Peru does not have an exportable supply chalán poncho, dismissing any national and international market as a business opportunity for the craft Lord Of Miracles. However, if your poncho chalán production increase and consolidate an exportable supply, the US market would be an excellent destination for exports, immediately becoming a huge business opportunity. Keywords: Business Opportunity, exports, textile crafts, e- commerc

  • Oportunidad de negocio en el mercado estados unidos para exportación de ponchos chalanes a través de un e-commerce de la artesanía Señor de los Milagros San Miguel Cajamarca 2016
    Universidad Privada del Norte, 2016
    Co-Authors: Mendoza Prado, Julio Severino, Ríos Díaz, Victoria Del Consuelo

    El poncho chalán, es un tejido artesanal a kallua, de la Provincia de San Miguel, Cajamarca, comercializado en ferias regionales, nacionales e internacionales, utilizado como vestimenta del chalán de caballo de paso y el bailarín de la marinera peruana en diversos concursos; como producto artesanal cumple con características de valor agregado: cultura, tradicional y mano de obra de artesanas y herramientas rústicas de la zona sin tecnología moderna e identidad de su pueblo como actividad productiva y económica. Es un producto altamente deseado en países en donde existen aficionados de caballos de paso y marinera como arte; a la actualidad muestran una demanda insatisfecha, y tendencia de crecimiento en su consumo. Este estudio consta de 5 capítulos y tiene como objetivo, determinar en qué medida el mercado de Estados Unidos constituye una oportunidad de negocios para incentivar la exportación del ponchos chalán, en el periodo 2016 -2020. Basándose en la hipótesis, que el mercado estadounidense constituye en gran medida una oportunidad de negocio para este producto. Esta investigación por su finalidad es básica, por su alcance es causal y por su constatación de hipótesis es una investigación no experimental longitudinal. Los autores hicieron uso de fuentes primarias como entrevistas a las artesanas expertas en la producción y comercialización del producto, visita a la artesanía Señor de los Milagros, ubicada en la Provincia de San Miguel, Cajamarca. Asimismo, recurrimos a fuentes de información secundaria, como informes estadísticos, estudios de mercado, entre otros. El Perú cuenta con excelentes artesanos creativos, con alto potencial artístico y actitud emprendedora para la producción del producto, estando en la capacidad de confeccionar y producir todo el año, con altos márgenes de rentabilidad, a pesar de ello, este producto no cuenta con promoción de marketing. Para dicha problemática, los autores proponen un comercio electrónico, para la exportación del poncho chalán a Estados Unidos, donde se expone y se muestra una lista de catálogo del producto. La principal conclusión es que, el Perú no cuenta con una Oferta exportable del poncho chalán, desestimando cualquier mercado nacional e internacional como una oportunidad de negocio para la artesanía Señor de los Milagros. No obstante, si su producción del poncho chalán aumentara y consolidara una Oferta exportable, el mercado Estadounidense sería un excelente destino para las exportaciones, convirtiéndose inmediatamente en una gran oportunidad de negocio. Palabras claves: Oportunidad de negocio, exportaciones, artesanía textil, ecommerce.ABSTRACT Chalán poncho is a handmade woven kallua, Of the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca, marketed in regional, national and international fairs, used as attire step chalán horse and dancer Of Peruvian seafood in various competitions; as an artisan product meets value-added features: culture, traditional and labor tools Of artisans and rustic area without modern technology and identity Of its people as productive and economic activity. It is a highly desired in countries where there are fans horses and fishing