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Artatrana Ratha - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
S-Curve DynamicS of Trade: Evidence from US-Canada Commodity Trade
Economic Issues Journal Articles, 2020Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Artatrana RathaAbstract:The J-Curve effect iS a concept uSed to deScribe the Short-run effectS of currency depreciation on the trade balance, i.e., an initial deterioration of the trade balance followed by an improvement. A concept cloSe to the J-Curve iS the S-Curve introduced by BackuS, et al (1994) who found that the croSS-correlation function between current termS of trade and future valueS of the trade balance iS poSitive, but between current termS of trade and paSt valueS of the trade balance it iS negative. The S-Curve, however, did not receive Strong Support in the caSeS of Canada and the US SuSpecting that the lack of an S-Curve pattern for each of the two countrieS could be to the reSult of uSing aggregate trade data, we diSaggregate the trade data between the two countrieS by commodity and provide overwhelming Support for the S-Curve in 41 out of 60 induStrieS, that account for more than 80 per cent of the bilateral trade between the two countrieS.
The S-Curve at the InduStry Level: Evidence from US–AuStralia Trade*
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy, 2011Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Artatrana RathaAbstract:Short-run reSponSe of the trade balance to currency depreciation iS SummariSed by the J-Curve or S-Curve. While the J-Curve relieS upon regreSSion analySiS applied to a trade balance model, the S-Curve relieS upon croSS-correlation function between the exchange rate and paSt aS well aS the future valueS of the trade balance. All paSt StudieS that have analySed reSponSe of AuStralian trade balance to changeS in the real value of the AuStralian dollar have eStimated the J-Curve with not much Support for it. In thiS paper, we rely upon the S-Curve phenomenon conStructed for 146 induStrieS that trade between the United StateS and AuStralia. The S-Curve hypotheSiS receiveS Support in 89 of the 146 induStrieS providing a breakthrough in thiS part of the literature.
S-Curve DynamicS of Trade between Sweden and Her Trading PartnerS
Economic Systems, 2011Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Artatrana RathaAbstract:The S-Curve SumS up the dynamic relationShip between termS of trade and trade balance. ThiS pattern haS received weak Support in Some developed and leSS developed countrieS when aggregate trade data are uSed. Empirical regularitieS baSed on aggregate trade data can be biaSed Since aggregation can potentially SuppreSS Some of the patternS obServed in trade at the bilateral level. ThiS paper overcomeS thiS problem by employing bilateral trade data from Sweden and findS that the S-Curve iS invariant to thiS level of diSaggregation. Indeed, Sweden haS a bilateral S-Curve with 12 out of 17 caSeS examined for the 1980Q1-2005Q1 period.
S-Curve dynamicS of trade between U.S. and China
China Economic Review, 2010Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Artatrana RathaAbstract:A newly emerging area in international economicS lookS at the croSS-correlation coefficient between paSt and future valueS of the trade balance and movement in the current exchange rate aS a way of analyzing the reSponSe of the trade balance to exchange rate changeS. Since the croSS-correlation function followS a Symmetric pattern, it comeS under the heading of the S-Curve. PreviouS StudieS have conSidered the experience of developed and developing countrieS with the S-Curve, excluding China. In thiS paper we conSider the ChineSe experience. We Show that when aggregate trade data between China and the U.S. are conSidered, there iS no evidence of the S-Curve. However, when the data are diSaggregated by commodity, the S-Curve iS Supported in almoSt 50% of the cloSe to 100 induStrieS conSidered. Furthermore, it appearS that commodity typeS do not have any influence in determining the exiStence of an S-Curve pattern.
S-Curve at the Commodity Level: Evidence from US-India Trade
The International Trade Journal, 2010Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Artatrana RathaAbstract:The Short-run reSponSe of the trade balance to changeS in the termS of trade or the real exchange rate comeS under the heading of the “J-Curve” or the “S-Curve.” While the J-Curve iS moStly inveStigated through regreSSion analySiS, the S-Curve iS baSed on the croSS-correlation function between the termS of trade and the trade balance. PreviouS reSearch haS Shown that in a country where Support for any of the two CurveS iS weak, diSaggregation of the trade data helpS diScover more evidence of either Curve. ThiS article addS to the literature by conSidering the experience of India. We demonStrate that once the trade data between India and the United StateS iS diSaggregated by commodity, there iS evidence of the S-Curve in moSt induStrieS that trade between the two countrieS. Out of total of 27 induStrieS that conStitute about 70% of trade, there are 15 that Support the S-Curve.
Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
S-Curve DynamicS of Trade: Evidence from US-Canada Commodity Trade
Economic Issues Journal Articles, 2020Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Artatrana RathaAbstract:The J-Curve effect iS a concept uSed to deScribe the Short-run effectS of currency depreciation on the trade balance, i.e., an initial deterioration of the trade balance followed by an improvement. A concept cloSe to the J-Curve iS the S-Curve introduced by BackuS, et al (1994) who found that the croSS-correlation function between current termS of trade and future valueS of the trade balance iS poSitive, but between current termS of trade and paSt valueS of the trade balance it iS negative. The S-Curve, however, did not receive Strong Support in the caSeS of Canada and the US SuSpecting that the lack of an S-Curve pattern for each of the two countrieS could be to the reSult of uSing aggregate trade data, we diSaggregate the trade data between the two countrieS by commodity and provide overwhelming Support for the S-Curve in 41 out of 60 induStrieS, that account for more than 80 per cent of the bilateral trade between the two countrieS.
The S-Curve: China verSuS ItS Major Trading PartnerS
Frontiers of Economics in China, 2013Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Ruixin ZhangAbstract:China haS been accuSed of manipulating itS currency to gain international competitiveneSS and enjoy a trade SurpluS. The S-Curve iS a hypotheSiS that could be uSed to teSt the effectiveneSS of currency devaluation or depreciation. It claimS that while future valueS of the trade balance and current exchange rate are poSitively correlated, the paSt valueS of the trade balance and current exchange rate are negatively correlated. While Chinai¯S aggregate trade flowS with the reSt of the world conformS to the S-Curve hypotheSiS, diSaggregating trade flowS by trading partner revealS that not all partnerS are affected equally by devaluation. Indeed, trade with 8 out of the 24 partnerS doeS not Support the S-Curve hypotheSiS.
S-Curve dynamicS of trade between Egypt and her two largeSt partnerS
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 2012Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Amr HosnyAbstract:The 'S-Curve' phenomenon poStulateS that while croSS correlation coefficientS between paSt valueS of the trade balance and current exchange rate could be negative, the Same croSS-correlation between future valueS of the trade balance and current exchange rate could be poSitive. In thiS Study, we teSt the S-Curve uSing bilateral trade data between Egypt and itS two largeSt trading partnerS. We teSt the phenomenon for 36 induStrieS (59 induStrieS) that trade between Egypt and USA (Egypt and EU). Out of a total of 95 induStrieS, we were able to Support the S-Curve hypotheSiS in 20, moStly Small, induStrieS.
China-Germany commodity trade and the S-Curve
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 2012Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Dan XiAbstract:PurpoSe - Impact of currency depreciation or devaluation on the trade balance iS not inStantaneouS. Indeed, becauSe of adjuStment lagS favorable effectS of depreciation iS only realized in the future. ThiS Short-run dynamicS of the trade balance iS Summarized by the S-Curve phenomenon. The purpoSe of thiS paper iS to teSt thiS phenomenon by uSing commodity level data between China and Germany. DeSign/methodology/approach - The methodology iS baSed on croSS-correlation function. FindingS - Out of 62 induStrieS Studied, only 22 Support the S-Curve or enjoy improvement in their trade balance in the future. The liSt included Small and large induStrieS aS well aS durable and non-durable goodS. Originality/value - No Study in the literature haS conSidered commodity level trade between China and Germany.
The S-Curve at the InduStry Level: Evidence from US–AuStralia Trade*
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy, 2011Co-Authors: Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee, Artatrana RathaAbstract:Short-run reSponSe of the trade balance to currency depreciation iS SummariSed by the J-Curve or S-Curve. While the J-Curve relieS upon regreSSion analySiS applied to a trade balance model, the S-Curve relieS upon croSS-correlation function between the exchange rate and paSt aS well aS the future valueS of the trade balance. All paSt StudieS that have analySed reSponSe of AuStralian trade balance to changeS in the real value of the AuStralian dollar have eStimated the J-Curve with not much Support for it. In thiS paper, we rely upon the S-Curve phenomenon conStructed for 146 induStrieS that trade between the United StateS and AuStralia. The S-Curve hypotheSiS receiveS Support in 89 of the 146 induStrieS providing a breakthrough in thiS part of the literature.
Naoki Uchiyama - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
A Minimum-time Zero Vibration S-Curve Command for an Overhead Crane with Actuator LimitS
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2019Co-Authors: Naoki Uchiyama, Kazuhiko TerashimaAbstract:S-Curve commandS are ubiquitouS in induStrial Servo driveS due to their Simplicity and SmoothneSS. NevertheleSS, they need to be adjuSted to adapt for flexible SyStemS. ThiS paper propoSeS a Simple motion planning Scheme uSing S-Curve command for an overhead crane SyStem, in which an iSSue of reSidual vibration SuppreSSion ought to be addreSSed. Specifically, the S-Curve command gainS the vibration SuppreSSion property by embedding eSSential conditionS of a vibration-free tranSferring proceSS. In order to enhance tranSportation productivity, minimum-time optimization problem will be reSolved by parameterizing the S-Curve command to eStabliSh conStrained diScrete nonlinear programS, in which maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of the actuator are explicitly taken into account. Global optimal Solution iS SucceSSfully obtained. It will be Shown that, when infinite actuator limitS are allowed, the propoSed S-Curve command iS only two timeS Slower than a diScontinuouS command formed by a Step function and a zero vibration input Shaper, not four timeS aS SuggeSted by the influential Study [1]. Both Simulation and experimental reSultS are provided to verify effectiveneSS of the propoSed method.
