Oil Red O

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 309 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Peter Hopkins - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Oil Red O stain Of alveOlar macrOphages is an effective screening test fOr gastrOesOphageal reflux disease in lung transplant recipients
    Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2010
    Co-Authors: Peter Hopkins, Fiona Kermeen, Edwina Duhig, L M Fletcher, Judith Gradwell, Lenore Whitfield, Coral Godinez, M Musk, D C Chambers, D C Gotley

    BackgrOund GastrOesOphageal reflux disease (GORD) and micrOaspiratiOn may be assOciated with acute graft dysfunctiOn and develOpment Of Obliterative brOnchiOlitis (OB) after lung transplantatiOn. The “gOld standard” fOr diagnOsis Of GORD is the 24-hOur esOphageal pH-mOnitOring study, althOugh nO simple, nOn-invasive screening test is rOutinely emplOyed. Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages in brOnchOalveOlar lavage (BAL) fluid identifies exOgenOus lipid and may be a surrOgate marker fOr micrOaspiratiOn. In this study we aimed tO assess the utility Of the lipid index in identifying patients with significant GORD. MethOds Our investigatiOn was a prOspective analysis Of 34 lung transplant patients whO were transplanted between April 1999 and July 2006 at a single institutiOn. All patients with recurrent respiratOry infectiOns, recurrent acute rejectiOn, unexplained graft dysfunctiOn Or newly diagnOsed OB had Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages On BAL specimens at brOnchOscOpy and 24-hOur esOphageal pH mOnitOring. A quantitative assessment called the lipid index was perfOrmed resulting in a scOre frOm 0 tO 400. AbnOrmal 24-hOur pH studies were defined as acid expOsure >3.4% in the distal and/Or >1% in the prOximal esOphageal site. Results Thirty-fOur patients with a mean age 36.1 years and mean pOst-Operative day Of 571 ± 648 had lipid indices Of 143 ± 94 (range 3 tO 341). Twenty-fOur-hOur pH studies revealed a distal mean Of 16.1 ± 6.2% and prOximal mean Of 6.4 ± 3.7%. A lipid index >150 was 82.3% sensitive and 76.4% specific fOr an abnOrmal 24-hOur pH result. FOreign material present On cytOlOgy Of brOnchial fluid seen in 28% Of patients shOwed pOOr cOrrelatiOn with Oil Red O stains and pH studies. COnclusiOns The lipid index is an effective, nOn-invasive screening test that prOvides direct evidence Of esOphageal aspiratiOn. Patients with high pOsitive results shOuld prOceed tO surgical assessment fOr Nissen fundOplicatiOn.

  • 223 quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with Oil Red O stain is an effective screening test fOr gOrd
    Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2007
    Co-Authors: M T Musk, Peter Hopkins, Judith Gradwell, Lenore Whitfield, Coral Godinez, K Kermeen, J Dunning, Keith Mcneil

    PurpOse: GastrO-OesOphageal reflux disease (GORD) may be assOciated with acute graft dysfunctiOn and develOpment Of Obliterative brOnchiOlitis (OB) pOst lung transplantatiOn. The gOld standard fOr diagnOsis Of GORD is a 24hr OesOphageal pH study, althOugh nO simple nOn-invasive screening test is rOutinely emplOyed. Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages in BrOnchOalveOlar Lavage (BAL) fluid identifies exOgenOus lipid. Aims: 1. PrOpOse an effective screening test fOr GORD by quantitative assessment Of lipid in alveOlar macrOphages On BAL. 2. COrrelate quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with 24hr pH studies tO identify thOse patients whO may require Nissen FundOplicatiOn. MethOds and Materials: RetrOspective analysis Of 97 lung transplant patients frOm a single institutiOn transplanted between 4/99 and 7/06. All patients with recurrent respiratOry infectiOns Or acute rejectiOn, unexplained graft lOss Or newly diagnOsed OB had Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages On BAL specimens and 24hr pH mOnitOring. A quantitative assessment was perfOrmed resulting in a scOre frOm 0 tO 400 called the lipid index. One hundRed macrOphages were examined by twO cytOlOgists with the lipid index calculated by the number Of cells staining pOsitive fOr lipid and the quantity per cell. AbnOrmal 24hr pH studies were defined as acid expOsure 3.4% distal and/Or 1% prOximal OesOphageal site. Results: Thirty-fOur patients Of mean age 36.1 yrs and mean pOstOperative day Of 571 648 had lipid indices Of 143 94 (3-341). 24hr pH studies revealed a distal mean Of 16.1 6.2% and prOximal Of 6.4 3.7%. A lipid index greater than 175 was 86 % sensitive and 74% specific fOr an abnOrmal 24hr pH result. FOreign material present On cytOlOgy Of BAL seen in 28% Of patients shOwed pOOr cOrrelatiOn with Oil Red O stains and pH studies. COnclusiOns: The lipid index is an effective, nOn-invasive screening test which prOvides direct evidence Of OesOphageal aspiratiOn. Patients with high pOsitive results shOuld prOceed tO assessment fOr Nissen fundOplicatiOn.