as art product; to present show an unmet demand and growth trend in consumption. This study consists Of five chapters and aims to determine to what extent the US market is a business opportunity to encourage the export Of ponchos chalán in the period 2016 -2021. Based on the hypothesis that the US market is largely a business opportunity for this product. This research purpose is basic, its scope is causal and its finding hypothesis is a longitudinal experimental investigation. The author made use Of primary sources such as interviews with skilled artisans in the production and marketing Of the product, visit the craft Lord Of Miracles, located in the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca. He also drew on secondary sources Of information, such as statistical reports, market research, among others. Peru has excellent creative artisans, with high artistic potential and entrepreneurial attitude to the production Of the product, being in the ability to make and produce all year, with high prOfit margins, nevertheless, this product does not have promotion Of marketing. For this problem, the author proposes an e-commerce for export poncho chalán the United States, where it is exposed and a list Of product catalog is shown. The main conclusion is that Peru does not have an exportable supply chalán poncho, dismissing any national and international market as a business opportunity for the craft Lord Of Miracles. However, if your poncho chalán production increase and consolidate an exportable supply, the US market would be an excellent destination for exports, immediately becoming a huge business opportunity. Chalán poncho is a handmade woven callua, Of the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca, marketed in regional, national and international fairs, used as attire step chalán horse and dancer Of Peruvian seafood in various competitions; as an artisan product meets value-added features: culture, traditional and labor tools Of artisans and rustic area without modern technology and identity Of its people as productive and economic activity. It is a highly desired in countries where there are fans horses and fishing as art product; to present show an unmet demand and growth trend in consumption. This study consists Of five chapters and aims to determine to what extent the US market is a business opportunity to encourage the export Of ponchos chalán in the period 2016 -2021. Based on the hypothesis that the US market is largely a business opportunity for this product. This research purpose is basic, its scope is causal and its finding hypothesis is a longitudinal experimental investigation. The author made use Of primary sources such as interviews with skilled artisans in the production and marketing Of the product, visit the craft Lord Of Miracles, located in the Province Of San Miguel, Cajamarca. He also drew on secondary sources Of information, such as statistical reports, market research, among others. Peru has excellent creative artisans, with high artistic potential and entrepreneurial attitude to the production Of the product, being in the ability to make and produce all year, with high prOfit margins, nevertheless, this product does not have promotion Of marketing. For this problem, the author proposes an e-commerce for export poncho chalán the United States, where it is exposed and a list Of product catalog is shown. The main conclusion is that Peru does not have an exportable supply chalán poncho, dismissing any national and international market as a business opportunity for the craft Lord Of Miracles. However, if your poncho chalán production increase and consolidate an exportable supply, the US market would be an excellent destination for exports, immediately becoming a huge business opportunity. Keywords: Business Opportunity, exports, textile crafts, e- commerceTesisAsesor: Ing. María Elena, Vera Corre

