Radio Box

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 6435 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Cabral Pedro - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • How to effectively use interactivity to improve visual analysis in groups of novices or experts
    AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2020
    Co-Authors: Viana, Maria Do Mar, Cabral Pedro

    This study contributes with a methodology to evaluate the differences between different groups of individuals, using a prototype with different interactive visualizations, created with the Shiny package, using 6 quantitative and qualitative metrics for the validation. Using an ANOVA single factor test only 1 of the 6 variables showed statistically significant differences between both groups: the engagement. This means that this is the only metric where results can be improved in order to close the gap between the group of experts and novices. The heatmap and the bar chart were considered the best visualizations for both groups, and the worst were the choropleth map and the stacked bar chart. Regarding the interactive component, the select Box was a better option for the group of novices and the Radio Box for the group of experts. Using this study, organizations will be able to create visualizations that are suitable for different audiences

Viana, Maria Do Mar Guiod De Castro Couto - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • How to effectively use interactivity to improve visual analysis and communication in groups of novices or experts
    Co-Authors: Viana, Maria Do Mar Guiod De Castro Couto

    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceConseguir passar um ponto de vista claro através da visualização de dados é um dos principais objetivos das organizações dos dias de hoje. O principal objetivo deste projeto foi perceber qual a melhor maneira de utilizar interatividade em diferentes tipos de indivíduos, especialistas e novatos, e descobrir as principais diferenças entre os dois grupos. Isto foi feito através da criação de um protótipo com diversas visualizações interativas, onde em cada uma delas foram utilizadas diferentes técnicas de visualização e interatividade. Após a sua criação, seguiu-se a validação de cada uma delas, de modo a chegar a conclusões sobre os melhores métodos a utilizar para melhorar a análise e comunicação da informação, para os diferentes grupos de indivíduos. O desenvolvimento do protótipo foi realizado com o software R, mais especificamente o pacote Shiny. O estudo contribuiu com uma metodologia para avaliar as diferenças entre grupos de especialistas e de novatos, relativamente ao protótipo de visualização que foi validado recorrendo a 6 medidas quantitativas e qualitativas. Utilizando um teste ANOVA de fator único foi possível concluir que em relação às medidas quantitativas não foram encontradas diferenças com significância estatística e em relação às medidas qualitativas a única medida que mostrou diferenças com significância estatística entre ambos os grupos foi o nível de interação (engagement). Isto significa que esta é a única métrica possível de melhorar para diminuir as diferenças entre ambos os grupos. Em relação às visualizações ambos os grupos, concordaram que as melhores foram o mapa de calor (heatmap) e o gráfico de barras e as piores visualizações foram o mapa coropleto e o gráfico de barras empilhadas. Houve, no entanto, diferenças entre a forma como os diferentes grupos interagiram com os componentes. Por exemplo, a select Box foi uma melhor opção para o grupo de novatos, enquanto que a Radio Box foi a melhor para o grupo de especialistas. Os tooltips e o slider foram adequados para os dois tipos de indivíduos. Também foi comprovado que o pacote Shiny é uma ferramenta capaz de criar visualizações interativas eficazes para diferentes tipos de indivíduos uma vez que, em média, os participantes obtiveram ótimos resultados utilizando medidas qualitativas ou quantitativas. Os resultados deste estudo, permitirão às organizações a adaptação eficiente das suas visualizações a diferentes tipos de audiência.Getting a clear point of view through data visualization is one of the main goals of todays’ organizations. The main objective of this project was to understand the most efficient way to use interactivity in different groups of individuals, experts and novices, and to discover the main differences between these two groups. This was achieved through the creation of a prototype with several interactive visualizations, where in each of them different visualizations and interaction techniques were used. After the creation of the prototype, the next step was the validation of each one of them to reach conclusions on what are the most effective means to improve visual analysis and communication, in different groups of individuals. The development of the prototype was done using the R software, and most specifically the Shiny package. This study contributed with a methodology to evaluate the differences between experts and novices, using the visualization prototype that was validated with 6 quantitative and qualitative metrics. Using an ANOVA single factor test it was possible to conclude that regarding the quantitative measures no statistically significant differences were found. However, regarding the qualitative measures the only measure that had statistically significant differences between both groups was the engagement measure. This means that this is the only metric where results can be improved in order to close the gap between the group of experts and novices. Regarding the visualizations, both groups agreed that the best visualizations were the heatmap and the bar chart and the worst visualizations were the choropleth map and the stacked bar chart. Nevertheless, there were differences between how the different groups interacted with the components. For example, the select Box was a better option for the novice’s group, while the Radio Box was the best for the expert’s group. The tooltips and the slider are adequate for both types of individuals. It was also proved that the Shiny package is a tool that is capable of creating effective interactive visualizations for different types of individuals, since that on average the participants obtained great results using qualitative or quantitative measures. The results of this study will allow organizations to efficiently adapt their visualizations to different types of audiences