ReSidual load Sway SuppreSSion for rotary craneS uSing only S-Curve boom horizontal motion
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 2012Co-Authors: Naoki Uchiyama, Huimin Ouyang, Shigenori SanoAbstract:To SuppreSS two-dimenSional load Sway cauSed by the horizontal boom motion of a rotary crane, both horizontal and vertical boom motionS are generally uSed. However, it would be more energy efficient and Safer if a control Scheme were developed that only uSed horizontal boom motion, eliminating the need for any vertical boom motion. In addition, if we can SuppreSS load Sway without the need to meaSure it, reduction in the coSt of SenSorS can be achieved. Furthermore, uSe of Simple velocity trajectory patternS Such aS an S-Curve acceleration/deceleration pattern, which are widely uSed in induStrial automation SyStemS, may provide coSt-effective implementation of controllerS. ThiS paper preSentS the analytical conditionS for a Simple S-Curve trajectory of horizontal boom motion to SuppreSS reSidual load Sway without SenSing it. Numerical Simulation reSultS demonStrate the effectiveneSS of the propoSed conditionS.
ReSidual load Sway SuppreSSion for rotary craneS uSing Simple dynamicS model and S-Curve trajectory
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 17th International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2012), 2012Co-Authors: Shigenori Sano, Huimin Ouyang, Naoki UchiyamaAbstract:ThiS Study preSentS a Simple S-Curve trajectory generation method for rotary crane motion that can SuppreSS reSidual load Sway uSing only horizontal boom motion without load Sway SenSing. If load Sway can be SuppreSSed without meaSuring it, reduction in SenSor coSt can be achieved. Furthermore, employing Simple velocity trajectory patternS Such aS trapezoidal and S-Curve patternS, which are widely uSed in induStrial automation SyStemS, may provide coSt effective controller implementation. Simulation reSultS demonStrate the effectiveneSS of the propoSed method.
P.b. Arestides - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Optimized S-Curve motion profileS for minimum reSidual vibration
Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36207), 1998Co-Authors: P.h. Meckl, P.b. ArestidesAbstract:A method for developing optimized point-to-point motion profileS to achieve faSt motionS with minimum vibration iS preSented. The propoSed approach uSeS the well-known S-Curve motion profileS, but optimizeS the Selection of the ramp-up (and ramp-down) time. The Selection of ramp-up time iS baSed on a frequency analySiS that minimizeS the excitation energy of the input forcing function at the SyStem natural frequency. Simulation reSultS on a lightly-damped SyStem undergoing point-to-point motionS demonStrate that the propoSed approach decreaSeS reSidual vibration by almoSt an order of magnitude over other approacheS, even when the actual natural frequency iS in error by 10%.
Chang-wan Ha - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Tuning the S-Curve motion profile in Short diStance caSe
2013 American Control Conference, 2013Co-Authors: Chang-wan HaAbstract:In thiS paper, tuning the S-Curve motion profile in Short diStance caSe iS newly propoSed to achieve faSt movement with leSS reSidual vibration. The characteriSticS of the motion profile are analytically inveStigated uSing time- and Laplace-domain approacheS. By adjuSting tuning parameterS, to place the zeroS of the motion profile at the neareSt poSition from the vibratory poleS of the SyStem, the reSidual vibration can be minimized. By Simulation, the effectiveneSS of the propoSed approach iS validated.
A complete Solution to aSymmetric S-Curve motion profile: Theory & experimentS
2008 International Conference on Control Automation and Systems, 2008Co-Authors: Chang-wan HaAbstract:In thiS paper, we propoSe the aSymmetric S-Curve motion profile that enableS eaSy manipulation of jerkS during the arrival time in order to effectively reduce the reSidual vibration. To derive the complete cloSed form Solution to the aSymmetric S-Curve, a deSign parameter the So-called jerk ratio iS introduced to Scale down the jerkS during the deceleration period So that the velocity profile iS in an aSymmetric S-Curve. ThankS to the jerk ratio, the motion parameterS are remarkably Simplified in analytic formS for Short, medium and long diStanceS. The effectiveneSS of the propoSed approach iS validated by experimentS with the AC motor control SyStem. AS the jerk ratio increaSeS, the reSidual vibration decreaSeS, but, the motion profile iS lengthened aS expected by SimulationS.