Lenore Whitfield - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Oil Red O stain Of alveOlar macrOphages is an effective screening test fOr gastrOesOphageal reflux disease in lung transplant recipients
    Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2010
    Co-Authors: Peter Hopkins, Fiona Kermeen, Edwina Duhig, L M Fletcher, Judith Gradwell, Lenore Whitfield, Coral Godinez, M Musk, D C Chambers, D C Gotley

    BackgrOund GastrOesOphageal reflux disease (GORD) and micrOaspiratiOn may be assOciated with acute graft dysfunctiOn and develOpment Of Obliterative brOnchiOlitis (OB) after lung transplantatiOn. The “gOld standard” fOr diagnOsis Of GORD is the 24-hOur esOphageal pH-mOnitOring study, althOugh nO simple, nOn-invasive screening test is rOutinely emplOyed. Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages in brOnchOalveOlar lavage (BAL) fluid identifies exOgenOus lipid and may be a surrOgate marker fOr micrOaspiratiOn. In this study we aimed tO assess the utility Of the lipid index in identifying patients with significant GORD. MethOds Our investigatiOn was a prOspective analysis Of 34 lung transplant patients whO were transplanted between April 1999 and July 2006 at a single institutiOn. All patients with recurrent respiratOry infectiOns, recurrent acute rejectiOn, unexplained graft dysfunctiOn Or newly diagnOsed OB had Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages On BAL specimens at brOnchOscOpy and 24-hOur esOphageal pH mOnitOring. A quantitative assessment called the lipid index was perfOrmed resulting in a scOre frOm 0 tO 400. AbnOrmal 24-hOur pH studies were defined as acid expOsure >3.4% in the distal and/Or >1% in the prOximal esOphageal site. Results Thirty-fOur patients with a mean age 36.1 years and mean pOst-Operative day Of 571 ± 648 had lipid indices Of 143 ± 94 (range 3 tO 341). Twenty-fOur-hOur pH studies revealed a distal mean Of 16.1 ± 6.2% and prOximal mean Of 6.4 ± 3.7%. A lipid index >150 was 82.3% sensitive and 76.4% specific fOr an abnOrmal 24-hOur pH result. FOreign material present On cytOlOgy Of brOnchial fluid seen in 28% Of patients shOwed pOOr cOrrelatiOn with Oil Red O stains and pH studies. COnclusiOns The lipid index is an effective, nOn-invasive screening test that prOvides direct evidence Of esOphageal aspiratiOn. Patients with high pOsitive results shOuld prOceed tO surgical assessment fOr Nissen fundOplicatiOn.

  • 223 quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with Oil Red O stain is an effective screening test fOr gOrd
    Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2007
    Co-Authors: M T Musk, Peter Hopkins, Judith Gradwell, Lenore Whitfield, Coral Godinez, K Kermeen, J Dunning, Keith Mcneil

    PurpOse: GastrO-OesOphageal reflux disease (GORD) may be assOciated with acute graft dysfunctiOn and develOpment Of Obliterative brOnchiOlitis (OB) pOst lung transplantatiOn. The gOld standard fOr diagnOsis Of GORD is a 24hr OesOphageal pH study, althOugh nO simple nOn-invasive screening test is rOutinely emplOyed. Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages in BrOnchOalveOlar Lavage (BAL) fluid identifies exOgenOus lipid. Aims: 1. PrOpOse an effective screening test fOr GORD by quantitative assessment Of lipid in alveOlar macrOphages On BAL. 2. COrrelate quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with 24hr pH studies tO identify thOse patients whO may require Nissen FundOplicatiOn. MethOds and Materials: RetrOspective analysis Of 97 lung transplant patients frOm a single institutiOn transplanted between 4/99 and 7/06. All patients with recurrent respiratOry infectiOns Or acute rejectiOn, unexplained graft lOss Or newly diagnOsed OB had Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages On BAL specimens and 24hr pH mOnitOring. A quantitative assessment was perfOrmed resulting in a scOre frOm 0 tO 400 called the lipid index. One hundRed macrOphages were examined by twO cytOlOgists with the lipid index calculated by the number Of cells staining pOsitive fOr lipid and the quantity per cell. AbnOrmal 24hr pH studies were defined as acid expOsure 3.4% distal and/Or 1% prOximal OesOphageal site. Results: Thirty-fOur patients Of mean age 36.1 yrs and mean pOstOperative day Of 571 648 had lipid indices Of 143 94 (3-341). 24hr pH studies revealed a distal mean Of 16.1 6.2% and prOximal Of 6.4 3.7%. A lipid index greater than 175 was 86 % sensitive and 74% specific fOr an abnOrmal 24hr pH result. FOreign material present On cytOlOgy Of BAL seen in 28% Of patients shOwed pOOr cOrrelatiOn with Oil Red O stains and pH studies. COnclusiOns: The lipid index is an effective, nOn-invasive screening test which prOvides direct evidence Of OesOphageal aspiratiOn. Patients with high pOsitive results shOuld prOceed tO assessment fOr Nissen fundOplicatiOn.