Viana, Maria Do Mar - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • How to effectively use interactivity to improve visual analysis in groups of novices or experts
    AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2020
    Co-Authors: Viana, Maria Do Mar, Cabral Pedro

    This study contributes with a methodology to evaluate the differences between different groups of individuals, using a prototype with different interactive visualizations, created with the Shiny package, using 6 quantitative and qualitative metrics for the validation. Using an ANOVA single factor test only 1 of the 6 variables showed statistically significant differences between both groups: the engagement. This means that this is the only metric where results can be improved in order to close the gap between the group of experts and novices. The heatmap and the bar chart were considered the best visualizations for both groups, and the worst were the choropleth map and the stacked bar chart. Regarding the interactive component, the select Box was a better option for the group of novices and the Radio Box for the group of experts. Using this study, organizations will be able to create visualizations that are suitable for different audiences

Sari, Luluk Novita - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Analisis Persepsi Dan Kepuasan Pendengar Terkait Atribut Produk Media Streaming Radio Pada Radio Prambors Jakarta
    Co-Authors: Sari, Luluk Novita

    Berawal dari penyampaian informasi secara personal, adanya kemajuan teknologi membuat penyampaian informasi saat ini menjadi massal sehingga lebih luas jangkauanya yang kemudian disebut media massa. Media massa di Indonesia ditandai dengan adanya media cetak, kemudian menjadi media elektronik, dan terus berkembang hingga menjadi media yang baru atau biasa disebut media online. Perkembangan tersebut hampir semua berpengaruh di seluruh sektor industri media massa, tidak terkecuali pada industri Radio. Menurunnya eksistensi Radio konvensional menjadi indikasi dampak dari kehadiran media massa online yang didukung oleh penelitian dari Global Web Index di mana data dari hampir seluruh negara termasuk Indonesia, masyarakatnya lebih sering menggunakan media digital dibandingkan dengan media tradisional per hari. Konsumsi media digital di Indonesia lebih unggul dibandingkan konsumsi media konvensional, yakni sebanyak 8 jam 35 menit untuk media digital dan 5 jam 3 menit untuk media konvensional per hari. Untuk itulah Radio konvensional saat ini mencoba menyesuaikan diri dan berinovasi dengan merambah ke dunia digital yang memanfaatkan internet kemudian memberikan layanan aplikasi streaming untuk menjangkau pasar lebih luas, di luar jangkauan frekuensi. Radio Prambors Jakarta menempati peringkat pertama dalam Top Indonesia Radio Station. Radio Prambors Jakarta memiliki segmentasi anak muda dengan mengusung format musik contemporary hits Radio, dengan konten yang up-to-date. Namun saat ini menurut data dari portal “My Tuner” terdapat 459 streaming Radio yang tersedia dan 500 streaming Radio yang tersedia pada portal “Online Radio Box”. Hal tersebut membuat bertambahnya pilihan bagi pendengar untuk memilih media streaming yang dianggap dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginanya. Untuk mempertahankan dan menjaga kesetiaan pendengar, Radio Prambors Jakarta perlu melihat dan mempertimbangkan hal tersebut sebagai bagian dari strategi perusahaan. Penggambaran kelebihan dan kekurangan aplikasi streaming Radio Prambors Jakarta yang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan pendengar dapat dilakukan melalui penilaian persepsi dan kepuasan pendengar pada atribut produk. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini dapat tercapai yaitu untuk memberikan bahan analisa bagi perusahaan dalam menetapkan strategi perusahaan agar bisa mempertahankan eksistensi Radio Prambors Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan memiliki dua rumusan masalah, yaitu: (1) Bagaimana persepsi pendengar terkait atribut produk aplikasi media streaming Radio pada Radio Prambors Jakarta? (2) Bagaimana kepuasan pendengar terkait atribut produk aplikasi media streaming Radio pada Radio Prambors Jakarta?. Pemilihan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan sumber data vi penelitian berasal dari informan dan dokumentasi. Kriteria informan yang dipilih merupakan seseorang yang berusia 15 sampai 29 tahun, berdomisili di Kota Malang, durasi untuk mendengarkan Radio 3 sampai 4 jam dalam satu hari dan telah mendengarkan Radio Prambors Jakarta melalui aplikasi streaming Radio Prambors Jakarta kurang lebih selama 1 tahun. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu: peneliti sendiri, pedoman wawancara dan perangkat penunjang. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data interaktif dengan empat tahap, yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk pengujian keabsahan data digunakan triangulasi dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan persepsi pendengar mengenai atribut produk media streaming Radio Prambors Jakarta secara keseluruhan sudah baik. Mengenai persepsi merek, representasi Radio Prambors Jakarta telah sesuai dengan persepsi pendengar sebagai Radio anak muda. Keunggulan dari Radio Prambors Jakarta menurut pendengar dalam penelitian ini adalah gaya penyiar, program yang ditawarkan, serta lagu yang diputar telah sesuai dengan segmentasi dan mendukung brand image Radio Prambors Jakarta sebagai Radio anak muda. Selain itu penyiar dari kalangan artis yang informatif dan dikemas santai seolah pendengar ikut dalam perbincangan menjadi daya tarik pendengar. Persepsi pendengar mengenai fitur yang terdapat dalam aplikasi streaming Radio Prambors Jakarta secara keseluruhan sudah bagus, variasi fitur yang tersedia sudah lumayan lengkap serta pengoperasian fiturnya mudah. Namun, Radio Prambors Jakarta perlu memberikan inovasi fitur tambahan di dalam aplikasi streaming-nya untuk memenuhi keinginan pendengar. Untuk persepsi desain, kombinasi teks, warna, dan background masih kurang memenuhi keinginan pendengar yang didominasi anak muda di mana lebih mengedepankan pada desain yang sesuai dengan tren anak muda yang sedang terjadi seperti nuansa cheerful dan young, sehingga pada desain perlu dilakukan pembaharuan. Sedangkan untuk tata letak tombol bisa digunakan dengan mudah dan tidak terdapat kendala saat digunakan. Pendengar merasa puas terhadap aplikasi streaming Radio Prambors Jakarta karena sesuai dengan harapan pendengar, dan kekurangan pada aplikasi streaming ini tidak menjadi masalah yang cukup berarti. Selanjutnya, pendengar masih akan terus menggunakan layanan aplikasi streaming ini dengan alasan program dan penyiar dari Radio Prambors masih menjadi unggulan Radio tersebut, serta fitur yang sudah tersedia bagus, mudah digunakan dan bisa memenuhi keinginan serta kebutuhan pendengar di luar jangkauan frekuensi 102.2 FM

Muhammad, Zen Pembimbing) - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • laporan Pelaksanaan Magang
    Fak.Dakwah Komunikasi dan Penyiaran, 2019
    Co-Authors: Muhammad, Zen Pembimbing), Rayhan Bayruni

    Buku ini adalah hasilkegiatan pelaksanaan magang Mahasiswa UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta tahun 2018 di Radio Box. Gandaria City Mall.tujuan laporan ini adalah untuk memnuhi persyaratan tugas akhir semester tujuh.39 hlm, ; 28 Cm