James E. Taylor - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Hume on Miracles: Interpretation and Criticism
    Philosophy Compass, 2007
    Co-Authors: James E. Taylor

    Philosophers continue to debate about David Hume's case against the rationality Of belief in Miracles. This article clarifies semantic, epistemological, and metaphysical questions addressed in the controversy. It also explains the main premises Of Hume's argument and discusses criticisms Of them. The article concludes that one's evaluation Of Hume's argument will depend on one's views about (a) the definitions Of ‘miracle’ and ‘natural law’; (b) the type Of reasoning one ought to employ to determine the probability that a particular miracle claim is true; and (c) whether reasonable people proportion their beliefs about the occurrence Of Miracles to their evidence.

Christian Dennys Monteiro De ,oliveira - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Turismo religioso e devoção nas caravanas do Santuário Metropolitano Sertanejo de Canindé, Brasil.
    'Biblioteca Central da UNB', 2020
    Co-Authors: Silva, Ivo Luis Oliveira, Christian Dennys Monteiro De ,oliveira

    This article aims to overcome the dichotomy between the modernity Of religious tourism and the tradition Of penitent pilgrimage, paying special attention to the temporal structures Of erection and organization Of caravans. In fact, both tourism and pilgrimage share the central experience that lies in transport and circulation. In effect, the data collection sustained using informal interviews, simple observations and participants, documentary and bibliographic research. The chosen place is the Sanctuary Of São Francisco das Chagas de Canindé, in the State Of Ceará. Promptly, we are taken by the historical dimension Of the countryside and the symbolic construction Of the place Of Miracles and wonders; for the subjectivity and mysticism Of the act Of making a pilgrimage; for the debate on a new technical rationality Of transport and tourist charters, and therefore new ways Of absorbing religious spaces and equipment in tourism in Ceará. The imagination returns to the surface, because the pilgrimage trips encompass the existence Of a transcendent reality, a predilection for the centers Of irradiation and convergence Of religious phenomena rooted in ancient traditions, narratives and representations.   Keywords: Shrine-Metropolitan; Symbolic Spaces. Cultural Heritage, Transport and Communications.  Este artículo tiene como objetivo superar la dicotomía entre la modernidad del turismo religioso y la tradición de la peregrinación penitente, prestando especial atención a las estructuras temporales de erección y organización de caravanas. De hecho, tanto el turismo como la peregrinación comparten la experiencia central que reside en el transporte y la circulación. En efecto, la recolección de datos se mantuvo mediante entrevistas informales, observaciones simples y participantes, investigación documental y bibliográfica. El lugar elegido es el Santuario de São Francisco das Chagas de Canindé, en el estado de Ceará. De inmediato, nos lleva la dimensión histórica del campo y la construcción simbólica del lugar de los milagros y maravillas; por la subjetividad y el misticismo del acto de peregrinar; para el debate sobre una nueva racionalidad técnica del transporte y las cartas turísticas, y por lo tanto, nuevas formas de absorber espacios y equipos religiosos en el turismo en Ceará. La imaginación se destaca, porque los viajes de peregrinación abarcan la existencia de una realidad trascendente, una predilección por los centros de irradiación y convergencia de fenómenos religiosos enraizados en antiguas tradiciones, narrativas y representacionesO presente artigo tem por objetivo ultrapassar a dicotomia entre a modernidade do turismo religioso e a tradição da peregrinação penitente, dando uma atenção especial às estruturas temporais de ereção e organização das caravanas. De fato, tanto o turismo quanto a peregrinação compartilham a experiência central que reside nos transportes e circulações. Com efeito, a coleta de dados sustentada com o uso de entrevistas informais, observações simples e participantes, pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. O lugar escolhido é o Santuário de São Francisco das Chagas de Canindé, no Estado do Ceará. Prontamente, somos tomados pela dimensão histórica do território sertanejo e a construção simbólica do lugar de milagres e prodígios; pela subjetividade e misticismo do ato de fazer peregrinação; pelo debate de uma nova racionalidade técnica dos transportes e fretamentos turísticos, e por conseguinte novas maneira de absorção de espaços e equipamentos religiosos no turismo no Ceará. A imaginação volta à tona, porque as viagens em peregrinação abrangem à existência de uma realidade transcendente, uma predileção pelos centros de irradiação e convergência dos fenômenos religiosos enraizados em antigas tradições, narrativas e representações

John Hostetler - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • A miracle Of Chanukah
    Neurology, 2002
    Co-Authors: John Hostetler

    To the Editor: It is difficult to formulate the proper response to the recent essay by Dr. Login.1 I might summarize it with this statement: articles that attempt to foster religious sentiment without evidence have absolutely no place in scientific journals. I personally am not so very interested in “neuropoetry” and the like, but I am willing to grant that your new feature Nisus: Neurology and the Humanities does fill a neglected niche. I am even willing to grant that, given the importance Of religion in the lives Of so many Of our patients, it would not be inappropriate to examine the impact Of such patient beliefs on the practice Of neurology. However, Dr. Login’s essay goes considerably further than that.1 Plainly, Dr. Login believes that a miracle indeed took place in the form Of the events he describes, or he would like to believe that. By inference, he would like us to consider the possibility as well—or else why write the article? This is a long way from a discussion Of patient beliefs and their impact on medicine. It is asking the scientific audience Of a scientific journal to consider the possibility that a miracle has occurred. It is not that the possibility Of Miracles is not a fit subject for science. Everything is a fit subject for science, and science happens to have a long and honest history Of debunking supposed Miracles. It is that the instant the question becomes the actual possibility Of a miracle, it properly belongs in the peer-reviewed, evidence-based section Of the scientific literature, and probably not in Neurology, but in a journal devoted …