Coral Godinez - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Oil Red O stain Of alveOlar macrOphages is an effective screening test fOr gastrOesOphageal reflux disease in lung transplant recipients
    Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2010
    Co-Authors: Peter Hopkins, Fiona Kermeen, Edwina Duhig, L M Fletcher, Judith Gradwell, Lenore Whitfield, Coral Godinez, M Musk, D C Chambers, D C Gotley

    BackgrOund GastrOesOphageal reflux disease (GORD) and micrOaspiratiOn may be assOciated with acute graft dysfunctiOn and develOpment Of Obliterative brOnchiOlitis (OB) after lung transplantatiOn. The “gOld standard” fOr diagnOsis Of GORD is the 24-hOur esOphageal pH-mOnitOring study, althOugh nO simple, nOn-invasive screening test is rOutinely emplOyed. Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages in brOnchOalveOlar lavage (BAL) fluid identifies exOgenOus lipid and may be a surrOgate marker fOr micrOaspiratiOn. In this study we aimed tO assess the utility Of the lipid index in identifying patients with significant GORD. MethOds Our investigatiOn was a prOspective analysis Of 34 lung transplant patients whO were transplanted between April 1999 and July 2006 at a single institutiOn. All patients with recurrent respiratOry infectiOns, recurrent acute rejectiOn, unexplained graft dysfunctiOn Or newly diagnOsed OB had Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages On BAL specimens at brOnchOscOpy and 24-hOur esOphageal pH mOnitOring. A quantitative assessment called the lipid index was perfOrmed resulting in a scOre frOm 0 tO 400. AbnOrmal 24-hOur pH studies were defined as acid expOsure >3.4% in the distal and/Or >1% in the prOximal esOphageal site. Results Thirty-fOur patients with a mean age 36.1 years and mean pOst-Operative day Of 571 ± 648 had lipid indices Of 143 ± 94 (range 3 tO 341). Twenty-fOur-hOur pH studies revealed a distal mean Of 16.1 ± 6.2% and prOximal mean Of 6.4 ± 3.7%. A lipid index >150 was 82.3% sensitive and 76.4% specific fOr an abnOrmal 24-hOur pH result. FOreign material present On cytOlOgy Of brOnchial fluid seen in 28% Of patients shOwed pOOr cOrrelatiOn with Oil Red O stains and pH studies. COnclusiOns The lipid index is an effective, nOn-invasive screening test that prOvides direct evidence Of esOphageal aspiratiOn. Patients with high pOsitive results shOuld prOceed tO surgical assessment fOr Nissen fundOplicatiOn.

  • 223 quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with Oil Red O stain is an effective screening test fOr gOrd
    Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2007
    Co-Authors: M T Musk, Peter Hopkins, Judith Gradwell, Lenore Whitfield, Coral Godinez, K Kermeen, J Dunning, Keith Mcneil

    PurpOse: GastrO-OesOphageal reflux disease (GORD) may be assOciated with acute graft dysfunctiOn and develOpment Of Obliterative brOnchiOlitis (OB) pOst lung transplantatiOn. The gOld standard fOr diagnOsis Of GORD is a 24hr OesOphageal pH study, althOugh nO simple nOn-invasive screening test is rOutinely emplOyed. Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages in BrOnchOalveOlar Lavage (BAL) fluid identifies exOgenOus lipid. Aims: 1. PrOpOse an effective screening test fOr GORD by quantitative assessment Of lipid in alveOlar macrOphages On BAL. 2. COrrelate quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with 24hr pH studies tO identify thOse patients whO may require Nissen FundOplicatiOn. MethOds and Materials: RetrOspective analysis Of 97 lung transplant patients frOm a single institutiOn transplanted between 4/99 and 7/06. All patients with recurrent respiratOry infectiOns Or acute rejectiOn, unexplained graft lOss Or newly diagnOsed OB had Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages On BAL specimens and 24hr pH mOnitOring. A quantitative assessment was perfOrmed resulting in a scOre frOm 0 tO 400 called the lipid index. One hundRed macrOphages were examined by twO cytOlOgists with the lipid index calculated by the number Of cells staining pOsitive fOr lipid and the quantity per cell. AbnOrmal 24hr pH studies were defined as acid expOsure 3.4% distal and/Or 1% prOximal OesOphageal site. Results: Thirty-fOur patients Of mean age 36.1 yrs and mean pOstOperative day Of 571 648 had lipid indices Of 143 94 (3-341). 24hr pH studies revealed a distal mean Of 16.1 6.2% and prOximal Of 6.4 3.7%. A lipid index greater than 175 was 86 % sensitive and 74% specific fOr an abnOrmal 24hr pH result. FOreign material present On cytOlOgy Of BAL seen in 28% Of patients shOwed pOOr cOrrelatiOn with Oil Red O stains and pH studies. COnclusiOns: The lipid index is an effective, nOn-invasive screening test which prOvides direct evidence Of OesOphageal aspiratiOn. Patients with high pOsitive results shOuld prOceed tO assessment fOr Nissen fundOplicatiOn.

Judith Gradwell - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Oil Red O stain Of alveOlar macrOphages is an effective screening test fOr gastrOesOphageal reflux disease in lung transplant recipients
    Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2010
    Co-Authors: Peter Hopkins, Fiona Kermeen, Edwina Duhig, L M Fletcher, Judith Gradwell, Lenore Whitfield, Coral Godinez, M Musk, D C Chambers, D C Gotley

    BackgrOund GastrOesOphageal reflux disease (GORD) and micrOaspiratiOn may be assOciated with acute graft dysfunctiOn and develOpment Of Obliterative brOnchiOlitis (OB) after lung transplantatiOn. The “gOld standard” fOr diagnOsis Of GORD is the 24-hOur esOphageal pH-mOnitOring study, althOugh nO simple, nOn-invasive screening test is rOutinely emplOyed. Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages in brOnchOalveOlar lavage (BAL) fluid identifies exOgenOus lipid and may be a surrOgate marker fOr micrOaspiratiOn. In this study we aimed tO assess the utility Of the lipid index in identifying patients with significant GORD. MethOds Our investigatiOn was a prOspective analysis Of 34 lung transplant patients whO were transplanted between April 1999 and July 2006 at a single institutiOn. All patients with recurrent respiratOry infectiOns, recurrent acute rejectiOn, unexplained graft dysfunctiOn Or newly diagnOsed OB had Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages On BAL specimens at brOnchOscOpy and 24-hOur esOphageal pH mOnitOring. A quantitative assessment called the lipid index was perfOrmed resulting in a scOre frOm 0 tO 400. AbnOrmal 24-hOur pH studies were defined as acid expOsure >3.4% in the distal and/Or >1% in the prOximal esOphageal site. Results Thirty-fOur patients with a mean age 36.1 years and mean pOst-Operative day Of 571 ± 648 had lipid indices Of 143 ± 94 (range 3 tO 341). Twenty-fOur-hOur pH studies revealed a distal mean Of 16.1 ± 6.2% and prOximal mean Of 6.4 ± 3.7%. A lipid index >150 was 82.3% sensitive and 76.4% specific fOr an abnOrmal 24-hOur pH result. FOreign material present On cytOlOgy Of brOnchial fluid seen in 28% Of patients shOwed pOOr cOrrelatiOn with Oil Red O stains and pH studies. COnclusiOns The lipid index is an effective, nOn-invasive screening test that prOvides direct evidence Of esOphageal aspiratiOn. Patients with high pOsitive results shOuld prOceed tO surgical assessment fOr Nissen fundOplicatiOn.

  • 223 quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with Oil Red O stain is an effective screening test fOr gOrd
    Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2007
    Co-Authors: M T Musk, Peter Hopkins, Judith Gradwell, Lenore Whitfield, Coral Godinez, K Kermeen, J Dunning, Keith Mcneil

    PurpOse: GastrO-OesOphageal reflux disease (GORD) may be assOciated with acute graft dysfunctiOn and develOpment Of Obliterative brOnchiOlitis (OB) pOst lung transplantatiOn. The gOld standard fOr diagnOsis Of GORD is a 24hr OesOphageal pH study, althOugh nO simple nOn-invasive screening test is rOutinely emplOyed. Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages in BrOnchOalveOlar Lavage (BAL) fluid identifies exOgenOus lipid. Aims: 1. PrOpOse an effective screening test fOr GORD by quantitative assessment Of lipid in alveOlar macrOphages On BAL. 2. COrrelate quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with 24hr pH studies tO identify thOse patients whO may require Nissen FundOplicatiOn. MethOds and Materials: RetrOspective analysis Of 97 lung transplant patients frOm a single institutiOn transplanted between 4/99 and 7/06. All patients with recurrent respiratOry infectiOns Or acute rejectiOn, unexplained graft lOss Or newly diagnOsed OB had Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages On BAL specimens and 24hr pH mOnitOring. A quantitative assessment was perfOrmed resulting in a scOre frOm 0 tO 400 called the lipid index. One hundRed macrOphages were examined by twO cytOlOgists with the lipid index calculated by the number Of cells staining pOsitive fOr lipid and the quantity per cell. AbnOrmal 24hr pH studies were defined as acid expOsure 3.4% distal and/Or 1% prOximal OesOphageal site. Results: Thirty-fOur patients Of mean age 36.1 yrs and mean pOstOperative day Of 571 648 had lipid indices Of 143 94 (3-341). 24hr pH studies revealed a distal mean Of 16.1 6.2% and prOximal Of 6.4 3.7%. A lipid index greater than 175 was 86 % sensitive and 74% specific fOr an abnOrmal 24hr pH result. FOreign material present On cytOlOgy Of BAL seen in 28% Of patients shOwed pOOr cOrrelatiOn with Oil Red O stains and pH studies. COnclusiOns: The lipid index is an effective, nOn-invasive screening test which prOvides direct evidence Of OesOphageal aspiratiOn. Patients with high pOsitive results shOuld prOceed tO assessment fOr Nissen fundOplicatiOn.

Keith Mcneil - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • 223 quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with Oil Red O stain is an effective screening test fOr gOrd
    Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2007
    Co-Authors: M T Musk, Peter Hopkins, Judith Gradwell, Lenore Whitfield, Coral Godinez, K Kermeen, J Dunning, Keith Mcneil

    PurpOse: GastrO-OesOphageal reflux disease (GORD) may be assOciated with acute graft dysfunctiOn and develOpment Of Obliterative brOnchiOlitis (OB) pOst lung transplantatiOn. The gOld standard fOr diagnOsis Of GORD is a 24hr OesOphageal pH study, althOugh nO simple nOn-invasive screening test is rOutinely emplOyed. Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages in BrOnchOalveOlar Lavage (BAL) fluid identifies exOgenOus lipid. Aims: 1. PrOpOse an effective screening test fOr GORD by quantitative assessment Of lipid in alveOlar macrOphages On BAL. 2. COrrelate quantitative assessment Of lipid laden macrOphages with 24hr pH studies tO identify thOse patients whO may require Nissen FundOplicatiOn. MethOds and Materials: RetrOspective analysis Of 97 lung transplant patients frOm a single institutiOn transplanted between 4/99 and 7/06. All patients with recurrent respiratOry infectiOns Or acute rejectiOn, unexplained graft lOss Or newly diagnOsed OB had Oil Red O staining Of alveOlar macrOphages On BAL specimens and 24hr pH mOnitOring. A quantitative assessment was perfOrmed resulting in a scOre frOm 0 tO 400 called the lipid index. One hundRed macrOphages were examined by twO cytOlOgists with the lipid index calculated by the number Of cells staining pOsitive fOr lipid and the quantity per cell. AbnOrmal 24hr pH studies were defined as acid expOsure 3.4% distal and/Or 1% prOximal OesOphageal site. Results: Thirty-fOur patients Of mean age 36.1 yrs and mean pOstOperative day Of 571 648 had lipid indices Of 143 94 (3-341). 24hr pH studies revealed a distal mean Of 16.1 6.2% and prOximal Of 6.4 3.7%. A lipid index greater than 175 was 86 % sensitive and 74% specific fOr an abnOrmal 24hr pH result. FOreign material present On cytOlOgy Of BAL seen in 28% Of patients shOwed pOOr cOrrelatiOn with Oil Red O stains and pH studies. COnclusiOns: The lipid index is an effective, nOn-invasive screening test which prOvides direct evidence Of OesOphageal aspiratiOn. Patients with high pOsitive results shOuld prOceed tO assessment fOr Nissen fundOplicatiOn.